View Full Version : Centennial Concert

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11-21-2007, 01:04 AM
Thanks for the videos, Doug!

As for embedding other flash videos, it can be a nightmare with all the different services. If you have a lot of videos, you might want to go to YouTube and check out YouTube "Channels" for individuals to have their own "channel" of videos all together, with some other really nice features. You even get your own URL ( ( - No, that doesn't work - just an example of how your URL would look.) Here is an example of one man's channel: (
It's a nice way to bring all of your videos you want to share together.

EDIT: One other thing I've seen that's pretty cool are people who bought a $6.95 a year domain like www and just re-direct the domain to go to their YouTube channel. 640x480 and wide-screen is coming soon too. Will be much higher quality.

Doug Loudenback
11-21-2007, 01:18 AM
Thanks, Solitude, I'll check that out. YouTube (as far as I've seen) does have some limitations, though ... graphics quality tends to be not great and display size of a video ... dimensions ... (e.g., 425 px x 350 px) tends to be limiting ... but maybe that's not so. I'll see what I can learn there ...

ON EDIT to your edited reply ... 640x480 would certainly better and $6.95/year is certainly cheap enough but I'd even like MORE, with a minimum of 800x600!

11-21-2007, 01:19 AM
Thanks, Solitude, I'll check that out. YouTube (as far as I've seen) does have some limitations, though ... graphics quality tends to be not great and display size of a video ... dimensions ... (e.g., 425 px x 350 px) tends to be limiting ... but maybe that's not so. I'll see what I can learn there ...

While you were typing, I edited my post with a couple of things of interest.

Edit to your edit of my edit(!): What I was reading was that Google (YouTube) is wanting to do the higher quality stuff, but the problem remains keeping it user-friendly. Also, they say the problem is the low-quality content uploaded to YouTube. Even 640x480 resolution is not going to help a cameraphone video that looks horrible anyway. In fact, higher resolution would diminish the quality. So, it's a problem with allowing the high-quality videos to have a way of uploading and getting a high-resolution video output from YouTube. They say they are close though. We'll see, Google seems to get it figured out. Their acquisition was the best thing that happened to YouTube. Like you, I want better quality. But I love the channels.

Doug Loudenback
11-21-2007, 06:12 AM
Here's another performance ...

All American Rejects


11-21-2007, 09:42 AM
I'd imagine Malibu is working on being able to post other vids besides youtube here ...if I know anything...maybe I don't

Doug Loudenback
11-22-2007, 06:13 AM
BPOETA is outdoing his/herself! More videos from YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. ( ...

Toby Keith


Vince Gill: Oklahoma Rising


Flaming Lips ... I love how Wayne Coyne seems so genuinely happy ... a child-like joy! You'll like their website, too ... The Flaming Lips (
