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11-13-2007, 07:13 PM
Judging from the postings on the Seattle Times forum, Sonics fans are starting to resign to the fact the Sonics are leaving Seattle. There was a lot of initial reaction to the relocation filing but that has almost died down completley. They are down to about 3 or 4 locals, 2 guys from LA and one from Louisville, KY that are still upset. The rest of the poster either went away or have said they hope the Sonics leave soon.

The first sign that they were giving up is when they started posting all of the consiparcy theories like the team losing on purpose, Clay and Stern were college roommates, Stern doesn't want the team to leave so he will offer Bennett an expansion team, the city will take them by eminit domain, and on and on and on. My favorite though was when a guy from San Fran called the most liberal politican in the Washingon legislature a right-wing nut job because he said NBA players were over-paid. Priceless.

The sad part is they don't know who to be mad at - the governor, the mayor, Clay, Stern, the head coach, fans that are still buying tickets, fans that aren't buying tickets. Some want to build a new arena while others say the Key is fine, while others say Seattle needs a new arena but they won't support it with current team ownership in place. I kind of feel sorry for them because they now appear so pathetic.

11-13-2007, 08:47 PM
Wasn't there supposed to be an announcement by now regarding the review committee?

I thought, per the NBA rules, that Stern is required to form a relocation committee within 10 days of an owner's filing. Then within 120 days, the relocation committee does an assessment of the 'new city' and makes a recommendation to the NBA board, which would then vote.

Clay filed on November 2, so Stern had until Nov 12 to form a committee. This should have been done and I'd suspect there'd be an announcement. I guess they dont HAVE to announce it; but I would think it would at least be leaked out.

120 days from Nov 12 is March 11. I want to know where this is as I don't want to give any other chance to something being worked out here. I wish the city would drop the suit for the Key lease and try to get the NBA to return later (resurrecting the Sonics).

11-13-2007, 09:10 PM
Did Clay say he filed on Nov 2nd or did he "informed owners he was going to file"?

11-14-2007, 08:49 AM
Wasn't there supposed to be an announcement by now regarding the review committee?

I thought, per the NBA rules, that Stern is required to form a relocation committee within 10 days of an owner's filing. Then within 120 days, the relocation committee does an assessment of the 'new city' and makes a recommendation to the NBA board, which would then vote.

Clay filed on November 2, so Stern had until Nov 12 to form a committee. This should have been done and I'd suspect there'd be an announcement. I guess they dont HAVE to announce it; but I would think it would at least be leaked out.

120 days from Nov 12 is March 11. I want to know where this is as I don't want to give any other chance to something being worked out here. I wish the city would drop the suit for the Key lease and try to get the NBA to return later (resurrecting the Sonics).

As Kerry said, I don't think he filed on Nov. 2nd, I think he just publicly announced that he is going to file.

11-14-2007, 05:18 PM
Well, if you look at any article - all of them say he filed on Nov 2. They even use the past tense on the verb file.

It doesn't take much to file by the way, you just submit it to Stern.

11-15-2007, 03:15 AM
We have all been blamed and accused of being the Armpit of America by the Seattle Washington's forum. Everyone in Seattle HATES Bennett and the new ownership, so we are all bashed as OKIE's being seen as trailer trash and a weak city.

If you want check out the forum it is Seattle Times Forum ( .

11-15-2007, 07:46 AM
If I were from Seattle, I wouldn't want one single person from Oklahoma City to post on my message board or forum. I'd be plenty upset about my inability, as one individual, to keep my team there, especially if I supported building a new arena. So, I don't pay too much attention to negative stuff said about Oklahoma City in Seattle. That's just anger talking, and message board behavior where you can post anonymously.

11-15-2007, 07:58 AM
Commentary from Orlando Sentinel's Mike Bianchi - OUCH!!!

Orlando Magic's ownership shines compared to demands made by SuperSonics' owners
Mike Bianchi


November 14, 2007

It's become cool and trendy during the venue debate for critics to continually portray the Magic's ownership as greedy, grouchy billionaires who will stop at nothing to get the public to pay for their new arena.

Most of the bashers, though, know little about how professional sports work. If they did, they wouldn't paint the Magic as unscrupulous penny-pinchers; they would portray them as charitable philanthropists.

If you want proof, you need to look no further than the Magic's opponent Tuesday night -- the winless and woebegone Seattle SuperSonics, whose new owner Clay Bennett callously announced a few days ago that he intends to move the team to Oklahoma City. Compared to Seattle's demanding and dastardly band of money-grubbers, Magic ownership looks like emergency workers delivering food to Rwandan refugees.

Let's review how the two ownership groups have gone about trying to get new arenas built in their respective cities. We'll start with Orlando:

The Magic waited patiently for years and made many concessions during the negotiating process to finally get their arena deal done. When they were asked to chip in additional funding for the project, they responded by contributing more money than any team ever has from a comparably sized market. When they were asked to take care of all cost overruns, they agreed. When they were asked to foot the bill to build the arena to eco-friendly specifications, they acquiesced.

To prove it wasn't all about them, the Magic pledged $10 million to help build a new performing arts center. When Orange County had a fiscal crisis during negotiations, the Magic stepped forward and pledged millions to build five new community gymnasiums that otherwise would have been sliced from the budget.

And not once during the entire process did the Magic publicly threaten to relocate the franchise. We speculated in the media about it, but never once did the Magic issue an ultimatum to local politicians. Throughout the process, the Magic's chief negotiator Alex Martins never played hardball and kept saying over and over again, "We just want to do what's right for the community."

And now let's look at the course of action Seattle's owners took when they purchased the Sonics a little more than a year ago. Almost the first words from their mouths were threatening. They immediately set a one-year deadline for getting an arena deal done or else they were moving.

Bennett and his group didn't make proposals so much as they made demands. Bennett unilaterally declared the new building would likely cost more than $500 million and become the most expensive arena in the country.

Not only that, but he wasn't sure how much the team would kick in. As you might expect, local and state politicians scoffed at Bennett's hastily concocted and clumsily negotiated plan.

And, sure enough, two weeks ago -- one day before the new season was to start -- Bennett's one-year deadline came to pass. And he immediately announced he would begin the process of moving the team to his home state of Oklahoma. It's starting to look more and more like that was Bennett's intention all along.

He doesn't care if the SuperSonics are Seattle's most successful and storied franchise. Or that the team has 40 years of history and heritage and Hall-of-Famers. Or that the league will suffer greatly if a franchise moves from one of its most cultured and cosmopolitan markets to . . . Oklahoma City! Good Lord, this is like the Rockettes leaving Radio City Music Hall for their new permanent home at the Mystery Dinner Theater on I-Drive.

"You feel for all those fans who have built up allegiances and who have been following the franchise since they were kids," Magic Coach Stan Van Gundy says.

"It's sad," says Magic forward Rashard Lewis, who spent nine years playing in Seattle. "It's hard for me to imagine Seattle without the Sonics."

So remember this next time you get the urge to rip the Magic for being stingy, selfish Scrooges. Yes, in the perfect world, sports owners would foot the entire bill for new arenas, but that's not how it works in the real world. In the real world, if one city doesn't build the team a new arena, another one will. Like Las Vegas or Louisville or Kansas City or Oklahoma City.

Instead of disparaging the Magic maybe it's time to start appreciating them.

In the realm of sports, you can do worse than being an NBA fan in Orlando.

A lot worse.

You could be hopeless in Seattle.

11-15-2007, 09:57 AM
I think the response is pretty simple. Why should Clay Bennett contribute more of his own money, since he's already spent $350 million, to build an arena in a city at best four hours away from his home? If he's going to lose money on a team, or spend more than he's already spent, he might as well do it at home. Philanthropy is most satisfying when it's done in your own community. And if I were Clay Bennett, I wouldn't be feeling very philanthropic towards Seattle.

11-15-2007, 11:07 AM
I don't know the history behind the Orlando ownership, but it sounded to me like Bianchi was trying to shift some heat off the Magic over to Bennett. Crybabies!

11-15-2007, 05:22 PM
Here is just my thoughts...

Clay Bennett is so use to politics here. He has city and state politicians kissing his feet because of the money he has. (I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT IS WRONG). He is not the only one I understand that Audry McClendon is in that picture too.

IT is going to COST US money as well. WE are going to have to build a new arena to support the SONICS when they move here.

So has Clay already said he would upfront the majority of cost of this new arena? I am not ready to pay for a new arena from a tax increase. MAPS III is suppose to work towards a mass transit system and trolley district. I would like to see all that completed before getting this team.

Again just my thoughts.

11-16-2007, 03:11 AM
what you dont understand tho, is clay will probably step in (along with the other owners) and cover whatever it takes to make OKC successful. That is because they are SOLID owners based in OKC. You can't ask for a better relationship than that.

Seattle should have realized this and either build an arena (which I wont vote for, I hate the Sonics) or let them go and get as much as we can. But NO...... we have idiots who actually thought Bennett bought the team to keep it here. PLEASE.

And now these same idiots are stringing out the inevitable to save face more than anything. There wont be an arena deal here and as soon as we realized that we should have sat down with Bennett instead of having the same posture that the city did with past owners. I mean, Bennett aint from here (Seattle), that should have been a HUGE clue.

If nothing else, we could have retired the name, got $50M in concession, and a promise from the NBA that the NEXT franchise to move/relocate will do so to Seattle (and resurrect the Sonics). But Nooooo, we have this fiasco.

I dont care, I can't wait for the Sonics to leave town. Im sure they will be successful in OKC. Seattle isn't a 3 pro team market and never was (one team was always the lame duck). Now that's the truth!

11-16-2007, 06:29 AM
This is why Sports writers shouldn't comment on things outside their realm of knowledge - it just makes them look stupid. If this dumbass had been paying attention for the last 4 years he would know that the previous owners tried everything they could to get a new arena in Seattle and the City of Seattle told then no EVERY TIME. Bennett wasn't brought in to try and work a deal - he was brought in to move the team - period. Giving Seattle an extra year to save the team was bonus time. The only other buyer that made an offer on the team was going to move them San Jose on the day of sale.

The people of Seattle don't want a new arena because they say The Key is only 12 years and they shouldn't have to replace an arena every 12 years. They are right - they shouldn't. But that means you have to do it right the first time, or you will have to do it again. The Key was a bad design from the beginning and it should have never been built as it is.

Let me give you an example. When our first child was born we had a Mitsuibishi Eclipse sports car. It isn't the best car for transporting a baby in a car seat so we traded it in on what we BOTH AGREED would be a more appropriate vehicle, a Ford Escort. It had more room, better gas mileage, 4 doors, and a bigger trunk. It was better than the Eclipse in every way. Four months after buying it we realized we bought the wrong car. The Escort just wasn't big enough to haul all of the stuff that went with the baby - especially if we went to see the grandparents. So after 6 months we traded it in - negative equity and all - on a mini van. Yes it would have been cheaper to just buy the van in the first place but we tried to take a short cut and paid the price. This is exactly what Seattle did with the Key Arena. Now they are getting burned.

11-16-2007, 07:53 AM
I don't claim to be an economist, but all of the MAPS programs have proven that if the citizens of OKC will spend $$$ WE will receive huge benefits. You will have to forgive my lack of exact #'s, but the original MAPS plan has already exceeded the predictions by an overwhelming percent by the return on dollars invested.

Bringing an NBA team (as shown by the Hornets) will show the rest of the country what we already know. OKC is a first-class city with the facilities and people to make the team a success.

11-16-2007, 08:04 AM
You are correct Soonerfan21. I read a few weeks ago that private investment tied to the original $350 million public money is somewhere around $2 billion. I don't recall if the article said how they got to that number.

11-16-2007, 09:10 AM
the league will suffer greatly if a franchise moves from one of its most cultured and cosmopolitan markets to . . . Oklahoma City! Good Lord, this is like the Rockettes leaving Radio City Music Hall for their new permanent home at the Mystery Dinner Theater on I-Drive.

I guess he's not aware of the exhibit from the Louvre that is coming to OKC, Seattle, and Indianapolis next year. Lest he forget that his city would be NOTHING, absolutely nothing if it weren't for Disney World locating there?

11-16-2007, 03:50 PM
I wouldn't worry about it too much, jbrown, the guy is from Orlando. Orlando is where culture goes to die.

And besides, I'm not really sure if the simile of NBA basketball teams and the areans they play being like the Rockettes and Radio City Music Hall even makes sense. I guess it takes someone from Orlando to see the similarities.

11-16-2007, 11:22 PM
I guess he's not aware of the exhibit from the Louvre that is coming to OKC, Seattle, and Indianapolis next year. Lest he forget that his city would be NOTHING, absolutely nothing if it weren't for Disney World locating there?

Jbrown, the exhibit is in Seattle right now. I am glad that OKC got it first!

11-19-2007, 08:26 PM
All is quiet here in Seattle these days.

11-19-2007, 09:49 PM
Cultured and cosmopolitan doesn't pay the bills. This is the one thing the people of Seattle and many sports writers just can't seem to understand. I don't know if they don't want to understand it or if they are just stupid. I am betting on stupid.

14th largest TV martket, gateway to the Pacific rim, 40 year history, 3 million people, most educated city in the country, more millionaires per capita, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Microsoft, Boeing, the mountains, Pikes Place, the players love Seattle, skiing - NONE OF IT MATTERS!

The fact is the Sonics have been losing money for 5 years and 3 different owners, and the loses have no end in sight. In fact, all of the items mentioned above by forum posters and sports writers should serve as an indictment against Seattle. They have all of this going for them and they still can't field a profitable sports team.

Instead of looking at thier own problems and finding a solution all they can do is run a negativity campaign against OKC. The first step in finding a solution is admitting you have a problem. If you listen to sports writers, Seattle doesn't have a problem, the rest of the free enterprise system is wrong.

The team will be gone for 20 years and some baffon in Seattle will still be holding out hope that the Sonics are just using their "temporary" relocation as a ploy to get a new stadium in Seattle. The city attorney might even call it a transparet attempt to alienate Sonics fans. After all, the NBA needs Seattle more than Seattle needs the NBA. Really? Who is holding the Save our Sonics rally next week? Surly not the NBA Commisioner. I am not even remotely aware of the NBA owners having a Save our Seattle rally.

And finally, the good people of Seattle try using the argument that other NBA owners won't approve the move because they don't want an OKC based Sonics team being a drain on the revenue sharing. Hello, Earth to Seattle, the Sonics are already a drain on the revenue sharing. They are losing $17 million per year in Seattle. If I was an owner I would be begging for the Sonics to move.

11-20-2007, 10:14 AM
Well said, Kerry.

OU Adonis
11-20-2007, 01:40 PM
I didn't think the NBA had much revenue sharing anyway?

11-20-2007, 02:58 PM
Seattle doesn't have a problem, the rest of the free enterprise system is wrong.

You make some great points, but I don't think that the NBA's general business practices, or that of professional sports in general, resemble anything that can be called free enterprise. Clay Bennett was asking for more than $250 million in public investment as a condition of maintaining a presence in Seattle, after all. I think some articles have a good point in that professional sports rely too heavily on public subsidy. It actually market shops based largely in part by the amount of subsidy a state or municipality will provide. Seattle has taken the position that it is done with that, and it will probably lose its team because of it. I wouldn't call that free enterprise, but it is the current reality of professional sports. It is wrong for people to criticize Bennett's tactics and excuse that of just about every other professional sports organization in existence. Maybe some are trying to argue a matter of degree, but really, once public subsidy has been solicited and granted, the principles of negotiation and economic conduct change for everyone and at all levels.

11-20-2007, 06:21 PM
Eaach NBA team receives $30 million dollars a year from the League as their share of television revenue. That's the extent of the revenue sharing. The problem with the NBA is that the average NBA team nets about $10 million a year after expenses. Teams that make the playoffs and teams in the largest cities are the ones most likely to end up in the black, and some make upwards of $30 million. If you've spent $300+ million on a team, even the best return is barely a good investment. If you have to build an arena with your own money, your return drops further. So, I don't blame owners for asking for public funds. A team adds value to a community, not because it brings in actual funds from taxes, but rather because it enables a city to attract businesses, keep college graduates from leaving and enhanciing quality of life.

11-20-2007, 06:55 PM
You are exactly correct betts. The NBA is a marketing tool to attract and retain business which in turn supports the local economy. This is already done for so many other business but it just isn't as high profile. Look at WRWA as an example. Would anyone seriously make the arguement that if Southwest Airlines wants to do business in OKC then they should build their own airport? No they wouldn't. Everyone on the forum, and OKC in general, applauded the renovation of WRWA even though local governement picked up the entire bill. And the outrage that did surface was from people who thought more gates should have been added.

11-21-2007, 05:14 PM
Kerry, I couldn't agree with you more - except that Boeing is in Downtown Chicago. We still have the majority of the production jobs but the ones that count are all in a skyscraper in the Windy City.

Heck, OKC has Boeing too (and over 2000 employees), so maybe OKC should start claiming Boeing too. :)

11-21-2007, 05:41 PM
Look at WRWA as an example. Would anyone seriously make the argument that if Southwest Airlines wants to do business in OKC then they should build their own airport? No they wouldn't. Everyone on the forum, and OKC in general, applauded the renovation of WRWA even though local governement picked up the entire bill.

Apples and oranges. Transportation is considered a critical part of public infrastructure. I don't think anyone could rationally explain how an NBA team could be considered a part of our infrastructure. It's a friggin basketball team! I'm excited about the NBA in Oklahoma City, but hate the fact that they expect huge public giveaways. Especially when it's guys like Clay Bennett who are considered politically "conservative," yet he himself runs to the government for handouts. God forbid a child needs health care and the family seeks government assistance. But a basketball team? Clay is right there lined up at the public trough explaining the "need" for government assistance - and tax increases, if necessary, to pay for it! Hypocritical.

11-22-2007, 10:49 AM
Apples and oranges. Transportation is considered a critical part of public infrastructure. I don't think anyone could rationally explain how an NBA team could be considered a part of our infrastructure. It's a friggin basketball team! I'm excited about the NBA in Oklahoma City, but hate the fact that they expect huge public giveaways. Especially when it's guys like Clay Bennett who are considered politically "conservative," yet he himself runs to the government for handouts. God forbid a child needs health care and the family seeks government assistance. But a basketball team? Clay is right there lined up at the public trough explaining the "need" for government assistance - and tax increases, if necessary, to pay for it! Hypocritical.

Let's not get too excited about what Bennett will ask of the city...Certain he was throwing all of that out there to throw another dart at Seattle, but outside of a new arena and practice facility we have no idea what else will be on his wishlist

We all need to realize that even though we all enjoy where we live that we will need to foot the bill on a new arena....OKC is not in any position to try and land/retain a major league team w/o paying for the venue for the team to play in

Like it or not a city like OKC will have to pay to play with the big boys and I will gladly do so...I'm not even a big basketball fan, but I did like what the Hornets brought to the city...Seemed to bring out a lot of pride and excitement to a city that definitely needed a shot of both

11-22-2007, 12:13 PM
Easy you are 100% correct. OKC will have to spend to place a top venue for top players to want to play in. We do not have some of the amenities of other cities Surf, Forests, but I believe top players will come a play in OKC if our arena is second to none, the fans are rabid, and ownership is committed to winning

11-22-2007, 01:59 PM
Hey guys, I understand the realities. I was speaking more of professional sports in general and using the "conservative" Clay Bennett as an example of a lot of hypocrisy. I was also responding to Kerry's comparing building an airport for the airlines with an arena for a basketball team. Also, I'm not suggesting OKC not build a new arena at some point. I was really lamenting the fact of the matter as it's clearly wrong. It was a slippery slope when all this running to taxpayers for professional sports started in the seventies and eighties.

11-22-2007, 04:15 PM

One things for sure, Bennett loves OKC. So does all of the other investors in the club. So, what Im saying is dont start discounting Clay's intentions or aspirations just yet.

Wait for the inevitable to happen, for Clay to bring the franchise home.

I bet you might be in for a surprise. It might not cost OKC much at all to ensure the franchise is successful in OKC. Like I said, Bennett and Co. love OKC - and even Aubrey went on record saying he doesn't even care about profit if the team were in OKC.

Read between those (and other) lines and I think those guys would contribute SIGNIFICANTLY to a new arena (may even pay for it outright) as long as it is in OKC and THEY have their team playin' in it.

Seattle may not like this - but I could totally see Bennett and the owners 'stepping up' to the plate for OKC UNLIKE any of our RICH PEOPLE have done up here. Why would OKC people invest in Seattle, when they COULD invest in their own hometown. ...

Like I said, Bennett and Co. bought the Sonics at a premium for the sole purpose to either make $$ in Seattle OR move the franchise to OKC at all cost, so they can watch the team in their own backyard and IMPROVE their OWN city. If that means investing more in OKC, so be it.

I dont think there will be much money asked of the citizens of OKC outside of what has already been planned/discussed. These owners have too much pride and vested interest in OKC and making the city attractive and successful. I highly suspect they will also be financially involved (especially since it would be tax writeoffs for most of them).

11-22-2007, 09:48 PM
Large companies hold cities, and states, hostage trying to get them to build facilities and provide tax breaks to move in with new jobs. I don't think it is much different for professional sports teams to expect some of the same.

Some will say that the team only provides a limited number of jobs, but they fail to talk about any of the other jobs and businesses that start because of the team being in the city, extra Bricktown jobs(waiting tables, parking cars, etc.) on game days, vendors(T-shirts, hats, jerseys, etc.). Not to mention all that free advertising on ESPN when your team plays. We also get bigger and better events to be held in a world class arena. This adds to our sales tax base. Now your looking at factors that bring businesses to our area because we have more activities for the "quality of life" factor for their employees.

I digress, the fact is cities provide these kinds of incentives to all types of companies, if a city wants to grow these days they have got to invest in it.

11-28-2007, 11:23 AM
if a city wants to grow these days they have got to invest in it.

I think you're right, but I think some are misinterpreting the characterization of this practice as contrary to small government or free enterprise as a qualitative judgment. And, I'm guessing that those who are making a qualitative judgment of the practice would also argue that government subsidy or investment in private industry is universally misguided and don't hold such criticism exclusively for professional sports.

For the record, I am not making such a judgment, but it should be noted that such practices are not within the realm of free enterprise, nor are they in line with traditional "conservative" philosophies of using laissez faire, small government principles to guide public policy. If anything, I think some are simply pointing out the irony that conservatism has shifted away from such practices and now seems to favor distribution of public resources to private industry with little or no support for regulation of the industries receiving benefits. It seems that Bennett either is of the same political mindset, or is simply capitalizing on the current political climate that favors public investment in private businesses, especially ones with large capital bases to begin with.

11-30-2007, 05:44 PM
From the Daily:

NewsOK: NBA forms committee to oversee Sonics relocation bid (

NBA forms committee to oversee Sonics relocation bid
From Staff Reports

SEATTLE — The NBA has formed the relocation committee to oversee the Seattle SuperSonics proposed move to Oklahoma City, but because of continued legal wrangling, any move could be delayed past next season.

The developments, according to reports in the Seattle media, include:

A rejection by Judge Richard Martinez of the Sonics’ bid to expedite the case. Martinez said a trial date will be set just like any other case. That pre-trial period must be held before the judge decides when to set a trail date.

A verdict could be appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which would extend the proceedings even longer.

The City of Seattle is suing the team over the Sonics’ attempt to be freed from its lease. The Sonics, who are owned by a group of Oklahoma City businessmen, are seeking to get out of the lease to Key Arena, which runs through 2009-2010.
Team chairman Clay Bennett filed for relocation on Nov. 2.

The NBA’s relocation committee overseeing the proposed move will be led by Miami Heat managing general partner Micky Airson, along with Jerry Buss of the LA Lakers, Chris Cohan of the Golden State Warriors, Lewis Katz of the New Jersey Nets, Herb Simon of the Indiana Pacers, Ed Snider of the Philadelphia 76ers and Peter Holt of the San Antonio Spurs.

The NBA Board of Governors will discuss the move at their meeting April 17-18, league spokesman Tim Frank told the Seattle Post-Intellegencer.

The NBA must complete its schedule for the 2008-09 in August 2008, so there will have to be some resolution by then.

“Obviously that (timing) is an issue,” Frank told the newspaper. “But we’re at least beginning due diligence on reviewing the application.”

From the SeaPI:

NBA forms Sonics relocation committee (

NBA forms Sonics relocation committee
Friday, November 30, 2007
Last updated 12:08 a.m. PT


The NBA has put together a committee of seven owners to look into the relocation application filed by Sonics chairman Clay Bennett, but the city of Seattle's lawsuit against the team continues to be an impediment to any fastbreak to Oklahoma.

A request by Bennett's lawyers to set up a scheduling conference to expedite the U.S. District Court trial was rejected earlier this month by Judge Ricardo Martinez, who ruled the trial date will be set in the same manner as any other civil case.

That means the sides will undergo a period of discovery, exchanging of documents and pre-trial motions before Martinez decides when to hear the case in court.

The uncertainty of a legal resolution leaves the league in limbo, since Bennett and his ownership group are bound by their KeyArena lease through the 2009-10 season unless they win their case in Martinez's court.

Even then, any verdict by Martinez could be appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, which could extend the legal process another year or more.

"Obviously that's an issue," NBA spokesman Tim Frank said of the impending court process. "But we're at least beginning due diligence on reviewing the application."

Micky Arison, managing general partner of the Miami Heat, is chairman of the NBA Board of Governors. He will oversee a relocation committee consisting of Jerry Buss (Los Angeles Lakers), Chris Cohan (Golden State Warriors), Lewis Katz (New Jersey Nets), Herb Simon (Indiana Pacers), Ed Snider (Philadelphia 76ers) and Peter Holt (San Antonio Spurs).

Holt and Bennett were part of a diverse ownership group that purchased the Spurs in 1993. Bennett then represented the Spurs on the NBA Board of Governors until 1998, when his father-in-law's firm, the Oklahoma Publishing Co., sold its interest in the team to Holt, who then became the Spurs chairman of the board.

The relocation committee has not yet met, according to Frank, but has bought itself a little more cushion by delaying the time frame required for a recommendation. NBA bylaws provide a 120-day window from the time of a relocation request for the committee to make a final report to the full Board of Governors, which ultimately must approve of any move.

The board would then have up to 30 days to vote, with a simple majority (16 of 30 owners) needed to allow relocation.

Bennett filed for relocation on Nov. 2, which put the relocation committee's deadline at March 1. But Frank said the board has agreed to amend the deadline so the topic can be discussed at the next Board of Governor's meeting April 17-18.

For the Sonics to be moved to Oklahoma City by next season, the league would need a decision by the time the 2008-09 schedule is completed in early August.

Which brings everything back to the impending court case and the city's attempt to present a feasible arena solution for the Sonics' future beyond 2010. Seattle deputy mayor Tim Ceis acknowledged that the city is preparing a KeyArena remodel proposal that will be presented publicly in the next several weeks, but declined further comment.


P-I reporter Greg Johns can be reached at 206-448-8314 or

© 1998-2007 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

11-30-2007, 05:47 PM
Interesting that the news hasn't hit the SeaTimes yet. .....

Oh wait, .... ......

they only headline "Pro-Seattle" stories, anything else is tomorrow's news for them. ...

12-02-2007, 06:43 PM
A Key Arena remodel? Aren't the politcal leaders in Seattle paying attention? The claim to be trying to keep the Sonics in Seattle but then they purpose the one thing the owners of the team says is a deal breaker. Throw in the fact that Seattle doesn't have the money to build an arena, the state won't help, the citizens won't pass a new tax by 2/3 votes, and the fact that the city has to earn a profit off of the arena (I-91) leads me to believe that this proposal will never get off the ground and will be dead on arrival. I can't wait to see how rediculous the funding mechanism is.

12-04-2007, 07:57 AM
Sonics Insider (

Prentice speaks out on arena issue
Posted by Eric Williams @ 09:43:13 pm

The effort to keep the Seattle SuperSonics in the Puget Sound area is on life support, according to state Sen. Margarita Prentice (D-Renton), chairwoman of the Senate Ways and Means committee.

“They are about as close to (being gone) as I have experienced,” Prentice said. “It’s a shame. A lot of people are going to be disappointed. It’s a disgrace to lose a team for no good reason.”

And Prentice doesn’t mince words when asked who’s to blame for the NBA franchise’s imminent departure from the Emerald City – pointing a finger at the City of Seattle.

“Seattle has painted itself in a corner because it’s impossible now,” Prentice said. “They are desperate, trying to figure out a way to make it work, and it doesn’t work.

“Too may people have engaged in wishful thinking, hoping that the fairy godmother is going to arrive, and there’s no such person out there.”

The comments were the Renton senator’s harshest since Sonics chairman Clay Bennett and his Oklahoma City-based ownership group purchased the team in July 2006. Prentice said Seattle city officials, along with the powers-that-be in Olympia, worked to kill an effort proposed by Bennett’s group during last year’s legislative session to build a new arena for the Sonics within her district in Renton.

“I know for a fact that he wanted to stay,” Prentice said about Bennett. “He spent a lot of time and money trying to make it work here. And the real tragedy is we had the votes in both houses.”

Looking ahead to the 60-day 2008 session of the Legislature that begins Jan. 14, Prentice said chances are slim for a new arena proposal to develop. Prentice appears to have an ally in the house in state Rep. Eric Pettigrew (D-Seattle), who backed the proposal for an arena in Renton.

“It’s a dead duck as far as I know,” Pettigrew said. “I haven’t heard any whispers or anything. But as a business supporter and someone who has always been a fan of the Sonics and Storm I would be supportive if someone is willing to step up and come up with a creative way to make it work.”

Seattle deputy mayor Tim Ceis has said the city will introduce a revamped KeyArena proposal in the near future. It will include a price tag considerably less than the $500 million Bennett’s ownership group has asked for in a new arena. But Ceis has not given a specific date when that proposal will be released. Ceis didn’t return phone calls to The News Tribune on Monday.

“(Bennett) has made it very clear – KeyArena will not work,” Prentice said. “I spoke to him today. I had called just to see if there was any room for him and the city to talk, and he won’t discuss anything that includes KeyArena.”

When asked if the Sonics would support a new arena proposal in the Legislature, Dan Mahoney, a spokesman for Bennett, declined to comment.

Meanwhile, the NBA has created a relocation committee to review the Sonics ownership group’s application to move to Oklahoma City. Bennett’s group filed for relocation on Nov. 2. According to NBA by-laws, the committee has 120 days to make a recommendation to the full board of governors. NBA spokesperson Tim Frank said the issue is scheduled for discussion April 17-18 during semiannual meetings in New York.

The process is in its early stages, Frank said, adding that the relocation committee has not scheduled a time and place for its first meeting.

“Obviously they will review the proposal and do their due diligence on the other aspects of the proposal, and then make a recommendation to the board,” Frank said.

The seven-member committee is headed by Micky Arison, managing general partner of the Miami Heat. Arison also serves as chairman of the board of governors. Other members include Jerry Buss (Los Angeles Lakers), Chris Cohan (Golden State Warriors), Lewis Katz (New Jersey Nets), Herb Simon (Indiana Pacers), Ed Snider (Philadelphia 76ers) and Peter Holt (San Antonio Spurs).
Seattle’s pending lawsuit against the Sonics could affect the relocation process.

Last month, attorneys for the Sonics ownership group requested a scheduling conference to speed up a possible federal court trail. However, the team’s request was rejected by U.S. District Court Judge Ricardo Martinez.

The city and the Sonics are going through discovery, exchanging documents and making pre-trial motions before Martinez sets a trial date.

The only other arena proposal to be presented publicly, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe’s market feasibility study on a site the tribe owns next to Emerald Downs in Auburn, received a tepid response from both the Sonics ownership group and the state, with neither formally replying, spokesperson Rollin Fatland said.

Gov. Chris Gregoire has said she will continue to work to keep the Sonics in Seattle. But even if the city gets the result it wants and the Sonics have to honor their lease through 2010, Prentice said the decision only prolongs the inevitable.

“They will absorb that,” Prentice said about Bennett’s group keeping the Sonics in Seattle another two years. “And I think he (Bennett) will be regarded as a hero back home.

“I don’t know if Clay Bennett even wants to continue talking, but I certainly will because there are supporters and fans of the Sonics out there.”

12-04-2007, 10:31 AM
You're right Kerry. It seems as tho the city of Seattle is trying to 'appeal' to the other owners by making the issue; which do you prefer a) a chance in Oklahoma City or b) a remodel of an already established market in Seattle.

The city blew it in the way they regarded Bennett. They treated him like he was from WA, like they did Schultz and all other owner groups since Ackerley. The city acted holier than thou like they could not contribute or listen to anything, and this was back when Schultz WAS proposing a Key remodel. Then, the city said NO.

Now, the city is trying to propose a Key remodel.. ....?? Why didn't the city listen to Schultz when HE proposed it? Im sure this will come out and the BOG will see that the city is just trying to save face and really doesn't present anything that could be as profitable as Oklahoma City. The city is pulling straws with the LAST ditch effort it has to try to convince the league (and Seattle fans) that they NOW desire the Sonics to stay - too little and FAR too late, huh. ..

Where was the city when Bennett wanted the Renton arena? Bennett even went to the mayor to get him to get something done and what was the response? The city of Seattle in fact had done NOTHING until Aubrey opened his mouth and 'hurt the feelings of Seattle.' Lawsuits, fighting words, and now bring up Key Arena remodel ---

Nobody is arguing on market, but when it comes to the building - Im sure everyone will agree with Clay that Key Arena (remodel or not) is OUT!! (otherwise, they never would have approved him as an owner).

12-04-2007, 12:02 PM
Seattle burned bridges with Bennett by suing him. They are kidding themselves if they think he's going to work with them now, or stay beyond 2010 even if they win the lawsuit.

12-04-2007, 12:22 PM
That's what's so weird about this. Seattle and Washington spent most of the time while under the deadline making sure that the Sonics got NO help and did it in a very stand offish way. They were trying to make a statement. There's nothing wrong with that, but apparently they didn't really believe in what they were doing, because they're now attempting some patch work solutions. If they hadn't pass I-91, I would have some sympathy for them, but they chose to not only reject the Sonics demands, but they went the extra mile to screw the Sonics and any other potential tenant... yet, they tell us they want the team there.

Again, I totally understand them not wanting to play the game, but if that's the case, then they need to let it go, regroup, and then get someone in there that is interested in being in the market on their terms. If it's that good, then someone will step up. If it's not, then be happy with your principles, even if it means no NBA. I seriously doubt that Seattle will even care after a year without the NBA.

12-08-2007, 01:48 AM
Yeah, I think the city underestimated its hand. They treated Bennett just like they did Schultz and the past owners, who were from Seattle and obviously had a vested interest.

Well, in comes Bennett from OKC and I guess the city thought Bennett would be IMPRESSED with Seattle, so much so, that the city didn't take him seriously or thought he'd eventually give up I guess.

I dont get it either, I mean - Seattle could have made a HUGE deal. I mean, they could have sat down at the table, and either got the NBA/Bennett to assist in building a state of the art facility in the SODO district (near the other two stadiums) OR the city could have let the franchise go in exchange for retiring the name/colours/history and a promise to ressurrect the team (through a relocation of a troubled team) once an arena got built.

but instead, Seattle burned its bridges with the NBA, Bennett, and probably any/every investor outside of the original Schultz minority group - who would otherwise jump at the chance to have a team here. The city/state played hardball and now Bennett has the upper hand.

The weird thing is, it appears that the city is trying to appease the NBA based on the Seattle BRAND itself; by even talking about a remodel of Key Arena. Bennett, Stern, and other NBA officials have said time and time again that Key Arena (aka the original yet remodeled Seattle Coluseum) is OUT ... yet the city NOW wants to do the remodel that Schultz proposed. What is the city thinking? that a new remodel of Key Arena would all of sudden 'convince' the NBA board that the market here can succeed?

Why didn't the city discuss this when Schultz was trying to talk to them two years ago? Why didn't the city do what it took then to make a difference? Why didn't the city do anything until Aubrey opened his mouth in September 2007????

And why is the city doing this - 'we'll choke Bennett and the NBA in lawsuits' crap when it will ONLY ensure the team and the NBA will be gone; either next year, 2009 or by the 2010 season???

of special note that you guys may not have noticed, King County also has plans for Key Arena and the Seattle Centre (surrounding fairgrounds area) - it hopes to turn it into an urban housing village.

I think that is the best move, and build the NEW arena in the SODO stadium area. Once this happens, Seattle will have to settle for the NHL - IF they'd approve a team in such a hostile yet wealthy market. ... Seattle is a two edged sword - wealthy yet full of spoiled, out-of-touch-with-the-rest-of-the-nation/world brats who think people owe them JUST because of their good luck.

In case you can't tell, I will be moving soon, probably to Chicago (or Houston). So will the Sonics - definitely to Oklahoma City.

12-08-2007, 10:08 AM
Hotrod - you move as much as I do.

12-09-2007, 09:58 PM
Here's the latest whining from the SeaTimes. Now their complaining that both of Oklahoma City's teams (Sonics and Hornets) both can't draw crowds in their current homes. ...

Fact is, neither team was profitable NOR set any attendance records (other than not attending) even prior to OKC being in the picture. But I do have to say, the story did paint a bleak picture for the Sonics (and Hornets) and that was nice to see from the SeaTimes (which almost always tried to boost anything Seattle).

Sonics | Sonics | Two teams in search of fans | Seattle Times Newspaper (

Sonics | Two teams in search of fans

By Jayda Evans
Seattle Times staff reporter

Scan the home arenas of the Sonics and Hornets, and it's easy to tell there's work to do.

Patches of empty red seats are evident at Seattle's KeyArena, and clumps of blue show at New Orleans' Hornets Arena.

The Sonics rank 24th of 30 NBA teams in attendance, averaging 13,840 fans with only one sellout this season. The Hornets, who host the Sonics today, are last in attendance at 11,431 for their 8-year-old, 18,208-seat arena.

Both teams' problems drawing fans go beyond NBA attendance decline.

On one end are the Sonics, a once-proud franchise in the middle of a fight between the city and owner Clay Bennett over Bennett's demand for a state-of-the-art facility and threat to move the team to Oklahoma City. On the other end are the Hornets, trying to draw fans in a city devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

Players feel the weight of playing for a city, but try to just focus on games.

"They don't know if they're staying or leaving," said former Sonic Rashard Lewis to Orlando reporters in November about Seattle players. "I played there eight, nine years and can't see a city like Seattle without a franchise. They won a championship there, had history there, Hall of Fame guys who played in Seattle. Now they'll be moving to another city? When I get older, I'll say I played with the Sonics once, but my kids will [say], 'They don't even have a team out there. You must have played a long time ago.' "

The Sonics (5-15) begin a five-game, eight-day road trip today against the Hornets (13-7). After starting the season 0-8, Seattle hopes for its first three-game winning streak.

"It's going to definitely be a test for us," said guard Earl Watson after the Sonics defeated Milwaukee 104-98 on Friday. "It's part of the NBA. It's going to be good to see how we respond to it and it's a chance for us to grow as a team."

For New Orleans, the situation is different.

The Hornets, who spent the previous two seasons in Oklahoma City because of Hurricane Katrina, are trying to keep a still struggling city in the spotlight. The NBA is helping with various programs, including joining with T-Mobile to donate $20 to the New Orleans Recovery School District for every point scored by the players named Rookie of the Month. For the opening month of the season, Sonics forward Kevin Durant won the award, accounting for $6,940.

And the NBA will spotlight New Orleans by holding its All-Star Game there in February.

Yet attendance still lags.

Chris Paul, David West and Tyson Chandler make headlines, including Paul's career-high 43 points in an overtime win against Memphis on Friday. But the Hornets struggle for fans as the city tries to rebuild.

Owner George Shinn has said repeatedly the team still needs more.

"There is no way we are going to survive without support," Shinn told the Memphis Commercial Appeal.

Sounds familiar.

I think Rashard Lewis's quote is not only compelling but also 'fortune-telling', especially this:

'Now they'll be moving to another city [as in Oklahoma City]? When I get older, I'll say I played with the Sonics once, but my kids will [say], 'They don't even have a team out there. You must have played a long time ago.'

12-21-2007, 12:52 PM
Hey guys, we need to use our megathread.

Sonics | OK City mayor proposes election regarding NBA practice facility | Seattle Times Newspaper (

OK City mayor proposes election regarding NBA practice facility

AP Sports Writer

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma City made its first major move toward permanently attracting an NBA franchise Thursday when Mayor Mick Cornett called for the public to support a proposal to spend more than $100 million to overhaul the Ford Center and build a practice facility.

Cornett accelerated plans for the vote by several months so it could be held prior to an April date when NBA owners are expected to consider a request by Seattle SuperSonics owner Clay Bennett to move his team to Oklahoma City.

"If we don't pass this election, we are not going to get a team," Cornett said. "If you look at the NBA's history, at relocated franchises, I can't think of one that went to a city that didn't have a commitment to a new arena long-term."

Cornett said the improvements would be paid for by extending a current one-penny sales tax for an additional 12 to 15 months. The City Council will consider plans for the election during its Jan. 2 meeting, and the proposed date for the vote would be March 4.

An exact cost for the upgrades should be finalized by the City Council meeting, when a consultant is expected to outline what changes are needed to the 5-year-old Ford Center.

The building recently hosted the New Orleans Hornets for two seasons after Hurricane Katrina forced the team's temporary relocation, and average attendance was 18,329 -- about 1,000 below the arena's capacity.

Bennett announced in November that he would seek to relocate the SuperSonics, and the NBA Board of Governors is expected to consider the move at its April 17-18 meeting.

Cornett said the city had initially intended to include the Ford Center improvements in an initiative that would go to a vote late next year.

"We got to looking at the timing of this Board of Governors vote in April and realized that best intentions were not going to make it with the Board of Governors. They were going to need a firm financial commitment," Cornett said.

"Why should we expect an NBA franchise to make a long-term commitment to us when we're not willing to make a long-term commitment to the facility?"

Bennett's efforts to move the SuperSonics from Seattle has ended up in court, where a judge will decide whether the team must honor the final three years on its lease at KeyArena, the NBA's smallest venue.

"Mayor Cornett and the city have taken a visionary and appropriate step towards becoming an NBA city," Bennett said in a statement. "I applaud their leadership."

Dan Mahoney, a spokesman for Bennett, said the owner would have no further comment.

Cornett said he had spoken with the NBA and had preliminary discussions about a lease with the SuperSonics, but the decision to seek public funding for the upgrades was not forced upon him. NBA commissioner David Stern said during an April visit that the Ford Center, which cost only $89 million to build, did not necessarily need upgrades to host an NBA team permanently.

"This is a choice that we're making. No one's making us do this," Cornett said. "I would say that this is an investment in Oklahoma City, this is an investment in an Oklahoma City-owned arena. We will own it. No one else is going to own these facilities that we're going to build with this money."

While the Ford Center was suitable for an NBA team on a temporary basis, Cornett said he believes upgrades are needed for a long-term arrangement. As for what changes would be made to the arena, he said "everything is on the table, everything about that building is going to be under study."

Cornett said a new NBA tenant would have input on the arena changes and in choosing a location for the practice facility.

"It's basically going to be a brand new arena. It's basically going to seem like this is a brand new place, fully comparable to the other venues in the country that have recently opened up," Cornett said.

"This is not a small upgrade. This is not new carpet and new paint," Cornett added. "This will have the look and feel of a different building."

Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company

12-21-2007, 01:14 PM
NewsOK: Pechman becomes latest judge in Sonics-Seattle court battle (

Fri December 21, 2007

Pechman becomes latest judge in Sonics-Seattle court battle
By Darnell Mayberry
Staff Writer

Yet another twist has taken shape in the court case between the city of Seattle and the Sonics.

A new judge has been appointed to decide whether the Sonics must play in Seattle through 2010 or will be free to relocate to Oklahoma City before their lease expires. It's the latest development in what's been an eventful case since the city of Seattle filed its original lawsuit against the Sonics on Sept. 24.

U.S. District Court Judge Marsha Pechman now becomes the fourth judge to oversee the case after replacing Judge Ricardo Martinez on Tuesday, court documents show. The case also had two different judges while it was in state court.

It's unclear why Pechman replaced Martinez or which side requested the change.

Legal representatives for the Sonics and the city of Seattle couldn't be reached for comment Thursday.

Before the case was reassigned to Pechman, however, Martinez made statements and rulings that appeared more favorable for the city of Seattle.

When the Sonics' attorneys applied to have the case heard by a panel of arbitrators, Martinez responded in writing by saying that the team's Oklahoma-based ownership group's arguments to terminate their lease early were "as errant as a typical Shaquille O'Neal free throw.”

Martinez also denied the Sonics' request to expedite the trial because of the timelines involved in the relocation process. Instead, Martinez issued a customary trial schedule, which potentially could drag out until early 2009 and prevent the Sonics from relocating to Oklahoma City next season unless an out-of court settlement is reached.

Pechman has served as a federal judge since 1999, when she was endorsed in part by then-Senator Slade Gorton, who is now the lead attorney representing the city of Seattle.

12-21-2007, 04:16 PM
Perhaps he was taken off the case for making those extremely biased comments to the media before the case was even tried. Doesn't seem appropriate.

12-21-2007, 09:41 PM
I hope so Jbrown, that judge was sounding just like the city of Seattle council, or a Sonics homer. He couldn't even or never did phrase a sentence properly and appeared to be somebody right from Rainier Beach in South Seattle.

He sounded as if he were taunting Bennett while also being a pompass jerk (reflecting HIS authority to decide the case). And this was highlighted on his denial of change of venue and what he said about arbitration. ...

I hold hope that he was removed, as you said, because of his apparent incompetence and bias but we must consider that his replacement was appointed to her post by none other - than Slade 'the blade' Gordon, who just so happens to be the city of Seattle's primary attorney. ....

I wonder why this was not allowed to be tried at a more MUTUAL court like in say - Denver!! It seems as tho everybody in downtown Seattle was either appointed by, has an alliance to, or is somehow otherwise connected to the city of Seattle and/or the State of Washington - regardless of the designation of the court.

Now how could Bennett EVER get a fair hearing with this bull-crap? I hope somebody will get this moved to a more even playing field, if so - surely Bennett will win.

So go vote YES on the Ford Center rebuild OKC. Get ready! Invest in your city, it WILL be worth it!

Make it so that the NBA Board has only one decision, approve the OKC relocation for 2008!!! Continue the Renaissance!!

12-22-2007, 12:18 PM
Don't expect this new judge to last long either. This will end up in a Denver court pretty soon.

12-24-2007, 08:42 AM
but we must consider that his replacement was appointed to her post by none other - than Slade 'the blade' Gordon, who just so happens to be the city of Seattle's primary attorney. ....

That's a conflict of interest if I've ever heard one.

12-26-2007, 07:26 AM
Definitely JB,

Im hoping that Clay's people sieze this and motion again for a change in venue. It appears that there are NO JUDGE here who doesn't have ties or some special interest to Slade The Blade, the city clowncil, the mayor mc goo, or the Grovernor!!

And you guys thought Seattle was so liberal. ... We got one of the LARGEST good ole boy networks here, and it's in our courts/civic government (not necessarily business, like OKC's is I suppose)!

There is NO REASON why Bennett's request for Denver should have been denied. I mean, the team owners reside in Oklahoma City and it is the owners who want to move the team/get out of the lease. ...

That decision in itself was a conflict and IM sure will be used should there be an appeal to the Circuit Court.

12-26-2007, 09:00 AM
Guys, this is VERY VERY intersting.. ...

From the excerpt:

Expert: A fine team wasted in New Orleans - NBA - (

"" So the thinking in some quarters is the league forced Shinn back to New Orleans so he'll sell and then they can move the team and fill the deserving Oklahoma City market and perhaps work out something with Seattle for an arena with a local ownership group.

It's all highly speculative stuff, of course, but it's difficult to see how New Orleans is going to be able to support an NBA team at such a time of despair and rebuilding. It's going to make it that much more difficult for one of the better and more interesting young teams in the NBA. ""

People all around are getting very upset with the Hornet's situation in New Orleans. They were HANDED a fresh financially stable team (thanks to OKC) and look at the attendance (last in the league, AGAIN). They even discounted tix (which many N.O. posters accused OKC of doing yet the team was profitable in OKC) but still can't fill the arena, even when good teams show up. Im not saying that the arena should be packed, but I'd think 15,000 middle of the pack avg should be achieved just like higher figures are expected for everyone else (those people frowned when OKC didn't sell out every game, well it wasn't OKC's team yet).

Not to knock New Orleans or anything but they just aren't a basketball town. They are a NFL Saints city, through and true; nobody will argue that and they have a GREAT tradition. .. But New Orleans never supported the Hornets, not today and not three years ago. New Orleans didn't even support the New Orleans Jazz, which is why they now call Salt Lake their home. ...

Have to wonder how long the league will let this team fail while they're trying to move the Sonics to OKC. .. It just doesn't make sense, regardless of the EXCUSES New Orleaners will come up with. ...

anyways, this is a great read and it is getting some attention, definitely from Seattle (who are looking forward to the potential OKC vs. Seattle court rivalries already). ..

12-26-2007, 09:31 AM
While this is good news for OKC it still doesn't help Seattle. They still need a new arena and don't have any way to pay for it.

12-26-2007, 10:05 AM
Exactly. ...

It appears the dreamers and homers on the SeaTimes forums are still holding out hope that some miracle "definitely will happen".

I think it is time they realize that OKC is going to get a team, and they should start talking up the Hornets moving moreso than chomping on about how OKC wont get a team or this or that bullcrap they keep saying. Oh, better yet - how about a new arena in Seattle. .. o wait.

... as far as an arena in Seattle - aint going to happen. We passed a new initiative in november that requires a 2/3 majority vote for tax increases (be it in the house or at the polls).

I forget the initiative/referendum number, but it passed with flying colours. No arena in Seattle, NO TIME soon. OKC Supersonics/Storm or OKC Hornets (without N.O.),

whichever . ..

12-26-2007, 11:42 AM
Well, honestly, moving the Hornets back to OKC is the best solution for all and mitigates the most damage. I am not one that wants to see New Orleans suffer any more than it already has, but the support there is worse than Seattle, its history is no where near what the Sonics' history in Seattle is, and I think the players would welcome a move back to OKC as they know what is waiting for them here. I just don't know what it would take for this to happen.

Meanwhile, Seattle seems to be dead set on dragging it out in the courts to make it as expensive as possible for all parties involved. The players have no appreciation for what the Oklahoma City market could do for their team at this point and it would end a long standing relationship with Seattle for the NBA.

I know Seattle is bent out of shape right now with what Bennett and co. are doing, but really, when you look at it objectively, it's the NBA that's putting the screws to them by using Bennett to fix the market and get Oklahoma City a team. The Hornets should be in OKC and Kansas City should be the one applying the pressure in 2010 to fix Seattle when you really think about it. The current plan of action will end up being the most expensive, litigious, convoluted when its all said and done. If Oklahoma City passes the Ford Center improvements, it will have done more than New Orleans and Seattle for the NBA, but will have to wait on dozens of federal rulings before it can see itself get a team.

12-26-2007, 01:55 PM
Here is the deal - the NBA in Seattle is dead. The City of Seattle has seen to that. If the Hornets do come back to OKC next year then the Sonics are going to KC. If the Hornets stay in NO then Sonics come to OKC and then the Hornets go to KC in 3 years. Either way NO and Seattle will be out a team.

There is one group in Seattle that has offered to buy the team but the leader of that group says they don't have the money (not sure how that actually qualifies as an offer). His biggest mistake has already been made though. He said that he could make the team work in the current Key Arena. Let us say he did buy the team but then finds out he can't make it work. How the hell is going to ask for a new arena then? Now the NBA is stuck again. No way the NBA is going to allow that to heppen.

12-26-2007, 02:23 PM
If the Hornets come to OKC, then Seattle will inherent some time to undo some of its mistakes and build an arena. If the Sonics are going to go to KC, it will first need some owners that are interested in locating there and, of course, approval from the league and then (re)start the process of getting a judge to end the Key lease. Again, this adds time even more time to the process. A lot can change in three years and it's likely to take about that amount of time for a Sonics to KC deal to get done.

12-26-2007, 02:55 PM
Here is how I see the lawsuit situation - until a judge actually give a verdict in the case then the Sonics can do what ever they want. If the team moves to OKC before a ruling then what are the options? A judge can tell the team to return to Seattle for the remainder of the lease or stay in OKC. Since the judge, by virtue of his ruling, says that Seattle is not entitled to any releif as outlined in the lease agreement then Seattle can't even collect unpaid rent. Basically this mean the Sonics leave and don't owe anything.

If the Sonics have to return to Seattle then it would only be through 2010. But what if the case drags out past that. After all, it is only 2.5 years away and there are lots of appeals available to both sides so it is not out of the realm of posssibility. This means the team will never have to return. The bottom line is the Sonics are coming to OKc for the 2008 season unless a judge rules otherwise BEFORE then. A ruling after the fact doesn't do Seattle any good.

12-26-2007, 03:09 PM
Since the judge, by virtue of his ruling, says that Seattle is not entitled to any releif as outlined in the lease agreement then Seattle can't even collect unpaid rent.

I missed that one. Can you share the language he used?

Your scenario may actually play out. I was just trying to point out that a Hornets relocation to OKC mitigates more damages to all parties than any other scenario. However, I in no way actually think that's going to happen at this point, almost by virtue of the fact that it's the prettiest solution.

12-26-2007, 08:06 PM
BDP - Here is what I was trying to say. The Sonics has a lease with the City of Seattle. In articale XXVI there are provisison for what happens if the Sonics break the lease and leave. I believe it is clause 4 that states the Sonics will owe unpaid rent throught the remainder of the lease minus any rent the City collects from other activities that takes place on the dates that were reserved for Sonics games.

Just for fun, lets say July 1, 2008 comes around and Bennett moves the Sonics to OKC and there has not been any decision yet on the Seattle lawsuit. Two months later the judge makes a ruling in the case and it is in Seattle's favor. The judge has 2 options.

First, the Judge can make the team move back to Seattle, but the Sonics can appeal and keep it tied up in the courts until the lease expires in 2010. Then there is nothing the City of Seattle or the Judge can do. Under this scenario the team stay in OKC after July 1 , 2008 and never returns to Seattle.

Second, the Judge could allow the team to stay in OKC, but can he make the team pay under the penality clause for breaking the lease? In my opinion, and I could be talked out of it, it means that the penalties in section XXVI don't apply because the Sonics didn't break the lease. Remember, the lawsuit filed by the City of Seattle is intended to enforce "specific performance" by removing the exit clause under Section XXVI and not let the Sonics use it. In other words, if the Sonics can't use Section XXVI to leave, then how can the City use it to collect damages when the damages are applied only if the Sonics use that section to break the lease.

A little confusing but I hope you can follow it. I probably need Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3-D Blackboard to explain it better. (that is a little Tennessee Tuxedo humor thrown in).

12-27-2007, 07:03 AM
unfortunately Kerry, there is ONE MORE SCENARIO.

I am positive that Bennett will get the nod to move the Sonics to OKC and that OKC will improve the Ford Center to make OKC and the arena competitive and attractive as an NBA city. No doubt about that.

The question is 1) does the NBA give Bennett permission to move immediately OR 2) do they tie a string attached which says you can move the team pending the litigation. If 2) is chosen, then Bennett will have to wait until the decision comes down before he could call the moving vans.

BUT here is where I answer your scenario. What if 1) is the case and Bennett calls the moving vans for departure on Oct 31 2008 (or say July, as in your scenario) - well, the city could file for an INJUNCTION to prevent the move,

and most likely, the city will win that. Seattle actually did this with the NFL when the Seahawks almost left for Los Angeles. The moving vans were packed and everything, yet the city (Slade the Blade) went to the courts and prevented the move, then brokered a deal that got Paul Allen the ownership chair and Qwest Field built. The Seahawks actually getting ready to move was the final straw that LIT THE FIRE under Seattle's ass, so to say.

I feel similar elements might occur should Bennett decide to move prior to the judge's ruling. I believe Seattle would file and would be granted the injunction because the case is still being heard in, you guessed it - Seattle. And we've already discussed the loyalty factor between the judges in the downtown Seattle clubhouse (I see it also applies to federal judges as well) and how these judges are all hooked in somehow with the plaintiffs - city/Slade the Blade.

HOWEVER, I believe it will end with the injunction (there wont be a deal brokered and surely Bennett would just leave in 2010 then). Even if the city is granted an injunction to prevent an "early" move, that will be that. There is NO WAY we will vote to build an arena. There is NO WAY Bennett will sell the franchise and nobody will 'force' him to. And finally, there is no way that Seattle should prevail in court unless STRINGS ARE BEING PULLED!!!

I imagine that the real issue of why the court is even taking so long, is they are probably meeting behind the scenes with Slade the Blade trying to figure out how the lease is enforcable - aka cohersion. Otherwise, if it were so clean-cut and full proof as many Seattle fans want to believe (not to mention it being in a WA federal court), then what's taking so long???

Bennett isn't dragging it out, the city is. And usually, we all have seen that the guilty ones/loser are the parties who try to drag it out and prolong the inevitable. That is the way I see it, Seattle knows the lease should be broken - that is why they didn't want to go to arbitration or have the case heard by an impartial court.

the city of Seattle wants the case tried in its front yard where they control the judges, because they know otherwise - they will lose, and quickly!!!

Im sure Bennett will appeal any and all of this Seattle stoop doop shenanigans and subsequent scratch my back ruling in favor of the city. And surely, Bennett will win that appeal if nothing else, based on the Seattle court's improper handling of the case and probable cohersion with the city/officials like Slade the Blade who appointed the court judges. .... ....