View Full Version : Integris Canadian Valley hospital plans major expansion

10-17-2007, 08:57 AM
Health Care Integris Canadian Valley preps for major expansion

October 17, 2007

YUKON – Business at Integris Canadian Valley Regional Hospital is booming. And that’s a surprise to nobody affiliated with the hospital or its parent company.

The hospital will undergo a $27 million expansion beginning next spring and the entire project will take about 1.5 years to complete. It’s the second major metro area project Integris has an eye on this week. On Monday officials told of their plans for a $30 million-$60 million hospital at Interstate 35 and SE 15th Street in Edmond. The 30- to 60-bed facility is contingent on how the congregation of Henderson Hills Baptist Church votes. The church will decide if it wants to sell 24.5 acres of its land to Integris.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the metro, just about everything is looking up at the 6-year-old Canadian Valley Regional Hospital.“We actually kind of anticipated growth,” said Stanley Hupfeld, Integris Health president and chief executive officer. “The Yukon and Mustang area is a great area with a good economy and lots of growth.”

When Canadian Valley opened in 2001, there was plenty of room left for growth.“We started off modestly, and with hospitals, if the demand grows, so does everything else,” he said. “We anticipated it and had additional land. And it’s not the end of the line there. We will probably have more expansion. I can see it having 150 beds 10 years from now.

”Integris Canadian Valley President James Moore said all’s well on the south side of Yukon.“It’s going very well here in respect to development,” Moore said. “This will grant us about 40,000 square feet of new space. Plus we will have 12,000 square feet of renovated space.”The expansion will feature a new emergency department. The Canadian Valley ER will go from four beds to 18 beds, and there will be four intensive care unit beds added, which will bring the total to eight. Moore said the hospital is up to about 20,000 ER visits per year.The east wing will have an additional floor built that will increase beds from 30 to 60, he said. Hupfeld said Yukon and Edmond are similar in growth and future.“Edmond has had tremendous growth and expansion; we’ve been thinking about it for years,” he said.

06-16-2008, 10:25 PM
does anoyone know if ground has been broken yet? anyone have pics?

10-27-2008, 02:55 PM
Ground has been Broken. They have moved the Ambulance entrance, 10/28/2008, and next monday, 11/3/2008, they move the main entrance to the west side of the building. After that you should see some very quick construction at least in the way of steel framing and concrete work. The new Emergency room isnt scheduled to open until late December of 2009. This is just the begining at Canadian Valley. I can easily see them being a 200-250 bed hospital in the next 10 years.

11-04-2008, 01:32 PM
The Main doors are now closed as is the main door to the Emergency room. There is quite a bit of Signage placed around so It is hard to get lost. The Main Enatrnce as well as the Entrance to the Emergency room are now located at the West side of the Building. They also staffed a small office there for people who need help getting to the ER. There should be some significant changes in the near future at least with some demolition.

12-06-2008, 04:27 AM
The demolition looks complete for the most part. They built a new Ambulance entrance. When looking from the outside it seems they have been drilling piers for the foundation this week. After that its usually not to long before concrete gets poured. If this keeps up you will see Steel framework maybe by End of January.

01-26-2009, 05:45 PM
The concrete work is wrapping up it seems. The slab is poured for the New Emergency Department, New Elevator Tower and Cafeteria. Steel has been delivered and should start to go up this week. (Ice storm may slow it down).

02-18-2009, 01:17 PM
The steel for the new Emergency Department is up. Looks like they are starting to put on metal decking on roof when I drove by Today. There is also a large elevator tower going in on the north side of the building visible from I-40.

With INTEGRIS Baptist being a Heart Speacialty, Transplant, and NICU Hospital and INTEGRIS Southwest wanting to become the Stroke specialty hospital I am wondering what specialty Canadian Valley will have.

03-15-2009, 11:14 AM
how much of this is being funded with that tax increase that was passed a few years back? I seem to remember something about part of that tax being used to buy a new ICU for this hospital.

03-15-2009, 04:23 PM
If I am correct the ICU that your speaking about has already been built. It is 4 Beds and will be expanded to 8 beds when complete. I believe that INTEGRIS is paying for all of this addition. It is very much needed. The Emergency Room is constantly busy. There have been numerous times of late where it is full and there are people in the waiting room. Hopefully this expansion will fix that. There are also times when there have been no beds in the admitting part of the hospital. The ICU also fills up a bunch. The womens center isnt getting any more rooms in the expansion but they are desperatly needed as well. The hospital is going to Double in Size. It is going from a 4 Bed ICU to 8. 8 Bed ER to 18. The admitting rooms will go from 30 to 45 with the final 15 shelled out to be added later. The Lab, Pharmacy and cafeteria are all getting bigger.

As far as progress, The ER has all the steel up, metal decking on the roof, Exterior sheathing about 80%, new roof starts very soon, along with interior stuff. The Lab, Cafeteria, Pharmacy has all steel up, metal roof on and will probably move along a lot quicker than any other part. The 3rd floor is going to start getting steel in the next week. Hopefully it is shelled out quick to keep work going during the spring storms. I also hear that the main entrance will open sometime around August. All in All it will be a great expansion and is very much needed.

03-29-2009, 09:28 AM
I can see a need for some quick care and Emergency room in Yukon, but I just can't get behind this hospital. With that tax to pay for the original ICU and integris asking the employess to donate money from their checks several years ago to pay for upgrades.

In Yukon if you want to buy a nice pair of shoes most people drive 10 minutes to OKC.... I won't go to Yukon for a routine non emergency surgery if I can get better care just up the road.

03-29-2009, 11:28 AM
does anoyone know if ground has been broken yet? anyone have pics?

Are you still interested in Pictures? We were over there yesterday, and it is really taking off. If you would like, I can get some pictures and post them.

04-02-2009, 06:37 AM
Yukon and Western OKC are getting bigger. If I recall they have the highest growth rate in the Metro. With that large influx of people, Residents and Consumers, NOT to expand a hospital that is literally bursting at the seems is almost irresponsible. As for getting "Better Care", down the road?? I wonder if youve ever been there. They have some of the best Doctors in the area. I think that thier Womens Center is better than any other in the metro. Thier Emergency Department handles a lot of stuff and there isnt usually a wait.

Also, With rumors just about everywhere that Parkview in El Reno is not doing very well, Expansion is a must. If Parkview were to close that would increase the patient load a lot.

Everyone is entitled to thier opinion and yours is that you do not agree with the expansion. Thats fine. To each thier own. But being someone who uses that hospital and has worked at others in the metro, I wont bring my family anywhere else.

And SuperChris, Yeah take some pictures if you can. That would be great.

05-07-2009, 08:35 AM
I havent posted in a month so here goes.

The Emergency Room is 95% framed on the interior. A friend told me they had even begun preliminary drywall work (Above the cieling).

They are moving right along with Dirt work for the new main drive and parking lots. From the looks of it they should start laying down asphalt if they can get some dry days.

The 3rd floor is slowly chugging along. All the Steel is up. The roof is going on. The existing parapit walls are being demolished. The structural steel was sprayed with the fire retardent material. That was cool to see them do from a distance.

I hear that the Center courtyard that was there is moving along nicely as well and that the first part of the cafteria isnt very far off.

Hopefully they will start laying brick on the ER/ICU expansion soon. According to a contractor friend they had a problem matching the existing brick.

Again, I think we will see them start to button it all up fairly soon (1-2 months). And then the interior finish work starts. I am praying they get some good dry days in the next few weeks. From what my friend says they should be in the new ER no later than December 31 (Barring any major issues).

This is a great expansion. My only worry is that it is too little. I had to bring my kid to the ER last night and they were full. Apparently they have had a bunch of nights where they are filling all the ER rooms, as well as all the other beds in the hospital. I realy hope they staff it well to. With the way the Economy is, no one wants to pay more people but I really think they need it. All in All its a great hospital. Keep it up!

11-25-2009, 10:59 AM
Hospital is cruising along very nicely. It is a much needed addition. They are becoming busier and busier. I was told they have patients that come from as far away from weatherford just to go to the ER or have thier Babies. That is saying something about the great staff and Doctors they have there. I am hearing that the new Emergency Department will be open sometime in mid January and the new beds for admitted patients will be open by April-May. I am also hearing that they plan on growing after that by adding to thier Womens Center and maybe adding more surgery suites.

11-25-2009, 04:14 PM

Are you an EMT? I two separate EMTs tell me that they would not transport to that hospital on two separate occasions and we live 2 miles from it. Any idea why that would be? It was not because they were not accepting patients either..

11-26-2009, 03:20 PM
I am sure they have a reason. I doubt it is Valid. I have had nothing but good experiences there when I have had to be there. I am willing to bet that those EMTs havent been to the hospital much. The nurses and Doctors there have always been good to me and my family. But dont take my word for it. Next time you need a hospital give it a shot. I also know of numerous times that EMS agencies have bypassed numerous hospitals to go to Canadian valley.

I guess the best thing to say is that thier numbers for ER visits are consistantly climbing and they just sunk 32 million dollars into an addition which is only the first phase of making the hospital bigger. You dont do that at a bad hospital.

Just my opinion.

12-11-2009, 01:34 PM
Heard a couple rumors from a very high up source in the hospital.

1. New ER should be open no later than January 15.
2. When this construction Project is done in July 2010, Yet another expansion will begin the planning process. From What I am hearing the plans call for a much needed addition to the Womens Center and more Surgery suites. With the groundwork being laid for a 5 Story tower on the east side to hold more patient rooms. By my Calculations if the do 4 more floors like they have now, Thats another 120 hospital beds. Putting thier total whenever thats complete at 180 beds. Or roughly the size of Midwest City Hospital.
3. I have also heard that they eventually plan to be a Level 2 Trauma Hospital (4-5 years) just like, Southwest, Baptist, Saints, Mercy and most of the pother big names around here. That means that Canadian Valley will be the only level 2 Trauma Hospital between OKC and Amarillo Texas. They already see patients from as far out as Wetherford and Elk City consistantly.

Its nice to see the west side of the Metro growing. To bad MAPS is only for the Downtown area. Be nice to sink some money inot other spots as well.

12-11-2009, 01:38 PM
At the rate Yukon and Mustang are growing I would not be suprised if ICVRH ends becoming a 200-300 bed hospital by 2015 or 2020.

12-11-2009, 05:04 PM
According to my very highly placed source that is the plan barring any major economy crashes. Hard to believe they have only been open 8 years.

12-13-2009, 07:39 AM
I saw where Garth Brooks is sueing Canadian Valley for half a millon dollars. Something to with naming a building after his mother that never happened.

12-13-2009, 12:17 PM
I saw where Garth Brooks is sueing Canadian Valley for half a millon dollars. Something to with naming a building after his mother that never happened.

He donated $500,000 to them with the understanding that they would name a wing after his mother. Well they didn't. Why would they do that? Bad publicity on their part. All they would have had to do was make a plaque.

12-13-2009, 05:30 PM
Theres 3 sides to every story. Yours, Thiers and the Truth. Wait and see what happenes. Some of you might be suprised.

12-13-2009, 06:04 PM
Theres 3 sides to every story. Yours, Thiers and the Truth. Wait and see what happenes. Some of you might be suprised.

True. It will be interesting.

12-14-2009, 12:37 PM
He donated $500,000 to them with the understanding that they would name a wing after his mother. Well they didn't. Why would they do that? Bad publicity on their part. All they would have had to do was make a plaque.

First of all its much more than a plaque. Second the hospital hasnt built it yet. He is getting pissed because they arent moving fast enough. Sorry bud, Economy sucked. They are getting there. Anyone see the Yukon City Managers remarks to Garth??? I personally did not but heard they were very interesting.

12-16-2009, 03:16 PM
Tulsa World: Garth Brooks files a lawsuit against Oklahoma hospital (


12-18-2009, 07:59 AM
I'm on the side of the Yukon officials. All the stuff that the city has done for him (becaue really what has Garth done for Yukon), and then he shows his butt. He donated enough to get a name on something....not to build it. And they never said that it wouldn't be built, it just takes time. I mean hell, look at what the place has been doing lately, and he just expects it to pop out of the ground?? Come on Garth, you aren't making and friends here.

I had the pleasure of meeting his wife not long before she passed. Both of his parents amazing nice people...they were great. And they did very much love Yukon. They were fans of the football team (at the time they were good too), and so we got to poke fun at each other with the MWC and Yukon teams. She would be a great person to name something after, but I fear that this situation is going to tarnish her bright star with some childish actions. I don't know if Garth is trying to protect her name or his money, but either way, I think he chose the wrong outlet.

01-22-2010, 05:16 PM
The New emergency room is up and running. From what I hear they havent had any major issues with it. I personally saw it and it is very nice. Much more functional. And much bigger. Definatly was a needed expansion. Now the trick will be to keep expanding on the services that are needed next. Some more heart stuff and Birthing center needs to be bigger. They are always full.

06-10-2010, 12:49 PM
does anyone have any pics of the hospital and the new emergency room area?