View Full Version : Alliance of Emerging Professionals (AEP)
metro 07-23-2005, 11:46 AM escan, welcome to the board and thanks for showing interest in AEP. Don't quote me on this but we do have some sort of grandfather rule, being that if you are 29 or younger when you join, I believe you can stay until you are 31 and then transition into Leadership OKC or another organization after that time frame, I'm not sure if that is the "official" policy but I do know we have a grandfather clause allowing a little time past 30, one of our board members is 29
metro 07-28-2005, 05:48 PM OK for escan and any other 20somethings out there wanting to lend a hand or get involved with OKC.
Here's an opportunity for you to pitch in and give a helping hand!
Please join fellow AEP members to clean up our designated area for OKC
Beautiful Clean-Up
When: Saturday, July 30th
Where: Intersection of I-35 and NE 23rd
What time: 9:30a to noon"ish"
If you have any gloves or small gardening appliances, bring those. Most of
the day will be spent picking up trash
__________________________________________________ ______________
From: AEP
Location: OKC Downtown Library
300 Park Ave,Oklahoma City,OK View Map
When: Monday, August 1, 7:00pm
AEP is privileged to announce Mayor Mick Cornett as guest speaker at our August meeting.
Since being elected in 2004, Cornett has passionately and effectively led Oklahoma City to new heights. Don't miss this chance to get an authoritative perspective on where Oklahoma City is going!
Come prepared to hear pertinent information about the future of our city, ask questions on issues important to you, and get a chance to meet the Mayor.
We will have applications for the Fall 2005 AEP Membership Class. Be sure to invite potential new members! The applications will be due Sept 1 and this class will be the only opportunity to apply until 2006.
Please RSVP to this evite so the Activities Committee can have an accurate count of attendees.
metro 08-02-2005, 05:49 PM Well the cleanup went good on saturday and helped clean up a blighted area of NE OKC.
Also, I want to thank the mayor for coming to speak to our organization last night and hope he will return. I was a little disappointed in the overall message as the majority of it was news that could already be found in local business newspapers or on . I asked about the future of light rail/mass transit in this city and the media blindsight of the Union Station railyard being demolished as well as the future outlook on the airport and the replacement for Luther Trent and why we cant expand the airport as the funding can easily be there if so desired.
Basically he mentioned that "not all" the tracks will be destroyed just most of them. And re-emphasized the fact that this city is not meant for light rail or mass transit in our lifetimes (I'm in my early 20's) and I have the hindsight for it. He went on to mention about how this city was designed for cars etc. While he does have a point, I really wish he of any other leader in the past or to come would really take a more progressive look at the city and what it could be in this area. Basically, our leadership could care less to make this happen even though I belive the market is there in some fashion and will continue to grow as we attract east coasters and gas prices and pollution rises.
As far as the airport, they are actively searching for a replacment to Luther Trent with a more aggressive approach. They are also going to be adding new responsibilities to the position, one having to do with better using vacant land in the airport trusts hands for future development. I'm glad to see they are somewhat taking the right steps at the airport. He mentioned "Phase 3" of expansion is still indefinetely on hold until we see enough growth opportunity that we need to expand and we will sell the bonds when necessary. My guess is 10 years based on how it sounded to me, I hope I'm wrong and its much much much sooner.
We have a good shot at an NBA and NHL team in the next few years, depending on the state of hockey. He mentioned several owners in other markets who have maybe burnt their ties in other cities may be looking for a fresh start and we are on several of their top lists.
In closing, I encourage all you airport activists out there to really encourage the mayor to get aggressive with the airport and the new director and to see alot more changes out there. Mick is still doing a great job, however I would like to see a different approach to mass transit in this city.
micahalcorn 08-02-2005, 05:57 PM Good job on the review, metro.
I just wanted to add that AEP has opened its doors to the second class of membership. Applications are due at the end of this month, so all twentysomethings should jump on and help us be the voice of our generation in this thriving city. We will have our next social gathering on August 18th at the Petroleum Club (downtown on the 35th floor of the Chase/Bank One/Liberty Tower). For more information about the group or about membership, call me at (405) 818-2257. - Micah
escan 08-03-2005, 09:57 AM Can you e-mail an application to me? I'll forward it to some of my colleagues as well....or is it online somewhere?
micahalcorn 08-03-2005, 11:37 AM Will not be online anytime soon, as the website is being re-designed. E-mail me at mail@micahalcorn .com and I will forward a copy.
metro 10-17-2005, 04:12 PM sorry I didnt post the last event or two:
Host: Alliance of Emerging Professionals
Location: Drinkz
115 E. Reno (Bricktown), Oklahoma City, OK View Map
When: Thursday, October 20, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Join AEP for our October mixer at Drinkz in Bricktown. It’s a great time to network, catch up with friends and enjoy an evening in Oklahoma City.
Entry is free. Enjoy complimentary, light appetizers and a cash bar.
Dress: Business/Business Casual
Guests are welcome and encouraged!
*Please RSVP to this Evite so we can have a head count for our host.
Mark your calendars for the November General Meeting - Nov. 7 @ 7p @ the OKC Downtown Library.
metro 10-26-2005, 02:58 PM To all twentysomethings:
Host: Alliance of Emerging Professionals
Location: OKC National Memorial Museum
620 N Harvey, Oklahoma City, OK View Map
When: Monday, November 7, 7:00pm
Please join the Alliance of Emerging Professionals for the November General Meeting.
We'll be the guests of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. You'll have the chance to listen to Woman of the Year, Kari Watkins, take a complimentary tour of the museum and browse the gift shop.
This is a great time to invite friends or colleagues.
Please RSVP to this evite so our host will know how many people to expect. Thanks!
metro 11-07-2005, 09:31 AM who's coming out tonight??
metro 01-09-2006, 05:01 PM meeting tonight Jan 9th at 7pm at the downtown Library 4th Floor, special guest speaker is Dave Lopez with Downtown OKC Inc.
metro 01-11-2006, 11:43 AM AEP January Social [U]
Host: Alliance of Emerging Professionals
Location: Heritage Lanes
11917 N. Penn Ave., Oklahoma City, OK View Map
When: Friday, January 20, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Let’s go bowling! Join AEP for our January mixer at Heritage Lanes. It’s a great time to network, catch up with friends and have some good fun.
Cost: $10. (Includes all bowling between 7 and 9 p.m., PLUS shoes) Those who do not bowl, do not have to pay the fee.
Guests are welcome and encouraged!
Please RSVP to this Evite so we can have a head count.
* Mark your calendars for the February General Meeting – Feb. 6, 7 to 8 p.m., OKC Downtown Library.
** If you are interested in more information about AEP and how you can be a member, send an e-mail to
metro 01-19-2006, 09:19 AM any guests coming bowling with us?
Karried 01-22-2006, 09:40 AM Hey guys, you're famous....I know we have quite a few members involved in this group - good job!
Groups seek to improve city, Tulsa
By Clytie Bunyan
Business Editor
For decades, state and business leaders have been talking about reversing the trend of Oklahoma college graduates moving to other parts of the country.
But two groups of young professionals -- in Tulsa and Oklahoma City -- may be more effective in accomplishing what the older heads couldn't.
The Alliance of Emerging Professionals in Oklahoma City -- commonly called AEP -- and Tulsa's Young Professionals -- TYPros -- each have embarked on efforts to attract and retain young professionals to their respective cities.
One of their targets is local colleges, as they develop strategies to work with universities to help keep students interested in remaining in the city after they graduate.
"We want them to see the vibrancy of life in Oklahoma City, plus they'll have a social network already to help them get plugged in to Oklahoma City," said Joshua Fahrenbruck, president of the Oklahoma City group of 20-somethingers.
And it's not all just to get together and get smashed. They have fun, but they also mean business.
AEP members attend monthly meetings and participate in community projects. Participation involves showing up on a planned Saturday to help out at places such as Habitat For Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Food Bank or Christmas Connection.
"This is an opportunity to be thinking outside of ourselves and wanting to make Oklahoma City a better place, and help those that are less fortunate," said Fahrenbruck, 26. "It's something that's demonstrated by the current leaders of the community, and we want to carry that through and be a force for good in our community."
The Tulsa group has teams, or work crews, focused on a variety of efforts, including helping the Tulsa Metro Chamber promote why the city is a great place to do business and on encouraging area companies to recruit young professionals. And the group, whose members' average age is 32, has created "an ambassadors crew" to help those recruits better experience life in Tulsa.
"We send a couple people out to show them the cool part of our community, just to give them a different view of things," TYPros past chairwoman Andrea Myers said.
The group has partnered with area hotels to provide rooms for Tulsa Police Department recruits from outside the metro area. After spending a day with department personnel, some TYPros show them "the quality-of-life kind of stuff. It's really hands-on, and something where we can make an impact," said Myers, 27.
Other work crews focus on issues involving government relations, diversity and entrepreneurism.
The Oklahoma City group is at a slight disadvantage, though. It has a $100 annual membership fee. TYPros does not, and instead gets financial support from the Tulsa chamber.
And when the original five members of the Tulsa group decided they needed more involvement and invited other young people to a brainstorming session, 250 showed up. Now, membership is at 1,400.
The Oklahoma City group has 75 members and seven working committees. A couple hundred nonmembers get notices on a mass e-mail list, Fahrenbruck said.
His group is working on a project for the Oklahoma River, and the Cultural Development Corporation of Central Oklahoma is reviewing ideas the group presented "about what the next generation wants for their cultural future," he said.
But the groups are working to avoid an "us versus them" mentality and are working together to present an Oklahoma young professionals summit this summer at the state Capitol.
"We're trying to bridge the turnpike and draw from communities outside of Oklahoma City and Tulsa and get this kicked off on a statewide level," Fahrenbruck said.
Myers and Fahrenbruck say young professionals won't be disappointed in the meetings. All they have to do is show up.
Business Editor Clytie Bunyan can be reached at 475-3284 and cbunyan
metro 01-23-2006, 08:40 AM yes, thanks Karried. Although I feel the article was poorly written and a somewhat inaccurate discription, at least we're making the news again. what happened to our other AEP thread that was a sticky, I don't see it anymore
Patrick 01-23-2006, 06:34 PM Hmmm, it might have gotten removed during the upgrade. I'll look for the other one, merge them, and stick it at the top.
metro 01-24-2006, 08:46 AM Thanks Patrick.
metro 01-30-2006, 11:14 AM don't know what happened to the sticky but here you go:
February General Meeting
Host: Alliance of Emerging Professionals
Location: Downtown Library
Friend's Room, 4th Floor, OK
When: Monday, February 6, 7:00pm
Who: Dick and Kris Rush, Oklahoma Prosperity Project, Oklahoma State Chamber
What: 2006 Legislative Session: Top 5 Issues and Elections and Jobs - What the Future Holds
The 2006 elections couldn't be more important to Oklahoma's business climate and economic growth. Learn the top 5 issues facing the legislature this session. Also, with term limits creating at least eight State House and Senate open seats in the Greater Oklahoma City commuting area, our area's voters will play an important part in determining which new legislators will represent us.
Kris Rush will tell us how, through the Oklahoma Prosperity Project, The State Chamber will provide area employers and employees with free tools to help them make informed decisions at the polls on the election decisions affecting our companies, our jobs, and our future.
The Prosperity Project is free, nonpartisan and does not endorse candidates.
Learn how the Prosperity Project helped Oklahomans in 2004 elect more pro-jobs Democrat and Republican State Legislators than ever before -- and how you can help your workforce "vote smart" in 2006.
metro 02-13-2006, 11:46 AM Join the Alliance of Emerging Professionals for our February social at the UCO Jazz Lab. A great time to network, catch up with friends and listen to live jazz; we hope to see you there.
Thursday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m.
UCO Jazz Lab
100 E. 5th Street, Edmond
COST: $5 per person
Guests are welcome and encouraged!
The Jazz Lab is a world-class entertainment venue featuring a relaxed atmosphere styled after jazz clubs in New Orleans. Food and beverages provided by Hideaway Pizza will be available for purchase.
Please RSVP to this e-mail or reply to the E-vite sent to you last week.
Mark your calendars for the March General Meeting - March 6, 7 to 8 p.m., OKC Downtown Library.
Eileen Price & Elizabeth Taylor
AEP Activities Committee Co-Chairs
* If you are interested in more information about AEP and how you can be a member, send an e-mail to
keving 02-13-2006, 02:18 PM That's good to know, their website ( only has the November information.
metro 02-13-2006, 03:07 PM kevin, yes and I apologize, we're currently getting ready to submit an RFP for our new website, the old one was donated, this time we will pay to have it done professionally. in the meantime, i've been posting the updates on here.
metro 03-29-2006, 02:01 PM from the Oklahoman
Business group hires executive director
The Alliance for Emerging Professionals, an Oklahoma City-based organization for young professionals, recently hired Belinda Bentley as its first executive director.
Bentley has more than 15 years of experience in fund development, membership development, marketing and nonprofit management, including marketing director for the South Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce.
Joshua Fahrenbruck, the alliance's chairman, said hiring a director was identified as the organization's next crucial step. The alliance began in 2004 with a core group of "twenty-somethings" working in Oklahoma City who sought an outlet for networking and community service.
"We are enthusiastic about Belinda's experience and determination and look forward to working with her to grow the organization," Fahrenbruck said.
Alliance members participate in a monthly business meeting featuring key community leaders speaking on topics relevant to young professionals. The alliance also offers monthly social events at various area venues, along with several opportunities for community service throughout the year.
Bentley, who started on March 20, said her first mission will be to coordinate fund raising.
For more information, e-mail Bentley at
metro 04-26-2006, 02:09 PM Host: Alliance of Emerging Professionals
Location: Downtown Library
Auditorium (new room), 4th Floor, OK View Map
When: Monday, May 1, 7:00pm
Speaker: Victoria Hoge, World Neighbors.
Headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK World Neighbors inspires people and strengthens communities to find lasting solutions to hunger, poverty, and disease and to promote a healthy environment. Since 1951, World Neighbors has helped more than 25 million people in 45 nations improve their lives and the communities where they live
metro 05-01-2006, 02:05 PM Hope to see some new faces at tonight's meeting.
escan 05-01-2006, 02:50 PM Sorry...I'm over the hill now at 30.
metro 05-16-2006, 02:59 PM All twenty-somethings are invited to our next social:
25th ~ Social Event 7 pm or join some earlier (hours 5-9pm) @ Oklahoma City Museum of Art -- Join us at our May mixer with open galleries and Cocktails on the Skyline. Admission is $7. Social events occur the third Thursday of every month at different Oklahoma City venues. This event will feature open galleries and cocktails on the Skyline.
Feel free to go to for more info.
orionsnu 05-16-2006, 04:29 PM Looks like your making progress in the community!!
metro 05-17-2006, 09:53 AM orionsnu, thanks for posting the links to those articles. I hope to take the organization to new levels, and further it's benefit to the community!
metro 05-18-2006, 11:34 AM For all those twentysomething young professionals don't forget to join us at the OKC Museum of Art for our monthly social next Thursday night! Details are above or on our website at .
Here is the info for our upcoming general meeting:
Come joing the metro's hottest young professionals group, the Alliance of Emerging Professionals, for our monthly general meeting. We will be meeting at the Downtown OKC library on the 4th floor in the Friends Event Room. Guest speaker will be OKC's own nationally known architect Anthony McDermid from TAP architecture. Anthony will speak on the downtown housing market and more. You won't want to miss this event!! For more information go to or email
imafish 05-18-2006, 12:03 PM cant wait to meet the new executive director in person..
metro 05-18-2006, 02:08 PM Feel free to stop by my office anytime imafish or see you at one of our meetings.
metro 05-25-2006, 04:51 PM Just a reminder to all twentysomethings, tonight is our monthly social event if you can make it:
25th ~ Social Event 7 pm or join some earlier (hours 5-9pm) @ Oklahoma City Museum of Art -- Join us at our May mixer with open galleries and Cocktails on the Skyline. Admission is $7. Social events occur the third Thursday of every month at different Oklahoma City venues. This event will feature open galleries and cocktails on the Skyline.
metro 06-05-2006, 11:02 AM Host: Alliance of Emerging Professionals
Location: OKC downtown library - 4th floor
300 Park Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK View Map
When: Monday, June 5, 7:00pm
Phone: 405-231-8650
General Meeting , 7:00pm at downtown OKC library. Speaker will be prominent OKC architect and developer, Anthony McDermid from TAP architecture.. Mr. McDermid will talk about the new progess downtown and where we go from here. How to plan for the future and actively get involved in shaping it. Free admission.
metro 06-27-2006, 12:44 PM Here is the info for July and August's general meetings:
July 10th ~ General Meeting. Guest speaker will be Sheila Lawrence from Express Recruiting. She will be speaking on the topic of the generation gap in the workplace. We will also have a short 5 minute presentation from Big Brothers Big Sisters. Meeting was moved this month from the first Monday to the second Monday due to the 4th of July holiday.
August 7th ~ AEP general meeting. 7:00pm at the downtown OKC library on the 4th floor. Speaker will be Kevin Perry owner of O'City Source and general manager for Perry Publishing and Broadcasting. The topic will be the benefits of diversity in Oklahoma City.
For more info visit:
metro 07-05-2006, 03:27 PM From the Oklahoman:
Local Young Professionals Group clean up forgotten part of city
This past weekend, the Alliance of Emerging Professionals (AEP) helped clean up an often neglected part of the city; Oklahoma City's east side.
Early on Saturday morning at the intersection of N.E. 23rd and I-35, AEP members and guests gathered trash throughout the intersection and the vacated gas station/ Burger King that once occupied the NE corner of this intersection. Group members picked up trash ranging from cigarette butts, to broken glass and liquor bottles, tires, plastic bottles, baby diapers and more. "It is astonishing what people throw out their windows in their own community" said civic committee chair Jeff Bezdek, who was in charge of this monthly event. Committee members and any interested parties come out to this site once a month and pick up litter. We have partnered with OKC Beautiful and adopted this space. "It is amazing how much litter accumulates in just one month" he went on.
AEP hopes to encourage community pride in this long-neglected area. "The I-35 and NE 23rd St. cooridor is often a visitors first impression of OKC, this is often the first exit visitors from Tulsa and the North see when visiting the state Capitol" stated AEP's Executive Director, Steven Newlon. "I encourage every citizen in this part of the city and beyond to do their part in cleaning up OKC and making it a better place to live" he added.
For more information or to get involved with the Alliance of Emerging Professionals you may visit their website at .
metro 08-07-2006, 02:35 PM Tonight, August 7th is our AEP general meeting. 7:00pm at the downtown OKC library on the 4th floor. Speaker will be Kevin Perry owner of O'City Source and general manager for Perry Publishing and Broadcasting. The topic will be the benefits of diversity in Oklahoma City.
metro 08-09-2006, 11:52 AM 17th ~ AEP monthly social. 7pm @ Cafe do Brasil at 440 NW 11th in Midtown. There will be free appetizers and drink specials.
metro 08-16-2006, 11:32 AM All young professionals under age 30 are welcome to come out and join us tomorrow night at Cafe do Brasil. See details above or on our website.
BlakeM 01-29-2007, 05:21 PM Ahh, this is exactly the kind of organization I'm looking for. I just moved to the city about a month ago to take a job as an analyst at a private equity firm, but I stay busy enough with work that I haven't had a ton of time to branch out socially. Your website hasn't been updated in a little while, but assuming you're still having events regularly, when and where is the next one?
metro 01-29-2007, 06:07 PM Actually I resigned as Executive Director back at the end of August. I no longer choose to affiliate with the organization. You may want to contact them directly.
micahalcorn 06-21-2007, 06:52 PM Thanks again to metro for promoting our group so much over the years.
For those of you who may not have heard, aep has gone in a new direction and has formed a partnership with the greater Chamber. Our new website has been launched at AEP Â* Oklahoma City's Young Professionals Network Â* ( which includes a calendar of upcoming events at the bottom of the home page. Next week we are throwing a party at Bricktown Brewery to celebrate the completion of this year's Greater Grads program, which will allow us an an opportunity to speak directly to upcoming graduates that have an interest in staying in Oklahoma City. As many of you know, graduates migrating to Dallas, Denver, and other big cities has plagued Oklahoma for a long time. By partnering with the Greater Grads program, we are attempting to show many of them what Oklahoma City has to offer, and how they can get involved.
Check out the website and email me or the Chamber if you have any questions.