View Full Version : Dangit!

Dark Jedi
10-11-2007, 01:47 PM
I went online and bought Jeff Dunham tickets as soon as I heard he was coming. All sections available, same price.

Ordered two tickets, front and center. Approved, left happy. This was to be Happy Birthday to Mama (a couple days late, but she'd have forgiven me.... this is her favorite comedian!)

Dumbass me, I never verified the order actually went through. By the time I went to check on tickets, and make sure yesterday, the show was sold out.

I went from 2 seats front row center to bribing scalpers for nosebleed tickets. All because I forgot to verify within a day or two. And the scalpers ain't selling!

Now I'm gonna have to go buy something with a diamond in it. :omg:

10-15-2007, 08:23 AM
I checked Ebay but nothing yet.. I found these.. cheaper than a diamond! Not sure if they are still available but you can email below and ask.

Reply to: ( n%20OKC%20-%20$175)
Date: 2007-10-12, 1:04PM CDT

Selling 2 Jeff Dunham tickets for concert November 1st at Rose State Theater. Both tickets are centerstage 7th row! If I see something else, I'll PM you...

10-15-2007, 08:59 AM
P.S. I asked Joeldavidd (our comedian member) if he has any inside comedy connections and might be able to help .. if he does, he'll PM you.

Express Girl
10-15-2007, 01:42 PM
oh wow. I had no clue he was coming. I'd love to get tickets too!