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Generals64 02-19-2009, 04:11 PM Since we have a new "crew" in the memories threads I'm bumping a quote from myself because I'm still looking for any information about those old 1985 Southwest Ford commercials and some of the new people might be able to shed some light on the subject.
Hey Frisky:....The wife and I were in Dallas when that Crash happened...I remember seeing a Huge Flash when it happened. I told my wife tht something just blew up....Her response that maybe some clouds moved by quickly...That was a tragic day in that city.
Prunepicker 02-19-2009, 06:41 PM Hey, I think so... I remember when Lone Star Brewery was in that building.
I became friends with the CEO (Floyd Scheidner) and had gone to visit him
one day. He had a direct head coming into his office on that ICE Cold
Man, it was good. I belonged to SERTOMA on the Southside at the time
and we were going hunting as a group (Dumb idea) and my job was to see
if Lone
Star would donate a few cases of beer... When I went there I had a 1961
Short Bed Chevy Pick-up... Floyd said "Sure" and I gave the keys to one of
his Warehousemen. When I left there was 125 cases of beer stacked on
the truck... Not much hunting went on thaat week-end...
Why do I have no problem believing this?
As far as that goes, even if warm beer is involved, Gen64 is probably in the
Prunepicker 02-19-2009, 06:44 PM ... I'm bumping a quote from myself because I'm still looking for any
information about those old 1985 Southwest Ford commercials and some of
the new people might be able to shed some light on the subject.
You said old and 1985 in the same sentence. That doesn't compute.
Gen64's head just exploded.
Mine is getting ready to...
Generals64 02-20-2009, 07:52 AM You said old and 1985 in the same sentence. That doesn't compute.
Gen64's head just exploded.
Mine is getting ready to...
Generals64 02-22-2009, 09:11 PM I remember going to the fair out by Douglas High School and thought this was cool except why built a Sewer plant that close to a Fair Grounds? Then I remember going to the Semi-Centennial (1957) even have a couple of pictures...Saw my first Real live Buffalo there....I know I looked like a "Hoot Owl" in atree when I saw that animal....
Prunepicker 02-22-2009, 09:22 PM Then I remember going to the Semi-Centennial (1957) even have a couple of
Somewhere we have an LP recording that celebrated the event. It was
smaller than a regular LP. I'll see if it can be located and bring it to one of
the meetings. No promises...
USG '60 02-23-2009, 08:40 AM I have a full book of unsold tickets to the semi-centenial. We were supposed to sell them as part of a fund-raiser only I didn't sell any and they never asked for the "book" back. :woowoo:
MonkeyBiz6903 02-23-2009, 10:19 AM Didnt Bus Horton have a lot down by Grant on s.penn in 68? Must have been before they built the lot on 59th.
Prunepicker 02-23-2009, 10:29 AM I have a full book of unsold tickets to the semi-centenial. We were supposed
to sell them as part of a fund-raiser only I didn't sell any and they never
asked for the "book" back.
Where was the semi-centennial held?
USG '60 02-23-2009, 04:55 PM It was the 1957 State Fair. That was the first year at the new location.
Prunepicker 02-23-2009, 05:24 PM It was the 1957 State Fair. That was the first year at the new location.
I was probably there and didn't know it. :doh:
Generals64 02-25-2009, 01:04 PM I remember that fair like it was yesterday. There was so much attention towards the Arrows to Atoms and the New Race Track...I remember we were able to park inside the fairgrounds FREE....I think it cost a quarter to get in and then the rides were 10 cents. However, My mother only gave us $2.00 and we actually came home with money in our pocket.....Not all of the buildings were built and especially the Arena....But, we had a GREAT Time at the Great State Fair of ....Oklahoma.....
Prunepicker 02-25-2009, 01:50 PM There was so much attention towards the Arrows to Atoms and the New
Race Track...
Didn't you say that the Arrow was destroyed? It seems to me that someone
on these forums said that.
FRISKY 02-25-2009, 02:46 PM I think I have a photo of plane putting out red, white and blue smoke over the arrow.
Interesting link--> SemiCenntenial (
Generals64 02-26-2009, 04:16 PM Ah, the Fair:....After the Fair Grounds were moved to it's current location the changes in OKC were trmendous. I can't even believe how much as occurred at the OKC fair grounds...The Drag Strip was there on the south side for many years....the Stock Car races moved from Taft Stadium and history repeats itself.
I can still remember the Midway was on dirt and not the Blacktop like it is today. And, invaribly it would rain and you would be out to your knees in mud. Schools were all let out for Fair day...What happened there....i remember the Free school day tickets and the trouble we got into on those days....
grantgeneral78 02-26-2009, 04:29 PM Don`t the schools still give out free fair tickets?
Generals64 02-26-2009, 04:52 PM Don`t the schools still give out free fair tickets?
I don't know. I do remember one time that we (Grant Jr. High) were given and extra 10% on our overall grade if we did an Actual report on the fair. That didn't mean "I Went To The Fair". You had to go into depth and bring some of the brochures (Pictures were considered a bonus then) in with your report....It wasn't just a bunch of junk and Mrs. Hall made sure it wasn't a bunch of Junk...But, it was well worth the effort when you were really nervous about your School grades....Not like today....(not starting anything)....
gen70 02-27-2009, 08:12 AM I remember my Mom taking us kids to the fair and letting us off unsupervised for the day. (Wouldn't happen today) Well..first thing I do is head for the Midway and spend all my money in about an hour, which leaves me with nothing to do but wander thru the exhibit bldgs. all day. I did however get to see and learn alot of things I wouldn't have if I hadn't blown all my money. I learned a big lesson about money that day, that it is real important. you remember the games that paid off with cigs.? Sure was a different time.
Generals64 02-27-2009, 09:41 AM I remember my Mom taking us kids to the fair and letting us off unsupervised for the day. (Wouldn't happen today) Well..first thing I do is head for the Midway and spend all my money in about an hour, which leaves me with nothing to do but wander thru the exhibit bldgs. all day. I did however get to see and learn alot of things I wouldn't have if I hadn't blown all my money. I learned a big lesson about money that day, that it is real important. you remember the games that paid off with cigs.? Sure was a different time.
I remember the games that paid off in cigarettes and I also remember the games that paid with cash. There were many shyster at the fair back then and they didn't care......I remember a bunch of kids from the band was there and we were talking and I said (rather loud) I' m sure I can wind (my girlfriend then) one of those teddy bears....When I do you guys watch and see how I do it and you can wind....the guy heard me and I put up my quarter....Bingo, won a Huge Teddy Bear.....Told the guy THANKS and we all walked off...He was hollering at the others about how they too could win a big bear.....Yeah Right....Still had a great time....and got a kiss for the Teddy Bear....What a day....Band Day at the Great State Fair of Oklahoma....Hey, this would be a good Thread I thinnk....
gen70 02-27-2009, 10:02 AM Yo 64...You seem to always have an angle on everything. I applaude and admire that trait.
Generals64 02-27-2009, 04:14 PM If you keep making the Right Angle, you end up where you started:....HUH????
Hey '70 do you remember anything about the Auditorium at Grant????You know, the cubby hole under the stage????
gen70 02-27-2009, 04:30 PM No 64 the cubby hole was something I wasn't aware of, but I bet you got a story about it.[laughs]
gen70 02-27-2009, 04:39 PM Does anybody remember an old club that was built to look like a wrecked ship just W. of the riding stables at Draper Lake?
Prunepicker 02-27-2009, 05:06 PM Hey '70 do you remember anything about the Auditorium at Grant? You know,
the cubby hole under the stage?
I had study hall in the auditorium with Coach Everett. Most of my time was
used sticking pages of note book paper in my mouth and making giant spit
wads. I'd throw them on the wall and see how high I could get them. Then,
a friend of mine, who was sentenced to the front row in front of Coach, and I
started throwing them at each other when nobody was looking. I was in the
back. Once, as Coach was leaving, I threw a big one, my friend ducked and
I hit the teach on the back of his shoe. The next thing you heard was,
"Prunepicker! Get up here right now!". Cost me 3 hard swats.
Prunepicker 02-27-2009, 05:07 PM Hey '70 do you remember anything about the Auditorium at Grant? You know,
the cubby hole under the stage?
I had study hall in the auditorium with Coach Everett. Most of my time was
used sticking pages of note book paper in my mouth and making giant spit
wads. I'd throw them on the wall and see how high I could get them. Then,
a friend of mine, who was sentenced to the front row in front of Coach, and I
started throwing them at each other when nobody was looking. I was in the
back. Once, as Coach was leaving, I threw a big one, my friend ducked and
I hit the teach on the back of his shoe. The next thing you heard was,
"Prunepicker! Get up here right now!". Cost me 3 hard swats. He was the
golf coach.
Generals64 02-27-2009, 05:18 PM Hey, you're repeating yourself.....I would imagine you had your fair share of "Swats".....For the younger crowd that means that you bent over, grab your ankles and the teacher began to beat you profusely with a paddle....Oh for those days again....What am I thinking??????
Prunepicker remembers the stage and the cubbyhole don't you sir????
I don't remember the shipwreck on 104 but I do remember a school bus going into the wall of Texanna Red's...thought that was cool.....
Prunepicker 02-27-2009, 05:28 PM Prunepicker remembers the stage and the cubbyhole don't you sir?
That was called the "Trap Room". You could get there from the front of
the stage and I think there was a place in the back. Wasn't there a
prompter box, too? It's been a long time.
Prunepicker 02-27-2009, 05:29 PM ... but I do remember a school bus going into the wall of Texanna Red's...
thought that was cool...
And they just left it there, too!
grantgeneral78 02-27-2009, 05:56 PM Man yall are old!
Generals64 02-27-2009, 06:07 PM Man yall are old!
OLD????? man, I can remember getting 10 burgers for $1.00....and NOT $1.00 each...How about a coke for a nickle or a big Snickers Candy Bar for 5 Cents....To go to the Chieftain movie, Saturday morning and the Matine it cost 15 cents to get in.... 10 cents for popcorn....and 10 cents for a large coke. During the Summer time we would take 2 Coke Bottles to the Tivoli in Ardmore and stay there all day with less than a quarter in our pocket....
Cathy S 02-27-2009, 10:00 PM Beverly's Chicken in the Rough ruined me for living in Muskogee. I grew up thinking that a Muskogee Rougher was a chicken or a rooster. It actually is something like a bulldog in an oilpatch.
How many remember Tom Padjam of Padjam Toyota, back when nobody drove Toyotas. "HI!!!!!"
Christmas at Penn Square before it got malled, the big Triangle Santa or Christmas Tree by Wards.
Generals64 03-01-2009, 10:12 PM OKLAHOMA CITY MEMORIES:....When was the last time you went back to your old neighborhood? you know, the place where YOU were in charge and all the younger kids listened to YOU?...I went back last week and guess what? the little kids had guns and didn't care who I thought I was...OMG they all spoke a different language ....sounded like something I was supposed to have learned in HighSchool.....The Ice Cream man was pushing a little cart and ringing a bell I got my iced cream (plastic container) and asked him how much? he said NO Savvy?????so, I thought I had him now...ended up I paid three times what he really got for the iced cream....I think we were both happy...I got out of the neighborhood and he kept the $5.00 I gave him....they used to cost a nickle....MEMORIES OF OKLAHOMA CITY.....How times have changed....
Prunepicker 03-01-2009, 10:17 PM ...When was the last time you went back to your old neighborhood? you
know, the place where YOU were in charge and all the younger kids listened
to YOU?
Was there such a place? lol
I drive by about every other month or so, when I'm in the area. There's one
family who still live in the same house - since '59! I haven't seen them in a
couple of years. Guess I better run by.
MonkeyBiz6903 03-01-2009, 10:20 PM Im still in the old neighborhood. Always amazed me Star Trek aliens all spoke english. But the lady next door doesn't speak a word of it.
Generals64 03-01-2009, 10:29 PM Now, think about it .....have you began your concealed weapons course yet????
When did the kids begin to have more money that the working moms and dads and all the kids do is sit on the street they just find this money laying in the streets or what???? when I was fourteen all I wanted was a motor scooter (preferably a Cushman) these kids have cars by then. I do admire them though they have conquered two languages and I'm still having problems with one....I was scared to death on report card day if I had a grade lower than a "C" now the "C" is the new "A"......Oh well, getting old I guess but, that Iced cream was really good....
grantgeneral78 03-02-2009, 07:15 AM Yeah our old neighbor hood has turned into little matamoras, there isnot one family left there from back in the day and dare I say you dont go there at night now without a new ventilation system installed in both sides of your vehicle. The southside we remembered as kids has gone away with the oldsmobile. Gone forever with no chance of ever coming back.
gen70 03-02-2009, 08:08 AM OLD????? man, I can remember getting 10 burgers for $1.00....and NOT $1.00 each...How about a coke for a nickle or a big Snickers Candy Bar for 5 Cents....To go to the Chieftain movie, Saturday morning and the Matine it cost 15 cents to get in.... 10 cents for popcorn....and 10 cents for a large coke. During the Summer time we would take 2 Coke Bottles to the Tivoli in Ardmore and stay there all day with less than a quarter in our pocket....
I remember the Tivoli theatre, My Grandparents lived in Ardmore.
kevinpate 03-02-2009, 08:08 AM > But the lady next door doesn't speak a word of it.
Buy her a universal translator ... problem solved
gen70 03-02-2009, 08:13 AM OLD????? man, I can remember getting 10 burgers for $1.00....and NOT $1.00 each...How about a coke for a nickle or a big Snickers Candy Bar for 5 Cents....To go to the Chieftain movie, Saturday morning and the Matine it cost 15 cents to get in.... 10 cents for popcorn....and 10 cents for a large coke. During the Summer time we would take 2 Coke Bottles to the Tivoli in Ardmore and stay there all day with less than a quarter in our pocket....
I remember the Tivoli theatre, my Grandparents lived in Ardmore.
OKCWINO 03-02-2009, 08:24 AM Yeah our old neighbor hood has turned into little matamoras, there isnot one family left there from back in the day and dare I say you dont go there at night now without a new ventilation system installed in both sides of your vehicle. The southside we remembered as kids has gone away with the oldsmobile. Gone forever with no chance of ever coming back.
I lived on the southside my whole life until 2000, moved to an old house on the northside and believe it or not the neighborhood reminds me of how the southside where I grew up used to be, (except we have 24 hour armed security).
Redskins/General 03-02-2009, 10:20 AM I lived on the southside my whole life until 2000, moved to an old house on the northside and believe it or not the neighborhood reminds me of how the southside where I grew up used to be, (except we have 24 hour armed security).
What's the old saying? "You can't ever go home" - Lots of truth that....
Generals64 03-02-2009, 11:27 AM You can go but, you better learn another language....I remember growing up there was a family of Creek Indians that lived across the street...The Great Grandfather was still alive and he tried to teach me the language....Didn't work....But, it was cool listening to his stories. We're talking someone from the late 1800's ..... Welcome to OKLAHOMA
Generals64 03-02-2009, 04:59 PM does anyone remember the old Volkstube? It was located on N.W. Highway just off May avenue.....
Redskins/General 03-02-2009, 05:30 PM does anyone remember the old Volkstube? It was located on N.W. Highway just off May avenue.....
Right behind the Steak N' Ale !! Down in a basement...
Generals64 03-02-2009, 06:15 PM oh come I never saw you there????
bluedogok 03-02-2009, 08:48 PM I was there weekend before parents still live in the same house that I grew up in. They bought it in December of 65, before that was a rent house near 18th & Tulsa for a little over year and my first six months or so in Altus. I has definitely changed in 44 years but there are still a few of the old neighbors still there and I occasionally see a few of the neighborhood "kids" visiting as well.
Prunepicker 03-02-2009, 10:14 PM I has definitely changed...
You or the neighborhood?
bluedogok 03-02-2009, 10:26 PM add a "t" ......
But both of us have in 44 years.
Typelexia getting to me again......
Prunepicker 03-02-2009, 10:41 PM add a "t" ...
But both of us have in 44 years.
Typelexia getting to me again...
THAT'S GOOD! Real good!
Typelexia! Hey, I'll bet you're a Wordsmith!
Wait a minute. You're over 44? I'm trying to calculate this...
bluegod + 44 equals... meet you at the political forum... :fighting2
:LolLolLol:LolLolLol:LolLolLol:LolLolLol:LolLolLol :LolLolLol
grantgeneral78 03-03-2009, 05:52 AM Since we have a new "crew" in the memories threads I'm bumping a quote from myself because I'm still looking for any information about those old 1985 Southwest Ford commercials and some of the new people might be able to shed some light on the subject.
I remember that as well we were on I-35 in Dallas headed home from working down there, was the pitch man bledso and was he not in fact on the plane also
grantgeneral78 03-03-2009, 05:55 AM Beverly's Chicken in the Rough ruined me for living in Muskogee. I grew up thinking that a Muskogee Rougher was a chicken or a rooster. It actually is something like a bulldog in an oilpatch.
How many remember Tom Padjam of Padjam Toyota, back when nobody drove Toyotas. "HI!!!!!"
Christmas at Penn Square before it got malled, the big Triangle Santa or Christmas Tree by Wards.
Man I forgot all about padjam toyota and tom
wonder what happened to him
FRISKY 03-03-2009, 09:29 AM I remember that as well we were on I-35 in Dallas headed home from working down there, was the pitch man bledso and was he not in fact on the plane also Bledsoe was not the pitchman, Schwartz was. Schwartz was the guy that said "No, that's Southwest Ford" at the end of the Southwest Ford commercials in response to someone else saying "That's incredible!". Schwartz was killed in the Delta Airlines plane crash in Dallas.
Here is my original post:
Originally Posted by FRISKY
I arrived at this site while searching for a 1985 Southwest Ford commercial “The High Plains Drifter, drifting into SW Ford” that showed an ultralight airplane landing in the parking lot. I was assisting Gene Bledsoe owner of the Hang-Glider Ultralight Shop and one of my best friends to film the commercial.
I can’t forget our conversation with Mr. Schwartz as the film crew was putting together the commercial from several different cuts of video they had filmed earlier in the day.
Mr. Schwartz asked if we flew those “things” all the time, to which we replied, “Yes, it’s a lot of fun. Want to try it?” His response was, “You guys are crazy. You won’t ever catch me flying in one of those things. I won’t fly in anything smaller that a 747.”
His statement was ironic because he was killed a few weeks later in the Aug. 2 crash of Delta Flight 191 in Dallas.
I am still looking for any information about that "High Plains Drifter, Drifting into Southwest Ford" commercial.
Generals64 03-03-2009, 05:17 PM Bledsoe was not the pitchman, Schwartz was. Schwartz was the guy that said "No, that's Southwest Ford" at the end of the Southwest Ford commercials in response to someone else saying "That's incredible!". Schwartz was killed in the Delta Airlines plane crash in Dallas.
Here is my original post:
I am still looking for any information about that "High Plains Drifter, Drifting into Southwest Ford" commercial.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++
you lost me Frisky...I was working then ..... had a real job....
MonkeyBiz6903 03-03-2009, 08:14 PM Schwartz was also the guy who did. " 7-11 we got some" Commercials too?
Generals64 03-03-2009, 08:22 PM Schwartz was also the guy who did. " 7-11 we got some" Commercials too?
================================================== =======
yeah...Remember him always holding a "Slushy"???? from 7-11. I've posted this before but my wife and I were driving past DFW when tht plane crashed...Man, that light was so bright & it was so spooky......
Generals64 03-04-2009, 04:26 PM Hey, does anyone remember the area of town that was called Sand Town??? the area has gone by the wayside of the new 1-40. Used to go down there to see if we could help anyone and invariably they would us. Self suffient people. Admire that group of people....
grantgeneral78 03-04-2009, 06:29 PM Hey, does anyone remember the area of town that was called Sand Town??? the area has gone by the wayside of the new 1-40. Used to go down there to see if we could help anyone and invariably they would us. Self suffient people. Admire that group of people....
Are you refering to the FLATS?
MonkeyBiz6903 03-04-2009, 06:48 PM The sand town off penn and the river was known as the Community camp. Mulligans flats in North of the railroad tracks.
Generals64 03-04-2009, 06:54 PM The sand town off penn and the river was known as the Community camp. Mulligans flats in North of the railroad tracks.
================================================== =========
so right my friend. People have always gotten those two areas confused. Sand Town was just thrown together make shift shelters that were established as dwellings as time went on. They maintained their own streets....No concrete but they were always bladed made to look as good as possible. No granted as time went on the elements changed and it became a bad place to live. The flats have been there forever. There a numerous Churches in the area and Mark Twain school is there...and it is a viable neighborhood...Location is classified as from May ave to Penn from N.W. 10th to Reno....
USG '60 03-04-2009, 07:12 PM The very tail end was on the west side of the old May Bridge. Strictly sticks, tarpaper and "tin." It changed nearly daily. My mom was the first personnel director at Baptist hospital. Every day we all loaded in the car at home at SW 56th and May, drove north on May to NW Highway to get to the hospital, then we would drive to Grant where we kids were dumped out and dad would go to work. It was done in reverse in the afternoon. So I crossed the bridge twice a day for a year (until my sister got her driver's liscence) so looking out the west window as we crossed the bridge to see what was different from the day before, or even since morning, was like a little movie. It was our own little soap opera.