View Full Version : Anyone remember Quik's/Mr. Quiks?

11-28-2004, 02:35 AM
When I was a kid (60's) there was a hamburger joint about 5800 N May called something like Quik's or Quick's or Mr Quick's, you get the idea. They had a very cool sign, sort of a spikey ball....Made a lasting impression. Think it may have later been a Long John Silver's.

I've racked my brain trying to remember the right name for the place, or any details. Can anyone help me out? I live in Tulsa now, and don't see the area much anymore. Used to be a Roy Rogers nearby.

Thanks, etc.

11-28-2004, 01:15 PM
First of all, welcome to this forum, cs6000. It's good to have you here. The only thing I can remember(I grew up in the 60's also) is a place called Quick Silvers. That's the only name I can think of that had "quick" in it's name.

When you mentioned Roy Roger's, it brought back the memories of the Roy Roger's I used to go to at SW.59 & Blackwelder (now it's a Jimmy's Roundup). I remember ordering the roast beef sandwich w/ a holster (that's what they called fries). It was good food, but the restaurant didn't have much business.

12-02-2004, 02:01 PM
I used to live near NW 50th and May, and Roy Rogers was going strong up there. At least the Charcoal Oven is still in the area. Along May there was also a Neptune's submarine shop, Founders Fair ( a discount store where best buy is now), this Quick's (??!! someone remember this) Gale Cable Chrysler, I think a Woolworths at 63 and May.
OF course Mayfair shopping center was really busy then, with Streets, Otasco, TG&Y, and the drug store that almost burned the whole place down (Langstons?)

12-02-2004, 02:09 PM
I remember Charcoal Oven. I have not eaten there in Years, however can still taste the frankfurters and the sauce. Makes me hungry!

In French Market Mall (NW 63 and May) it was Woolco, owned by the late Woolworth. They had several here. One on 240 and Shields and another in Midwest City (I think).

My mom shopped exclusively at Street's, and I also remember Founders Fair and Gale Cable. One can add Jack Clark Dodge.

12-04-2004, 03:02 AM bring back some memories even I can remember! I remember many of those places.

The Chrysler Dealership sat where Barnes and Noble and Braums now stand.

Service Merchandise used to be where Home Depot now sits.

Hmmmm...Mayfair is just as busy as it always was, although right now it's kind of going through a transition. The Chinese Retaurant and SteinMart replaced Otasco. Michael's replaced Langston's. The rest was before my time. I do remember shopping Streets at Shepherd Mall though!

I even have some memories of the old Belle Isle Lake, before it was drained!
I'm sure people today that have moved in from out of state wonder what purpose the Belle Isle Bridge serves. Well, it was originally designed to go over parts of Belle Isle Lake!

By the way, I eat at Charcoal Oven from time to time, as I don't live too far from's still a treat! Beverly's Pancake House has gone downhill, but it's still in business. Penn Square of course is far better than it ever was in the past.