View Full Version : Relocating to OKC..(where to live)

09-28-2007, 04:04 PM
Hey everyone.....glad i found this informative forum about OKC and the area. I will be relocating there in about a month as i am going on SSDI for Multiple Sclerosis. My question is can anyone recommend a decient part of the city or metro outlying cities thats not rich or expensive but i guess i'd say lower middle class as my SSDI will only be 1,300 a month.

I heard that OKC is one of the best big cities in America for cost of living and i've been reading the Sunday Paper online and the Apartments are very affordable but not sure what part to live in thats not high crime/ghettoish etc...

I'm moving from the Semi Expensive and High Crime city of Albuquerque. (can't wait to leave)


09-28-2007, 04:28 PM
My stepmother has MS. Are you in a wheelchair? If so that might make a difference where you live, our sidewalks here for the most part are horrible if there even are any. I'm in the Paseo area, very close to everything and CHEAP rent! I really like it.

09-28-2007, 04:28 PM
Welcome Eric ..... There are some pretty nice apartments off of Broadway Extension just a bit south of 33rd in Edmond. Behind the Homeland Store. The area seems nice and it is conveniently located.

My Aunt has dibilitating rheumatoid arthitis and lives there.

I'll try to get more information from her.

09-28-2007, 05:01 PM
My stepmother has MS. Are you in a wheelchair? If so that might make a difference where you live, our sidewalks here for the most part are horrible if there even are any. I'm in the Paseo area, very close to everything and CHEAP rent! I really like it.
Hey i'm not in a wheelchair but my feet and ankles are about 90% paralised to i walk with bad foot drop. I may try to get some AFO's (ankle/foot brace) for better mobility.

So where is the Paseo area...thanks.....

09-28-2007, 05:03 PM
The inner NW side is a great area to live inexpensively and (relatively) safe. It's by no means dangerous and I know many women who live alone in that part of town, but being inner city, natually it's a little higher crime than the burbs like Edmond and Moore and you have your patches that are run down and areas where the houses have been well kept over the years and even restored. There's also great historical apartments, especially in the Paseo are that Misty mentioned. Of course if it is an issue, there may be ADA-compliancy problems. The further out from the core of the city (NW or towards Midwest City, I would suggest), there are more modern facilities that are still affordable if that is more what you're looking for.

The inner NW is very convenient to the rest of the city and seems to be really popular with young professionals and other transplants. There's a lot of great local restaurants and businesses in the area, and downtown/Bricktown are close.

09-28-2007, 05:03 PM
Welcome Eric ..... There are some pretty nice apartments off of Broadway Extension just a bit south of 33rd in Edmond. Behind the Homeland Store. The area seems nice and it is conveniently located.

My Aunt has dibilitating rheumatoid arthitis and lives there.

I'll try to get more information from her.

Thanks Karried for the info. I thought i've read that Edmond is kinda expensive. I've heard its the best city/area in the OKC area??

09-28-2007, 05:11 PM
Edmond and Norman are the really nice suburbs. Edmond (and the area south of it that she mentioned) has a lot of retail development, including the 2nd best mall in the metro.

09-28-2007, 05:28 PM
The inner NW side is a great area to live inexpensively and (relatively) safe. It's by no means dangerous and I know many women who live alone in that part of town, but being inner city, natually it's a little higher crime than the burbs like Edmond and Moore and you have your patches that are run down and areas where the houses have been well kept over the years and even restored. There's also great historical apartments, especially in the Paseo are that Misty mentioned. Of course if it is an issue, there may be ADA-compliancy problems. The further out from the core of the city (NW or towards Midwest City, I would suggest), there are more modern facilities that are still affordable if that is more what you're looking for.

The inner NW is very convenient to the rest of the city and seems to be really popular with young professionals and other transplants. There's a lot of great local restaurants and businesses in the area, and downtown/Bricktown are close.

Great info JB the Paseo area she mentioned is in the NW side i take it....

09-28-2007, 05:32 PM
Also one more question is when i arrive there i'll probably stay in a weekly motel/w kitchenette until i find an apartment. Again any of them in a decent part of town as the ones here in Albuquerque are all in the high crime and drug zone area here ( Central Ave) Again Thanks !

09-28-2007, 06:41 PM
there's a microtel in moore on I35 as well as one at I44 just north
of NW 36th Street west of May Ave. I think the Country Inn and Suites
on NW Expressway is nice too....

As for an apartment, I think any of the apartment complexes
in the area of NW122nd and Penn would be great. Most if not
all are gated now, and this puts you right across the street from
Quail Springs as well as all sorts of restaurants. WalMart and Sams
are "right there" also.....

I lived in Heather Ridge back in the early 90s and when I drove
by there last week, it still looked like a nice complex.....

I've heard the Invitational is nice too.

Check out Apartments for Rent and Homes for Rent (

In general, apartments will be the greatest value where they
compete with one another in a given area. 122nd and Penn is definetely
saturated with more than 7 complexes.....

09-28-2007, 08:47 PM
by the way, the Paseo Arts District is in the inner near North Central side of the city, roughly 30th Street and Walker(ish). This is inner city and completely different from the S. Edmond suburb area Karried was talking about. Just wanted to clear that up.

I think it really depends, are you a suburb person or do you like living in a big city? Of course, as has been said there is more crime in a big city but you have the benefit of having everything close and the availability of transit (be that it may). Also, another benefit in OKC is that the inner city tends to be a bit cheaper.

I agree that the Inner N/NW quadrant of OKC is probably the best value of the big city while also being pretty safe and connected to the rest of the metro (and especially downtown). It is also the most ethnically diverse sector, and this shows mostly in the culture/restaurant options.

Look for places generally near Oklahoma City University (OCU), such as the Paseo, Asia District, the Plaza district, and the NUMEROUS neighbourhoods in this area [Crown Heights neighbourhood is a great possibility].

And be advised, as has been said - OKC does lack sidewalks, but I (and Im sure others) have advised/asked city leaders to do a better job at it and it appears this will be addressed in the next bond election (remember to vote YES!!!).

As for extended stay hotels, most of them are around the periphery of the city/metro - so getting to the OCU/Uptown area to look for a place might be a hassle. One quick idea I have is to look at the OCU websites for people selling apartments/houses. The Jokelahoman is also a great resource, just look for target addresses [1600's - 5200's N.W. Avenues and corresponding streets, remember NW (not NE or SE, as they are very gritty areas until you get out a bit). North central 23rd Street and nearby is considered Uptown.

I think another idea might be the JFK neighbourhood, near the Oklahoma Health Center (roughly 1000 NE 4th Street). This hood is gentrifying and it is VERY VERY close to downtown and the renaissance going on there as well as OHC.

Also, a general rule, transit is best the closest you can get to downtown - if that is a requirement. Check out wikipedia for ideas on neighbourhoods and to get an orientation.

Good luck and welcome to the city.

09-28-2007, 10:47 PM
Welcome to OKC. Honestly, it depends on how much you want to spend, what you want to be close by, what amenities you want near you, what type of living do you like (apartment, condo, house, garden home, country living, urban, suburban, etc.). I imagine you will want to be close to your doctor if your on SSDI. Give us more info and we'd be glad to help you more. Also you can do a search on this site for more info others have found helpful as there have been many people in your same situation moving here to OKC asking the same questions.

Good luck and welcome!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-28-2007, 11:37 PM
In the city there's more crime than elsewhere. Edmond and Norman are PACKED and it costs more to live there because people have some perception of them being better...Not. They just have more upper-middle class than the other areas. They're also too crowded. Moore is getting that way too. If I wasn't going to be working, I'd be living out in Choctaw or Tuttle. Both are within 20-30 minutes of downtown, and are very relaxed places to live.

That's my .02 anyway.

09-29-2007, 12:35 AM
Eric may I ask a few questions before I add my opinion about location? Are you a country or city person? What stores if any do you frequent most (besides grocery, pharmacy, and gas)? Are there any specific hobbies you like? Are you looking for mass transit or do you prefer to drive?

Oklahoma City was rated number one for the cheapest rent, according to MSN. We also have one of the best travel times in the country.

Some things you might find entertaining here is Museum of the Arts, Oklahoma River, and Bricktown area. There are many new developments in what is called the Triangle District and throughout OC Metro. We also have the AmTrak that will take you to DFW.

Here are a few websites to give you an inside look as well:
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber - Official Home Page (
Bricktown - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Dining, Shopping, Events (
Oklahoma City Museum of Art - More than a Museum (
CivicCenter (

Downtown Living (these are not the only options but if you want to choose downtown):
Legacy Communities (
Regency Tower Apartments - Oklahoma City Apartments (
Home | theclassen ( (i dont think there are any open spaces but just an example of the area)

However, the great thing about OKC is there is cheap rent and houses for sale everywhere. It all depends on your income.

For a crime search you can go to | Powered by The Oklahoman and NEWS 9 ( and click on there crime news link, to find a map of specific search areas before buying or renting.

09-29-2007, 09:07 AM
Thanks everyone for the GREAT info as to where to live and stay.I'll be checking out the OKC Metro map on google to study these areas. It doesn't matter city or country living again i just need a lower cost of renral thats not to ghettoish if you get my drift and you'all have given some good advice.

Not worried too much about things to do or hobbies as this time its hard to get around with my feet the way they are. (any YMCA's)....

I do have one more question and that is although my MS affects my feet really bad its never spread (knock on wood) so even though i'm going on SSDI as i can't make it as a trades man anymore without my mobility i'm thinking of maybe after about 6 months or less if everything is o.k. i may want to try to get off SSDI and work in a Call Center.

If i wanted to stay here in ABQ (which i dont) i was offered an possible employment at the Comcast Cable CO. Call Center here as they are always looking for people and you don't have to have any great typing skills as they said its a relaxed setting and that would really help my feet situation. Any thoughts on this and are there any parts of the city where the Call Centers tend to be located or are they spread out if anyone has any knowlege of this,,,

Thanks again your Mid West hospitality has been great as thats one of the MAIN reasons i'm choosing OKC....

09-29-2007, 09:26 AM
In the city there's more crime than elsewhere. Edmond and Norman are PACKED and it costs more to live there because people have some perception of them being better...Not. They just have more upper-middle class than the other areas. They're also too crowded.

People usually live in these areas when they have children in the public schools.
The schools are wonderful in Norman/Edmond and they typically have higher test score results. But, that doesn't seem like something you are concerned with at this point. I think people always will recommend or think that where they live is the 'best' because it's their home.

You'll have to find what area works best for you.

Anyway, look into Dell Call Center which is located near Bricktown on the River.

Someone else can help with this but they are going to have a ferry for transportation which might be helpful if you have limited mobility.

Also, YMCA's are here:

Oklahoma City YMCA Homepage (

Good luck! Feel free to ask anything.. we'd be more than happy to help.

09-29-2007, 09:58 AM
More great info Karried.....

Let give a lottle more info on myself. I'm 43 and at this time single (hard yo date with ms) and a grown daughter out in Jacksonville fla. So i'm not to concerned about family/kids areas again bevause of my single status. I do drive and have a Ford Ranger Pickup and using the clutch is tough but i still drive with Current liscense etc...

What about the outlying areas besides Edmond or Normon but the others......Midwest city, Yukon, Moore, Mustang etc....and also by Tinker AFB as i live next to Kirtland AFB here and its very inexpensive but also high in crime/gangs....

Another thought is when i was younger (my 20's) i lived in Jacksonville Fl and they had like older areas that had Duplexes and Triplexes type places that had furnished studios that were very inexpensive and you didn't need to sign leases etc.

.So i'm just throwing different questions at you'all as i'm gathering all this knowlege before i arrive in about 30 days.....

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-29-2007, 09:59 AM
What you say about schools is true Karried...Not everybody takes that into account. It didn't even cross my mind when I made that post. Oops :)

It DID cross my mind when I bought my house though. I wanted to make sure it was in Moore schools...It's a 4 br house, so when it comes time to sell it, it'll most likely be a family with children...So I wanted to make sure that it was in a "preferable" district.

Call centers off the top of my head....Dell, Convergy's, Cox, and is AOL still here? I'm not sure. Southwest Airlines has a reservation call center out by the airport too.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-29-2007, 10:04 AM
Some places around Tinker aren't so nice...But I live less than 5 miles from there and I've left my garage door open for days and children's bicycles are laying all over the place day and night...Nada...No crime that I've heard of in my whole neighborhood in the last 5 years...And with the homeowners association that I'm in? Yeah, that crap would be all over my door if some kid's bike went missing.

I grew up in Moore, and there are some nice places there, and some real crapboxes too. If you're looking at apartments online, post up which ones you're looking at and I'll go by them and snap a pic or two and let you know about the area over the next couple of days/weeks. My girlfriend lives in Moore and I'm right by it, so I'm all over the place every day :)

09-29-2007, 12:22 PM
Call centers exist in both Norman and Moore, some nice neighborhoods in both. Each also has some areas I wouldn't live in if the housing were free, but then, I've been known to be picky on occasion. :)

09-30-2007, 06:31 PM
If you need access to the public bus system here is the link to the Oklahoma City bus lines. Welcome to ( With you having Multiple Sclerosis this could be a consideration to your housing situation. Good luck on your move.

10-02-2007, 09:59 AM
Regarding motels with weekly rates, there are 3 Value Place motels in the OKC area. I think their weekly rate is currently $166 inclusive of taxes.

I-40 and Scott (southeast part of the metroplex, Midwest City) 677-5700
I 44 and NW 36th, 917-6300 -- for looking for places in the "near NW", this one is the best I think
I-240 and Sunnylane, 677-5700 (southeast metroplex, further south).

If you are planning on arriving in 30 days, you may want to go ahead and make a reservation, as they tend to fill up fast.

I am in the Gatewood neighborhood, which has "value priced" apartments, it is close to downtown, good bus access, sidewalks.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
10-02-2007, 10:05 AM
I live pretty close to the "Value Place" hotel on Sunnylane, and there is NOTHING around it. So you might want to take that into account if you're going to stay in one of them.

10-03-2007, 01:29 AM
I think the Value Place at I-44 and NW 36th is a good base and agree that the Gatewood neighbourhood or any in the inner north central offer that urban grit, historical, great neighbourhoods, with excellent city/urban amenities.