View Full Version : Girlie Show 2007

09-28-2007, 08:32 AM
It's that time of year again.

The Girlie Show

October will play host to a new event, "The Girlie Show," organized by four local women to showcase art that all too few get to see: female artists creating works that don't necessarily get into the mainstream.

"There's so much great stuff out there that people never get the chance to see," explains Marilyn Artus, one of the event's organizers. "We're talking about incredibly cool things that may not really fit in a fine art show, but don't fit in an arts and crafts fair, either. That's where The Girlie Show comes in."
Erin Merryweather, DeShan, Dawn Tyler and Marilyn have been friends for years and each has her own art and design pursuits. They got together and decided to have an event to showcase women's art. The Girlie Show will be held Friday, October 15, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at TAParchitecture, 415 N. Broadway. Plan on a fun evening, with food from The Mantel, Cheever's, La Luna, VZD's, Chica's and Rococo, a full cash bar and a live DJ.

Artists submitting work to the committee for inclusion in The Girlie Show were allowed some latitude with submissions, and there were no strict boundaries on the type of work, aside from work judged too risque or of a questionable nature. Therefore, expect a good variety available for the choosing. "Basically, we want to show how great design can be incorporated into every part of life. And we wanted to show that girl design doesn't have to mean strictly frou-frou, fluffy and frill. These chicks have attitude!" said Merryweather.

Tickets to The Girlie Show are $12 in advance, $15 the night of the show, and are available at Lux, The French Cowgirl, CD Warehouse and The Velvet Monkey Salon locations. For more information, email or visit

The Girlie Show (

For more information on last year's Girlie Show.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-28-2007, 08:36 AM
This thread isn't about what I wanted it to be about.


False advertising

09-28-2007, 02:29 PM
Thats what I'm saying...

09-28-2007, 02:32 PM
Me three. LOL

10-10-2007, 03:02 PM
Girlie Show is this weekend!

10-15-2007, 03:34 PM
The Girlie Show was a blast Friday night - lots of great art, good food, interesting people. and how about those Roller Derby mamas! This was my second Girlie Show, and if you haven't been to one before, write it down for 2008.