View Full Version : Crime Mapping Site Online

09-20-2007, 10:04 PM

We just put a crime mapping website for Oklahoma City online. I would love some feedback on the site. Suggestions, and interpretations of the available data would be neat too.

Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics (


09-21-2007, 08:06 AM
Suggestion: I know that there are various districts in the drop-down box but, I'd like to have it so that the overall Oklahoma City map can be "panned" around (like Mapquest or Google Maps). I'd like to see further NW and NE. Does your data cover areas beyond the static boundries on the map? It doesn't even seem to go as far west as Rockwell.

09-21-2007, 08:18 AM
I like the idea.. I too would like to be able to pan and zoom.

I went to Advanced Mapping and put in my own address. So, it gives more detail that way ..

Did I miss the Zoom feature?

09-21-2007, 11:05 AM
Channel 9 has had something like this for about 10 years now...and it covers the entire metro area.

Crime - | Powered by The Oklahoman and NEWS 9 (

09-21-2007, 12:22 PM

Thanks! I don't find the Channel 9 crime news site particularly usable. It plots locations and give listings of crime reports but doesn't give density estimate in the way OKCCrime does, on a neighborhood basis. Furthermore, the Channel 9 database is seriously outdated. Their latest crime data is from January of 2007.

Okcrime also offers historical trends of various crime types.

Okccrime also offers a clickable map of sex offender residences.


09-21-2007, 01:21 PM
The Neighborhood Alliance also provides Crime Data broken down by neighborhood

Neighborhood Alliance (

09-21-2007, 01:24 PM

We just put a crime mapping website for Oklahoma City online. I would love some feedback on the site. Suggestions, and interpretations of the available data would be neat too.

Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics (


IMO, it's just too basic. There is not enough detailed info available to be very helpful, sorry :(

09-21-2007, 04:21 PM

Do you have any suggestions to make the site more useful for you? Can you think of any features that you would like to see?


09-21-2007, 04:59 PM
If you click on the District pull down, it zooms and gives more details.

Is Edmond included on this map?

09-21-2007, 05:28 PM
Thanks Karried,

You can also get more detail by using the advanced search. You can put in any address in Oklahoma City proper (not including Edmond):


Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-21-2007, 08:31 PM
Thanks Karried,

You can also get more detail by using the advanced search. You can put in any address in Oklahoma City proper (not including Edmond):

Oklahoma City Crime - Custom Crime Maps - Map Your Address (


Can't put mine in.

09-22-2007, 08:53 AM
MadMonk, Karried,

Thanks for the suggestions. A Zoom button should be easy and done in short order. Panning around like good is going to but much harder. I'll add it to our feature request list and see what we can do.

Thanks again,

09-22-2007, 09:07 AM
so what backend software do you guys use to generate your maps? -M

09-24-2007, 08:58 AM

Do you have any suggestions to make the site more useful for you? Can you think of any features that you would like to see?


I think it would be nice to be able to get a report with specific crime info within a certain radius of an address.

09-24-2007, 10:07 AM

We use the TIGER from the US census bureau to generate our maps. It is publicly available at

U.S.Census Bureau - TIGER/LineŽ (

Thanks for the suggestion. It is feature we are actively working on. We are setting up a service that will regularly email you with a detailed crime report for any address (e.g., home, work) that would show the crimes with a certain distance from that address. The reports will also include other local and city wide crime related data.
Here is a bit more:
Oklahoma City Crime - Personalized Crime Reports (

To give you an idea of other upcoming features, we are working on an crime rating (1-10) for all OKC apartment complexes and hotels based on local crime data.

We're looking for other ideas about ways we can make crime data more useful to the public than just a raw police report or map. Post your ideas, no matter how crazy they might be.


09-24-2007, 11:22 AM
How about adding in the rest of the Metro, since right now your data is leaving out a bit over a half million people?

Tools like these are nice to have, but useless to the majority of the public that lives outside the OKC city limits.