View Full Version : Evangelical Covenant Church - finally makes sense

09-17-2007, 02:25 AM
I never knew was part of the Evangelical Covenant Church! Never heard of them? How about Jesus People, USA? Cornerstone Magazine? They are all one and the same.

The denomination is known as a bizarre, almost cultish outfit that caters to "modern" whatever "modern" is at the time. (They've been around since 1885.)

You can read about Cornerstone Magazine here Cornerstone Magazine (


Jesus People, USA here
JPUSA : Jesus People USA (

This is strange stuff and explains a lot about

They are also a big mover within the "Emerging Church" non-theology. In my opinion, and I come from a liberal religious tradition, they are truly on the borderline when it comes to biblical theology. They are criticized from the liberal tradition and the conservative evangelical tradition for all the same reasons, but mostly the simple fact that anything goes. They attack other churches in whisper campaigns and prop themselves up as some kind of one and only "true" church, straight from the Book of Acts. Sometimes, a ECC denominational church will be different - just to be different! Lots of preachers in the newer ECC churches wear jeans and open collar shirts (even t-shirts) while they preach. They don't do much of anything that could POSSIBLY offend a visitor, usually from the unchurched. So, the gospel is told with a spin that makes everything OKAY! No "doctrine" - that's just legalistic! Let it all hang out. Jesus should only come into your life and change you by making you (and this is important) a happier person. Not necessarily a better Christian in the biblical sense, but a person who is never confronted with their problems and always told they are a-okay, positive reinforcement all day, every day - and just keep the money flowing. Always, the money. All of this is fine, but to still call it a biblical "Christian" denomination? It defines the term "Cafeteria Christians."

Here's the denomination's big thing:
1. We are evangelical, but not exclusive;
2. We are biblical, but not doctrinaire;
3. We are congregational, but not independent;
4. We are traditional, but not rigid.

In other words, they might say, "We are whatever you want us to be and we won't ever say anything to dare make you feel uncomfortable." Those sermons Jesus gave with dire warnings? Nahhh.....that's old-fashioned stuff. Or, I'm sorry, "doctrinaire" and "rigid" - remember - we are "biblical" and, the funny one, "traditional" (yeah, right.) (See above 4 'values' of a ECC church)

Isn't it time we discuss the very odd and cultish denomination that has latched on to? The denomination tries so hard to come across as just another evangelical denomination. They are FARRR from that!

09-17-2007, 06:16 AM
i think that lifechurch is many things that it shouldn't be. however, i think it's more than a stretch to call them 'cultish.' care to back up the statement with some examples/evidence?


09-17-2007, 06:52 AM
I think cityguy has gotten some bad information. LifeChurch is certainly not your traditional evangelical or fundamentalist church, but I've seen NO evidence that would disqualify it as evangelical church. And to claim so is tantamount to calling its members and leaders heretics — a pretty strong charge that requires some pretty solid evidence... which is sorely lacking in cityguy's "indictment."

I'm with mmm... where's some substantive evidence? And I did not see a direct link between LifeChurch and the two "cult" examples that you cited. And Craig Groeschel's teachings don't seem to be in complete alignment with many of the positions and teachings I've seen associated with the "emerging church."

For the record, I am not a member of LifeChurch. I did, however, attend LifeChurch for a couple of years during and after the Metrochurch "merger/takeover." I disagree with Craig Groeschel and LifeChurch on some things, which is why I no longer am a member, but have never doubted the sincerity or veracity of their faith and evangelical mission.

09-17-2007, 08:28 AM
cityguy, just curious but have you ever attended a service? if so, you obviously must have been sleeping on the back row. Otherwise, you'd know we are very very loosely associated with the E.C. denomination. In fact, I'm not sure if we do anything directly with them or not anymore other than affiliation in name. My guess is that the church affiliated with them in the early days of the church as the church has changed quite a bit in the last 10 years. Secondly, we never "preach or teach" denominational guidelines, rules, etc. and personally I'm glad we don't. Denominations to me are just manmade obstacles that get in the way of the real biblical truths.

Furthermore, if you'd been to a service, you would know that Pastor Craig, or anyone who happens to be preaching that weekend would make you feel uncomfortable more than once. Even the existing members. He uses biblical truths to make us feel uncomfortable. Too often us American's are sooooo comfortable in our lifestyles, we easily forget about how the rest of the world lives. I encourage you to watch yesterday's sermon online. It deals with some of the very accusations you mention above. Perhaps this sermon was meant for you as well. He went on to talk about being blessed with a "burden". A burden to reach out to others, or a burden where your heart aches so much for the homeless you do more than just throw money at them t help you feel better about yourself, a burden so much for African children, you do more than watch a documentary or write a $25 check, and other such burdens'. To pray for a burden so much for other people until you can't stand it, because it makes you so sick seeing so much hurt and pain in the world, and yet most people don't do anything about it other than complain.

09-17-2007, 09:56 AM
I would have to agree with metro on this one. I've been more than uncomfortable in Church on several occasions. Craig has never said being a christian will make you a happier person, nor has any other pastor within our church. In fact, they make sure you know that they don't even like the word christian and becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ often times makes your life harder. Accepting and embracing your burdens doesn't sound like your life is okie dokie preaching to me! I love how people always try to compare Lifechurch with other churches and want to make us out to be some kind of cult. It's hilarious.

09-17-2007, 11:07 AM
I agree kmf. pastors clearly point out that being a Christian is often harder than not being one. If we're a "cult" then is the fastest growing "cult" and church in America.

09-17-2007, 01:51 PM
If we're a "cult" then is the fastest growing "cult" and church in America.

While I generally understand where you are coming from and wholly disagree with the original poster's premise, the above statement is hardly evidence that refutes the original poster's point. Just because something is "fastest growing" doesn't necessarily disprove that it's a cult. Surely you have more substantive refutations than that.