View Full Version : Pete's Piano Bar

08-18-2007, 01:35 PM
I just saw this in the DOK today, and didn't find a previous thread for it. Has anyone been to one of these? Cheesy or nice?

"With construction wrapping up this winter on The Centennial, Lower Bricktown developer Randy Hogan is preparing to start construction next month on the next addition — the future home of Pete's Piano Bar.
The spot, between Harkins Theaters and Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Grill, is scheduled to be finished by June 1, 2008.

"Pete's Piano Bar is from Austin, and they're in Addison and Sundance in Fort Worth,” Hogan said. "They're also about to open in Houston next to a House of Blues. It's a killer bar, the best, with dueling pianos.”

08-18-2007, 02:33 PM
I haven't been to any of the ones listed but there was one in Indianapolis that I used to frequent when I was at the bar hopping age. It really depends on the pianists (stating the obvious I know) if the 2 of them work well together it gets the crowd involved and can really get some good hearted banter going.

08-18-2007, 02:34 PM
Thanks for posting that.

Looks like a fun, interesting concept and something new and unique to the city:

Pete's Dueling Piano Bar (

08-18-2007, 03:04 PM
Been to Pete's in Austin. Great piano bar. Should be a good addition to the lesser bricktown...

I remember they used to have a blind dueling pianist. He was amazing.

08-18-2007, 03:23 PM
So do we think that will be on the first floor of the proposed 2-story building in that location? Or does it mean the small density is being scrapped for another pad site?

This one:

08-18-2007, 09:06 PM
I've been to the one in Addision, TX near the Galleria. I thought it was pretty nice and fun. This was 5 years ago or so though. It is a needed addtion for entertainment to "lesser bricktown". I would like to see it in Automobile Alley near Red Prime though. I suppose Hogan's got to keep his pace of attracting suburban concepts though. Actually the name of the place is called Pete's Dueling Piano Bar and not Pete's Piano Bar.

08-20-2007, 09:17 AM
I think this is great news!

I've been to the one in Addison a few times. The place really packs in a crowd, and the entertainment is great. Definitely not for the prudish though. If you don't offend easily, then you'll likely enjoy it. The key for them is finding the right talent though.

The place gets a pretty good Sooner contingent on OU/Texas weekend, so I'd imagine that the Bricktown location won't have many problems getting crowds from the get-go.

08-20-2007, 09:20 AM
Something I forgot to mention. The one in Addison is on the second floor of a building, so it's possible they could do the same at this one and keep the first floor free for restaurants or retail.

08-20-2007, 09:44 AM
Looks like it will be a great addition to Bricktown's entertainment options, even if it is a semi-chain.

08-20-2007, 09:55 AM
Actually, City Walk has a dueling piano bar, so no, this won't be unique.

08-20-2007, 10:56 AM
Correct, however I believe Pete's will offer a different environment/ambiance versus the "7 clubs in one" or whatever they claim. This will cater to a more mature crowd.

08-20-2007, 11:01 AM
I think the concept is fine, but if it's the only business going in on that site, it's another colossal waste of prime publicly enhanced real estate. It's also bizarre that with all of the empty space on the the upper canal, that something would have to be built to bring this in.

08-20-2007, 12:48 PM
Actually, City Walk has a dueling piano bar, so no, this won't be unique.

The best thing about Pete's will be that you don't have to go to City Walk.

I also don't remember CW's being a dueling piano bar. Just remember one guy.

08-20-2007, 12:56 PM
I used to go to a place called "Howl at the Moon" when I lived in Fort Lauderdale. It was actually on the second or third floor of one of those outdoor plaza shopping mall concepts called Cocowalk ( It was always packed. Lot of fun. As earlier mentioned, not for the prudish or easily offended. I did a brief check on Cocowalk's website. It's no longer there. Replaced by a "Coyote Ugly."

If memory serves. Bricktown has already tried - and lost- two similar enterprises.

Early B'town revelers will remember the place called Houlihans (or something similar in nature - an Irish sounding name) that was located on the back side of the Mercantile building across from Spaghetti Warehouse. I think it was in the same place where Maker's is now.

There was a second attempt made about 3-4 years ago. A small dueling piano bar was put in next to Mickey Mantle's (I think), facing the canal, about where Hooter's is now (sorry, I don't have my Bricktown Map in front of me). Edit:Thanks Easy180 - yes, this was Bricktown Keys.

Lousy beer in plastic cups, lousy service, lousy food and overall lousy atmosphere (cheap tables and cheaper "convention" type chairs (no ambiance whatsoever) all amounted to a lousy experience - even with decent piano players.

I agree the talent is what sells this. However, there has to be decent ambiance and appetizers, too. People get there hours ahead of time to "reserve" a good table, so good amenities are also important.

If it does come to pass, I'll be happy to give this new place a shot!

08-20-2007, 01:00 PM
I believe the place was called Bricktown Keys and also think that at least one of the two guys at City Walk was from there

08-20-2007, 01:52 PM
I used to go to the one in Austin all the time when I was in my full-on party mode a few years ago. They had a big guy named Dex that was AWESOME and my other favorite was a guy named Ronnie that I just always called Cowboy. In my drunken-ness I used to walk in, put $20 in the jar, hop on the piano and request You Never Even Called Me By My Name. It got to the point that they would just start playing it when I walked in. Good times man, good times......

08-20-2007, 02:01 PM
Oh yeah and I took my Dad (a good ole' country boy from Northern Maine) there once and watched him suck down 15 shots of tequila. Again, good times man.....good times....nothing like watching your Daddy shoot tequila all night and still be standing up. Of course, I do believe that was the night he pulled a knife on a panhandler on 6th street but that's another story....

08-20-2007, 05:31 PM
I went to the one in City Walk a few years ago and it definitely was dueling pianos. Not sure if it sure is. It was also pretty raunchy. My friends and I were the oldest people there and got a lot of ribbing from the piano players that we couldn't handle their brand of humor.

08-22-2007, 02:56 PM
I believe the place was called Bricktown Keys and also think that at least one of the two guys at City Walk was from there

Before that it was called O'Brien's - I think that's what ParksGal was recalling. It was a pretty popular spot 16-17 years ago and was open fairly late if I remember correctly.

08-23-2007, 10:19 AM
This could just be another case of "it won't work here until it's worked elsewhere". We kind of need some outside validation before we'll do something, which is probably why we get so giddy about chains.

07-01-2008, 02:04 PM
Brought this thread back from the dead - any word on this? I heard some people at work talking about this.

07-01-2008, 02:24 PM
Hogan continues to disappoint

From the original article: "With construction wrapping up this winter on The Centennial, Lower Bricktown developer Randy Hogan is preparing to start construction next month on the next addition — the future home of Pete's Piano Bar.
The spot, between Harkins Theaters and Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Grill, is scheduled to be finished by June 1, 2008.
Hogan, HELLOOOOOOOOOOO it's July 1st, 2008 (one year, one month past your self imposed deadline) and dirt hasn't even moved yet on your now one story building. Keep that urban vision alive for stuccotown.

07-01-2008, 04:20 PM
No joke; this project seems almost dead.

Comm'l Real Estate Guy
07-01-2008, 04:23 PM
I hope it doesn't come to fruition. I've been to both the Addison and Austin locations. They're okay, but it's usually a place you go one time, and never return. They usually have the same guys doing the same schtick night after night, so you go once to say you've been.

Now, if they put in a single piano bar with different piano players like Mr. Smith's in DC, I think that would work. People loved that place, and would go repeatedly. That is what makes a bar work...repeated visits.

A dueling piano bar used to be in West End in Dallas. I think a similar fate would happen to one in lower Bricktown.

07-01-2008, 04:31 PM
I just don't want it beside Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill. I FINALLY decided to go there this weekend because I had a friend visiting from Austin and the usual response when I tell anyone about that place is "nuh-uh" so we decided to check it out. They kicked me out so I hate them. My Texas DL is expired and it's almost impossible to get an Oklahoma one because of STUPID HB 1804 so they said I had to leave. That has never happened to me before BUT IF OKLAHOMA ESTABLISHMENTS WANT ME TO SPEND MY MONEY THERE THEY NEED TO MAKE IT A LITTLE EASIER FOR ME TO GET AN OKLAHOMA DRIVERS LICENSE. Ok I'm done yelling but I'm mad and I'm going to Austin Thursday for the weekend where I don't have to deal with this nonsense. I do love living here but still really, really hate HB 1804. I mean, I hate it's GUTS.

07-01-2008, 04:48 PM
My Texas DL is expired and it's almost impossible to get an Oklahoma one because of STUPID HB 1804 so they said I had to leave. That has never happened to me before BUT IF OKLAHOMA ESTABLISHMENTS WANT ME TO SPEND MY MONEY THERE THEY NEED TO MAKE IT A LITTLE EASIER FOR ME TO GET AN OKLAHOMA DRIVERS LICENSE. Ok I'm done yelling but I'm mad and I'm going to Austin Thursday for the weekend where I don't have to deal with this nonsense. I do love living here but still really, really hate HB 1804. I mean, I hate it's GUTS.

Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't a photo ID used in a restaurant/bar to establish age? Did they think since your license expired - you quit aging? I can understand being tough on a DL being current to drive - but to establish your age? Current or not, it does that. Sorry - and welcome to Oklahoma!

Richard at Remax
07-01-2008, 04:54 PM
I hope this doesn't go through. I would like to see something else go in that spot.

As for the drivers license ordeal, I had the same thing happen to us while at OU/Texas last year in Dallas.

For some reason, many bars, regardless of what your age was, wouldnt accept an out of state ID (aka oklahoma) because they didn't want to deal with fakes. Really frustrating experience.

07-01-2008, 05:10 PM
[QUOTE=worthy cook;150940]I hope this doesn't go through. I would like to see something else go in that spot.


Like what?

Richard at Remax
07-01-2008, 05:57 PM
Anything but a one story unoriginal building. How bout something 2-3 stories that has balconies and such. the second story can have a feed in to the walkway that passes by earls. something that doesnt have tenates recycled every six months. something like complements toby keiths but doesnt match it.

07-02-2008, 12:23 AM
Re: Expired licenses

That's how a lot of underage kids get into bars. An older friend/sibling, what have you.

Plus, since it's expired, it's not really a legal form of ID anymore.

On the other hand, it is kinda petty, but hey -- what can ya do?

07-02-2008, 09:26 AM
Steve, how about an article talking to good ole slick Randy Hogan about him not living up to expectations and not breaking ground on his project he said he would have finished by now. Ask him if it's still on the table, and since he claims the Centennial is "successful" and 100% sold out, why not have a bigger vision than a crappy stucco 1 story building? Please..........

08-26-2008, 09:17 PM
Is anything happening with this Piano Bar? I haven't checked the sign lately, but it has said "Coming Summer 2008" for the longest time. Not even ground has been broken.

08-26-2008, 10:38 PM
There's a rumor "Coming Summer 2008" apparently referred only to the chap that periodically shows up to mow the grassy lot

08-26-2008, 10:59 PM
Ah heck... let me add this to my list.

08-26-2008, 11:01 PM
Thanks Steve, a lot of us would appreciate that. I think it's embarrassing to have a big billboard saying "Coming Summer 2008" with no construction activity. Hopefully they will take it down soon or update the "Coming Soon."

08-27-2008, 08:32 AM
Maybe former poster Cier can graffitti over it! J/K (I do not endorse illegal graffitti).

08-27-2008, 09:34 AM

09-22-2008, 04:49 AM
Any idea what's going on with this project?

09-22-2008, 08:45 AM
I don't think anything. Really frustrating.

09-22-2008, 08:58 AM
Unless someone has rock-solid financing, I don't think any of these deals are going through for awhile. Banks just aren't loaning money like they used to -- and let's face it -- loaning money to a restaurant in Bricktown is anything but a safe bet.

09-22-2008, 09:34 AM
Whatever goes in that lot between Harkins and Toby Keith's will do well. It is a high traffic area with the free parking, bricktown, water taxi, canal. I just want something built sooner than later.

09-22-2008, 09:47 AM
Whatever goes in that lot between Harkins and Toby Keith's will do well. It is a high traffic area with the free parking, bricktown, water taxi, canal. I just want something built sooner than later.

Yes, but let's not settle for crap development like the Theater and most of Hogan's other projects. Originally he was just going to build another one story bldg here and then changed it to two story. I imagine his financing is tight if any at all right now. Let's not settle for second rate development again. Let's make him get his financing in order for a high density project and give him a time frame after he got a steal on all that land or take/buy it back from him.

09-22-2008, 09:49 AM
I'm fine with the land sitting empty for another 5-10 years if that's what it takes to get quality development.

09-22-2008, 05:13 PM
I like Harkins, just wish they put an Imax in there. Ya, I'm not saying let's build something crappy there, a nice 2-3 story tall building with good a layout would be nice.