View Full Version : Rick's American Bar & Grill Now Open

08-17-2007, 12:28 PM
at I240 and S. Walker. Does anyone know anything about them?

08-17-2007, 01:01 PM
if im not mistaken there used to be a ricks in tulsa at 51st and closed a couple of years back, i wonder if this is the same place...

08-17-2007, 05:48 PM
Its still there in Tulsa, but it's Rick's Cafe' American and is pretty expensive. It's not a bar and grill. Probably not the same thing.

08-25-2007, 03:55 PM
Stopped by today for a burger and few beers...Nice large bar area, but it could use a few more tv's

Beer selection on tap is Hoeegarden, Blvd Wheat, Sam Adams Summer Ale and the normal nasty domestics...Bartender did say they have a daily happy hour of $1.50 domestics from 3-7...Pretty impressive for a newly opened restaurant...Bartender was also a pretty cool guy

It is a pretty nice looking place inside...Lot nicer than I expected...I like the fact that nicer places are going in on 240...Southside needs more of these kinds of places

Will have to try it again for dinner so I can get a better feel for the place

08-25-2007, 07:10 PM
overall how did the menu look, as far as selections and type of food??

08-26-2007, 07:06 AM
It had a pretty good variety...Chicken fry, burgers, sandwiches, steaks and pastas

Little bit of everything...Prices seemed to be on par with Chili's

08-30-2007, 07:10 AM
My daughter and I ate lunch there yesterday - was very crowded so we sat at a small table at the bar. She had to send her soup back as it came out lukewarm (and with no spoon at first). But to their credit one of the staff brought out a steaming bowl of soup which she said was very good. I had the tilapia w/loaded potatoes and veggies. The food was good, nice portions and the seasoning was done very well, I thought. My daughter is one of those "Food Network" junkies, so it is hard to impress her! She thought the decor was just okay, though.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-01-2007, 01:24 AM
I need to go check this place out.

Because...You know...I can never have too many places to go drinking.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-18-2007, 03:13 AM
I tried to go there last night around 7pm and they were closed.

Sign on the door said something along the lines of: "Effective immediately, we will be open from 11am until 5pm daily while the kitchen is being remodeled".

They must have gotten hammered on an inspection or something, because they just opened...Kitchen shouldn't need remodeled.

In other news, the Jimmy's Egg right next to it has food that tastes just like the other locations.

09-18-2007, 05:10 AM
how wierd. i went a week ago from sunday. the menu had a great selection and the food was pretty good. there were 10-12 in our party and when it came time to separate the checks, the nightmare began. she presented us with a combined ticket to look over and said that she'd start splitting the check. from that point, it literally took thirty minutes for our waitress to get the checks split and to us. ridiculous!

i do think that the place is worth giving another try.


09-18-2007, 05:20 AM
Splitting checks should be outlawed; nothing positive ever comes from this horrible practice. Most tables that want split checks don't request it until AFTER everything has been rung up...this in turn, causes service for other tables to sufffer a bit. If the server is told beforehand, it makes splitting so much easier. I'm still against it.

09-18-2007, 06:14 AM
how wierd. i went a week ago from sunday. the menu had a great selection and the food was pretty good. there were 10-12 in our party and when it came time to separate the checks, the nightmare began. she presented us with a combined ticket to look over and said that she'd start splitting the check. from that point, it literally took thirty minutes for our waitress to get the checks split and to us. ridiculous!

i do think that the place is worth giving another try.


ive never been a server so i have little empathy for them, but with that many people its pretty hard to split up checks afterwards. now if its like 2 couples then they shouldnt complain.

09-18-2007, 06:16 AM
true... however, we did request the check to be split beforehand. for whatever reason, we were presented a combined check "to look over" while she split it up. regardless of the headache, i still don't see how the process takes 30 minutes. besides us, the place wasn't very busy that night. there were maybe 5-6 other tables that were occupied.

obviously, from the restaruant's point of view it's an added headache. from the patron's point of view, nobody wants to pay for the whole table... and besides, who uses cash these days?


09-18-2007, 06:16 AM
Splitting checks should be outlawed; nothing positive ever comes from this horrible practice. Most tables that want split checks don't request it until AFTER everything has been rung up...this in turn, causes service for other tables to sufffer a bit. If the server is told beforehand, it makes splitting so much easier. I'm still against it.

i agree but how realistic is it for a table of 12 which are roughly around the same age for one person to pick up the tab for everyone?

i know it sucks doing it, but when they see something like that they should have a pretty good idea that the people are going to want it split.

09-18-2007, 07:55 AM
Splitting checks should be outlawed; nothing positive ever comes from this horrible practice. Most tables that want split checks don't request it until AFTER everything has been rung up...this in turn, causes service for other tables to sufffer a bit. If the server is told beforehand, it makes splitting so much easier. I'm still against it.

The server could ask beforehand, right?

Good customer service is sometimes inconvenient.... but it's an unfortunate minimum expectation when you're in the food biz.

Big tables and split checks are why God invented included gratuity!

09-18-2007, 08:06 AM
big tables and split checks are why god invented included gratuity!

exactly. in mandatory gratuity, that particular server made almost $30 off our table alone. i think she can handle the small inconvenience of splitting our checks.


09-18-2007, 08:16 AM
Isn't it so awkward when people try to divvy up the check? There are so many scenarios which make for really uncomfortable moments!

Of course, there is always the pretend reach for the check! Hoping someone else will protest and then they don't and you're stuck with an enormous check! lol

I had a friend whose girlfriend pulled out her calculator at the table and told everyone exactly to the penny what they owed.

I guess it was an effective way to make sure her boyfriend didn't overpay but pretty painful to watch everyone squirm in disbelief while she told them they hadn't paid enough and added the 20% gratuity + Tax for them! lol Suffice it to say, we all learned to ask for separate checks!

The other scenario is that everyone throws down what they think they owe and it doesn't cover the check and everyone sits there! ha,ha... like a poker game.. everyone waiting to see who makes the first move and shows their hand.. who's reaching for the wallet first?

I do hate it though when it is a big party.. some people drink, others don't, some order a $20 entree and appetizers, some order a salad and an ice tea, then at the end, someone suggests that everyone all put in the same amount! ouch... yeah, separate checks are the way to go.

09-19-2007, 05:35 AM
I say instead of actually splitting checks, just give your credit card to the server and ask them to put $10, $20, or whatever on the card. This also leaves the tip competely up to you. Much easier/faster.

09-19-2007, 05:54 AM
hmmm... didn't know you could do that.


09-19-2007, 06:49 AM
I say instead of actually splitting checks, just give your credit card to the server and ask them to put $10, $20, or whatever on the card. This also leaves the tip competely up to you. Much easier/faster.

You're the waiter - whats so hard about spending two seconds before taking the drink order to ask if it will be together or seperate?

Plus that seems like it would be a hassle for each couple(like karried said) to remember what they got and how much it cost, then guess-timate a round number and tell you to put that on the card. If you dont like being a waiter or think it ruins your day when you didnt ask if a party needed a check divided(OMG) then find another job.

Dave Cook
09-19-2007, 02:18 PM
Wow! Some of you guys hang with some cheap bastards.

A calculator?

09-19-2007, 06:52 PM
I normally just double the check amount (not literally of course) to get the 20%

$30 gets a $6 tip unless they are just plain bad

If I'm there for three hours drinking beer and eating....Minimum $10 for that long of service no matter how cheap the bill is

I'm with most others regarding the checks...The waitstaff should ask right before running the tickets

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-19-2007, 07:20 PM
I normally just double the check amount (not literally of course) to get the 20%

$30 gets a $6 tip unless they are just plain bad

If I'm there for three hours drinking beer and eating....Minimum $10 for that long of service no matter how cheap the bill is

That's pretty much what I do.

I'm with most others regarding the checks...The waitstaff should ask right before running the tickets

I can't comment on this...I don't have that many friends to go out with anyway.:053:

09-19-2007, 07:39 PM
I can't comment on this...I don't have that many friends to go out with anyway.:053:

Oooohhhhhhhhhh........that is so sad :( You are the funniest person on this site. You should have lots of friends to go out with that will stiff you on the bill.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
09-20-2007, 01:01 AM
Oooohhhhhhhhhh........that is so sad :( You are the funniest person on this site. You should have lots of friends to go out with that will stiff you on the bill.

I don't think so...But thanks :)

I work graveyard shift, and while I like it...It will gradually erode away most relationships, friends or otherwise. Doesn't matter that much though...I'm one of those people that require a lot of "me" time. Been that way since I was about 5.

09-20-2007, 06:26 PM
Splitting checks should be outlawed; nothing positive ever comes from this horrible practice. Most tables that want split checks don't request it until AFTER everything has been rung up...this in turn, causes service for other tables to sufffer a bit. If the server is told beforehand, it makes splitting so much easier. I'm still against it.

Ummm isnt that one of the reasons why a party of 'x '# or more is usually charged a mandatory amount of gratuity.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-12-2008, 09:50 PM
I finally went to Rick's last Sunday with the girlfriend.

It was pretty slow, both in terms of there not being many people there, and my waiter didn't ever seem to be pressed for time (unfortunately).

We sat in the restaurant area instead of the bar, but the bar looked pretty nice. About average beer selection, Sam Adams Winter blend is VERY tasty both from a bottle and out of the tap BTW (and this is from non-Sam Adams fan). Girlfriend liked her frozen margarita, and she'd difficult to please in that area.

She got potato skins and loved them...I got the (and I'm probably going to butcher the name) Parmesan Crusted Chicken Scallopini with marinara sauce (you can also get alfredo sauce with this). It was very, VERY tasty. My girlfriend ate half of mine, she liked it so much. My only complaint is that the angel hair pasta that comes on the plate didn't have any sauce of it's own. Although it was presented well. It was piled on the plate looking like a beehive hairdo from 1965. Cool.

We split a turtle cheesecake for desert, and OH MAN. Tasty.

I will definitely be back there. Lots of other things on the menu that look good.

02-13-2008, 04:53 PM
Same here ohgawd...Not a big fan of Sam Adams but the Winter lager is a good one

Not sure if Rick's will make it or not...Hasn't been very busy the last few times I have eaten there and there were only 6 other tables full last saturday around 1:30

I hope it does make it though...Pretty much everything I've tried there I've liked

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-13-2008, 06:02 PM
Well I'm certainly going to do my part to keep them running. I think my whole bill was under $35, and that includes two beers and a margarita.

02-17-2008, 06:32 PM
Gotta go! :tiphat:

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-18-2008, 08:20 AM
I went again last night. My girlfriend had the crusted chicken that I had last week. She likes it a LOT. I tried some cashew chicken with white rice. It was really really good.

I'm trying to figure out the place. The food is prepared and presented like food in restaurant much nicer and at twice the price. But it's a bar.

The people next to us had a couple of sandwiches, and they looked to be a cut-above regular bar sammiches too. They sure got wolfed down.

I'm really digging this joint.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-27-2008, 07:43 PM
Well that didn't last long.

Rick's is closing on the 4th of July, and will be replaced by Coaches.

06-27-2008, 07:52 PM
not surprised... decent place, but they never seemed to get off the ground. from what i understand, the place is owned by the same guy who owns jimmy's egg. evidently, rick's has (had?) a sister restaurant northside called casablanca.


06-27-2008, 08:26 PM
They'll always have Paris.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-27-2008, 08:42 PM
not surprised... decent place, but they never seemed to get off the ground. from what i understand, the place is owned by the same guy who owns jimmy's egg. evidently, rick's has (had?) a sister restaurant northside called casablanca.


I was told that Jimmy's Egg owns the building and sold it out from under them. But that was from somebody about 4 steps away from the source.

06-27-2008, 09:08 PM

Those of you who suspect that Rick's is a sister restaurant to Jimmy's Egg (some of the franchises), and Casablanca, are correct. The owners are clients of my law firm. And yes, they are closing. :)

06-28-2008, 06:11 AM
ogts, i also heard that jimmy's egg owns the building... so i think you're right about that. from what i understand, agreeable terms couldn't be reached on a lease so they opted to buy it.

jbkrems, is casablanca closing, too?


06-28-2008, 08:55 AM
Look for Primo's to follow Rick's sometime soon...Few times I have gone on the weekend for lunch they were dead...I haven't been there for dinners so maybe they do ok there but I wouldn't be surprised if they move on as well unfortunately

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-28-2008, 01:00 PM
Look for Primo's to follow Rick's sometime soon...Few times I have gone on the weekend for lunch they were dead...I haven't been there for dinners so maybe they do ok there but I wouldn't be surprised if they move on as well unfortunately

Well, about a week ago, I noticed in the real estate section on Craigslist...Primos, City Bites, Ricks, Chuck E. Cheese, and a couple of other places up for sale.

06-28-2008, 01:40 PM
Casablanca has been closed for several months now. They never were in the black ---- it was not a good business venture for my firm's clients.