View Full Version : Reaction to Rankin speed humps

08-16-2007, 08:40 AM
Yesterday afternoon I attended a Planning Commission meeting at which one of the agenda items was discussion of the temporary speed humps on Rankin between 5th St and 9th St. I went because I'd seen a number of signs encouraging those opposed to the humps to speak up, so my plan was to be the lone voice of reason and speak in favor of traffic calming.
Well, plans change. I listened to my neighbors tell of hundreds of cars being driven through their lawns to go around the speed humps, of drivers honking their horns at every one, of people vandalizing their homes and lawns because they assumed that the homeowners had requested the humps, etc. Suddenly I felt really bad for these people and became incensed at the arrogance and ignorance of the drivers who intentionally damage other people's property for their own convenience.
The commission was very patient and everyone had a chance to speak. When all was said and done, the City Traffic Engineer agreed to put together a list of possible alternatives and come back in two weeks for another discussion. The point of this post is to ask why people react so badly to traffic calming and also what goes through the minds of people who damage property. Any thoughts?

09-07-2007, 10:35 PM
My question is, if people are driving around the speed bumps and tearing up people's yards, why don't the police ticket them? I noticed the speed humps too and while I don't really care for them, with UCO down the hill, I can kind of understand why they are there - to slow down traffic - I don't see any other way of doing it ...and if people are going to subvert the system, they should be punished... either that or they just need to sit a cop out there all the time and ticket the speeders?

09-08-2007, 09:00 AM
There ought to be curbs and sidewalks anywhere that close to a college campus.

09-09-2007, 10:09 AM
Enforcement is always a good idea, and from time to time an officer does just that. Problem is, there just are'nt enough cops to have one camped out there full time. Looks like they are gonna move 'em.

09-09-2007, 01:09 PM
They make great ramps, eh, Tim?

09-13-2007, 09:24 PM
There ought to be curbs and sidewalks anywhere that close to a college campus.

Very good point - Edmond has been psycho about putting sidewalks in odd places where there are no people to use them, yet they won't put them there? Odd.

09-13-2007, 10:30 PM
Very good point - Edmond has been psycho about putting sidewalks in odd places where there are no people to use them, yet they won't put them there? Odd.

Edmonds MO is to get developers to pay for these improvements. In older neighborhoods, naturally, this isn't a possibility.

Dr. Pants
09-17-2007, 09:12 AM

Do you know any of the homeowners who have had their lawns or homes damaged? I'd be interested in talking to them. The police (the ones I talk to) have never mentioned any reports from that area.

09-18-2007, 07:08 AM
You bet. Although I'm not sure if they want contact info plastered all over the web! I'll pass along the site info to them and see if they will post something.