View Full Version : Boy Jogging In N.W. OKC Struck, Killed By Dump Truck

08-07-2007, 04:19 PM
A boy was struck and killed while jogging in northwest Oklahoma City on Tuesday, police said.

Authorities said the boy was jogging along an unfinished jogging trail at Northwest 58th Street and Council Road at about 2 p.m. when the driver of a dump truck working on that trail ran over him.

Initially, authorities said the boy was 13 years old. However, police said that this is merely an estimate, that they believe the boy to be anywhere between 11 and 15 years old.

Investigators said the driver told them that he could not see the boy. Detectives are looking for any witnesses to the incident.

Traffic along Council Road from Northwest 50th Street northward is closed for now.

Boy Jogging In N.W. OKC Struck, Killed By Dump Truck - Yahoo! News (

08-07-2007, 04:39 PM
It would help if the dang city would mow the grass or if they outsource it to enforce the contract. This is a huge problem in this city and I know I whine about it periodically. But this stretch of road (adjacent to Wiley Post airport I might add) has weeds over 6 feet tall. It hides the bike path which is just inches from the road. Drivers need to be able to see riders/walkers/rollerbladers. Ignorance is bliss eh?

08-07-2007, 05:22 PM
It would help if the dang city would mow the grass or if they outsource it to enforce the contract. This is a huge problem in this city and I know I whine about it periodically. But this stretch of road (adjacent to Wiley Post airport I might add) has weeds over 6 feet tall. It hides the bike path which is just inches from the road. Drivers need to be able to see riders/walkers/rollerbladers. Ignorance is bliss eh?

I totally agree with you....we were just driving by there this past Saturday and noticed that. The rain is over....time to mow!
It's a shame about the little boy. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

08-08-2007, 01:03 PM
The area along the trail was mowed by the City last week.

The area on the airplort land belongs to Wiley Post and is considered private property.

The incident is under police investigation. Early finger-pointing like this does little but spur rumor.

08-08-2007, 03:47 PM
But the area I'm talking about IS along the trail and buts up right to Council Rd. OKCGRL said she mentioned it this past Saturday as well. I drove by there on Friday and it was not mowed. I'm 6ft. 1in and some of the weeds were taller than me. The trail is too close to the road for this to be allowed. I realize the Airport Trust (still under city control not private) is responsible for the airport land, but the area we're talking about is right up against the road and trail and IS city right of way. Either way, the city and state do a poor job enforcing mowing on right of ways and highways.

08-09-2007, 05:44 PM
My husband and I also drive by last week and remarked that there was a large drop off from the trail. He was hoping they weren't done yet and would fill it soon. I guess that is why there was a dump truck on the trail itself. I read this morning that the truck's brakes did not pass inspection and was supposed to be taken out of service. I think there was also a question about the driver's license. He was also alone and did not have anyone watching him back up which the article implied it standard procedure. This is such a tragedy. We have been somewhat keeping tabs on this project because it will be such a great addition for the biker's of the city and greatly expand the trail system. I just pray for the family in their time of sorrow.

08-10-2007, 08:49 AM
I saw this on the news last night, it appears Gassaway is money hungry to make a ton of money off someone elses tragedy. The family was interviewed on the news stating they didn't know the papers they signed were for a lawsuit but rather for a release of medical information.

Attorney fired in $20M lawsuit

By John Estus and Augie Frost
Staff Writers

The father of a dead boy fired a controversial Oklahoma City attorney on Thursday, saying Mike Gassaway duped the family and filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit without permission.

"I wouldn't even be thinking of that until after I bury my son,” said Byron Glenn. "I just hate that it happened.”

Thomas Glenn, 14, died Tuesday when a dump truck ran over him as he jogged on an Oklahoma City trail.

Gassaway denied wrongdoing.

The unusual circumstances prompted investigators with the Oklahoma Bar Association to interview the family Thursday and to take statements from them.

The state attorneys' group already is asking the state Supreme Court to discipline Gassaway for other alleged misbehavior.

The Glenn family said they haven't been able to reach Gassaway since Wednesday, when he filed the lawsuit against Rudy Construction Co., the owner of the truck and employer of the driver.

"This man is a shark and he smelled blood and he took advantage of me,” Byron Glenn said.

The association's general counsel, Dan Murdock, was present at the home and said he could not comment on whether the association was investigating Gassaway's work with the Glenn family or whether a formal complaint could be filed against Gassaway.

Gassaway said he wasn't surprised the association wasn't commenting.

He said Thursday he wasn't aware of an investigation.

Contract signed
Thomas' parents signed a legal representation contract with Gassaway on Wednesday.
The contract stated Gassaway could "take all legal steps to initiate and prosecute” claims related to the boy's "wrongful death.” Gassaway faxed a copy of the contract to The Oklahoman late Thursday.

Byron Glenn said Thursday that Gassaway didn't explain the contracts and didn't leave him and his wife, Fay, copies of the contracts. He said they didn't realize what they were signing and never asked Gassaway to file a lawsuit.

"That's wrong. I've got a written contract with them, and they asked me to file it. That's what's wrong about it,” Gassaway said. "They both understood it. They both went over it.”

Byron Glenn said Gassaway never uttered the word "lawsuit” during conversations.

"I never heard nothing about no lawsuit, or I would have sent him out the door right then,” Byron Glenn said. "We're not money-hungry.”

Gassaway admitted he never discussed dollar amounts for damages with the family. He said he chose damages in excess of $5 million because he "wanted to get the attention” of the defendant, Rudy Construction.

Gassaway said he filed the lawsuit quickly because he wanted to preserve evidence. He left town for Austin shortly after filing the lawsuit and remained there Thursday.

The lawsuit accuses Rudy Construction of causing Thomas' death. It asks for three payments in excess of $5 million each.

It also includes a tort claim against Oklahoma City accusing it of failing to supervise the company. That claim asks for another $5 million. In all, the lawsuit asks for more than $20 million in damages.

Controversial history
Gassaway's image was tarnished recently when he was accused of asking female clients to perform sex acts with him in exchange for discounted legal services. Byron Glenn said he wasn't aware of those allegations until Thursday.
Byron Glenn contacted Gassaway shortly after Thomas died and said he only wanted legal guidance and never intended to hire the attorney. He said he had seen Gassaway on television and thought he could help.


•A jury in April found Gassaway not guilty of soliciting prostitution after a police sting operation allegedly recorded him suggesting to a female client, who was working with police vice detectives, that he could reduce his legal fees if she performed a sex act on him.

•Gassaway's attorney successfully convinced the jury that Gassaway was set up by police because the woman was the first to ask if she could perform the sex act on him in exchange for the discount.

•Gassaway faces disciplinary procedures that could lead to the state Supreme Court taking away his law license. A hearing in the disciplinary case is set for next month.

•The disciplinary case stems in part from accusations from additional female Gassaway clients. The women had said they were given discounted legal fees after performing sex acts with him, anda complaint with the court was filed in January as a result.

Contributing: Nolan Clay and Jay F. Marks, Staff Writers

08-12-2007, 11:50 AM
I actually heard that there was a passenger in the truck. I met him while I was at work one day. He at least claimed to be in the passenger seat when it happened, and he had just gotten out of the court house, the had to write a report on what happened. He said that they didn't even hold him since he wasn't the driver, but the driver got fired, and that he was temp. being held.

If I hear anything else on this I will most definitely pass it along.