View Full Version : Oklahoma's football players will be a lot easier to indentify this season

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08-03-2007, 12:49 PM
Good! I didn't like the nameless jerseys last year at all. | Powered by The Oklahoman and NEWS 9 (
From staff reports-
NORMAN -- Oklahoma's football players will be a lot easier to indentify this season.

OU head coach Bob Stoops announced at Friday's Media Day that the Sooners will once again have their names on back of their jerseys this season.

Last year, the Sooners didn't have their names on the back of their jerseys. It was the first time since 1973 that there were no names on the back of OU jerseys.

"People don't realize that the reason to put the numbers on there was to identify them," Stoops said. "But I guess some people don't identify them that way, so I guess we had to put (the names) back on.

08-03-2007, 05:44 PM
who cares...OU football sucks anyway. Even the NCAA thinks so...



08-06-2007, 04:55 AM
who cares...OU football sucks anyway. Even the NCAA thinks so...



So true. I mean, OU doesn't have nearly the number of football championships LosuR has.


08-06-2007, 06:24 AM

08-06-2007, 06:56 AM
Series between OU and OSU: 78-16-7

Who does OU "suck" in comparison to?

08-06-2007, 07:28 AM
Why can't we have a conversation about the jerseys without the slander? God knows Boren is getting enough money down there with all of the tuition increases. It's nice that they can afford to have names on their backs. Maybe next they could work on the actual college and get rid of the roaches and mold in the classrooms??!!

08-06-2007, 07:51 AM
Divert Athletics money into the Academics?...HERESY!!!

08-06-2007, 07:54 AM
Series between OU and OSU: 78-16-7

Who does OU "suck" in comparison to?

just wait till this year buddy.

08-06-2007, 07:59 AM
Why can't we have a conversation about the jerseys without the slander?

Because the poke started it. OsU would have to win every "bedlam" game for more than 60 years straight to get even with us but, OU sucks. Whatever. At least with texas they only own us by about 18 games. :ou2

08-06-2007, 08:09 AM
I like how the OSU fan has to use an image from a Texas game to make his point. That's like getting your big brother to do all your fighting for you. :D

08-06-2007, 08:09 AM
just wait till this year buddy.

What's going to happen this year? OSU goes 7-5 again and is a "team on the rise"?

I'm not all that afraid of the 4th/5th best team in the division, thanks :tiphat:

At any rate, as far as the names thing, I'll like it. While last year, I pretty much knew who all the starters were by their numbers, when the backups played, I had no clue who was doing what.

With OU's depth at receiver, running back and O-line, this is going to come in handy (receivers will be rotated in and out a lot) on offense.

08-06-2007, 08:44 AM
some people hate ou more than they like their own school

08-06-2007, 09:00 AM
I like how the OSU fan has to use an image from a Texas game to make his point. That's like getting your big brother to do all your fighting for you. :D

exactly. I guess it was too difficult to find a score from their own games to show as a "you suck" example. Much easier to find a rare texas game. We have so many to pick from to show you scores, but it's much funner for me to just whistle and ask...remember the alamo? That was bucktastic.

08-06-2007, 09:05 AM
I like how the OSU fan has to use an image from a Texas game to make his point. That's like getting your big brother to do all your fighting for you. :D

Couldn't have said it better myself. Typical aggy.

08-06-2007, 01:40 PM
some people hate ou more than they like their own school

I dont see OSU people putting upside down OU stickers on their cars and nothing else.

Wait, i wonder what type of people would be that childish?

08-06-2007, 01:50 PM
there's not enough room after all the "fishin" and "huntin" stickers you guys plaster all over your trucks. don't you all have some kind of 1980 circa calvin taking a leak on OU?? that's much classier than the upside down longhorn. and again with the longhorn...what is your obsession with texas?

08-06-2007, 02:58 PM

As long as we're doing this, does anyone have the Stunned Aggie picture from the OsU/A&M game from one or two years ago? I love that pic. If anyone can post it that'd make my day.

Oh, and BTW, the upside down horns is part of a real rivalry not a perceived rivalry like the one you aggies think you have with us. :ou

Dave Cook
08-06-2007, 04:20 PM
Anyway...back to the original topic.....Stoops brings up a good point. Numbers were intended to identify did fans survive back in the Bud Wilkinson era?

08-07-2007, 05:26 AM
As long as we're doing this, does anyone have the Stunned Aggie picture from the OsU/A&M game from one or two years ago? I love that pic. If anyone can post it that'd make my day.

Oh, and BTW, the upside down horns is part of a real rivalry not a perceived rivalry like the one you aggies think you have with us. :ou

Here ya go. This was freakin' classic.

08-07-2007, 05:28 AM
there's not enough room after all the "fishin" and "huntin" stickers you guys plaster all over your trucks. don't you all have some kind of 1980 circa calvin taking a leak on OU?? that's much classier than the upside down longhorn. and again with the longhorn...what is your obsession with texas?

You beat me to it, kmf. I see those "really awesome" Calvin pissing on OU stickers all the time. Right next to the "Git `R Dun" stickers.

08-07-2007, 06:31 AM
what is your obsession with texas?

Mack Brown is the greatest coach in the history of the big 12.

08-07-2007, 06:34 AM
Oh, and BTW, the upside down horns is part of a real rivalry not a perceived rivalry like the one you aggies think you have with us. :ou

I have many friends who go to UT in austin and ive never seen them post any OU stickers upside down on their cars. Or Use the phrase 'oklahoma sucks' outside of the football game....

Maybe thats because they are above you...

You guys are the only ones who seem to care about the rivalry for more than 1 day. You also wont walk into restraunts in Austin and see upside down OU flags or turned over sooner scooners. Wait, you only get that in norman, maybe you are the ones with the percieved rivalry. Austin and UT doesnt even seemed concerned with you in the least.
Even in stillwater you wont find anything bashing OU, i guess us cowboys are above it as well.

08-07-2007, 06:47 AM
here you go

08-07-2007, 07:07 AM
this is such a pointless discussion. however... it's interesting how you contradict yourself, rugbybrado. the point of this thread was to discuss the return of players' names to sooner football jerseys. to this, without provocation you broke topic and replied that 'ou footall sucks.' in your last post, you now you claim that the average pokes fan is above ou bashing. you might try to live up to your own paradigm. please keep in mind that derailing topics and flame baiting are both violations of this site's tos. feel free to root for whatever team you want, but don't derail a thread in order to use this forum to start pointless flame wars. i think we both know that's the only reason for your original post.

in any event, i prefer the names being on the jerseys. as it was stated, most people know the numbers of the first-stringers, but when the backups start to play it's not so easy to know who's on the field. besides notre dame, what other teams choose not to print their players' names on jerseys?


08-07-2007, 07:13 AM
here you go

That is one HECK of a non-working link. :confused:

I have many friends who go to UT in austin and ive never seen them post any OU stickers upside down on their cars. Or Use the phrase 'oklahoma sucks' outside of the football game....

Maybe thats because they are above you...

You guys are the only ones who seem to care about the rivalry for more than 1 day. You also wont walk into restraunts in Austin and see upside down OU flags or turned over sooner scooners. Wait, you only get that in norman, maybe you are the ones with the percieved rivalry. Austin and UT doesnt even seemed concerned with you in the least.
Even in stillwater you wont find anything bashing OU, i guess us cowboys are above it as well.

Well, your "friends" must not get out much. Don't think for one second those people don't want to win the game as badly as we do. And this REAL rivalry has gained steam (as if it needed anymore) the past few years after everyone with half a brain found out the BIG XII championship game is actually played on the first Saturday of October. BTW, I have seen many texas fans with an inverted OU on their cars. Difference is you can't really tell unless you're looking for it.

And give me a break about not seeing anything bashing OU in stoolwater. That is ALL you see up there. Trust me friend, you people are NOT above anything. The fact that you reply to a thread about the Sooners having their names on their jerseys with "Who cares... blah blah blah... OU sucks!" just cements that.

08-07-2007, 07:16 AM
ok. let's get back to topic. -M

08-07-2007, 07:19 AM
this is such a pointless discussion. however... it's interesting how you contradict yourself, rugbybrado. the point of this thread was to discuss the return of players' names to sooner football jerseys. to this, without provocation you broke topic and replied that 'ou footall sucks.' in your last post, you now you claim that the average pokes fan is above ou bashing. you might try to live up to your own paradigm. please keep in mind that derailing topics and flame baiting are both violations of this site's tos. feel free to root for whatever team you want, but don't derail a thread in order to use this forum to start pointless flame wars. i think we both know that's the only reason for your original post.

in any event, i prefer the names being on the jerseys. as it was stated, most people know the numbers of the first-stringers, but when the backups start to play it's not so easy to know who's on the field. besides notre dame, what other teams choose not to print their players' names on jerseys?


I know USC doesn't have names. I'm pretty sure Purdue doesn't. There's a few more, but I can't think of them right now.

I prefer the names also. There were only a handful of times I felt like I needed them for myself. However, there were many, many times I wished the names were there for my wife's sake.:biggrin:

08-07-2007, 07:23 AM
I know USC doesn't have names. I'm pretty sure Purdue doesn't. There's a few more, but I can't think of them right now.

I prefer the names also. There were only a handful of times I felt like I needed them for myself. However, there were many, many times I wished the names were there for my wife's sake.:biggrin:

Notre Dame.. and didn't Miami go without for awhile? Or maybe they took them away?

08-07-2007, 07:27 AM
there were many, many times I wished the names were there for my wife's sake.:biggrin:

hehe. we really don't care what their names are you know, she probably only does that to annoy you. or she wants to match a name to the tush. :lol2:

08-07-2007, 07:55 AM
hehe. we really don't care what their names are you know, she probably only does that to annoy you. or she wants to match a name to the tush. :lol2:

Have you seen my tush? Why would she want to look elsewhere?:irule:

08-07-2007, 08:05 AM
I heard from a very unreliable source that last year the names were missing because of a screw up and they didn't want to admit it. Seems very unlikely to me, but has anyone else heard this rumor?

08-07-2007, 08:13 AM
I heard from a very unreliable source that last year the names were missing because of a screw up and they didn't want to admit it. Seems very unlikely to me, but has anyone else heard this rumor?

Nah, that's just a rumor. The original reason given was the new style of jerseys the Sooners wore last year were cut differently and didn't allow room on the back for a nameplate. Once everyone called BS on that, Coach Stoops came clean and said he did it because he wanted the team to know the name on the front of the jersey meant a lot more than the name on the back of the jersey. In any event, looks like the names are back and the team will be wearing different jerseys this year (thank goodness, last year's were hideous).

08-07-2007, 12:32 PM
At any rate, as far as the names thing, I'll like it. While last year, I pretty much knew who all the starters were by their numbers, when the backups played, I had no clue who was doing what.

Let's also not forget that college football has no prohibition on players sharing jersey numbers so long as they aren't on the field at the same time.

08-07-2007, 03:03 PM
here you go

Nice link. Leave it to a friggin' aggie.

Yeah, tx didn't care those 5 years we beat 'em. Especially 65-13. When you see the coaches and players interviewed about the game they say it's just another game. Daryl Royal wasn't upset at all that Switzer owned him. OU/tx is nothing special to those who go to school south of the Red River that's why so few of them bother traveling to the game. You're absolutely right. You've opened my eyes.:dizzy:

08-07-2007, 03:31 PM
I moved here from Austin and let me tell ya, it ain't easy being an OU fan in Austin! Thank god I had a couple of other OU buddies there but I heard about it non-stop everywhere I went. I rarely dared to wear an OU shirt and that was only when I was with my other OU peeps so there was safety in numbers.

08-10-2007, 12:49 PM
I grew up going to games during the Wilkinson years and a real fan could identify the players by their numbers.
Maybe the problem is the quality of education in Okla, but that is another thread

08-12-2007, 08:17 AM
I have to say, I'm a rather large OSU fan, but I don't bash upon any of the other teams. I understand the interstate rivalry, and it's great, but I just wish people could leave it at that one day.

As per the jersey topic, from what I can recall from Stoops pre season press conference last year was something to the effect of he wanted the players not to worry about the name on the back of the jersey because everyone in college was getting to the point it was all about names, not the teams. The game is a team sport, you may have 1 star player, but if you don't have the rest of the team to support him, he will never be any good.

I.E. if A. Peterson didn't have the offensive line he had, he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Then if OSU didn't have the line they had, Reid wouldn't have been able to pull of what little success (I'm a Wood's fan, made a mistake putting Reid at QB) he had last year in the season either. Any way you look at it, I like no names on the jersey, it makes you look at the bigger picture,the actual team. Heaven forbid you may have to actually "know" the numbers on your favorite team that you are so "die hard" about.

08-12-2007, 03:11 PM
I grew up going to games during the Wilkinson years and a real fan could identify the players by their numbers.
Maybe the problem is the quality of education in Okla, but that is another thread
Pfft! I suspect the problem lies more with a murky memory of the Wilkinson era rather than the general education level of our state. :rolleyes:

08-12-2007, 07:51 PM
I.E. if A. Peterson didn't have the offensive line he had, he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Then if OSU didn't have the line they had, Reid wouldn't have been able to pull of what little success (I'm a Wood's fan, made a mistake putting Reid at QB) he had last year in the season either. Any way you look at it, I like no names on the jersey, it makes you look at the bigger picture,the actual team. Heaven forbid you may have to actually "know" the numbers on your favorite team that you are so "die hard" about.

Ah.. so you are the consumate football expert. That makes you smarter than all of the draft pros who chose Peterson as the first running back in the draft, eh? I guess you're way better at judging talent than they are. I guess you're smarter than the Vikings who just promised 20 million+ dollars to a running back who was only decent because of his line, eh?

And compared to the OSU football staff, you must be freaking brilliant when it comes to judging QB talent. Reid had an excellent year considering his supporting cast. If Gundy, et al think he's a better QB, what makes you a better judge of talent? Heck.. Woods wouldn't even be 2nd team -- maybe not even 3rd!

08-15-2007, 08:45 AM
No, I'm just simply stating that football is a team game. It doesn't matter how good the running back is if you don't have a line up front that can't keep you from getting pummled into the ground. I never said A.P. didn't have talent, but they had the line that allowed him to use his talent. After the first initial 5-7 yards it's all talent on their part and what they can do, but to get that momentum going, they must first have a good line.

08-15-2007, 08:49 AM
Well yes, the line is important. But so is a running back who can get yardage and a QB who throws to his own team.

But to say that a player is only good because of their line in A.D. or Reid's case is just not accurate. Those guys are good on their own.

08-16-2007, 05:10 AM
Well yes, the line is important. But so is a running back who can get yardage and a QB who throws to his own team.

But to say that a player is only good because of their line in A.D. or Reid's case is just not accurate. Those guys are good on their own.

I know a lot of (honest) osu fans who would argue with your statement that Reid has proved his worth.

08-16-2007, 06:24 AM
His efficiency numbers speak for themselves.

08-16-2007, 06:49 AM
i see. given that logic, the best ncaa quarterback of 2006 was colt brennan of the hawaii rainbow warriors.


08-16-2007, 08:27 AM
i see. given that logic, the best ncaa quarterback of 2006 was colt brennan of the hawaii rainbow warriors.


Colt Brennan doesn't suck -- he's a dark horse on many preseason Heisman prognosticators' lists. He's high up on a lot of NFL watch lists, and is widely regarded as the most talented non-BCS player this year.

And Hawaii is the favorite to beat out Boise State this year for the WAC championship.

08-16-2007, 09:03 AM
Reid didn't prove his worth until 2006:

Football - Roster - Official Website Of Oklahoma State Cowboy And Cowgirl Athletics (

Bobby Reid:

2005..........108..52......4....602....2...49..48. 1

Donovan Woods:

2005...........32.....17....0...163....1...23..53. 1

ESPN - Bobby Reid Stats, News, Photos - Oklahoma State Cowboys - NCAA College Football (

Bobby Reid:


08-16-2007, 09:30 AM
Check out ESPN Ivan Maisel's pick for the BCS Championship

Allstate BCS Championship Game
(BCS No. 1 vs. BCS No. 2) USC vs. Oklahoma

Chance for redemption....Or a chance to get ragged on for 3 more years!

If it does come true...Here is to hoping Leinart is on the sidelines and Ryan Reynolds runs out of bounds and accidentally takes him out

08-16-2007, 09:33 AM
far be it from me to say that brennan sucks. the point is that stats bely many important factors such as the strength of opponents played, how well a player's abilities compliment a given coach's strategy and the skills of a player's teammates. i'm not saying that reid is a bad player, either, i'm just saying that one can rely too heavily on numbers when judging a player's ability... the data can sometimes make for incorrect conclusions.


08-16-2007, 09:38 AM
far be it from me to say that brennan sucks. the point is that stats bely many important factors such as the strength of opponents played, how well a player's abilities compliment a given coach's strategy and the skills of a player's teammates. i'm not saying that reid is a bad player, either, i'm just saying that one can rely too heavily on numbers when judging a player's ability... the data can sometimes make for incorrect conclusions.


When comparing two players on the same team, those numbers can be extremely reliable since almost all the variables you just described are the same.

08-16-2007, 09:59 AM
All I know is every osu fan I know (unfortunately, I know many) still believes Reid is not the best qb on the team.

08-16-2007, 10:02 AM
when comparing two players on the same team, those numbers can be extremely reliable since almost all the variables you just described are the same.

true that. -M

08-16-2007, 10:09 AM
All I know is every osu fan I know (unfortunately, I know many) still believes Reid is not the best qb on the team.

1) Numbers don't lie, and as discussed, in this case, they are highly reliable. Reid's first year as the real QB was far and away better than Wood's.

2) The OSU coaches know better than the OSU fans.

3) The backup is usually the most popular player on the team. Woods isn't even a backup. He's a Safety. There is at least one, probably, there are 3 better QBs on the team than Mr. Woods.

08-16-2007, 10:33 AM
1) Numbers don't lie, and as discussed, in this case, they are highly reliable. Reid's first year as the real QB was far and away better than Wood's.

Bobby Reid: - First year:

2005..........108..52......4....602....2...49..48. 1

Donovan Woods: - First year:


08-16-2007, 11:27 AM
You can't really compare a season in which he didn't play a full schedule. That '05 campaign, however, did include an unlikely win over a very good Tech team.

08-16-2007, 12:13 PM
That shouldn't effect passing efficiency. Besides, if you compare his 2006 season, he is only marginally better than Woods in 2004.

08-16-2007, 12:26 PM
And I guess the coaches don't know what they're doing at OSU then?

08-16-2007, 12:54 PM
I don't know what that has to do with anything. I'm just setting the facts straight.

I'm not saying, nor have I ever said that in this thread, that the OSU coaches are incompetent. I am saying when Reid took over as QB, there was no improvement at the position. At that time many fans WERE critical of the coachs' decision. It wasn't until last year that Reid's stats made some improvments and validated the coachs' actions.

08-16-2007, 01:55 PM
I don't know what that has to do with anything. I'm just setting the facts straight.

I'm not saying, nor have I ever said that in this thread, that the OSU coaches are incompetent. I am saying when Reid took over as QB, there was no improvement at the position. At that time many fans WERE critical of the coachs' decision. It wasn't until last year that Reid's stats made some improvments and validated the coachs' actions.

Well the argument is that the stats bear out that Reid was good for OSU at QB. Woods' talents were clearly (and are clearly) needed in the secondary. In hindsight, they made some good moves.

08-16-2007, 01:56 PM
Yes. Agreed.

08-16-2007, 04:23 PM
Oh I love it , a good old fashioned in state rivalry. Hopefully the Pokes can be good enough to keep up their part of it. It can only be good for the state.