View Full Version : Paylor Funeral Home losing it's name

07-22-2007, 03:07 PM
Paylor Funeral Home, holding the name since 1952 will be renamed
Advantage Funeral and Cremation.
The property is owned by SCI in Houston, TX. and is being leased
to local partners.

In the 1980's Paylor was owned by the Mills Corp of McAlester
and then sold to Stillbrooke Corp. of Houson along with many others
including Hunter Funeral Home in Capitol Hill for 14Million dollars
in 1989. Stillbrooke sold Hunter and Paylor to SCI in around 1995.

SCI has been divesting itself of certain business interests in favor
of local operators but has been hanging on to the Real Estate....

07-23-2007, 09:49 AM
Well that doesnt sound corporate at all...hmm.

Maybe they can help keep the place up better though. For years they had a mosaic roof of multicolored shingles. Ive never been inside the place, but I can imagine what the inside looked liked compared to the never changing stagnant look on the outside.

Needs some danged better landscaping too.

07-23-2007, 04:01 PM
I worked in that location from 89-95. The inside at that time was VERY nice, but in 1994, the roof collapsed and they had to replace everything not tied down...
which made it even nicer. I concur on the outside appearance though.
Paylor's been an underperformer for SCI, getting bested by Eisenhour for
over 20 years. SCI hangs on to the real estate and lets locals have a run at establishing "value" locations, where they've not had success.... The renaming of long standing funeral homes is a VERY risky move though...

07-24-2007, 07:18 AM
Well I'll cross my fingers that it works out. I would hate to see something that's been in MWC for so long, go away.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
07-26-2007, 06:09 AM
Sounds kind of like they were dead weight.