07-18-2007, 04:54 PM
Midtown uses signs to boost visibility
July 18, 2007
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Midtown Redevelopment Corp. decided that if districts around Oklahoma City such as the Asian District and The Paseo could have signs identifying their districts, then so could they.On Tuesday, the group unveiled four distinct signs around the area north of downtown to identify the area as Midtown even as businesses and new development continue to grow in the area.While not an official designation, Midtown is defined as 387 acres of business, residential and health care occupied land in the area bordered on the west by Classen Boulevard, the east by Broadway Place, the south by NW Fourth Street and the north by NW 13th Street.The four red steel markers standing almost nine feet in height were designed by Studio Architecture. Todd Ranger with Midtown Redevelopment said the signs cost a total of about $17,000 to make and install.The Midtown Redevelopment Corp. was formed as a nonprofit about 15 years ago by interested parties in the area to redevelop the then-ailing Midtown. “Our goals are to help solidify the 387 acres in some way to bring a sort of continuity to it and revitalize it with bringing in new businesses and people to live in the area,” Ranger said. The group now has more than 70 members, including 19 board members.But the process to put up the signs was no walk in the park.Ranger said planning began more than two years ago. The group had to jump through a number of hoops with property owners and Public Works and receive easements from the public utilities, in addition to raising money for the markers. Nevertheless, local interests in the area seem to be pleased that the signs now welcome visitors to the area.Greg Banta, with the Banta Companies, whose Midtown projects include renovation of a number of buildings including the Plaza Court, said the signs will help people know where Midtown is located and help to promote growth in the area.“A few years ago you had to explain to almost everyone where Midtown was but today that is not the case,” Banta said. “I think the markers are a great idea. The Midtown Redevelopment Corporation has been dedicated to the promotion of Midtown for a long time. They saw the potential in Midtown years ago.”
Copyright © 2007 The Journal Record
July 18, 2007
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Midtown Redevelopment Corp. decided that if districts around Oklahoma City such as the Asian District and The Paseo could have signs identifying their districts, then so could they.On Tuesday, the group unveiled four distinct signs around the area north of downtown to identify the area as Midtown even as businesses and new development continue to grow in the area.While not an official designation, Midtown is defined as 387 acres of business, residential and health care occupied land in the area bordered on the west by Classen Boulevard, the east by Broadway Place, the south by NW Fourth Street and the north by NW 13th Street.The four red steel markers standing almost nine feet in height were designed by Studio Architecture. Todd Ranger with Midtown Redevelopment said the signs cost a total of about $17,000 to make and install.The Midtown Redevelopment Corp. was formed as a nonprofit about 15 years ago by interested parties in the area to redevelop the then-ailing Midtown. “Our goals are to help solidify the 387 acres in some way to bring a sort of continuity to it and revitalize it with bringing in new businesses and people to live in the area,” Ranger said. The group now has more than 70 members, including 19 board members.But the process to put up the signs was no walk in the park.Ranger said planning began more than two years ago. The group had to jump through a number of hoops with property owners and Public Works and receive easements from the public utilities, in addition to raising money for the markers. Nevertheless, local interests in the area seem to be pleased that the signs now welcome visitors to the area.Greg Banta, with the Banta Companies, whose Midtown projects include renovation of a number of buildings including the Plaza Court, said the signs will help people know where Midtown is located and help to promote growth in the area.“A few years ago you had to explain to almost everyone where Midtown was but today that is not the case,” Banta said. “I think the markers are a great idea. The Midtown Redevelopment Corporation has been dedicated to the promotion of Midtown for a long time. They saw the potential in Midtown years ago.”
Copyright © 2007 The Journal Record