View Full Version : Journal Record change
streuli 07-17-2007, 01:02 PM There was a thread here last year regarding OKC area newspapers and their respective Web sites. Ours, as we knew, was particularly cumbersome. The new site is live today and all content, including the archives, is free for the time being. You don't even have to register.
We'll be interested in feedback.
The Journal Record - Home (
Martin 07-17-2007, 01:08 PM i like it. the only thing i can think of is perhaps if the page background were a slightly darker shade of blue then perhaps the page content would 'pop out' a little more. glad to see somebody still uses coldfusion, my favorite app language to work with.
metro 07-17-2007, 01:08 PM I think this is a very smart move for the Journal Record for long-term viability. It's obvious that most business newspapers have had at least some free content for years. I think Step 2 would be for the JR to lower their subscription rates so the common folk can purchase it.
streuli 07-17-2007, 01:09 PM We tried lighter, darker and none. Consensus was this one was best. Phase II will have some more features, but there's no target date yet.
Martin 07-17-2007, 01:11 PM that's cool... obviously color is going to be subjective and you can't please everyone. i think it's a great design. -M
streuli 07-17-2007, 01:11 PM $169/yr = $14.08 per month. Pretty reasonable for a daily paper, really.
Misty 07-17-2007, 01:19 PM I like it so much better. Good job!
Martin 07-17-2007, 01:26 PM ok, ok... i've got a bad habit when it comes to minding my own business... check out this picture ( to see what i was talking about. don't get me wrong, i think the design looks good... just making suggestions! -M
Kerry 07-17-2007, 06:23 PM I am just happy the content is free, even if it won't last. It could be courier font on white background if I can read it for free.
striker 07-17-2007, 07:08 PM needs more work on the design and color. The blue is harsh. Good progress though!
bombermwc 07-18-2007, 11:07 AM Ive found a lot of things that dont work. The vote poll on the front page, the links to the staff directory. The give JRun errors...perhaps JBOSS isn't running properly?
MadMonk 07-19-2007, 12:06 PM I like mmm's suggestion. The drop shadow (or whatever it's called) really helps it stand out on the page, IMHO.
Everything seems to be working for me.
streuli 07-25-2007, 08:13 PM Ive found a lot of things that dont work. The vote poll on the front page, the links to the staff directory. The give JRun errors...perhaps JBOSS isn't running properly?
Bomber: The glitch you encountered was resolved that same day, I believe. It had to do with the old site still being on the backup server and the primary server going down briefly -- or something like that. I'm not the technophile. Please let us know if you encounter any further issues so we can have IT take a look.
metro 07-26-2007, 08:21 AM steuli, I have another issue for you. The "printer friendly" version of an article appears printer friendly in the print preview box, but when you try and copy and paste the article. It bunches it all up and takes all the spacing out of the article. Basically for instance if I wanted to copy and paste an article to an online forum, say OKCTalk, when I paste it, instead of looking the the original article, it's one big paragraph including the title of the article, author, date, etc. Your website is the only website I've seen that does that.
bombermwc 07-26-2007, 09:42 AM Bomber: The glitch you encountered was resolved that same day, I believe. It had to do with the old site still being on the backup server and the primary server going down briefly -- or something like that. I'm not the technophile. Please let us know if you encounter any further issues so we can have IT take a look.
Awesome great
BricktownGuy 08-01-2007, 12:26 PM Really like the new site.
I would say the online version should be available much cheaper. Yes.. I aware the online version is 112.00 but... JR is not having to print out actual copies. (they are saving alot of money so pass it on)