View Full Version : Wally World - Albertson's lot
bombermwc 07-13-2007, 08:34 AM So now that we know Albertsons is closing....we've got a very large corner lot that will be pretty much vacant. All that's left is Carl's Jr. and Hollywood video. What do we think will be able to fill in the spaces?
Keep in mind that We don't need to utilize the old Target/Westlake building because MWC Hospital already owns it and is exploring different options for it. That purchase is part of what encouraged those businesses to move. Yes its an empty building, but it's not "for lease", so it's earning tax money for us.
So, my thought was to tear down everything on the lots....toss both buildings. We could create out parcels for small businesses like are in the area. Then in the large area behind those developments, the perfect place for the new office tower for MWC. We know we need one beacuse the other multi-story buildings in MWC are full...and are always full. And it's in the "downtown" area of MWC with the other multi-storied buildings within a 1/4 mile. MD Tower and Parklawn Plaza, the Hospital.
OR, maybe a new Police station. The firestation is going to move into a new bldg, so we know some city office will move into that building. BUT maybe we could build a new Police station on the lot?
I'd love to see new homes in that area, but I don't think it would happen. The land is too valuable for other things.
My ideal thing to happen (of course i know it won't) would be to tear down the two large buildings and have someone build a 10 story office building. Finally giving the space we need in town so people will stop building these little house sized campus crap places.
Lauri101 07-13-2007, 07:04 PM For right now, FEMA is using the old Wally World location, but hopefully, that won't last long.
I'd love to see some mixed use development on that corner. An office building with some retail, perhaps a small condo/apartment (boutique-size and price) building and of course some fine-dining establishments.
For so long, MWC has been looked on as primarily a blue-collar city, and that needs to change. We do not need another drug store, pawn shop or dollar store. We DO need a bookstore and maybe a small movie theater.
Just a few ideas for now - I'm sure some others will come to mind.
Millie 07-13-2007, 08:07 PM DO need a bookstore and maybe a small movie theater.
Because MWC did such a good job supporting two movie theaters in the past?
Lauri101 07-14-2007, 04:09 AM Because MWC did such a good job supporting two movie theaters in the past?
I can't speak to what happened in the past. Times change, demographics change.
If every community operated on that principle, we'd have no progress anywhere.
Besides, it was just a suggestion for something besides another Wally-World-like store!
soonerfaithful 07-14-2007, 12:23 PM Which Albertson's did Williams Discount Foods buy? The one on Reno or 15th?
Lauri101 07-14-2007, 05:45 PM Albertson's bought the MWC !5th and Post store and the Del City 29th Street.
Of course, they didn't buy MY favorite Albertson's on Reno. :cuss2:
That store has marked everything way down, but it's pretty picked over. It closes August 5.
soonerfaithful 07-14-2007, 08:22 PM Albertson's bought the MWC !5th and Post store and the Del City 29th Street.
Of course, they didn't buy MY favorite Albertson's on Reno. :cuss2:
That store has marked everything way down, but it's pretty picked over. It closes August 5.
Thanks. I wasn't sure which one they had decided on.
The Albertson's on Reno has been there for I don't recall how many years now :053: either with one name or another. Skaggs Albertons, Skaggs Alpha Beta and so forth.
It's still closer for me to run to when I need something quick then Wally World is.
bombermwc 07-20-2007, 08:47 AM I noticed that the Alberston's lot says FOR SALE and not Lease. And its from the same company that was running the wal-fart building. I didn't see if the wal-mart sign was still up, but I swear it said Lease.
Anything to read into that?
Lauri101 07-20-2007, 03:15 PM Hmmm...good eye, bombermwc - didn't notice that diffeence.
Maybe the Wal-fart folks want to keep their options open, like they are doing with FEMA in there now.
That whole corner is such an eye-sore - I wish the bulldozers would get busy!
billinvegas 07-22-2007, 04:46 AM Hi,
Can you please fill me in on the state of things regarding the Albertson's / Wal-Mart / Target area?
Haven't been back to MWC in over 8 I'm assuming a lot has changed.
Am I to understand that all of the above stores are closed, or are closing?
whn I was growing up in the area, the Albertson's (along with Crest's) was the place to shop for food and such, and everything else was purchased at Target and Wal-Mart.
Are there other Target's / Wal-Marts in the area now?
Lauri101 07-22-2007, 11:27 AM The Target (not a super center but a lot larger and nicer) is now located on SE 29th Street, between Midwest Blvd and Air Depot. ALL of the homes, as well as the old strip shopping center in that area, were all cleared out. The new "Town Center" stretches from Air Depot to Marshall on SE 29th. The north-most part of the Town Center stops at the water tower. That entire area is completely transformed and is starting to look pretty good.
WalMart is at 15th and Sooner, on the Del City side (west side) of Sooner. The Wally is a supercenter and seems to be the most popular place to get groceries in the area. Albertson's on Reno and Midwest Blvd is in it's last throes and will close in about a week - 10 days. Nothing is left on that corner but Hollywood Video and Carls Jr.
The Midwest City of 8 years ago has changed quite a bit. Most of the changes are good, but I hate it that WallyWorld has taken over!
bombermwc 07-23-2007, 09:58 AM And Target is "vacant" but the hosptial actually owns that land and building now. They plan on expanding something into it eventually. I know they've had different departments through there before, just never made a final decision (my vote, bulldoze). Westlake moved into a much nicer suite at the north end of the center where Office Deport is on Air Depot.
If you haven't been to MWC in 8 years....its definitely time to come back!!!!
You wouldn't recognize Douglas Blvd, 29th, Air Depot...