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06-29-2007, 01:48 PM
Arcadia Lake closed

By Greg Elwell
Staff Writer

EDMOND — Arcadia Lake will be closed for the Fourth of July and possibly for weeks longer because of rain. Edmond city officials said the water level at the lake is more than 10 feet above normal and most of the recreational facilities — including the equestrian trail, bike trail, beaches, boat ramps, covered fishing dock and courtesy docks — are submerged.

"While we regret the inconvenience to those who planned to visit the lake this coming week, concern for their safety is our priority,” Edmond Parks and Recreation Director Jim Bowlin said.
When the lake was built in 1987, one of its main purposes was flood control. Because nearby rivers and streams are already swollen from recent rainfall, the Corps of Engineers cannot release water from the lake.
Assistant City Manager Steve Commons said the lake could be closed for weeks.
"The water level is high, and with today's rain will likely rise above the six to eight inches that was predicted yesterday,” he said. "The Corps of Engineers has advised us that they do not plan to release water from the lake for the next couple of weeks so we anticipate that the water level won't subside for some time.”
Campers already at the lake were moved to campsites at the highest ground level and are safe, according to a city news release. No more campsites are open. Those seeking more information about the lake's condition can call the lake project office at 216-7470.