View Full Version : Monster

06-26-2007, 11:54 AM
What kind of monster could have actually duct taped this baby's mouth shut?

Take a look at this face.. he is so gorgeous...

The mom just gave birth to a premature baby because of the stress caused by her son's death.

They are both currently in the hospital.

Sometimes I wonder how people survive this kind of tragedy. Amazing...this poor family is going through so much!

Here is a link for a petition and to donate to a benefit if you feel like helping this family.

Joshua Minton: official memorial website (

06-26-2007, 12:38 PM
This is so horrible. There are some seriously mentally ill people out there that need medication, therapy, long-term hospitalization, etc. The people who don't get treatment can turn violent and kill even a precious baby. People with mental health issues can be anyone you see on a daily basis. Since the illness isn't physical in nature, it is hard to spot who might be capable of losing control and seriously harming someone or killing them. How frightening to think that thousands or even millions of our children can be in the care on a daily basis with someone who has the potential of becoming violent.

I wonder if this day-care provider had a criminal record prior to this incident?