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10-25-2007, 11:16 AM
Wa, wa, wa... far too many crybabies that take themselves too seriously. Bravo for being a debbie downer for society.

You've got to be kidding me - you're defending that kind of nonsense? Someone who calls you out for defacing someone else's property is a crybaby?

I'll admit, it takes a certain kind of cojones to be proud of vandalism so much that they'll brag about it in a public forum like this, and then defend it when someone (rightly) calls them out for it. Unbelievable. Good thing you didn't work for me, because I'd have fired your sorry butt for it if you had so much free time that you could pull of crap like this. The repairs you laugh at end up coming out of the pockets of the people who pay the rent and, in turn, those of us who buy the merchandise.

We get to the point where we're all supposed to be conditioned to think every kind of behavior is acceptable, so I guess this is not surprising. I'm glad someone called you out for it.


10-25-2007, 12:22 PM
This is an old trick, Fire Station 1 in New Orleans has a Mardi Gras Doubloon glued down to the sidewalk in front of the truck doors as a joke.

I am not a fan of damaging property, but it sounds like to me that the mall maintence crew was not the brightest bulbs on the tree.

A logical thinking person would have never used a screwdriver on a polished surface in the first place. Using a screwdriver makes as much sence as using a razor blade to clean bird poop off of your car.

The quarters could have been left on there until the next time the floor was stripped and buffed. The floor stripper chemical would have removed the glue. If they wanted to remove it right then, all the had do is stop in one of the many salons to borrow nail polish remover. I have yet to see any adhesive that does not come off with nail polish remover.

10-25-2007, 01:12 PM
This is all because Wiggie's left!!!

10-25-2007, 01:14 PM
lighten up, people.

10-25-2007, 01:46 PM
This is all because Wiggie's left!!!

I take it Wiggies was not all that great after all because there place in Edmond is now closed.

10-25-2007, 02:04 PM
A common misconception, perpetuated in that article, is that 73170 is a "Moore" zip code, and that's flatly wrong. It also includes a large portion of SW Oklahoma City. I have corrected people at mail order houses and other outlets that incorrectly assume the 73170 is a Moore zip code.

The Oklahoman ran a piece in their business section just a few years ago giving considerable details regarding this specific part of south Oklahoma City, highlighting the income per capita and some of the misconceptions that still exist.

As even some of the responses in this thread show, there's a long, uphill battle in overcoming multiple years of misunderstood or improperly assumed information about SW Okahoma City.


The area of South OKC you're talking about I don't even consider the "South side." When I (an uppity NW OKC boy who thinks there's no reason to go south of the river) mention the "South Side" in conversations, the area I'm talking about is this: North to South from I-40 to I-240; West to East from I-44 to I-35. Basically, a zone I also call the "Interstate box." THAT is the hellhole part of OKC and I dare someone else to find me a worse part of town. Not even east OKC is as bad. Crossroads is a victim of its location now. I realize it wasn't always that way but it is now. Think about what Crossroads is surrounded by: A city DUMP to its east, a tiny hamlet specializing in strip joints and speeding tickets to its north, I-35 and that bad zone I was talking about to its west and some sorta industrial deal and I-240 to its south.

Basically, that area is bad bad bad now. The good parts of the South Side have migrated south of SW 74th and to Moore and Norman. That leaves the old South Side corridor on I-240 to kinda rot. The area you're talking about, Dave, is FANTASTIC and I see why people want to live there, though it's too close to Norman for my liking. But that area is more linked to Moore and stuff south. Even if it is considered OKC, it feels more like Moore because it's cleaner and nicer and, not like the stuff along I-240 or north of there.

To get the talk back to (see you at the) Crossroads (roads roads roads roads roads), I made the mistake of going there earlier this week. Wow, it's even a bigger pit now than it was a few years ago. I went there because said the store at Crossroads had a PDA in stock that I couldn't find in other stores so I went there to check it out. What was I greeted with upon walking in? A group of questionable-looking types that looked like they were standing outside an unemployment agency. When I got in? The previously-mentioned people and open lots. I walked around and didn't like the vibe I got. Everything just seemed uncomfortable and off inside. In short, I immediately regretted my decision to go out of my way home after work. Anyway, I walk into the RadioShack and they didn't even have that phone there. Argh. I went to a POS mall on a bad side of town to look at a phone that wasn't even there. Whatever.

I'll close by saying this: I used to go out of my way to Crossroads when I lived in Bethany in high school in the late 90s. Even went there some in the early 00s. But now? NO chance. None. Not anymore. Penn Square is the greatest mall in The City in one of the best parts of town. Quail I like too but is high school hangout central on weekends. Let's face it: Crossroads is at a TERRIBLE location and there's little chance to improve that because of the dump, the freeways and the crap to the north. THAT is what is killing Crossroads. That, and the questionable types that hang out there will be the death knells of that place. It'd be great to see it saved somehow, but losing JCPenney was huge and the vacancy rate is amazingly bad.

Stuff like this is why the "new" South Side is south of 74th. the old South Side (the new mid-south?) is horrible and a disaster for OKC. Why do you think they focus so much on Bricktown and NW OKC? The center of town is really Penn and that Second Downtown area. Crossroads might as well be on the moon for 80 percent of OKCers. Just too far and distant and remote and whatnot.

10-25-2007, 06:41 PM
You must be very proud.

(Oh sure, I'm a "cry baby" too.)


You've got to be kidding me - you're defending that kind of nonsense? Someone who calls you out for defacing someone else's property is a crybaby?

I'll admit, it takes a certain kind of cojones to be proud of vandalism so much that they'll brag about it in a public forum like this, and then defend it when someone (rightly) calls them out for it. Unbelievable. Good thing you didn't work for me, because I'd have fired your sorry butt for it if you had so much free time that you could pull of crap like this. The repairs you laugh at end up coming out of the pockets of the people who pay the rent and, in turn, those of us who buy the merchandise.

We get to the point where we're all supposed to be conditioned to think every kind of behavior is acceptable, so I guess this is not surprising. I'm glad someone called you out for it.

I'm going to TRY not to argue with you folks, after all this is the Internet. All I really have to say is that if anyone can go through life and say they've never done ANYTHING as bad as gluing quarters to the floor in a mall then they are obviously a much better person than me. I guess I'm supposed to be ashamed.


I do have to wonder what kind of people get inflamed over a silly little story like this. Is this what this forum has become?

Seriously folks... LIGHTEN UP.

10-25-2007, 09:05 PM
I thought it was a funny story / prank.

10-25-2007, 09:43 PM
Sounds pretty funny to me as well

Sat near a guy with a red glowstick on a string at a music fest back in May...Sad to say I laughed everytime he yanked it away from each idiot stopping and grabbing for it...Pretty hilarious watching a bunch of drunk and shroomed out people trying to figure out how the glowstick disappeared

But then again it doesn't take much to entertain me

Oh GAWD the Smell!
10-26-2007, 12:33 AM
Sounds pretty funny to me as well

Sat near a guy with a red glowstick on a string at a music fest back in May...Sad to say I laughed everytime he yanked it away from each idiot stopping and grabbing for it...Pretty hilarious watching a bunch of drunk and shroomed out people trying to figure out how the glowstick disappeared

But then again it doesn't take much to entertain me

I'd probably pay money to see that.

07-03-2008, 10:08 AM
|address= I-35 & I-240
|sq. feet=

Information & Latest News
4/24/13: To be redeveloped as Plaza Mayor (
County Assessor Record

The end in sight for Crossroads Mall? (

07-03-2008, 10:17 AM
I expected this would happen, I just dont understand why crossroads will not look into the outlet mall type, it could bea big thing, changing itfrom a regular mall to a outlet mall, I would much rather shop in a outlet mall for bargains

07-03-2008, 11:33 AM
We are already getting an outlet mall, so I don't see that happening.

07-03-2008, 11:39 AM
They need to put in entire new floorings, upgrade everywhere to modern designs, and much more. Yeah, they need to replace rails (the ones on 2nd floor to prevent falling to doom) and maybe add a mini roller coaster and ferris wheel. Maybe they can bid to have the new oil derrick to be built right in the center of the mall and people enter the mall to see the base and pay to enter the ride to the top.

07-03-2008, 12:11 PM
I think we can easily compare Crossroads to other malls that have gone down similar paths. The signs are there...anchors leaving, the type of crowd it attracts, and the fleeing of the smaller fill in retailers.

Crossroads will likely be dead with in 5 years...but if people are smart, they will keep it from being a slow death. All that will do is cause property values to drop more, raise crime, and just be overall bad for that part of town.

Ideally, the mall needs to begin a plan to shut down and dismantle. Tear the mall down and then redevelop the area as 50% office space, 30% residential and 20% retail. A Sheperd Mall redevelopment probably won't happen - utilizing the existing space. The best thing though is to tear it all down and start over with new construction. Otherwise blight will just skyrocket in that area of town and we don't need that.

07-03-2008, 12:14 PM
It's too late really. Upgrades would be a waste at this point because it's only a matter of time.

07-03-2008, 12:43 PM
They would probably get more people there too if people stopped getting shot, and robbed in the parking lot.

07-03-2008, 12:47 PM
government retrofit perhaps, but that seems a slim tail for a large donkey

07-03-2008, 12:57 PM
Its going to be very odd to have prime property to just sit there, I wonder what could replace crossroads, I mean it has so much land, land for a new arena for a nfl football team (hey we are now a national city so it isnt really far fetched)

07-03-2008, 01:24 PM
Jesseda - I've been trying to get that moving with Heritage Park. Heritage is physically in much better conidition and in a much better part of town. It's not as accessibile, but outlet malls attract from far.

07-03-2008, 01:37 PM
I know I would love a outlet , I know we are getting a outlet in west okc area but we can always have more than one..

07-03-2008, 02:44 PM
I highly doubt we can support more than one outlet mall.

07-03-2008, 02:50 PM
The city or federal government will probably purchase Crossroads Mall and turn it into the fabled "I-240 & I-35 loop." God knows we need it!

07-03-2008, 02:57 PM
I hate to see this happen if i had the money I would go in and buy the mall and run out all the shady tenants and then restore the mall to the way it was in the 70's with the drop down ceilings and lights and everything put back in the walkway and fountain and try and get good anchors and tenants to move into it, I would make it a place where the rif raf croud would not want to hang out at.

07-03-2008, 03:54 PM

or even something like this: Belmar (

07-03-2008, 04:08 PM
the only reason i go to crossroads anymore is to eat at garfields, I haven't liked shopping there for at least 5 years or longer. Steve & Barry's is a decent cheap clothing store though, so we would usually swing in there as we were leaving.

07-03-2008, 04:16 PM
Hate to tell you this, but Garfields is gone from both Crossroads and Quail Springs.

07-03-2008, 04:21 PM
Don't see Crossroads as an outlet mall, but then, the last time I went to an outlet mall it dinna seem much different than regular mall prices, just less service.

07-03-2008, 04:21 PM
Hate to tell you this, but Garfields is gone from both Crossroads and Quail Springs.

shows what i know...we hadn't been in over a year anyway

07-03-2008, 04:35 PM
I'm sure keeping the Post Rd. (or whatever street's exit) the big fuss was about doesn't really matter at this point...

07-03-2008, 05:48 PM
I really with the city would annex Valley Brook, use some eminent domain and clean that whole area up. That accompanied with the demolishing of Crossroads could lead to a rebirth of the area. While the demographics are severely lacking north of I-240, there has been significant growth to the east and southwest of the intersection there. The whole area is just completely outdated and depressive.

07-03-2008, 06:22 PM
I can't believe Dillard's hasn't bailed yet. Guess they've still got some time left on their lease.

The entire area surrounding the mall is very depressed and I think they're going to have a tough time figuring out something constructive to do with the building. (Valley Brook to the north, a landfill to your east, an electric company on your southern border and a bad neighborhood on the west?) How are they going to make that work?

07-03-2008, 10:51 PM
Eh trust me...if Dillards wanted to bail from that place they would and just pay the lease rates. They have property at a mall in Ohio that they own (roughly half the mall)...and they pulled their store out of there a couple years ago. Mall officially shut down this past month and the entire thing will be torn down. The size of the mall is pretty close to Crossroads, a little bit smaller though. They are turning it into a small scale mixed use area - residential/retail/office space with a very small lifestyle center like center.

07-04-2008, 07:35 AM
Last year I moved, so I am closer to sooner fashion mall then crossroads, Last time I was in crossroads it seemed really sad walking a long stretch of closed stores, just 10 years ago it was packed and was the place to hang out or shop (not so ghetto kids haned out there back then). Sooner is nice but small, I want to see howthe lifestyle center turns out in norman, I would rather havea open air mall but the trend hasnt hit here yet i guess and the weather might play a part in it as well..

07-04-2008, 09:19 AM
I have the reason Dillards hasn't left is because they actually own their portion of the building.

07-04-2008, 11:23 AM
Yeah Dillards owns there own in crossroads, thats why the building different from the rest on the old anchor stores.. I really wish crossroads would do a mass renovation or something, change the color or change its image all around, I dont like going to a mall and seeing a lot of blah imported chain stores.... I even hear thatglamour shots left the mall, and hallmark and some shoe stores, so whats left in the mall?

07-04-2008, 11:29 AM
Eh like I said...if Dillard's owns part of it - that doesn't matter. The mall in Ohio, they owned half that mall and still shut their store down 2-3 years before the mall every closed. They'll be gone as soon as they find a way to serve that portion of town, but not sure if they'll join the rest at the shops there in Moore.

07-04-2008, 11:31 PM
Isn't Dillards best in a shopping mall? I have not seen a stand alone Dillards anywhere. There is a stand alone PC Penney in MWC, but it is a part of the outdoor mall across TAFB. Dillards will only survive along side with other stores to get the traffic.

07-05-2008, 01:47 AM
It depends. Dillards has several stand alone stores in the nation. You could argue the same about JC Penny being stand alone. The Moore location is a big symbol of that.

07-05-2008, 04:49 AM
I worked at the JCPenney's in Moore. There is a draw back to being in a stand alone or shopping center. JCP saw more traffic inside Crossroads because people would walk through the store on the way through the mall. Now people come into Penney's because they strictly want to look there. I don't think it's a huge factor in their sales. It helps to be in an area where you feel safe and the store looks clean.

07-05-2008, 03:17 PM
I even hear thatglamour shots left the mall, and hallmark and some shoe stores, so whats left in the mall?

Hallmark is still there. So is

American Eagle
Pac Sun
Victoria's Secret
Fredrick's of Hollywood
Finish Line
Laughing Fish

07-06-2008, 09:01 AM
Isn't Dillards best in a shopping mall? I have not seen a stand alone Dillards anywhere. There is a stand alone PC Penney in MWC, but it is a part of the outdoor mall across TAFB. Dillards will only survive along side with other stores to get the traffic.

Dillards has a stand alone store in Rogers Arkansas in the Pinnacle Hills Promenade. The area is an open air mall but the anchors of JC Penny and Dillards are completely stand alone.

The wife and I were at Steve & Barrys last night looking around. I walked out into the mall and I just kind of had this erie feeling. It was about 7:00 and the mall seemed deserted. S&B was pretty busy but as you looked through out the mall it was pretty dead.

07-06-2008, 11:38 PM
I was there a few summers ago and witnessed the shooting of the 15 year old kid in the head, it was crazy. I've never seen so many scared people in my life. It was deff an eye opener.

Do people in Oklahoma just not like to shop? Retail in the metro just seems like it's been on the decline lately.

How do we fix that?

07-07-2008, 02:55 AM
Lower the oil and gas prices.

07-07-2008, 07:32 AM
thre use to be two hallmarks, and a the laughing fish is kinda of a joke for a mall, that store should be somewhere in a shopping center..

07-07-2008, 07:35 AM
drove on the north side of crossroads this past weekend to go to toysrus.. The mall looked likea ghost town, it looks kindasay driving around the mall and the only like of th mall is where the main entrance is, it is sad to see something that could have been great!!!

07-07-2008, 07:42 AM
The problem for tenants with the big enclosed malls is the charge for heating and cooling the mall and for maintaining the mall part of the building.

As a tenant you might get a reasonable lease rate for the space in the mall. But the mall operator also has to recover the cost of heating, cooling, and maintaining that enormous mall space. The tenants all end up paying their share of that amount.

When the mall was new and electricity and natural gas were inexpensive the charge was minor. But now electricity and natural gas are much more expensive and very likely headed higher. The mall is much older and there is much more maintenance that is and will be required. So for tenants the mall charges can be more than the lease payments.

The mall retailer is hard pressed now to sell products at a premium over a non-mall store because the customer simply will not pay a premium.

On top of that many customers view the experience of shopping at a mall to be uninviting at best and dangerous at worst.

sgt. pepper
07-07-2008, 08:57 AM
look at quail springs and its surrondings, look at penn square and its look at crossroads and it's surrondings. the difference is night and day. crossroads has a +A location for a mall, but the depolarization of the area is killing the place, low income housing, vacant buildings, trashy eyesores, high crime. people (as they should) stays away from that place. the last time i was there it looked like a mexican flea market. nothing wrong with that, but not for a prime mall. if crossroads wants to stay open, the mall itself needs more than a facelift, the whole area needs refurbished.

the intersection at I-35 & I-240 is getting re-done with fly overs and stuff. i will be dead of old age before it gets done, but it's comming.

i grew up down the road from crossroads, it's a shame to see it closing. i have some good memories of that place.

07-07-2008, 12:24 PM
Dillards has a stand alone store in Rogers Arkansas in the Pinnacle Hills Promenade. The area is an open air mall but the anchors of JC Penny and Dillards are completely stand alone.

I just got back from Rogers, Arkansas for the LPGA. I did go shopping at the Pinnacle Hills Promenade and it is nice. That area is anchored by a stand alone Dilliards, JC Penny's, and Malco Theater. The shopping was nice, the streets were nice, the fountains were nice, the music from the speakers hidden in bushes were nice.. i've got pictures of the place, i'll have to update later with them.

07-07-2008, 01:08 PM
I read where Dillards is closing its Valley View Mall location in Dallas at Preston and LBJ. Valley View opened about the same time as Crossroads. It lost Macy's a while back.

07-07-2008, 02:43 PM
I expected this would happen, I just dont understand why crossroads will not look into the outlet mall type, it could bea big thing, changing itfrom a regular mall to a outlet mall, I would much rather shop in a outlet mall for bargains

The thing is, outlet malls are not really the good deals they were 10 or 15 years ago. I think someone earlier said they had about the same prices as regular stores and less service, I'll concur with that. Plus the outlet mall trend was hot about 10 or so years ago and seems to be passing or has passed.

sgt. pepper
07-07-2008, 02:51 PM
i hope not because we will be getting one on the west side along I-40.

07-07-2008, 06:22 PM
I read where Dillards is closing its Valley View Mall location in Dallas at Preston and LBJ. Valley View opened about the same time as Crossroads. It lost Macy's a while back.
the clientelle is pretty similar between the two malls. valley view did receive a decent makeover recently and an AMC Theater was added... but they are only half a mile from the GALLERIA. also all the apartments behind valley view all the way to beltline are becoming ghetto.
i remember in the 80's when prestonwood was also open (motfort & beltline) was also open and there was three malls within a mile of each other.

07-09-2008, 06:37 PM
I believe Dillard's has or is in the process of downsizing its Crossroads store to just the lower level. In addition, Steve and Barry's announced bankruptcy today. The end is near. A few years ago, the mall could have been saved if the necessary steps were taken, but now there is no hope. Sad considering how hoppin' the place was in the '90s. It was my preferred mall back then.

07-09-2008, 07:01 PM
Dillards has a stand alone store in Rogers Arkansas in the Pinnacle Hills Promenade. The area is an open air mall but the anchors of JC Penny and Dillards are completely stand alone.

I just got back from Rogers, Arkansas for the LPGA. I did go shopping at the Pinnacle Hills Promenade and it is nice. That area is anchored by a stand alone Dilliards, JC Penny's, and Malco Theater. The shopping was nice, the streets were nice, the fountains were nice, the music from the speakers hidden in bushes were nice.. i've got pictures of the place, i'll have to update later with them.

Pinnacle Hills is an extremely nice place, especially for Northwest Arkansas. Of course what do you expect being the home of Wal-Mart. I just hope University North Park ends up half as nice a Pinnacle Hills.

07-09-2008, 08:10 PM
Retail sales are in decline all over the country. No one wants to drive far away to a mall anymore. Especially for us southsiders that have to travel all the way to Moore or all the way to Penn Square. Its ridiculous.

Penn Square is definitely not declining. That mall is always full of people. Its a very respectable mall and I see it staying that way. Quail Springs is also very nice. Almost like Penn Square, same glass barriers and flooring. Nice setup and comparable selection of stores to Penn Square. Only problem is that Quail Springs attracts hoodlums ALONG with rich upper-class people. They probably just go to catch the movie though. I see Quail Springs staying awhile too, especially with that huge new development north of it which will make Quail Springs a retail mecca for the north side. It'll basically be an outdoor mall connected to an indoor mall.

Crossroads...ehhh. They still have Hot Topic, American Eagle, Pac Sun, Champs, Finishline, Journeys, Footlockers, Spencers, Victoria's Secret, Fredrick's of Hollywood, Chick-fil-a, Sonic, Gamespot, WaldenBooks, and Taco Mayo. I think it'll hold out for a little longer.

07-09-2008, 08:31 PM
How is Sooner mall in Norman doing? I thought it would be shut down first, I guess because it only has 1 floor and not alot of good stores inside

07-09-2008, 09:18 PM
^I dunno how it's doing but I'd assume it's doing very well. Sooner Mall always has people, but I'd estimate about half the clientele is teens these days especially when all the "teen stores" started showing up back in the early 2000s (Gap, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch and others). The main parking lots are about 80% full year-round during shopping hours and during the main shopping days (after Thanksgiving and before Christmas, before Valentine's day etc) the mall is always full. Even then, it's a pretty busy mall, the main magnets are the El Chico restaurant and the teen stores, which is why most of the time you see the young crowd and the teens hanging out there, especially during the holiday season and the summer months. Too bad Service Merchandise was taken out a while back, I got my first train set there and it was a quality store. Personally I don't care much for the types of stores there these days, save a few like Dillards and Sears.

07-09-2008, 09:22 PM
^I dunno how it's doing but I'd assume it's doing very well. Sooner Mall always has people, but I'd estimate about half the clientele is teens these days especially when all the "teen stores" started showing up back in the early 2000s (Gap, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch and others). The main parking lots are about 80% full year-round during shopping hours and during the main shopping days (after Thanksgiving and before Christmas, before Valentine's day etc) the mall is always full. Even then, it's a pretty busy mall, the main magnets are the El Chico restaurant and the teen stores, which is why most of the time you see the young crowd and the teens hanging out there, especially during the holiday season and the summer months. Too bad Service Merchandise was taken out a while back, I got my first train set there and it was a quality store. Personally I don't care much for the types of stores there these days, save a few like Dillards and Sears.

I guess Sooner Mall will be staying for a very long time

07-09-2008, 11:02 PM
Service Merchandise was taken out a while back? Last I remembered, they went out of business years and years ago. Is there still one around?