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Plutonic Panda
07-09-2012, 03:27 AM
Does anybody know what the deal is with this particular mall? I mean it has obviously died and I was wondering if there were plans to revitalize this mall and/or the whole shopping complex for that matter. This mall used to be pretty descent (I especially liked the pet store they used to have there). Was it the shooting that happened there a while back or was it just overtaken by thugs and such?

Anyways I really hope they renovate it and the shopping center it is in.

07-09-2012, 07:24 AM

07-09-2012, 09:56 AM
To sum up those two threads and answer your question: No, not at the time. Two guys bought it last year, but it appears their not going to make any kind of meaningful investment.

Plutonic Panda
07-09-2012, 11:41 AM
Oops. My bad, for some reason I could not find a crossroads thread anywhere.

07-09-2012, 08:02 PM
Oops. My bad, for some reason I could not find a crossroads thread anywhere.

Free Tip: Instead of using the OKCTalk search function, try this (and I'll use your example of looking for Crossroads Mall): "crossroads mall"
(I can't get the smiley out of the search string. Embarrassing. It should be 'site' and then a COLON (right next to the word 'site') and then '' right next to the colon, A SPACE and then your search terms).

Just put what I've bolded into the Google search engine along with whatever you're interested in finding. It will only search and you can even go to the left side and narrow down your search by going to the left side of the sceen and click on "show search tools". You can narrow it down to the last year, month, week, etc. (even 24 hours!)...then you can further filter your results to provide your results by clicking on "sort by date" and the results will be chronological. It works extremely well.

Plutonic Panda
07-09-2012, 09:45 PM
Free Tip: Instead of using the OKCTalk search function, try this (and I'll use your example of looking for Crossroads Mall): "crossroads mall"
(I can't get the smiley out of the search string. Embarrassing. It should be 'site' and then a COLON (right next to the word 'site') and then '' right next to the colon, A SPACE and then your search terms).

Just put what I've bolded into the Google search engine along with whatever you're interested in finding. It will only search and you can even go to the left side and narrow down your search by going to the left side of the sceen and click on "show search tools". You can narrow it down to the last year, month, week, etc. (even 24 hours!)...then you can further filter your results to provide your results by clicking on "sort by date" and the results will be chronological. It works extremely well. That worked. Thank a bunch :)

07-10-2012, 12:05 AM
That worked. Thank a bunch :)

You're more than welcome. I have come to rely on it to navigate through the OKCTalk archives and find old threads where I can only remember one comment or even one word. It just works!

07-10-2012, 09:05 AM
The Urban Land Inistitute of Oklahoma City is currently studying how to revitalize the I-240 corridor from the airport to Tinker AFB, including possibilities for Crossroads Mall. Here's a news article for reference:

Envision 240 (

Interestingly, I came across a similar study by the ULI in Austin that involved revitalizing a similar corridor several miles outside of downtown between the airport and a dead shopping mall that is an almost identical situation. Here's a news story about that effort:

Reviving a Dying Mall (

Here's a link to the ULI presentation for the proposed redevelopment of the Austin mall:

ULI - Reviving a Dying Mall (

Specifically, see slides 14, 16, 37, 39 and 43

I came across this information as part of my research on transit-oriented redevelopment projects associated with commuter rail stations. As you may know, Crossroads Mall sits adjacent to the BNSF railroad corridor, which is proposed under Oklahoma City's 2006 Fixed Guideway Study to be one of several commuter rail lines for the metro area. URS Corporation, an international rail transit consulting firm, is about to begin a detailed study of potential commuter rail service on the BNSF line between Norman and Oklahoma City, including determination of the best location for rail stations.

The Highland Mall revitalization project in Austin involves mixed-use, transit-oriented development associated with a new commuter rail station located at the former mall site. What's interesting is that the same potential exists for revitalizing Crossroads Mall. Here's a Google Earth image showing the general idea:


Plutonic Panda
07-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Is there a way to merge this thread?

07-10-2012, 04:56 PM
Is there a way to merge this thread?

Panda, I think this thread is probably okay. There's been several Crossroads threads over the years, but they disintegrated into a bunch of silliness regarding zombies or some such thing. A new fresh thread with serious discussion regarding Crossroads is probably welcome; especially regarding the Envision 240 and the fascinating ULI study regarding a similar situation in Austin - that was good information.

07-10-2012, 06:43 PM
Its hard to keep it a serious thread when no developers comes forward with a serious plan. Who had the the bright idea to build a dump next door or did the mall come after the dump?

I don't see anything happening in the next 10 years with Crossroads with a pending interchange construction project. A new transit system also isn't going to be built while MAPs 3 is in progress.

Plutonic Panda
07-10-2012, 09:54 PM
Panda, I think this thread is probably okay. There's been several Crossroads threads over the years, but they disintegrated into a bunch of silliness regarding zombies or some such thing. A new fresh thread with serious discussion regarding Crossroads is probably welcome; especially regarding the Envision 240 and the fascinating ULI study regarding a similar situation in Austin - that was good information.Zombies lmao. Well thanks, I just didn't want to get booted from the site for posting a thread that has already been posted before.

That Austin study was really interesting as well.

07-11-2012, 04:38 AM
IF such a plan for revitalization is true or in the works, I would be very interested especially regarding Crossroads Mall. I get excited about new developments in our great city.

Plutonic Panda
07-11-2012, 05:09 AM
IF such a plan for revitalization is true or in the works, I would be very interested especially regarding Crossroads Mall. I get excited about new developments in our great city. Same here man!

Larry OKC
07-11-2012, 10:09 AM
Zombies lmao. Well thanks, I just didn't want to get booted from the site for posting a thread that has already been posted before.

That Austin study was really interesting as well.
I don't think you have to worry about that happening...some posters may give you a virtual slap on the typing keys for the redundancy... some posters may give you a virtual slap on the typing keys for the redundancy however

07-13-2012, 10:41 PM
Free Tip: Instead of using the OKCTalk search function, try this (and I'll use your example of looking for Crossroads Mall): "crossroads mall"
(I can't get the smiley out of the search string. Embarrassing. It should be 'site' and then a COLON (right next to the word 'site') and then '' right next to the colon, A SPACE and then your search terms).

Just put what I've bolded into the Google search engine along with whatever you're interested in finding. It will only search and you can even go to the left side and narrow down your search by going to the left side of the sceen and click on "show search tools". You can narrow it down to the last year, month, week, etc. (even 24 hours!)...then you can further filter your results to provide your results by clicking on "sort by date" and the results will be chronological. It works extremely well.

This is my new favorite post on OKCTalk. I have always had trouble finding anything using the site search function. What is silly, however, is that I am familiar with Google site search, but didn't think to use it here!

10-08-2012, 09:54 PM
Oklahoma City's Raptor Properties buy Crossroads Mall from Federal Reserve (

The new owners hope to revive retail at the long-troubled mall and return it to its former reputation as a southside destination.

It has been a year and they have done nothing, what the hell are they doing?

10-08-2012, 10:36 PM
It has been a year and they have done nothing, what the hell are they doing?


They just bought the mall so they could turn around and sell it. Either that or they were way in over their heads.

10-08-2012, 10:58 PM
They are being dumb letting the mall suffering a slow painful death, I am surprised the mall is still open, it should have been closed 5 years ago and changed to something useful

10-08-2012, 11:59 PM

It doesn't have a future as a mall. Demographics is not on Crossroads side. There is high concentration of wealth on the north side to keep them going.

10-09-2012, 07:54 AM

It doesn't have a future as a mall. Demographics is not on Crossroads side. There is high concentration of wealth on the north side to keep them going.

And there is a high concentration of wealth south and west of Crossroads as well.

10-09-2012, 09:15 AM
And there is a high concentration of wealth south and west of Crossroads as well.

Not nearly as much as Quail and Penn. Plus, their closer to the wealth

10-09-2012, 10:24 AM
Are the zombies still hanging around in that mall? Also what stores are actually left inside that place? to bad they didnt try converting part of the place into like a Gattitown

Video Expert
10-09-2012, 10:42 AM
I think there are several reasons for Crossroads' demise that have all been cited in this thread. The proliferation of big box, stand-alone shopping west and south of the mall, increased crime, loss of anchors, and the changing demographics, etc.

I also believe that it didn't help the mall at all to have it almost hidden from view with all the pad site strip centers that surround the mall on the west. I'm talking about the old Best Buy and the other strip centers that were built well after the mall was constructed. Drive by Penn or Quail, and the mall is still visible from the roadways (NW Expressway and Memorial respectively). When traveling near Crossroads, and all you see are the ugly backsides of pad site strip centers that completely block the view of the mall from a below-grade I-35. I wonder if anyone travelling I-35 would even know there was a 1.3 million square foot two-story mall behind all that painted brick if they had never been here before. Add that to the freeway construction that made access to the mall more difficult a few years back, and I believe you have all the ingredients necessary for retail disaster.

10-09-2012, 10:56 AM
Not nearly as much as Quail and Penn. Plus, their closer to the wealth

*sigh* I keep thinking someone will get tired of my posting this, but I keep having to correct this kind of wrong perception.....go study the demographics and you'll find the highest per-capita income region of OKC is about 4-5 miles southwest of Crossroads, near the Rivendell, Greenbriar, and Chatenay areas. Before I read that, I was like everyone else, and assumed it would be somewhere north, but it isn't. And I didn't know it until I read some of the development information for Chatenay Square several years ago.

Some folks can't stand the notion of the south side of OKC having any financial relevance, but we do.

10-09-2012, 10:59 AM
*sigh* I keep thinking someone will get tired of my posting this, but I keep having to correct this kind of wrong perception.....go study the demographics and you'll find the highest per-capita income region of OKC is about 4-5 miles southwest of Crossroads, near the Rivendell, Greenbriar, and Chatenay areas. Before I read that, I was like everyone else, and assumed it would be somewhere north, but it isn't. And I didn't know it until I read some of the development information for Chatenay Square several years ago.

Some folks can't stand the notion of the south side of OKC having any financial relevance, but we do.

Although that technically is true. The wealth on the northside is much more prevalent and is not one isolated zip code.

This is coming from a person with a south side, 73170, zip code.

10-09-2012, 11:08 AM
Define "prevalent."

10-09-2012, 11:21 AM
It is spread out more across more zip codes. You have Nichols Hills, Edmond, North OKC, etc.

The wealth you are referring to on the south side is one zip code. The rest of south OKC is relatively average income. Or slightly above average.

10-09-2012, 11:50 AM
It is spread out more across more zip codes. You have Nichols Hills, Edmond, North OKC, etc.

The wealth you are referring to on the south side is one zip code. The rest of south OKC is relatively average income. Or slightly above average.

73170 has a median income of about 70K per household. Of the 7 zip codes in the SW quadrant of the metro, 73173 (area to the west of 44 and south of Will Rogers) has the highest income (82K median income) but its only got a population of 800. Zip 73160 (almost exclusively Moore) has a median income of 59K . The other 4 zips have incomes that are quite low (all under 50K). This is not considering the areas further north of 240, which are known to be economically distressed.

The southside is a solid, middle/working class area. Nothing wrong with that, it just is what is is.

10-09-2012, 12:23 PM
73170 has a median income of about 70K per household. Of the 7 zip codes in the SW quadrant of the metro, 73173 (area to the west of 44 and south of Will Rogers) has the highest income (82K median income) but its only got a population of 800. Zip 73160 (almost exclusivity Moore) has a median income of 59K . The other 4 zips have incomes that are quite low (all under 50K). This is not considering the areas further north of 240, which are known to be economically distressed.

The southside is a solid, middle/working class area. Nothing wrong with that, it just is what is is.

And there's more to it also. Penn Square is next door to Chesapeake and Quail is surrounded by offices and medical clinics. They are conviently located near major places of employment. I don't believe Penn would be nearly as nice as it is today if Cheaspeake wasn't nearby.

10-09-2012, 01:14 PM
And there's more to it also. Penn Square is next door to Chesapeake and Quail is surrounded by offices and medical clinics. They are conviently located near major places of employment. I don't believe Penn would be nearly as nice as it is today if Cheaspeake wasn't nearby.

Good point. The concentration of white collar, professional jobs in general all skew north.

10-09-2012, 04:47 PM
Are the zombies still hanging around in that mall? Also what stores are actually left inside that place? to bad they didnt try converting part of the place into like a Gattitown

Yeah, zombies are still hanging around at Crossroads...Bath and Body Works, Forever 721, Spencer's Gift, Candylopis, the sports store, Hot Spot pizza, the spa thing, chiense food restaurant, Champs Sports, Footlocker, and I forgot the others are still open

10-09-2012, 05:34 PM
Are the zombies still hanging around in that mall? Also what stores are actually left inside that place? to bad they didnt try converting part of the place into like a Gattitown

Store Directory (

10-09-2012, 05:46 PM
Store Directory (

Only 34 stores....

10-09-2012, 06:44 PM
They should tear it down build a football stadium there and get an NFL team. :)

10-09-2012, 07:09 PM
They should tear it down build a football stadium there and get an NFL team. :)

Would be nice but I will always be a Vikings fan no matter what! I do not root for the Thunder either, I am a Magic fan!

10-09-2012, 09:44 PM
They should tear it down build a football stadium there and get an NFL team. :)

This is the best idea yet !!

10-09-2012, 10:34 PM
Good point. The concentration of white collar, professional jobs in general all skew north.

Which is still basically irrelevant when discussing the failure of the mall. It was extremely successful for many years when the south side of OKC had virtually no high income areas. It was never a high end shopping mall anyway.

10-10-2012, 12:17 AM
Which is still basically irrelevant when discussing the failure of the mall. It was extremely successful for many years when the south side of OKC had virtually no high income areas. It was never a high end shopping mall anyway.

Higher end malls are more likely to survive in todays world.

10-10-2012, 12:44 AM
Higher end malls are more likely to survive in todays world.

I'm not debating that but that still had nothing to do with the demise of Crossroads. Quail Springs is hardly a high end mall.
Your point would seem to counter previous arguments. Since Crossroads was not a higher end mall it shouldn't require a higher income demographic in it's area to survive. There were many factors that went into it's decline but that's not one of them.

10-10-2012, 02:35 AM
I think there are several reasons for Crossroads' demise that have all been cited in this thread. The proliferation of big box, stand-alone shopping west and south of the mall, increased crime, loss of anchors, and the changing demographics, etc.

I also believe that it didn't help the mall at all to have it almost hidden from view with all the pad site strip centers that surround the mall on the west. I'm talking about the old Best Buy and the other strip centers that were built well after the mall was constructed. Drive by Penn or Quail, and the mall is still visible from the roadways (NW Expressway and Memorial respectively). When traveling near Crossroads, and all you see are the ugly backsides of pad site strip centers that completely block the view of the mall from a below-grade I-35. I wonder if anyone travelling I-35 would even know there was a 1.3 million square foot two-story mall behind all that painted brick if they had never been here before. Add that to the freeway construction that made access to the mall more difficult a few years back, and I believe you have all the ingredients necessary for retail disaster.

I think you pretty much hit it on the head. The construction made it really difficult to get in for a long time, and those ugly pad sites don't help either (whose brilliant idea was that?!). The mall is plenty visible if you're coming at it on the interstate from Midwest City, but that doesn't help much because Midwest City has its own retail and its own failed mall. If they wanted pad sites for whatever dumb reason, they should've put them on the other side, not the I-35 side.

Also a guy did get shot there one time a few years back, which is pretty much the death knell for any mall.

10-10-2012, 08:10 AM
I'm not debating that but that still had nothing to do with the demise of Crossroads. Quail Springs is hardly a high end mall.
Your point would seem to counter previous arguments. Since Crossroads was not a higher end mall it shouldn't require a higher income demographic in it's area to survive. There were many factors that went into it's decline but that's not one of them.

It takes careful management to keep Quail competitive with all the surrounding strip malls. The difference though is that if Quail had lousy management we wouldn't be having a "End of Quailsprings Mall near" thread. It would have been demolished and redeveloped into offices, apartments or homes a long time ago without a second thought. I don't think anyone can say with any confidence though that Quail will be around 20 years from now once the area matures and the hot money moves to new undeveloped parts of the city.

10-10-2012, 09:30 AM
Also a guy did get shot there one time a few years back, which is pretty much the death knell for any mall.

Of all the factors that have diminished CRM, this isn't one. There have been far more crime incidents in the last decade at Penn Square Mall than at CRM. And that actually makes sense. Crime follows the money, and more folks are shopping at PSQ than at CRM.

10-11-2012, 09:20 AM
Of all the factors that have diminished CRM, this isn't one. There have been far more crime incidents in the last decade at Penn Square Mall than at CRM. And that actually makes sense. Crime follows the money, and more folks are shopping at PSQ than at CRM.

While this may be true, how many people have been shot at Penn Square?

10-11-2012, 11:14 AM
Shooting at Penn Square Mall | NewsOK Videos (

10-11-2012, 12:32 PM
Who knew! haha

10-12-2012, 07:49 AM
Yeah there are more incidents at Penn and Quail than people realize. You're probabaly safer actually at Crossroads! LOL

10-12-2012, 08:51 AM
Penn Square mall is mentioned in a 8/8/2010 court document outlining how local human traffickers and pimps Mario Diaz and Germaine Coulter were utilizing the mall to lure teen girls into their prostitution ring.

10-12-2012, 09:36 AM
Yeah there are more incidents at Penn and Quail than people realize. You're probabaly safer actually at Crossroads! LOL

True, the police already think your up to no good just by going to Crossroads because no one goes to Crossroads. lol

10-12-2012, 06:00 PM

10-14-2012, 02:49 PM
How many people were employed at the GM plant? I wonder if it's not a case of between GM shutting down with all those jobs leaving town, and the Kilpatrick Turnpike making it easier for all that southwest OKC population to get to the Quail Springs area, that Crossroads didn't stand a chance. I know a lot of people who live south of I-40 and west of Council that used to go to Crossroads, and most stopped as soon as the KT came down to SW 15th street. That was even before JCP and Dillard's left. All those houses are 3,000+ sq feet, and there are hundreds of them. It would be interesting to see if there is demographic data to support that hypothesis.

10-14-2012, 04:02 PM
How many people were employed at the GM plant? I wonder if it's not a case of between GM shutting down with all those jobs leaving town, and the Kilpatrick Turnpike making it easier for all that southwest OKC population to get to the Quail Springs area, that Crossroads didn't stand a chance. I know a lot of people who live south of I-40 and west of Council that used to go to Crossroads, and most stopped as soon as the KT came down to SW 15th street. That was even before JCP and Dillard's left. All those houses are 3,000+ sq feet, and there are hundreds of them. It would be interesting to see if there is demographic data to support that hypothesis.

Expantion of retail options in Moore and Norman probably have more to do with it than GM, there are more people employed in the GM building now with at least as good of salaries with aerospace work as when it was a manufacturing cars. More still are in the area since the southwest corner of tinker houses many engineering jobs in offices that did not exist a few years ago.

Living in Yukon I can tell you Quail was easier to get to than Crossroads after Lake Hefner Parkway opened for anyone on the west side withing a couple miles south of i40 so the Kilpatrick should not have been an issue, besides Crossroads was already in major decline before the constructed of the north/south portion of the turnpike anyway, Penn Square is also closer than either.

10-14-2012, 11:27 PM
Expantion of retail options in Moore and Norman probably have more to do with it than GM, there are more people employed in the GM building now with at least as good of salaries with aerospace work as when it was a manufacturing cars. More still are in the area since the southwest corner of tinker houses many engineering jobs in offices that did not exist a few years ago.

Living in Yukon I can tell you Quail was easier to get to than Crossroads after Lake Hefner Parkway opened for anyone on the west side withing a couple miles south of i40 so the Kilpatrick should not have been an issue, besides Crossroads was already in major decline before the constructed of the north/south portion of the turnpike anyway, Penn Square is also closer than either.

The Crossroads situation is mostly due to demographics in the surrounding area. The same thing happened to Eastland Mall in Charlotte. If the same mall was a few miles south in Moore it likely would still be viable, though not sure for how much longer. In 2012, the only malls really doing well are the upscale ones. Quail Springs is holding its own but if an "upscale lifestyle center" ever gets built in far north OKC or Edmond, it could be in jeopardy.

10-15-2012, 01:32 AM
Who knew! haha

Maybe you should research before acting like you're an expert.

10-15-2012, 10:06 AM

10-15-2012, 11:20 AM
The Crossroads situation is mostly due to demographics in the surrounding area. The same thing happened to Eastland Mall in Charlotte. If the same mall was a few miles south in Moore it likely would still be viable, though not sure for how much longer. In 2012, the only malls really doing well are the upscale ones. Quail Springs is holding its own but if an "upscale lifestyle center" ever gets built in far north OKC or Edmond, it could be in jeopardy.

Ding Ding Ding! This.

10-15-2012, 02:56 PM
Is the AMC theater across the mall dead? I have not been there in years

10-15-2012, 02:58 PM
Nope, still active.

10-15-2012, 03:00 PM
Nope, still active.

Hmm, that is surpising, I thought opening the Warren theater would make people stop going to the AMC theater but I guess I was wrong

10-15-2012, 08:32 PM
Nope, still active.

Not sure if "active" is the right word lol