View Full Version : Automobile Fuel Economy

NE Oasis
06-21-2007, 03:58 PM
Once again the federal government wants to raise the coporate average fuel economy for vehicles sold in the US, and Detroit is moaning. This system works just like the name implies. Add the consumption figures for land yachts all the way down to the econo-boxes, divide by the number of entries for corporate average.
IMHO the big problem is not technology, it's corporate greed. As a general rule the lower the gas mileage the higher the profit margin. It's time for Detroit to make economy cars "cool" like they did with SUV's, Minivans, and Hot Rods. Alfred Sloan buit an empire at GM with his "a car for every sized purse" marketing campain that suceeded for 50 years, I know Detroit can do it again, this time marketing for "only as much vehicle as you need".

06-21-2007, 05:01 PM
I think Detroit could pull off a successful line of cars that catered to every income if they tried. I think American consumer is going to have to be willing to give a little to make things work in Detroit's favor.

American Consumers need to get out of the Wal-Mart state of mind. You are not going to get a quality American built car at a bargain basement price.

They need to build a midsize car that costs 10,000 base price 15,000 loaded.

I am just fearing what the new chinese car will do to the car market in general. They are promising a fully loaded car for under $10,000. Our Wal-Mart society will eat the cars up like crack. In my opinion this will lead to a merger of the big three American car companies or the death of one of the big three.

06-22-2007, 08:35 AM
I know Detroit can do it again, this time marketing for "only as much vehicle as you need".
A Marxist advertising campaign?!? :tongue:

06-22-2007, 09:20 AM
I think it is time for the Big Three to die. They have outlived their usefulness. Change or die.

Dark Jedi
06-22-2007, 09:24 AM
It would do American makers some good to be abandoned. no more bail outs from the government, no more laws designed to help them keep from competing with foreign cars.
Make comparable and competable cars or die off.

Once left to swim or sink on their own, American cars would ramp up to the quality of Japanese.

06-22-2007, 01:44 PM
Make comparable and competable cars or die off.

Couldn't have said it better myself, Dark Jedi.

If Detroit can't adapt to the changing needs of it's clientele, then a bit of 'down sizing' might be just what the doctor ordered.