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10-17-2007, 07:39 AM
Doug, I did not go downtown to watch the parade because I expected it to be overhyped and underwhelming... and I didn't want to dedicate that much time, energy and effort negotiating traffic, parking and crowds to watch something that would most likely be disappointing to me and my family. I knew who was running the thing, so I had reasonable expectations of what it would turn out to be.

I did watch it broadcast live on TV. What I must say I did like about the parade was that OETA did a pretty good job in its television production of the parade. And the idea of doing a parade was a good idea. Its execution is what I found to be underwhelming and par for the course for this centennial "celebration."

P.S. I like your pictures, does that count?

Doug Loudenback
10-17-2007, 08:19 AM
Pug, it sort of sounds like, if your mind was not already made up before the parade, you had a predisposition at the least. On the other hand, I'm probably not completely objective, either, since I wanted this parade to be a success before it happened and so I may tend to downplay the shortcomings.

But, if you like the pics, doesn't that mean that you like what they show? And, aside from the single pic below (which Doug Dawg just had to do ... by combining two real images into one), I didn't make any of them up! :)

Larger pic:

Like I said, I liked the Langston band! :dizzy:

10-17-2007, 09:23 AM
Pug, it sort of sounds like, if your mind was not already made up before the parade, you had a predisposition at the least.
Perhaps, but I still was hoping for the best and really wanted to be pleasantly surprised... I just wasn't.

But, if you like the pics, doesn't that mean that you like what they show?
Not necessarily, except for what that specific picture shows. Selective framing and editing can make anything look MUCH better than it actually was.

10-17-2007, 10:03 AM
I'm not sure about where everyone else was standing, but where I was (Sheridan and Robinson) what was with all the rude people crossing the street ignorantly during the middle of the parade in between floats and sometimes during.

10-17-2007, 05:58 PM
I was standing on the east side of EK Gaylord (in fact if you look really really close you can kind of see me in some of Doug's shots) and two 70 year old ladies almost got into a fight over whether you can save a spot at a parade. Now, when I say fight I mean good old fashioned fistacuffs. Lady number one was standing behind me and waiting for her husband to bring the lawn chairs when lady number two came in with her family and got really close to lady number one. Lady number one politely says I'm saving this spot for my husband when lady number two says and I swear I'm not making this up "I was at my hairdressers yesterday and she told me there is no savings spots at a parade." Well case closed, if her hairdresser told her... apparently, that wasn't good enough for lady number 1. I really didn't want to get in the middle of it although I literally was in the middle of it, especially since I was saving two spots for myself.

10-17-2007, 10:53 PM
I still have not heard any specifics as to why it was so awful.

I also didn't witness any rudeness or people trying to run across the road where I was (across from IAO). In fact, the lady next to me was quite friendly.

10-18-2007, 05:50 AM
Well, jbrown, that changes everything. Since you haven't heard any specifics as to why it was so awful, then by default it must have been the greatest thing ever. And since you didn't witness any rudeness, then the others must be making it up.

It's all settled now. The parade was a huge success. Everyone had a great time. Move along now, nothing to see here.

Doug Loudenback
10-18-2007, 05:54 AM
I love the zeal of a convert! Welcome aboard, Pug! :welcome55

10-18-2007, 11:37 AM
Centennial parade set for rebroadcast on TV

A Century in the Making (
See NewsOK's special Web site dedicated to Oklahoma's Centennial.


OETA has received many requests to rebroadcast Sunday's parade, and it will be televised on its statewide analog and digital cable channels.

"This parade was a fantastic success not just in attendance, but also viewership. Thanks to OETA's live broadcast, Oklahomans from all four corners of the state had front row seats to this magnificent parade,” said [U]Blake Wade (, Oklahoma Centennial Commission ( executive director.

An estimated 350,000 people watched the parade live when it was simulcast on OETA, KFOR-4, KTUL, NewsOK and (, Wade ( said. About 200,000 lined downtown Oklahoma City streets to watch the parade, Oklahoma City police estimated.
The first broadcast will be at 7 p.m. Friday on OETA (Cox 16). Other broadcasts are:

•9:30 p.m., Nov. 5.
•7 p.m., Dec. 12.
•5 p.m., Jan. 5.

OETA OKLA (Cox 112):
•6 p.m., Wednesday.
•7 p.m., Nov. 3.
•6 p.m., Nov. 30.

For more information
•About the broadcasts: Call OETA at (800) 879-6382 or go to ( The parade can also be viewed on OETA's Web site. •About buying a DVD of the parade broadcast: Call the centennial commission at 228-2015.

10-18-2007, 11:39 AM
Re-live the mediocrity... again... and again... and again...

10-18-2007, 11:49 AM
I thought Pugs are generally happy, not always down on everything.

10-18-2007, 12:09 PM
I enjoyed it thoroughly. I liked the atmosphere, and as a native american, I enjoyed the fancy dancers and their performance.

What can I say, I liked it.

10-18-2007, 12:18 PM
I thought Pugs are generally happy, not always down on everything.
Depends on the pug and it depends on the circumstances. My pugs don't get excited about mediocre things.

10-18-2007, 12:30 PM

... like last Sunday... for the Centennial Parade...

Doug Loudenback
10-18-2007, 03:13 PM
Pug, is it a characteristic of pug "dogs" to be intolerant of other peoples' opinions, or is that just personal to you??? :bow:

10-18-2007, 03:31 PM
I'm not intolerant of other people's opinions... I'm disagreeing with them.

It appears, though, that Doug"Dogs" must themselves be intolerant of opinions that they judge to be "intolerant."

10-18-2007, 05:01 PM
oh for goodness sakes! Now we've brought the innocent dogs into this.. lol

Not everyone is going to like the same things... some of us thought the Parade was just so-so based on having high expectations of a Parade 'like no other in the state's history' it wasn't awful.. in my opinion, it was just ho-hum with no magic or excitement that I saw. I watched the crowd, most seemed to not be into it. But, it was by no means horrible.

Kudos to those who tried to give everyone a nice free parade. I'm sure it was really hard work!

But, like I said, we all have different likes and dislikes.. who cares if we didn't like it or did like it.. no one should.

Doug Loudenback
10-18-2007, 06:50 PM
I'm not intolerant of other people's opinions... I'm disagreeing with them.

It appears, though, that Doug"Dogs" must themselves be intolerant of opinions that they judge to be "intolerant."
How in heck did you train your dog to stick out its tongue like that??? Well done! :)

10-19-2007, 05:34 AM
To be fair, it's not as hard as it might seem. It's more a matter of snapping the shot at the right moment.

Doug Loudenback
10-19-2007, 06:47 AM
I thought maybe you showed him pics of the parade! :bright_id

Kidding aside, that's a good looking dog you have there!

10-19-2007, 07:41 AM
He's even more adorable in person... and so is his sister (but in a different sort of way) ...

Doug Loudenback
10-20-2007, 04:42 AM
Watched the OETA video last night ... it was really nice, just like Pug said! The opening events and number which I couldn't see from my location and the Rocket Man stuff was very nice, as were the interviews with James Garner, etc. Very well done!

10-20-2007, 07:16 AM
Watched the OETA video last night ... it was really nice... Very well done!
... by Oklahoma standards ... I guess you're right.

10-20-2007, 03:16 PM
Here we go again.

I really think people like you, PUG have an exaggerated negative attitude. Show me another state that put a local parade on better. Probably not. Macy's and the Rose parade are national events with major national sponsors.

If they had done it more spectacular, the same people would be whining about how the Centennial Commission was wasting money.

Frankly I'm tired of it and that's why I don't come here as often.

10-20-2007, 05:01 PM
What's the best address to mail/ship your pacifier to?

Doug Loudenback
10-20-2007, 06:52 PM
Hey, don't let Pug get you down, JBrown ... just learn from him ... and say ...

Hey Pug ... Yeah, YOU, Pug ...
And if that doesn't work, well, we can always take it to the next level ... :dizzy:

10-20-2007, 06:57 PM
lol ... the next level? not the


Butt shots?!!!

Doug Loudenback
10-20-2007, 07:00 PM
lol ... the next level? not the


Butt shots?!!!
Not tellin' ... but I KNOW that Pug will be replying and I'm tryin' to figure out my next move! :bright_id

Oh GAWD the Smell!
10-20-2007, 07:31 PM
Pretty good "for Oklahoma"?

Uh...I've been to the turkey-day parade in NYC, and several in and around SoCal as well as some here...ALL PARADES ARE BORING AND HOKEY. I mean really, who wants to see Ms. Buffalo Herd or Ms. Okra wave by on the back of a Rustang?

As far as I know, they're aimed at children as a demographic, why would any sane adult expect to be madly entertained by one is beyond me.

I still go to them from time to time though...Because despite them being boring and hokey, you still get to be around other people that you share the city/state with, get to eat food that's really bad for you, and see things that you're not going to see anywhere else. The hokey, the silly, the semi-retired and d-list celebs, the retarded balloons, and the children giggling at the horse poop is why you go. That's why it's fun.

Thanks for the pics!

And why do I have an urge to get a dog now?

10-21-2007, 08:50 AM
Is this what you're looking for, Doug?

10-21-2007, 09:04 AM
or perhaps this one...

By all means, we want to be unwavering, uncritical cheerleaders for all things Oklahoma... no matter what...

Doug Loudenback
10-21-2007, 09:30 AM
I'm not uncritical ... I just don't have a predisposition like you do that if it's "Oklahoma," it's not so hot!

Anyway ... to reply ...

Is this what you're looking for, Doug?

:rude: :rude: :rude: :rude: :rude: :rude: :rude: :rude: :rude: :rude:

Well ... I knew that you'd be replying! Soooo ... what would MY next move be, I wondered ... Karrie's great suggestion for "butt" pics gave me serious pause and cause for reflection ... I did give thought to more dog pics" (and I certainly do admire your creativity in the above ... well done!) ... but maybe something more hostile though, such as ...

... but, NO ... I shouldn't let dogs do my fighting for me, I finally decided. I would need to do my own fighting ... on my own ...

I decided, upon reflection, to "take it to the next level!"

And so, though I don't intend this to be seriously taken but just in good fun ... I decided that it was time to ESCALATE this cold war of words and make it hotter ... understanding that you will doubtless give thought to doing the same ... I'm thinking "nu_cu_ler" (to quote the pres), or maybe even "nu_cle_ar" (!) ... anyway, here you go (I'm the one on the left, you, the bully, are the one on the right) ... :dizzy:

Your turn! :fighting4

But ... I've got dibs on Dr. Strangelove pics, once and if this progresses that far, soooo ... hands off! ... that one is MINE!

10-21-2007, 10:54 AM
I'm not uncritical ... I just don't have a predisposition like you do that if it's "Oklahoma," it's not so hot!
You and your friend, jbrown, have missed my point completely. I don't believe that "if it's Oklahoma, it's not so hot!" I love this state and have adopted it as my own after moving here 21 years ago. What I don't like is an acceptance of second best as the best we can do, as someone pointed out previously in this thread. We often accept Busch-league performance as being "good enough" for Oklahoma's standards, even if it falls short of the "big-leagues" we claim to want to compete with. A wise person once said: "If you can't do it right, don't do it at all."

Our floats in the Rose Parade were first class. Those floats were done right. They made me proud to be an Oklahoman. The "Oklahoma" film done a few years back that was aired prominently on OETA was first class; it was done right. It made me proud to be an Oklahoman. MAPS has been a resounding success; it was first-class and (generally) done right. It revitalized the downtown area. It made me proud to live in the Oklahoma City area.

In contrast, the Centennial Celebration has been mediocre at best and a colossal dud at worst. It could have been so much more, but it's become a self-serving party for the good ole boy network. And when it's over at the end of this year, taxpayers will have a nice sized taxpayer bill and wonder what there has been to show for it.

The parade? The parade was okay, but fell well short of the hype and short of what one might expect from a once-in-a-lifetime celebration event. And, if you can't do it right, don't do it at all. The money can be better spent elsewhere, like continued investment in improving downtown and other areas around the city and state.

That's what I'm saying.

here you go (I'm the one on the left, you, the bully, are the one on the right) ... :dizzy:

Once again, you are making it personal. I criticize a public event as being mediocre — something that is simply my opinion that happens to be polar opposite to your own — and you make it personal, here and previously. My pug pees on a sign and your response is to murder me?

I guess that would be the Oklahoma response to a difference of opinion...

But ... I've got dibs on Dr. Strangelove pics, once and if this progresses that far, soooo ... hands off! ... that one is MINE!

I concede the Strangelove pics.

Doug Loudenback
10-21-2007, 12:49 PM
Once again, you are making it personal. I criticize a public event as being mediocre — something that is simply my opinion that happens to be polar opposite to your own — and you make it personal, here and previously. My pug pees on a sign and your response is to murder me?

I guess that would be the Oklahoma response to a difference of opinion...
Well, I said that my post was intended as "fun" ... you did the 1st pic post with your cool dog ... guess you took it personal ... not intended. I'll stop. But, again, your quip and cheap shot, "I guess that would be the Oklahoma response to a difference of opinion," pretty much says where you're coming from. Not a problem, and you're certainly entitled to your attitude, but it's not mine. But, again, I was just having fun with this ... it wasn't personal, not on my part.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
10-21-2007, 01:11 PM
C'mon...Certainly there's a happy medium here guys.

Now, let's all sing Kumbaya.

Doug Loudenback
10-21-2007, 02:37 PM
:love_bed: That's good for me! :sofa:

10-21-2007, 05:49 PM

Cool with me.

Doug Loudenback
10-23-2007, 09:10 PM
I've assembled the pictures I took into a flash video file, using Gordon MacRae's version of "Oklahoma" and Seitz's (sp?) "March Grandioso" as the background music. That is the tune played by that outstanding Broken Arrow High School Band during the parade. Run time is about 12 minutes and it's a pretty large file (12.9 MB).

Link: Doug Dawgz Blog: Centennial Parade Video (


The Old Downtown Guy
10-23-2007, 11:18 PM
Pretty good "for Oklahoma"?

Uh...I've been to the turkey-day parade in NYC, and several in and around SoCal as well as some here...ALL PARADES ARE BORING AND HOKEY. I mean really, who wants to see Ms. Buffalo Herd or Ms. Okra wave by on the back of a Rustang?

But how about 1000 flaming skeletons ranked up behind Wayne Coyne and the guys in OKC's first Ghouls On Parade this coming Saturday, October 27th, at 7PM. Several arts groups will have floats and a total of sixty entrants make up the inaugural edition. It forms up at NW 8th and Broadway and heads to Stiles and Sheridan in Bricktown. Beverages, food and bleachers will be located on the Field of Screams at 4th and Broadway. Come early and stay late. No marching bands or Miss Oklahomas, but way plenty of entertaining sights and sounds in OKC’s breakout fall event . . . . it’s arty . . . it’s scary . . . . it’s not to be missed. Check the Gazette for more info.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
10-23-2007, 11:37 PM
But how about 1000 flaming skeletons ranked up behind Wayne Coyne and the guys in OKC's first Ghouls On Parade this coming Saturday, October 27th, at 7PM. Several arts groups will have floats and a total of sixty entrants make up the inaugural edition. It forms up at NW 8th and Broadway and heads to Stiles and Sheridan in Bricktown. Beverages, food and bleachers will be located on the Field of Screams at 4th and Broadway. Come early and stay late. No marching bands or Miss Oklahomas, but way plenty of entertaining sights and sounds in OKC’s breakout fall event . . . . it’s arty . . . it’s scary . . . . it’s not to be missed. Check the Gazette for more info.

That's not scary. Scary would be Jocelyn Wildenstein in charge of beautification.

That does sound pretty neat though. :)