View Full Version : Jon Stewart vs Gary England
BailJumper 06-16-2007, 10:43 PM Gary England's yearly salary...... $175,000
Production cost for over the top promo.... $213,000
Having Jon Stewart make your station look ridiculous on Cable TV..... PRICELESS!
YouTube - Jon Stewart vs Gary England (
Karried 06-17-2007, 03:39 PM LOL...
ultimatesooner 06-18-2007, 08:56 AM channel 9 was running a segment all weekend trying to turn this into good publicity lol
you may also want to multiply gary england's salary by about 10
SoonerDave 06-18-2007, 10:18 AM That particular promo is the most asinine and embarassing piece of garbage England has spun out in years. It deserves public ridicule - almost as much as the whole notion of Global Warming...
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 10:32 AM science is now a "notion"? You and Sen. Inhofe must be drinking the same Kool-Aid.
ooops... off topic... I'll go back to my corner now.
SoonerDave 06-18-2007, 11:33 AM lol GW=="science..." Just like the "scientists" were telling us the planet was cooling thirty years ago. Gimme a break.
Science is our best weapon against the UN's GW propaganda machine. GW is the biggest scientific fraud perpetrated on the free world in the last 50 years. Of course, those of the left will avoid facts and just hurl insults and make fun of those who oppose them, rather than engage in actual debate on the issue.
yeah, off topic, so I'll go back to my corner, too.
Midtowner 06-18-2007, 11:36 AM The debate's fine... I think we all agree on the fact that whoever produced that Gary England spot is a giant toolbag...
As for GW, please continue. Pug, certainly you can do better than saying that SD must be drinking some sort of Kool-Aid... Surely you have some sort of irrefutable factual evidence which supports your conclusion that human activity is contributing to global warming... don't you?
jbrown84 06-18-2007, 11:41 AM I think we all agree on the fact that whoever produced that Gary England spot is a giant toolbag...
Skyline Media (
Midtowner 06-18-2007, 11:43 AM What a great website... I shouldn't blame the producer.. it's the writer's fault :)
I don't know to what extent this company was involved.
But that's a damn nice website.
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 11:46 AM The debate's fine... I think we all agree on the fact that whoever produced that Gary England spot is a giant toolbag...
As for GW, please continue. Pug, certainly you can do better than saying that SD must be drinking some sort of Kool-Aid... Surely you have some sort of irrefutable factual evidence which supports your conclusion that human activity is contributing to global warming... don't you?
I could provide some relevant references, but I didn't want to steer this thread too far off topic. Inhofe was in the Daily Show segment previously referenced and SD was parroting Inhofe's talking points — i.e. "Kool-Aid".
SoonerDave 06-18-2007, 11:52 AM SD was parroting Inhofe's talking points — i.e. "Kool-Aid".
I was? I didn't even pay attention to Inhofe's comments; I was too interested in seeing Gary England nationally embarassed. If anything, the GW propaganda the UN "science" team puts out is the kool-aid in this scenario....and I came to the conclusion this was a scientific fraud of epic proportions long before Inhofe took an aggressive public stance on the issue.
jbrown84 06-18-2007, 11:53 AM What a great website... I shouldn't blame the producer.. it's the writer's fault :)
I don't know to what extent this company was involved.
But that's a damn nice website.
Oh they're very competent. But in this business, you do what the client wants, within reason. So really you blame NEWS9.
Midtowner 06-18-2007, 11:55 AM I could provide some relevant references, but I didn't want to steer this thread too far off topic. Inhofe was in the Daily Show segment previously referenced and SD was parroting Inhofe's talking points — i.e. "Kool-Aid".
And your parroting someone else's talking points somehow makes you the better man in the debate?
Midtowner 06-18-2007, 12:01 PM Oh they're very competent. But in this business, you do what the client wants, within reason. So really you blame NEWS9.
It all depends on the production process... I blame whoever wrote that trash. I further blame anyone who had the chance to stop it or influence those who could. Production wise, it's actually pretty decent quality.
jbrown84 06-18-2007, 12:38 PM Yeah, they can have some of the blame for writing, but production values are top notch, as even Jon Stewart admits.
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 01:01 PM And your parroting someone else's talking points somehow makes you the better man in the debate?
Whose talking points were I parroting?
Midtowner 06-18-2007, 01:02 PM Whose talking points were I parroting?
Oh, you came up with the concept of global warming and man's involvement therein? My bad.
Seriously though.. the UN, the EU, pick your acronym. Just about any left-leaning group has adopted this political position without so much as a reference to the science of it... as if man being responsible for global warming is some sort of truism. Not so fast. There's a lot of conflicting information out there -- just about all of it is funded in some way by someone who has a financial or ideological stake in the outcome of the research. From where I sit, it's a titanic battle of scientific shills.
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 01:04 PM I was? I didn't even pay attention to Inhofe's comments; I was too interested in seeing Gary England nationally embarassed. If anything, the GW propaganda the UN "science" team puts out is the kool-aid in this scenario....and I came to the conclusion this was a scientific fraud of epic proportions long before Inhofe took an aggressive public stance on the issue.
Fair enough.
Karried 06-18-2007, 01:05 PM Another 'Hot' Topic...Global Warming.. here is one of a few threads here:
I want to talk about Gary England's commercial
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 01:06 PM Oh, you came up with the concept of global warming and man's involvement therein? My bad.
Did I say that? What did I say? I asked "science is a notion?"
You have an uncanny ability to twist and distort (or even manufacture) what someone says as well as making a mountain out of a molehill.
I apologize to all for asking the original question and to SoonerDave for making the "Kool-Aid" comment.
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 01:07 PM Another 'Hot' Topic...Global Warming.. here is one of a few threads here:
I want to talk about Gary England's commercial
I apologize for taking this thread off topic. I assure you it was not my intent for it to go SO far off track. I'll go back to my corner now.
jbrown84 06-18-2007, 01:10 PM I ate across from Gary England at the North Fork once...
It was sunny outside.
Midtowner 06-18-2007, 01:39 PM You have an uncanny ability to twist and distort (or even manufacture) what someone says as well as making a mountain out of a molehill.
Are you saying that a humans-cause-global-warming-and-that-it's-going-to-doom-us-all sort of message is not lock step with a multitude of political and ideological groups?
That you don't associate yourself with talking points is fine.. but your post re: the kool aid could very well be mistaken for something a Greenpeacer or Moveon.orger would post.
Do you at least have for us the study which proves the humans-cause-global-warming-and-that-it's-going-to-doom-us-all hypothesis?
PUGalicious 06-18-2007, 01:47 PM Perhaps you missed Karried's earlier post...
Another 'Hot' Topic...Global Warming.. here is one of a few threads here: (
I want to talk about Gary England's commercial
drumsncode 06-18-2007, 02:34 PM The rest of my life I will see Jon Stewart looking me in the eyes and saying, "Listen to Gary England...or YOUR CHILDREN WILL DIE!"
That's freakin hilarious.
And I, too, believed humans were causing global warming, until Bush came out and said humans were likely contributing to it. That dude gets EVERYTHING wrong, so I'm looking into it again. ;)
SuperScooper 06-18-2007, 06:58 PM This commercial is not any worse than Rick Mitchell or Linda Cavanaugh preaching about how their respective weather teams are there to put your safety first because they care.
We all know the only reason severe weather coverage airs is because it boosts ratings. For every person weather coverage irritates, there are 25-50 more people glued to there TV sets.
jbrown84 06-18-2007, 08:19 PM I'm not sure about that on the ratings.
I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think advertisers would care about those ratings because they aren't playing any commercials during severe weather coverage.
This commercial is not any worse than Rick Mitchell or Linda Cavanaugh preaching about how their respective weather teams are there to put your safety first because they care.
Yeah, but this one takes it to a new level. You know how much they must have spent on that relative to their normal promo? It's just funny how transparent the fear mongering for viewers is now.
As for the ratings, they must have some philosophy that people will associate good emergency weather notices with loyalty to a paticular broadcast. Or they get you so freaked out that you watch their channel "just in case". They certainly spend a lot of money on their weather gear and personell and then they spend more money promoting it. So, somewhere in that model there has to be some added revenue from all of this or they would have stopped long ago.
Karried 06-19-2007, 09:48 AM That's such a great point.
When I hear the Sirens, (in between screeching for the kids, calling my husband on the phone to say our last goodbyes (lol) and trying to get my dog in the shelter, I turn on every TV in every room... all different channels and run from room to room to see if the tornado is making a beeline for my house.
Whatever loyalty I may have had goes out the window...
I need someone to tape my chaos for America's Funniest Home's almost up there with my trying to release a mouse that had it's tail trapped in the trap in our pantry. I crack myself up.. I'm such a dork.
Ratings, Schmatings.... I could care less about any of that.
jbrown84 06-19-2007, 09:53 AM As for the ratings, they must have some philosophy that people will associate good emergency weather notices with loyalty to a paticular broadcast. Or they get you so freaked out that you watch their channel "just in case".
You're probably right about that. It's more about building a rapport that Gary is the guy to turn on when there's a tornado. Because if you trust him in that situation, you're going to watch him the rest of the time most likely, if you watch anyone.
flintysooner 06-19-2007, 10:19 AM I am one who is able to remember what it was like before we had storm warnings. I recall many visits 1/2 mile south to the neighbor's cellar. The cellar wasn't the best place and because I was smallest I had to sit in the corner where the water leaked oftentimes. There were a lot of canned goods down there though so we wouldn't have starved. We were kind of on our own to decide when to go. Any kind of advance warning was pretty cherished information.
And the only tornadoes we saw were rather too close for comfort. I vividly recall several times holding my Pop's hand and watching them go across the pasture south of the house. Our big barn was destroyed 3 times and once our big self-feeders were tossed around like little toys. So it is amazing to me to be able to watch the live footage from the stations.
The first advance public warning was given here in Oklahoma City. I think by Tinker. It was considered controversial and there was great concern about adding to panic.
The amazing thing to me is that so many people take tornadoes so much for granted even today and even with all the warning we have.
All things considered I really prefer having advance warning to none at all.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-19-2007, 10:34 AM I am one who is able to remember what it was like before we had storm warnings. I recall many visits 1/2 mile south to the neighbor's cellar. The cellar wasn't the best place and because I was smallest I had to sit in the corner where the water leaked oftentimes. There were a lot of canned goods down there though so we wouldn't have starved. We were kind of on our own to decide when to go. Any kind of advance warning was pretty cherished information.
And the only tornadoes we saw were rather too close for comfort. I vividly recall several times holding my Pop's hand and watching them go across the pasture south of the house. Our big barn was destroyed 3 times and once our big self-feeders were tossed around like little toys. So it is amazing to me to be able to watch the live footage from the stations.
The first advance public warning was given here in Oklahoma City. I think by Tinker. It was considered controversial and there was great concern about adding to panic.
The amazing thing to me is that so many people take tornadoes so much for granted even today and even with all the warning we have.
All things considered I really prefer having advance warning to none at all.
Quiet you! We'll have none of that "common sense" in THIS thread!
This one is for making fun of ourselves as well a.....LISTEN TO GARY ENGLAND OR YOUR KIDS WILL DIE!
flintysooner 06-19-2007, 02:20 PM Personally I would be happier with the station if they could get their newscasts up to the production standards of the commercials. Actually it was the production standards that seemed to initially impress Stewart.
jbrown84 06-19-2007, 02:21 PM LIVE TV is a whole other animal, man.
drumsncode 06-19-2007, 07:32 PM Personally I would be happier with the station if they could get their newscasts up to the production standards of the commercials. Actually it was the production standards that seemed to initially impress Stewart.
The slew of new NEWS9 promos is just amazing in their quality, but OMG, how much quality do you want in the live newscasts? Have you watched NEWS9 lately with their new set and theatrically perfect lighting, color schemes, and backgrounds?
The same goes for KOCO, the show has never looked better.
Our local newscasts have better technical quality than anything at the national level. National news looks cheap in comparison.
I must be missing the points you are wanting to make.
Express Girl 06-20-2007, 09:56 AM omg that is freaking hilarious!!
MilwaukeeMak 06-20-2007, 10:01 AM LOL... that was hilarious!
Our local newscasts have better technical quality than anything at the national level. National news looks cheap in comparison.
Even the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, which has been broadcasting in high definition for several months now?
drumsncode 06-20-2007, 11:44 AM Even the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, which has been broadcasting in high definition for several months now?
Actually, I shouldn't have said the national news looks cheap in comparison, it looks fine, it's just that our local stations look incredible. I'm talking from a visual perspective, like the lighting, the set design, the graphics, all that stuff, including the anchors themselves.
Oklahoma City has always had this incredible quality. I used to notice when I'd travel to another state and see the poor excuses for newscasts in other towns. We are spoiled here in Oklahoma by the technical quality of our local newscasts. It may be "infotainment", but it's very high quality "infotainment"!
What kills me is that all it takes is a thunderstorm somewhere in the state and then all of a sudden they’ve gone to radar or placed huge weather warning maps that cover up 25% of the programming or miniaturized the programming while wasting 40% of the screen (KFOR) or even gone to crappy low rez video of rain at night shot through a windshield of a van hunkered down in some unknown location in the middle of nowhere. They'll do this all throughout primetime, every single minute. And then what happens once their newscast starts? Gone. Every graphic. Every radar. Every shot of clouds from a camera phone. Every warning suddenly disappears. It's no longer important to have that information on the screen every second.
In my mind that's the most telling aspect of the whole weather business in this state. They don't put these warning and radars on your screen to protect you, they do it because it is a way for them to advertise themselves during programming when they otherwise would not be allowed to. If it was always for safety, it would be the focus of the newscast and all the information would remain on the screen during the newscast. But it’s not. What is important enough for them to interrupt or cover up prime time programming does not always equate to being important enough for them to drop the lead story in order to keep you informed of this nasty rain storm in the panhandle that was of critical importance for the 3 ours leading up to their newscast. Nope, all of a sudden yesterday’s apartment fire or a story about neighbors fighting over a pit bull take precedence over your “safety”.
Now, I'm not talking about tornadoes or flooding or damaging winds, because we all know that it takes a lot less than that for them to slap on some maps or radars over programming. To their credit, when it is an emergency they do make it the #1 broadcasting priority, but they also use the very small, but consistent, threat of damaging weather as an excuse to stick their news product in your face and they use promos like this to remind you of that threat when you're otherwise not thinking about it.
Yes, they, along with the national weather service, provide a very important service, but let's be honest, they have capitalized it and leveraged it to the hilt to maximize self promotion and to scare you into watching even when there's not a cloud in the sky.
drumsncode 06-20-2007, 01:09 PM You are absolutely right and make great points. They have gone overboard, and Jon Stewart picked up on it, just from viewing one promo.
This is one of the most competitive markets in the nation. I don't really know how it evolved that way, but I've read that phrase in a lot of places. I think we have some really big egos in our local news business, with a lot of money at stake, so it's dog-eat-dog all the way.
So just remember those immortal words of Jon Stewart:
flintysooner 06-20-2007, 01:43 PM I agree that generally the weather and news programs on all the channels are pretty good visually and otherwise for that matter. But I still seem to notice an awful lot of stuff that doesn't work such as as camera changing to another person who starts speaking with no sound or really low volume. Or the weather remote fails to work. Or the wrong video for the story. Stuff like that. I don't travel anymore but I did always appreciate OKC news after being gone for a few days.
The self-promotion is really annoying. And the near hysteria over the possibility of storms is definitely irritating.
That said though I do find myself watching an awful lot of weather. For me there is a real fascination. Maybe it's because I can't find anything else I want to watch. But there really is this kind of interesting dynamic between science and technology and human interaction that makes pretty good drama. I think it is kind of like some of the CSI shots that are so terribly gross and yet I can't make myself turn away.
Jack Wonder 06-22-2007, 02:32 PM I'm not sure about that on the ratings.
I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think advertisers would care about those ratings because they aren't playing any commercials during severe weather coverage.
Uh, but the LOCAL news stations EAT IT UP, because their ad revenue goes Ka-BLAMMY!! They always make the ad time up with respective advertisers, I know personally. It's the severe WEATHER that gets the high rating, so that they can increase the ad RATES next quarter....i.e., if weather isn't the biggest local news sweeps stunt of ALL-TIME, nothing is!!