View Full Version : More buffaloes on the way
Easy180 06-14-2007, 08:39 AM Good lord...Tourists and just people driving through are going to think we are just overrun with these things...All over bricktown and now our major highways
Let's get a little more modern designs going city officials...You are just enhancing our already hick image
More traffic cones and barrels are coming to the Broadway Extension in July when construction starts on the NW 36-Broadway Extension interchange, one of the major state projects for Oklahoma City.
Besides rebuilding the interchange, plans include building a wall to reduce traffic sounds in a nearby neighborhood, decorating the wall with art of buffaloes and relocating an Oklahoma City waterline.
Duit Construction, Inc., of Edmond is the contractor for the $34 million project, and has 439 calendar days to complete it.
The state Transportation Department will hold a meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. June 21 to discuss the project. The meeting will be at the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, 3700 N Walker.
Two traffic lanes will be open in each direction on this portion of the Broadway Extension, which also is called Interstate 235, said Terri Angier, chief of public affairs for the state Transportation Department.
Also, the contractor will relocate an Oklahoma City waterline that will cause NW 36 under the Broadway Extension to be closed for up to 90 days, Angier said.
The contractor will construct a sound barrier wall north of NW 36 for about one-half a mile, Angier said.
A sound barrier wall already exists south of NW 36.
An additional wall that will not reduce traffic sounds will be built from the south end of the south wall to near NW 23, Angier said.
CuatrodeMayo 06-14-2007, 08:46 AM Normally I would be adamant about no more buffalos, but this might not be that bad. Normally those sound walls are just bare expanses of unattractive concrete. I suspect this artwork will be a much more abstract, low-relief type of artwork.
Well! Looks like one little cowpoke woke up on the wrong side of the bunkhouse today!
Easy180 06-14-2007, 08:51 AM I'm just saying maybe something more along the lines of what Dallas did with their highway walls instead of more agriculture themes
This little piece of wall isn't going to ruin my day, but it's just another piece to keep that banjo music strumming in the out of towners heads as they pass through
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 08:55 AM Easy, I would generally agree with you. I hate those buffalo eyesores around the metro. But I have to go along with CuatrodeMayo's sentiments on this particular matter.
OMG! Another buffalo hater! I bet you kick puppies too.:numchucks
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 08:58 AM I love my puppies, thank you. I just think those Buffalo thingies are GAWD-awful and look like nothing more than bad lawn ornaments.
CuatrodeMayo 06-14-2007, 09:03 AM Maybe something kinda like this, but a little more abstract (like getting rid of the junk on the first buffalo).
Karried 06-14-2007, 09:05 AM LOL... buffalo junk...omg! sheesh, what a nice thing to wake up to this morning!
I love my puppies, thank you. I just think those Buffalo thingies are GAWD-awful and look like nothing more than bad lawn ornaments.
How 'bout some garden gnomes?
metro 06-14-2007, 09:06 AM Yeah, I don't think it's near as bad as it sounds. Heck, at least ODOT is finally getting their act together and realizing we need public art along major roadways, etc. If anything, it will enhance our city's image!! That stretch of land is ugly and seriously out of date for the traffic it has. The buffalo statues are a hit with out of towners, and I've talked to plenty from both coasts, and they don't think it's hickish, neither should we. They only make their impressions from the locals. We can choose what we want them to perceive. If we think they are "hickish" and go around talking about it all the time, then they are going to agree with us. If we talk about how we are open to the arts, etc. Then they think we are more arts oriented, and open to the arts. We've talked about it before, Chicago, Dallas, lA, NYC and other "major" us cities have done similar "hickish" campaigns with cows, penguins, and other such animals.
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 09:07 AM How 'bout some garden gnomes?
It wouldn't look much worse.
CuatrodeMayo 06-14-2007, 09:08 AM Around town they're OK. But the buffalo corral? That horrible.
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 09:09 AM I think I'm gonna be sick...
:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:
soonerliberal 06-14-2007, 09:23 AM My only question is: Will O-DOT keep up these murals in ten years time once the paint starts wearing out?
jbrown84 06-14-2007, 09:26 AM I despise the fiberglass buffalo all over town, but I like the sound of this. I've always wondered why we can't be a little less ugly with these sound walls.
Although I think the EAST side of 235 north of 23rd is in much more need of hiding.
jbrown84 06-14-2007, 09:27 AM My only question is: Will O-DOT keep up these murals in ten years time once the paint starts wearing out?
I don't think it's a mural. Sounds to me like a relief sculpture as Cuatro said.
kmf563 06-14-2007, 09:28 AM Who is behind the push for the bison everywhere??? I personally think they are tacky and agree they set up a wrong image of our state. Why does everything have to be about the bison? There are plenty of things they could put on that wall. How about just a big native american mural?
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 09:36 AM I despise the fiberglass buffalo all over town...
I personally think they are tacky
Ahhhh... I no longer feel so alone... :kicking: it possible that your idea of beauty may be skewed?
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 09:47 AM Who?
You know I love ya Pugs! All jokes aside, I really do like the buffalo, and it's hard for me to think of a more appropriate representation of the natural grandeur of our State. Scissortails are neat too, but they make for tiny little sculptures.
kmf563 06-14-2007, 09:56 AM Why don't we just save the money and let cier take care of it for us? He's probably going to tag over it anyway. I'm not trying to be petty...sure it's a nice thought, but don't we have better things to spend money on? Like all the streets that have potholes in them or the I-40 bridge? And are we going to decorate the sound walls that are up already?
And if thinking the painted buffs are tacky makes my opinion of beauty skewed...then long live the skewness because those things are just as ugly as can be.
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 09:58 AM You know I love ya Pugs! All jokes aside, I really do like the buffalo, and it's hard for me to think of a more appropriate representation of the natural grandeur of our State. Scissortails are neat too, but they make for tiny little sculptures.
It's not that I don't like bison. I actually really like bison and I agree that they are an excellent representation of Oklahoma's natural grandeur. I don't like the kitschy lawn ornament representations of the bison. If they were sculptures like the real sculptures (land run) in Bricktown, I'd be enthusiastically supporting them.
KMF, I was poking fun at Pugs fascination with a certain dog species. Pugs, good point. If you want to see the epitome of goofy public art, take a gander at the frog statue outside the City First bld in Edmond!
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 10:02 AM KMF, I was poking fun at Pugs fascination with a certain dog species. Pugs, good point. If you want to see the epitome of goofy public art, take a gander at the frog statue outside the City First bld in Edmond!
Tim: Definitely NOT a fan of that either or the fox/wolf/dog statue that was moved from downtown to Boulevard.
KMF: Tim is just jealous... how can you not love this beautiful face?!?
jbrown84 06-14-2007, 10:05 AM It's not that I don't like bison. I actually really like bison and I agree that they are an excellent representation of Oklahoma's natural grandeur. I don't like the kitschy lawn ornament representations of the bison. If they were sculptures like the real sculptures (land run) in Bricktown, I'd be enthusiastically supporting them.
I feel EXACTLY the same way.
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 10:22 AM How about something more serene and beautiful?
Like Oklahoma sunsets, sunrises, lakes, plains, flowers and general pretty stuff.
I don't wish to have to focus too hard on scenery, essentially when I am driving in areas where big semis accompany me.....
Actually, I adore the buffalo, just not too many of them, and leave them their dignity, please.
The newsprinted one was a total failure. The print was flaking off within a few months. The King of Beasts (Elvis)? The Party Animal? (Main between Robinson & Brdwy) Working Stiff? (Leadership Square) Some Like it Hot? (L Square)
Now the really cool ones are: Buffalo Nickel (Bank One) . A Class Act. (NW Corner 8th & Broadway) X-Ray Vision (Mickey Mantle Dr)
When they are placed together they are pretty cool, but singly, they look like junk.
kmf563 06-14-2007, 10:30 AM I don't have a problem with buffaloes at all. But I don't want to see them spread all over town. I would feel the same way about our state bird, or the watermelon, or oil rigs. We have so many things that represent Oklahoma that I would just like to see more of a variety than just the buffalo. But please - don't paint them with what looks like 5 year old finger paint art.
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 10:34 AM Yeah....yeah...yeah....This gets my attention, very, very nice, with dignity and beauty.
Beautification & Landscaping
Travel in Oklahoma City to Northwest 23rd Street and the I-235 exit ramp and you can see “Where the Buffalo Roam,” courtesy of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the University of Oklahoma’s School of Art sculpture program and a host of other sponsors. “Where the Buffalo Roam” is a one-and-a-quarter-sized bronze buffalo and calf that represent ODOT’s first venture into what is called highway art.
OhhhhhhhhhhGAWD.....this is the Oklahoma Centennial Buffalo......
Someone, please, shoot it, now........
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 10:36 AM Yeah....yeah...yeah....This gets my attention, very, very nice, with dignity and beauty.
Beautification & Landscaping
Travel in Oklahoma City to Northwest 23rd Street and the I-235 exit ramp and you can see “Where the Buffalo Roam,” courtesy of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the University of Oklahoma’s School of Art sculpture program and a host of other sponsors. “Where the Buffalo Roam” is a one-and-a-quarter-sized bronze buffalo and calf that represent ODOT’s first venture into what is called highway art.
OhhhhhhhhhhGAWD.....this is the Oklahoma Centennial Buffalo......
Someone, please, shoot it, now........
I think I'm gonna be sick — *erp*... too late...
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 10:42 AM Wait....hold onto that puke for a little while....don't waste it until you get a look at this beauty.....
bombermwc 06-14-2007, 10:45 AM At least it wasn't oil derreks or something stupid like flowers or whatever....or even better yet, a wall sponsored by someone..."This wall brough to you by the good folks at Devon Energy".
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 10:48 AM
kmf563 06-14-2007, 10:56 AM Ugh. I have a little vomit in the back of my throat. Why don't we just put up cats in halloween costumes. Hey how about farm animals in ballerina costumes.
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 10:57 AM Here is the one representing Oklahoma City......
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 11:00 AM The one representing BRICKTOWN.....
.....must have found a use for the leftover mural paints.....
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 11:06 AM *wretching on the floor from repeated bouts of vomiting and subsequent dry heaves (after stomach has been completely emptied) *
OKC PATROL 06-14-2007, 11:33 AM The problem was they used a buffalo that is smaller than a BUFFALO!!! I hate Tulsa but they atleast had the brains to use an animal(penguin) that is so enlarged that artistically the shape becomes interesting. The buffaloes should have been twice the size or another animal should have been chosen. Please no more pics I am becoming sick. The mardi gras Buf is so embarrassing that i am going to seek out all the stupid Bufs and find where they are. So when my out of state friends come to visit I will clearly know where to steer them.
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 12:07 PM I just created our very own Buffalo!
Karried 06-14-2007, 01:03 PM LOL! Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore.. but this one I like!
It could be worse, we could have our state vegetable highlighted in a Seed spitting contest.. ie Norman Rockwell style.
SpectralMourning 06-14-2007, 03:37 PM I like the buffalo! The B.C. Clark one kinda creeps me out, but I think the Centennial one is pretty hilarious. What about a compromise of retaining these silly things but adding additional symbols to the arsenal? Either way, I personally don't care if someone from the rust belt or Seattle thinks they look hick-ish. If you judge your opinion of a place only on their public art work, you probably need to change your perspective of the world.
I love buffalo. Even the silly ones.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-14-2007, 03:40 PM Those are all some pretty ugly buffalo...I'm shocked...SHOCKED I tell you...That nobody has posted the one from in front of the ball park yet.
What an eyesore.
Midtowner 06-14-2007, 03:46 PM Anyone complaining that this enhances our "country" reputation, I think has it wrong. A little over 100 years ago, all that you see around you in Oklahoma City was empty fields. I think the buffalo and all of the other "country" things you see around town are a great reminder of how far we've come and how little time it's taken us to accomplish building something where literally, there was nothing.
Those of us who have ancestors who ran in the land runs or were here beforehand can look back at the roots of Oklahoma and be amazed how far we've come. It's really pretty amazing.
Misty 06-14-2007, 03:48 PM Here's the one outside my office:
Spirit of the Buffalo - Gallery (
Misty 06-14-2007, 03:48 PM Crap, how do I post a pic?
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-14-2007, 03:55 PM Crap, how do I post a pic?
Here you go.
And good grief...That thing is bad.
SpectralMourning 06-14-2007, 03:57 PM I love it! It even has a Rolex!
Misty 06-14-2007, 03:59 PM Thanks Oh Gawd The Smell! I think you should change your name to Oh GAWD the Buffalo!
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-14-2007, 04:32 PM Oh GAWD no!
ItBurnsWhenIPee would be my next choice.
kmf563 06-14-2007, 04:35 PM Anyone complaining that this enhances our "country" reputation, I think has it wrong. A little over 100 years ago, all that you see around you in Oklahoma City was empty fields. I think the buffalo and all of the other "country" things you see around town are a great reminder of how far we've come and how little time it's taken us to accomplish building something where literally, there was nothing.
Those of us who have ancestors who ran in the land runs or were here beforehand can look back at the roots of Oklahoma and be amazed how far we've come. It's really pretty amazing.
Just to clarify my statement of making us look hickish - I meant because of the absolute ridiculous idea of dressing up and painting bison. Not because of the bison themselves, again I have no problem with them, it's the retardedness of dressing them up and then fingerpainting them like a 5 year old. It's gawdy, it's tacky, and it takes us back centuries to where we might as well be living in the fields we used to have. Who is going to take someone serious when standing next to a buffalo with any of these designs??
Spirit of the Buffalo - Gallery (
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 04:36 PM Oh GAWD no!
ItBurnsWhenIPee would be my next choice.
Misty 06-14-2007, 04:39 PM LOL, I finally figured out how to post pics, it's a lot cooler now.
OKC PATROL 06-14-2007, 04:41 PM I am becoming quite a fan of these smaller than life buffaloes. The B.C.Clark one looks like Master P. The Dr. is priceless. As a group they start to come together. I just hope they get them off the street soon. I thought they were going to herd them all into some facility to showcase them.
Misty 06-14-2007, 04:41 PM OMG, we need a Wooderson buffalo smoking a joint! At the capital!
jbrown84 06-14-2007, 04:54 PM Just to clarify my statement of making us look hickish - I meant because of the absolute ridiculous idea of dressing up and painting bison. Not because of the bison themselves, again I have no problem with them, it's the retardedness of dressing them up and then fingerpainting them like a 5 year old.
Exactly Exactly Exactly
That is why I have no problem with this new wall sculpture.
PUGalicious 06-14-2007, 05:15 PM I am becoming quite a fan of these smaller than life buffaloes. The B.C.Clark one looks like Master P. The Dr. is priceless. As a group they start to come together. I just hope they get them off the street soon. I thought they were going to herd them all into some facility to showcase them.
Let's haul them down to the city dump and they can showcase them there.
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 05:57 PM Spirit of the Buffalo - Gallery (
The Rt 66 one is pretty awesome! I love it!
OkieKAS 06-14-2007, 06:15 PM RUN for your LIVES!
windowphobe 06-14-2007, 06:22 PM And we'll need them in 2089 for the city's bisontennial.
(Sorry, that just slipped out.)