View Full Version : Sopranos?

06-12-2007, 09:48 PM
I never followed the show but apparently it's a huge deal that the last show went the way it did... why is everyone so upset?

It faded to black while Journey played 'Don't stop Believing' on the jukebox.. what did that mean?

06-12-2007, 10:13 PM
I followed the whole show for years and to simply cut out like that is a lame cop out. The last few seasons seemed to be rushed and ready to be concluded and it was somewhat surprising that they came up with no conclusion. The cut out seems to represent that they went on with their lives as usual, which one would figure negates the entire series. Why even show what happens with all of the conclusions of the stories in the show if you aren't going to show a conclusion for the main characters? Even in that argument, there were way too many loose ends untied in the first place. The show was fantastic save for the said seasons and in this case it appears as the weakest link was the creative staff, not the stories or show itself, so rather than pass on any of the creative process, focus on issues of regular characters outside of the family more, or anything else, they decided they were done. The end. As lame as it may sound, it really was an injustice to loyal fans.

06-13-2007, 07:14 AM
Well I was a loyal viewer and had no problems with the ending...Loved the whole scene where they made it as tense as possible for what seemed an eternity and then boom cut to black...I thought it was cool how they made us squirm while his daughter was trying to park the car and had several seedy people come in thinking they would whack Tony at any second...I was nervous as hell

As a fan I think you have to like the ending since it leaves it open for a movie later on to finally tie it all up

06-13-2007, 07:50 AM
I work for DirecTV and the number of people calling in to cancel HBO was amazing!!!! I even had a few wanting to cancel DirecTV altogether, thinking that WE had something to do with the programming. I had to talk a few down and explain to them that what they see on HBO thru DirecTV would be the same if they were with a cable or another satellite provider. LOL

I watched MAYBE three shows in it's entire run, and did not watch the finale. But when I read about it, I thought "what an awesome way to end it. So much tension and playing with the viewers emotions. That's genius."

I too think there's gonna be a movie, a la "The X-Files", even tho those rumors are being denied right now.

06-13-2007, 08:20 AM
And the rumors will be denied until most of the actors fall back and can't find quality work AND they dangle figures like $5 and $10 mil in front of Tony's fat fingers

Guessing it will come out in 3 to 4 years....Way too much money to be had to pass on it forever

That is funny stuff w/ Directv Intrepid

06-13-2007, 09:17 AM
I don't watch it, but one theory is that it cut to black because they shot Tony, and he didn't even see it coming.

Jimmy's Big Toe
06-13-2007, 09:24 AM
The ending was a cop out! But then again, how can a show live up to all of the hype? No matter how they ended the series people would have been upset that it didn't measure up.

Does anyone remember the final episode of Sienfeld? It was the same thing...over-hyped.

06-13-2007, 09:28 AM
Now Seinfeld's finale just plain sucked...That one pissed me off it was so bad

06-13-2007, 09:45 AM
And the rumors will be denied until most of the actors fall back and can't find quality work AND they dangle figures like $5 and $10 mil in front of Tony's fat fingers

Guessing it will come out in 3 to 4 years....Way too much money to be had to pass on it forever

That is funny stuff w/ Directv Intrepid

You've heard those rumors too!??!?!?!

I actually work for DirecTV via Convergys. It is true that Convergys just laid off/fired 200 reps. Rumor is that there is more on the way.

As for the closing part, the director of the call center sent out a company wide email AND posted a HUGE poster of that same email at the entrance of the building, stating that all rumors about Convergys closing the Moore center AND DirecTV opening something in Norman were false.

Here's the other side of that. My mom is the office mgr for the Norman local office of the Oklahome Employment Security Commission (aka, the unemployment office). She has said that for two days now, several of the laid off workers (mentioned above) have come in saying they were laid off because the center is closing.

So...we'll see what happens.

Easy, may I ask where you heard those rumors? I'm just curious to know how far it has gone.

06-13-2007, 09:53 AM
removed at request of poster

06-13-2007, 09:57 AM
Yes, please do let me know. I appreciate it!

For those that are sticklers to the rules, my apologies sorry for hijacking the Sopranos topic. 'Twas not intended.


Easy, if you want to just PM me with any info, that would be awesome! Thanks again!

06-13-2007, 11:47 AM
At first I really didn't like the ending, but the more I interpert it and re-watch it, I think it is perfect. In a sense, I think the cut to black was the audience getting whacked, not so much Tony. I don't believe there will be a movie, primarily because David Chase doesn't seem too interested in it, and also because there are not enough primary characters left. I think that's just the ending and we are left to assume what happened...

06-13-2007, 12:36 PM
I was a devoted viewer and while I didn't mind the open-ended non-ending, I really didn't like the way they manipulated the audience in the final sequence.

They kept following shady characters that came into the diner (including the one that went to the restroom ala The Godfather), they spent a ton of time showing Meadow repeatedly trying to park her car like she was going to be late for whatever was going to go down... All of it was saying: "Here it comes.... Here it comes.... PSYCH!!!"

And lots of things did get resolved: Phil was whacked and his crew seemed to be at peace with Tony & Co.; Tony's therapist finally rejected him after realizing he was a complete sociopath; Tony & Carmela were destined to stay together despite all the infidelities and Carmela's half-hearted complaints about the business; they came to accept Meadow's new career choice and fiance; AJ got his act togheter a bit (although the rapid change frome suicidal to laughing at cartoons was way too rushed); the family was actually enjoying a quiet moment at the diner where Tony reached out and sqeezed AJ's hand; Tony had a bit of sympathy for Junior in the nursing home, etc., etc.

But in the end, I think it showed that Tony was an extremely complicated guy, regarding himself as a "good person" even though he was committing horrendous crimes. But his fate was to be forever looking over his sholder, not only for his enemies but for his so-called friends, who were likely to rat him out or push him aside when he became weak, just like with Junior.

And he also had to know that he wasn't really loved by those around him, just feared. And I think he saw himself in Junior: all alone and sad. That was surely his detiny even if he was never whaked out or put in jail.

06-13-2007, 07:57 PM
I agree that I hated the ending at first but the more I think about it, the ending was consistent with how David Chase dealt with the series all along. The show would take long hiatuses(hiati?) between seasons, sometimes more than a year and every time the characters had gone on with their lives in between seasons and we would just pick up with them when the new season started. I have watched almost all of the episodes thanks to in-demand and think that for folks like me that have so much time invested we feel like we want to have a real conclusion. Either Tony gets killed or sent to jail. We want to know who could possibly take over the family out of the group of losers working for Tony. There are just so many questions that were not answered. But guess what, they are fictional characters, they aren't real and ultimately nothing really ever happened to them and they don't really have a future.

06-14-2007, 08:17 AM
When discussing the finale with a friend of mine he sent me this as his interpretation, which I find very insightful:

I think Tony got whacked. The very first episode this season, Bobby and Tony were talking about getting whacked and Bobby said you don't know it happens...every thing just fades to black...

Also, the boy scouts in the diner were the same ones at the train store when Bobby was killed. Supposedly, the guy at the bar was Phil's cousin and in the credits, it lists his last name as Leotardo. Lot's of symbolism.

06-14-2007, 08:17 AM
Check out my Sopranos in Oklahoma City parody:

YouTube - sopranos oklahoma city (