View Full Version : Moore's Stop: an Historical View of an Oklahoma Community

06-07-2007, 08:31 PM
Moore's Stop: an Historical View of an Oklahoma Community was on OETA TONIGHT at 8pm. It will air again on Sunday, June 10th at 1pm.

It was really very interesting to me. My family arrived in 1951. I recall so clearly so many of the places and people in the film. Moore was then and is now a really good place to call home.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-08-2007, 12:21 AM
I started wearing out the Moore Police Department around 1980-1981 or so.

I moved away for about a decade, came back, and they had 3 times the popo, cheap speeding tickets, and a crapload more restaurants.

Moore is great :)

06-08-2007, 07:31 AM
Started calling it home in that was hmmmm 39 years ago...I must have been Minus 10 years old then...
Or was that plus...Actually we moved in here June of 68...and I turned 11 in August...

Went to Kelley Elementry for my 6th grade year...

I am going to have to set my DVR to catch that Moore Show...
Thanks for the heads up...

06-08-2007, 07:38 AM
I actually caught the last half of this program...Kind of interesting that the SuperWalmart actually spurred most of the retail boom in Moore...Everyone hates the evil Walmart, but they do usually have a long line of businesses trying to get in around them since it drives so much traffic

Even though I was thinking to myself that I am now officially old when I pass by an OETA story on the city of Moore and think "Hey Cool" :053:

06-08-2007, 08:43 AM
I clearly remember the old drug store on Main Street east of the bank. There was some sort of public laundry near it as I recall and there were 2 blacksmiths - one on either side of Main. South of the bank was Mr. Coteney's grocery store. He and Bill would stand behind this counter and take an order and then fill it. Mr. Coteney always gave us a little sack of candy. He had a feed store, too. And the south end was Mr. Howard's Chevrolet dealership. I drive by there now and it seems impossibly small.

Across the street on the west side of Broadway was the hardware store. There was a nickel Coke machine in that store as late as my Junior High years and we would walk down there to get a Coke after we bought our 20 cent hamburgers at the Lunch Box. West of the Lunch Box was Mr. Gears where we would go for candy. I was afraid of Mr. Gear.

Next to his place on the North was the old movie theater. My mother took me there to watch the Glenn Miller story. That was the first movie I remember watching. I think that was about 1953. I think that same year we watched War of the Worlds there and it scared the daylights out of me. Many years later I finally got up enough nerve to put my arm around the back of the girl I had met there. I practiced for weeks and I don't know that I have been more afraid of anything.

It was a different time.

06-10-2007, 01:06 PM
Saw it today. Nice show, wish they had spent more time on the 1950's to 1980's time frame. Seemed like they kind of rushed that time period. All in all, it was pretty interesting.

06-10-2007, 06:36 PM
I think Moore annexed our farm in about 1963 or 1964. I remember my dad wasn't very happy about it but thought it was better than being annexed by Oklahoma City. As I remember the mid 60's thru the 70's at least when I left was not exactly the best example of public leadership and government responsibility.

Since returning in 1998 I have been happily surprised by the effectiveness and stewardship of the City leadership, both private and public.

06-10-2007, 08:40 PM
Seemed like leadership used to take a decade or so off since the 60's.
60's, 80's, 2000's - Good leadership for the city.
70's - 90's - not so much

06-11-2007, 01:28 AM
I liked it, but not near as much as I hoped. I'm a youngin' so I was hoping for I guess a more detailed account... I don't know. I suppose I was expecting a few more "before and after" shots as it were.

It just seemed to me that it jumped from the being the small town to suddenly the Wal*Mart was open and May 3rd and its over. It should have kept the pace of the first half or so, and extended the length a bit.

I don't know. Just seemed rushed in the end.

I think I'm rambling.

06-11-2007, 08:05 AM
I enjoyed most of the show...I remember when we moved here in 1968 there was a sign that said...Moore Fastest growing City in the US....That was located at the Shopping Center on the Highway...

But watching your small town grow from really small to huge is amazing...when we moved in to our small home on the North side of town...close to Williams Kirkpatrick Chevrolet...LOL..There were no stop lights and every weekend there were bad wrecks at 27th and Shields and 89th and Shields...

And I suppose what has really bothered me about the Town of Moore...Is the DownTown... Except for the Old High School....we have no historical buildings...
And our down town is just plain old blah...
But that in fact is our history...plain and simple...

I thought the facts very interesting..About Telephone Road...Where the Telephone lines were layed...LOL
Also the Electric Trolley that ran from OKC to Norman...How interesting is that?

Then to see the footage of some of the building as it went up...
The street Highland and Edgewood...Wow...
And the picture of the 2 story home...I don't know, but it looks like the house that sits on NE 18th street...

And my home was built in 1966 So I am thinking what the neighborhood looked like then...

I like history and found the show slow at times, but enjoyed listening to the stories of the people whose familys brought life to this community...

06-18-2007, 02:03 PM
I thought this was a great documentary. I didn't know what to expect but was really surprised & found it very interesting. I thought they did a good job on the history part and didn't really talk too much of the retail growth that has transpired - again, thought it was a well done short film.