View Full Version : Military Welcome Center Opens at Will Rogers

Jen at Airports
06-05-2007, 02:06 PM
I thought I would post some short news items here about Will Rogers. All our news releases are posted

Yesterday, the airport, in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City opened a military welcome center. It's open from 3-11 p.m. Monday-Friday, and hopefully, will prove to be a blessing to our active duty as well as retired military personnel. There is even a computer in the welcome center where folks can email their loved ones. ...And the furniture from Mathis Brothers looks very nice!

:artist: The airport has two great (and big) paintings on exhibit right now - one on each end of the terminal (by the east and west end ticket counters.) They are by Jennifer Cocoma Hustis and were arranged by JRB at The Elms Gallery in Paseo. I think they are just terrific. Since they are in the non-secure area, anyone can come out and see them.

We will have a new billboard soon on Airport Road - publicizing and all the nonstop services out of Will Rogers. Look for it! Also, ads are coming online soon for nonstop service by United to D.C. and Southwest to Baltimore.

We are getting a lot of calls about the air show. It's at Tinker this year. I've posted information on our Web site, since many people still think it's at Will.

We opened (in response to the public) a new concession in the non-secure area of the terminal. Now people can get a cup of coffee at the airport without passing through security (which, as you know, is impossible without a ticket.)

Thanks for checking out this summary of news at Will Rogers. Oh, also, a couple weeks ago we broke ground on a five-story parking garage. It will take about 18 months to finish it.

06-05-2007, 02:17 PM
Thanks for sharing, Jen.

We all greatly appreicate the information both here and with the frequent updates on

Sounds like the positive momentum continues at WRWA.

06-05-2007, 02:17 PM
I thought I would post some short news items here about Will Rogers. All our news releases are posted

Yesterday, the airport, in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City opened a military welcome center. It's open from 3-11 p.m. Monday-Friday, and hopefully, will prove to be a blessing to our active duty as well as retired military personnel. There is even a computer in the welcome center where folks can email their loved ones. ...And the furniture from Mathis Brothers looks very nice!

Saw that piece on newsok...Very classy addition to our airport...Know it will mean a lot to them

06-05-2007, 03:18 PM
You are doing a great job, Jen. Sounds like a lot of great additions.

06-05-2007, 04:43 PM
Jen, thanks for the report but I think you left out one very important component - Blue Star Mothers.

Terri Robinette and her (our) group of BSM have worked very hard in this partnership. During the period over Christmas holidays and return, over 9,000 military members were fed, hugged and taken care of, thanks to donations from Blue Star moms, local merchants and other members of the community. Volunteers from BSM also help keep the center staffed.

It's a great result that will help many of our returning military members. Everyone should get a pat on the back!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-06-2007, 01:22 AM
Saw that piece on newsok...Very classy addition to our airport...Know it will mean a lot to them

You know what would mean even more?

Free wifi. Why are airports one of the few places that actually charge for it? And even then, it's not all airports.

And it's danged expensive to pay $10 a day in EVERY.SINGLE.AIRPORT you travel to.


Military centers in airports saved my a$$ on MANY occasions though. I even stayed in one that had bunks for two days once, saving me big money on hotels in Minnesota aftera cancelled flight...Nice to know that we've stood one up.

06-06-2007, 01:59 AM
Military centers in airports saved my a$$ on MANY occasions though. I even stayed in one that had bunks for two days once, saving me big money on hotels in Minnesota aftera cancelled flight...Nice to know that we've stood one up.

My wife and I are both military, and several times we've enjoyed the USO's while waiting for delayed flights. It's really nice to have our own little place to go where we can sleep, freshen up, or just relax in private. I am very thankful for the volunteers and donors who keep the USO alive just as much as I'm thankful for the men and women who serve our country.

While I love hiding away in a USO during my layovers, it's also a melancholy reminder of why we have those places in the first place. Every time I visit a USO I'm in the presence of military members who are either waiting for their next plane to an overseas location or home after returning from war.

But you know what rocks about USOs? All the free popcorn and imitation Kool-aid you can handle!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-06-2007, 02:29 AM
But you know what rocks about USOs? All the free popcorn and imitation Kool-aid you can handle!

I had some of the best brats I've ever had in my life at the USO I was mentioning above (Minneapolis). Evidently the volunteer there was quite the brat-man and loved to share them.

Ooops....Now I'm drooling again.

/can't hide in the USO's anymore :(

06-06-2007, 09:06 AM
I am currently in Seoul, South Korea, but once I get back I will definitely have to stop by this Military Welcome Center and check it out. I am not military but have a dependent ID card since my father is;) But kudos to WR for putting this in. I have many military friends, and I know any thanks given to them for their service is much appreciated.

06-06-2007, 09:31 AM
You know what would mean even more?

Free wifi. Why are airports one of the few places that actually charge for it? And even then, it's not all airports.

I'm pretty sure Will Rogers has free wifi.

Jen at Airports
06-06-2007, 11:52 AM
A couple of quick replies --

Yes - definitely a big, huge nod to the blue star moms. :yourock: They are mentioned in the news release and there is a quote by Terri Robinette who has been very instrumental and whose work is greatly appreciated by WRWA. Certainly didn't mean to miss mentioning her or this beloved group of mothers!

Regarding free WIFI: This is a complaint I have received a few times since coming to Will Rogers. What I found out is that when WIFI was still pratically unheard of everywhere, Will entered into a long-term contract for WIFI service. We are obligated to that contract for another year or so. After that, I think we will go the way most airports have gone - and that is to provide free WIFI. I suspect the reason some airports still charge is the same reason we still charge.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
06-06-2007, 10:06 PM
I'm pretty sure Will Rogers has free wifi.

It didn't two weeks ago when I flew to LAX. It was $10 a day. Austin was free though.

Thanks for the info Jen!

06-11-2007, 12:04 AM
More props to Jen for updating the airport guide section of the WRWA website. It now reflects all the new gates, baggage claims and the proper location of the various ticket counters, car rentals, etc.

Keep up the good work, Jen!

Jen at Airports
06-11-2007, 11:44 AM
LOL! I was just logging on to post a note about the airport guide update being completed. Thanks for noticing. jen