View Full Version : 2007 deadCENTER Film Festival

The Old Downtown Guy
05-29-2007, 10:45 AM
This year's edition of deadCENTER kicks off on Wednesday evening, June 6th, with a major party beginning at 7:30 PM at TAP Architecture, NW 4th & Broadway, followed by an outdoor screening of "Money the Hard Way" and "Shut up and Ride" in Kerr Park. The party is open to "All Access Pass Holders" only and the outdoor screening is FREE. All Access Passes will be available for purchase at the the Wednesday night party for $100 and at The Oklahoma City Museum of Art beginning Thursday afternoon. "All Films Passes" are priced at $50 and individual screening tickets for $8 can be purchased at each venue.

Check out all the details at deadCENTER Film (

05-29-2007, 02:09 PM
there's also another official thread going on the topic in this same forum for those of you interested, I've provided the link:

06-06-2007, 01:46 PM
Don't forget! deadCENTER begins tonight!

The festival kicks-off today, Wednesday, June 6 at 9pm at with a free outdoor screening at Kerr Park. The kick-off film, Shut Up and Ride, documents the lives of a group of bull riders competing in the IPRA (International Pro Rodeo Association), which is based in Oklahoma City. Shot across the Midwest, this documentary/road movie follows the heroic bull-riders through the rodeo circuit as they compete for a chance at the finals in Oklahoma City. Featuring Spencer native, Danelle Tipton, as the first African-American to win the IPRA, this film is an exciting tribute to our western heritage and our creative future. For those that come early and watch the sun set, attendees can test their skills on a mechanical bull, enjoy music, snow-cones, beer, and popcorn.

06-07-2007, 09:03 AM
I went to Kerr Park last night but no one was there. I suppose it got cancelled due to the high winds or at least moved venues. I arrived a few minutes late so they may have announced something. There were a few people standing around but that is about it. But nonetheless, everyone go out and support deadCENTER, they have lots to do and have many indoor venues.

06-07-2007, 09:20 AM
I went as well, they moved it to IAO Gallery and postponed it until 9:30 I think. We were on the motorcycle and it was getting too windy so we went home. When we got there around 8:30 there weren't many people either, but there seemed to be quite a few at TAP (I'm assuming that was a deadCENTER party). I was a little disappointed, as this is Oklahoma City and high winds should always be expected. Last minute changes discourage people from coming back.

06-07-2007, 09:37 AM
Yeah, the party at TAP was for DeadCenter. I'm planning on going the next three nights. I've got my schedule all planned out. LOL

06-07-2007, 09:41 AM
Any recommendations for Saturday jbrown?

06-07-2007, 09:43 AM
Actually Misty the kind of wind we had yesterday is not the norm. This is the first time we have ever had to move a venue at the last minute due to wind. Really, I've done lots of outdoor events in my day and this is the first one ever moved because of wind. The screen just couldn't be set-up with the gusts of over 50 mph. We had no choice but to make the move. Luckily IAO opened its doors to us and we were able to show the film there.

Had a great crowd. The pre-party at TAP was a blast. I highly recommend buying an all access pass so you can attend the parties. There are 5 more parties over the next three days and 100 films.

Today the festival moves into full swing with screenings all over downtown. The Oklahoma City Museum of Art will once again host our official Opening Night Party and film. This year the fest is thrilled to offer a Sundance favorite, Year of the Fish. This animated, modern-day adaptation of Cinderella is based on an old Chinese version of the story. With a crescendo that takes place at the height of the Chinese New Year the film spins the traditional fairy tale in ways that are both surprising and engaging. A tattoo-party at IAO celebrating the film, Flesh and Blood and an after-party at Maker’s Cigar bar offer late-night options for festival attendees.

Hope to see you guys there!

06-07-2007, 10:39 AM
Any recommendations for Saturday jbrown?

There is Okie Featurettes at 6:30 at the Skirvin, and several other Shorts "clusters" where they show several in one sitting. Most of those are at the IAO.

06-07-2007, 11:20 AM
You might check out "Hot Tamale" - Randy Spelling, Jason Priestly, Carman Electra (bit part, I think) - it is at 9 PM Fri & Sat at Harkins

One of the actors/producers is from Choctaw - Christopher Goodman.

06-07-2007, 10:37 PM
Misty, for Saturday the film at 9:30pm is a must see. I don't have the info with me but it's the Flaming Lips new movie. Something to do with their concert at the zoo. If I remember correctly, it's also an outdoor free screening, I think in the field across from the YMCA

06-08-2007, 03:01 AM
Does anybody know how many of these films are locally made? And how one might get in touch with the producers of said films or get notices on casting calls and such? Or are they typically made by previously established groups?

06-08-2007, 09:04 AM
Ginkasa, you might contact the Oklahoma Film and Music office, I believe they sometimes send out emails for casting calls.

Went to see the Wanda Jackson story "Nice Lady with the Nasty Voice" last night. That lady rocks! It plays again on Saturday at 7:30Went to the party at the Museum, it was great, met a bunch of the film makers. Later went to IAO for "Blood Car" (hilarious horror movie), then watched the tattoo fashion show. After that I stuck around for "Flesh and Blood" and all I can say it OUCH!! It is a movie about body modification and it is way graphic but very interesting.

Films continue all day today, June 8 including a free Kid’s Film Fest at the Ronald J. Norick Downtown Library and the much-applauded panel series at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. The Filmmaker Cocktail Reception at the XO Lounge (sponsored by the Oklahoma Film and Music Office) and the Friday Night Frolic at the IAO are just two of the party options Friday night. For those with a taste for the truly independent; the Horror Shorts and Midnight Shorts at the IAO are always an edgy hit.

Yes, the Flaiming Lips is tomorrow! We expect a HUGE crowd! The excitement reaches into the stratosphere Saturday night with the Awards Presentation and premiere of the Flaming Lips doc, U.F.O.s at the Zoo – The Legendary Concert. Bring a chair or a blanket to the lawn at 3rd and EK Gaylord and relive the concert event filmed in September 2006 at Oklahoma City’s Zoo Amphitheatre. The hometown love affair begins with a UFO light show, proceeds through bubbles, aliens and dancing Santas as the Lips perform songs that span their career.

06-08-2007, 09:06 AM
Many of them are local indies. I'd say this year there are 30-40 that are locally produced.

The best way to hear about casting calls is on craigslist and the film commission website.

06-08-2007, 09:10 AM
My friends bailed on my for last night, so I just went to see one film. "Strictly Background" is a feature documentary about 10 Hollywood extras trying to make it big and get through life. It's a documentary about interesting people, and very funny and entertaining. I really liked it. It is also showing today at 1:30, I believe. If anyone can make it, I highly recommend it.

Tonight I will be catching the Okie Shorts and the Horror Shorts.

06-08-2007, 09:26 AM
ksearls, I hope we don't have the "water sprinkler" incident we had last year with the outdoor screening in the field at NE 3rd and E.K. Gaylord (aka Broadway). For those of you who missed it, the sprinklers from the field were on a timer and kept coming on during the flick! I'm sure they got it fixed for this year though. (crossing fingers).

Ginkasa, as jbrown said, is a good source of info. If your interested in the business, you should also buy a complete access pass to the deadCENTER festival and go to the parties and network, etc. It doesn't get any easier than that to get cast for a shoot, etc. I was talking to several of the film producers, etc. the other night, even before the festival started. One being Oklahoma's own (formerly LA based) Fritz Keirch. There is tons of opportunity by networking at this festival. Another good place to get involved that was not mentioned is to become a member and get involved with the Oklahoma Film Society. Currently they are taking a hiatus from regular events, although it looks good to be a member and they can help keep you in the loop for casting calls, etc. It's only like $25 a year.

06-08-2007, 10:12 AM
I was a little embarrassed last night because before Strictly Background, they showed a short film called Extras. After that played, it took them 15 or 20 minutes to get the next one going. We sat there for that long watching the screen go down a list of inputs over and over again and nothing happening. At one point, there was a terribly loud "tone" that buzzed for like 60 seconds. If I were visiting OKC for this fest, I would have been unimpressed and maybe walked out. It looked very unprofessional.


06-08-2007, 11:40 AM
When I went to see the Wanda Jackson film at Harkins the sound went off for a about five minutes. Turned out it went out in every theater there. So, moral of the story, stuff happens sometimes, even at large venues! The film people I have met are very laid back and glad to be here. They have also attended numerous festivals and appreciate that they are run by volunteers for the most part.

06-08-2007, 12:17 PM
I think I'm going to try the movie in the park thing (again!) Saturday. I hope it is a success! One of my favorite things to do in ATX was movies in the park and I would like to see more of it here in OKC. Ksearls-since there is a chance of rain Saturday, is there a back up plan? Thanks!

06-08-2007, 01:39 PM
When I went to see the Wanda Jackson film at Harkins the sound went off for a about five minutes. Turned out it went out in every theater there. So, moral of the story, stuff happens sometimes, even at large venues! The film people I have met are very laid back and glad to be here. They have also attended numerous festivals and appreciate that they are run by volunteers for the most part.

If you're talking about yesterday around 6:30ish, that was a power surge. It happens occasionally...

Thanks for the info BTW, everybody.

06-08-2007, 01:50 PM
That's funny. I was in the Skivin buying my pass around 6:30 and all the lights flashed off for a split second around that time.