01-30-2008, 07:31 PM
1964 is playing in norman next weekend... anyone into that?
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Martin 01-30-2008, 07:31 PM 1964 is playing in norman next weekend... anyone into that? -M OKCDrummer77 01-30-2008, 08:04 PM 1964 is playing in norman next weekend... anyone into that? -M Saw them back in '99. Heck of a show. Do you have times & ticket prices? Martin 01-30-2008, 09:34 PM do you have times & ticket prices? not yet... guess i've been procrastinating. i do know that they play next friday, saturday and sunday. -M Matt 02-14-2008, 01:08 PM Last: The Flaming Lips, The Myriad, OKC, NYE. Next: Wilco, Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, Saturday, March 8. Next after that: Radiohead, St. Louis, Wednesday, May 14. Misty 02-14-2008, 01:39 PM Wish the G-Love show and the Rollins spoken word were in OKC, not Tulsa :( OkieHornet 02-14-2008, 02:18 PM Next after that: Radiohead, St. Louis, Wednesday, May 14. i got some Dallas pit tickets this morning for Radiohead... that'll be a great show! i guess that means i'll probably miss out on the Roger Waters show in Dallas a few weeks before - only so much $$ for concerts these days! OkieHornet 02-14-2008, 02:21 PM Wish the G-Love show and the Rollins spoken word were in OKC, not Tulsa :( i don't think G Love has ever played here, but i know Rollins has done spoken word here and in Stillwater in the past... and Rollins Band played the old Boar's Head back in the day... Tulsa does get a lot of great shows at Cain's...i remember a while back there was a promoter that was going to try and promote shows by the same artist at Cain's and in OKC - back-to-back nights, but nothing ever came of it... kmf563 02-14-2008, 02:32 PM The Chainsaw Kittens!! April 26th @ the Norman Music Festival. whoo! Jet Lag Gemini is this weekend. Red is coming March 24th. and my favorites - The Crash Moderns will be here from New York on March 20th!!!! Matt 02-14-2008, 02:43 PM i got some Dallas pit tickets this morning for Radiohead... that'll be a great show! i guess that means i'll probably miss out on the Roger Waters show in Dallas a few weeks before - only so much $$ for concerts these days! Yeah, those Radiohead tickets were a bit pricier than I was expecting. It was either Dallas or St. Louis for me, but the St. Louis show was a better fit for my buddy (who actually bought the tix), so that's where we're headed. Both shows should be pretty damn good. but i know Rollins has done spoken word here and in Stillwater in the past... and Rollins Band played the old Boar's Head back in the day... I think it was Rollins on his IFC show who did a bit about shopping at the Bass Pro in OKC. This was a year or two ago. Tulsa does get a lot of great shows at Cain's...i remember a while back there was a promoter that was going to try and promote shows by the same artist at Cain's and in OKC - back-to-back nights, but nothing ever came of it... It kind of stinks that most of the good shows "the state" gets are up at Cain's, and not down here, but it makes sense, as Cain's is a great place to see a band. Can't wait to see Wilco again there next month. OkieHornet 02-14-2008, 02:48 PM last time i saw Radiohead, they were opening for REM in '95... they've grown up a bit since then! i didn't think the prices were too bad, though - guess i'm getting used to the higher concert tickets these days... i haven't seen Wilco at Cain's, but have seen them in Wichita, OKC, Austin, Red Rocks... something special about concerts at Cain's - it's got such a great history... and now it's got a/c! i remember a Weezer show there before the a/c and it was well over 100° inside! brenna 02-14-2008, 03:59 PM * Excited for Radiohead, I have waited FOREVER to see of my favorites. Not excited that they will be playing at Center(formerly Smirnoff) b/c the sound, for the most part, SUCKS. It's just loud and that's it. I would've liked to have seen them at an indoor venue. The last time I was at Smirnoff was for a Stevie Nicks concert! haha * Last Three : Shiny Toy Guns @ Cains in Tulsa, Snow Patrol in OKC & in Dallas last March, Ryan Adams also @ Cains. *Also have been to Austin City Limits the past couple of years *Next: Marilyn Manson in Dallas at the House of Blues!!!!! brenna 02-14-2008, 04:19 PM Wish the G-Love show and the Rollins spoken word were in OKC, not Tulsa :( i don't think G Love has ever played here. They DID play in OKC after Austin City Limits 2006. I saw them in September in Austin, and they did a show in Dallas, OKC, and Tulsa back to back shortly after ACL. I didn't go to the OKC concert, but some ppl who went w/ me to ACL wasn't a very big show and I don't even know where it was at. Bright side: They are in Dallas next Friday, Feb 22 at the House of Blues, which is a freakin awesome venue(don't know if you've gone yet)...a hell of a lot better than Cain's, in my opinion. It's only $20-30 AND they pushed the show back to can't beat that. :) OkieHornet 02-15-2008, 08:42 AM good to see another ACL'er here! this will be my 4th year to go this year... always have a blast and always end up hearing someone great who i've never heard before (Explosions in the Sky, Ghostland, Ocote Soul Sounds...) i have been the the Dallas HOB - one of my favorite venues around - sound is awesome and the sightlines are great... saw Old 97s there and Sonic Youth... i'd like to go see X next month... Easy180 02-15-2008, 09:14 PM Speaking of concerts...Buddies and I are already having horrible luck so far this year Booked our annual trip with the womens for Apr 30 - May 6th Be damned if O.A.R. (Who we have been waiting on for 2 years) didn't schedule a show in Big D and at Cain's during that week Buddy is also crushed that Widespread Panic is playing in Dallas that week as well Wives laughed at us when we brought up rescheduling the Jamaica trip I hope the rest of the concert year turns out a little more favorable for my group brenna 02-17-2008, 08:46 PM good to see another ACL'er here! this will be my 4th year to go this year... always have a blast and always end up hearing someone great who i've never heard before (Explosions in the Sky, Ghostland, Ocote Soul Sounds...) i have been the the Dallas HOB - one of my favorite venues around - sound is awesome and the sightlines are great... saw Old 97s there and Sonic Youth... i'd like to go see X next month... This will be my 4th year of ACL too! Explosions in the Sky was one of my favorite bands that year(besides Van Morrison, who I had wanted to see since I was a little girl!) Explosions also came to OU to play last April-was only a $20 show! They did the Friday Night Lights Soundtrack, which I didn't figure out until after I saw them. HOB is always a fun place to see concerts...saw Guns n Roses a couple of years ago @ HOB Las Vegas on New Years Eve, by accident! I was never really a fan of guns n roses, but it was so much fun; we just walked right in! Going to HOB in Dallas for MM in 2 weeks, which I am really excited for, heard its always a good show. And I was thinking about seeing X too!! Another favorite venue of my mine was the Gypsy Tea Room(even though it was a piece of crap, haha) and Bronco Bowl in Dallas before they closed them down. Broken Social Scene at Gypsy was one of the best shows I've seen live, ever. What are some of your favorites/first concert ever? dismayed 02-17-2008, 09:01 PM Hey that's really cool that there's going to be a Norman Music Festival. This is the first I have heard of it. I'm hoping to go to both SXSW and ACL this year, it's been a few years since I went to either. kmf563 02-18-2008, 07:33 AM So far this is the lineup for the Norman Music Festival. I think it's great their arts council has put this together and is finally doing something with music in Norman. The First Annual - Norman Music Festival Saturday April 26th, 2008 Downtown Norman Cost : FREE FREE FREE Starts at noon Headliner: The Polyphonic Spree Also confirmed for the main stage: Chainsaw Kittens (re-union) British Sea Power The Octopus Project Elsewhere in the festival: Grupo Fantasma Debris (re-union) The John Arnold Band The Starkweather Boys Tall Cotton String Band Dorian Small The Neighborhood Umbrellas Colourmusic Evangelicals Ryan Lindsey Cheyenne Don't have times for everyone yet, but as soon as they come through I will post them. I used to go to the ACL but it really hasn't been that great in the last couple of years. It's more of a party scene than music scene and that's not my wish. I'd rather save my money for Waka or Bonnaroo. I'll probably be at the SXSW again this year, but that's just because so many of my friends will be playing there and bands that I never get to see from up North. Not a big fan of the SXSW. I think it's way overpriced and not very organized. I think DFest is better. I think this festival in Norman will be pretty cool though. It can only improve over the years too. And it's FREE. kmf563 02-18-2008, 12:33 PM G-Love cancelled Tulsa. Vocals are still messed up from the flu. It seems to be hitting everyone. brenna 02-18-2008, 12:41 PM G-Love cancelled Tulsa. Vocals are still messed up from the flu. It seems to be hitting everyone. His dallas show on friday is still on, hopefully he won't cancel, doubt it though if his vocals are messed up...I already bought tickets. :( OkieHornet 02-18-2008, 02:36 PM so Cain's loses one show and gains one show... Mars Volta April 15... brenna 02-18-2008, 10:48 PM big fan of mars volta, don't know what they are like live though. DVDFreaker 02-19-2008, 12:36 AM I only went to 2 concerts: Monkees and Hilary Duff Not sure if I am going to another concert in the future, it really depends on the band I like kmf563 02-19-2008, 08:06 AM That is a weird combo of concerts to attend dvdfreaker. I hope the latter was not for personal choice. DVDFreaker 02-19-2008, 08:14 PM That is a weird combo of concerts to attend dvdfreaker. I hope the latter was not for personal choice. Haha, I went to the Monkees concert because I am a huge fan of the Monkees and as for Hilary Duff, I like her and thought I would go to her concert for fun and I enjoyed it kmf563 02-21-2008, 10:20 AM Foo Fighters rescheduled for July 17th. mcbee04 02-21-2008, 01:42 PM If you're looking for something to do Saturday, try this! I know it looks like it, but it's not a bout. It's a battle of the bands fundraiser to help us get the last bit of money we need to finish our BANKED TRACK. We'll be flat-track scrimmaging during the evening though. So come out and help us become the ONLY banked track derby team in Oklahoma! mcbee04 02-21-2008, 01:43 PM The Great Midwest will be playing as well, they just got added after the flier was made. OkieHornet 02-22-2008, 09:40 AM oof. that looks like it hurts... where will your banked track be? kmf563 02-22-2008, 09:53 AM If anybody gives a crap Kanye West will be in OKC April 29th. mcbee04 02-22-2008, 10:50 AM Haha, it's all done with makeup. No roller girls were harmed in the making of that flier. We're putting the track in at the Golden Goose Event Center on NW 23rd and Douglas. It's supposed to be completely finished by March 4th, and then we'll need a bit of practicing (I skated on the TXRD's track in Austin last weekend, and it's harder than they make it look), so look for some old school derby action in the spring. SoonerQueen 02-23-2008, 10:17 PM I went to see Celtic Woman in Tulsa Wednesday night. I went to see Art Garfunkel with the Oklahoma City Philharmonic Friday night. My next concert is the 4th of March .I'll be seeing Michael Buble'.Then on the 15th of April Bon Jovi. Lots of good things are happening in Oklahoma. kmf563 04-11-2008, 08:47 AM Time for an update?? 4/15 - Jovi/Daughtry @ the Ford Center 4/26 - Rush @ the Ford Center Also the Norman Music Festival is all day for Free 5/2 - Kenny Chesney @ the Ford Center 5/8 - The Black Crowes @ Riverwind 5/30 - Tim McGraw @ the Ford Center 6/7 - Jason Boland, No Justice, and Mickey & the Motorcars @ Frontier City 6/14 - Rick Springfield @ Frontier City 7/8 - Jonas Brothers @ the Ford Center 7/3 - Creedence Clearwater Revisited @ Frontier City 7/17 - Foo Fighters @ the Ford Center &/17 - Layden, Throw the Heat, Can You Keep a Secret @ the Factory 8/13 - DMB @ the Ballpark I'm working on Ernie Halter for Okc in May.... Don't even ask about the shows coming up in Tulsa. This schedule has a lot of has beens and country on it. Looks like a great summer for local shows. :) Easy180 04-11-2008, 09:16 PM Wouldn't mind seeing the Crowes at Riverwind but $65 is a little steep I'll pass on the others as well aside from DMB of course kevinpate 04-12-2008, 11:21 AM I'm liking the schedule at the zoo more and more kmf563 04-14-2008, 07:44 AM Oh I didn't say I was going to any of those, they are just the shows that are coming. Country, Classic Rock, and Mullets obviously run the sales for concerts at the zoo and the ford center. I'll give you a list of the shows I'll be attending but most of them are in tulsa or the ones I have booked myself. haha. 4/18 - Irok Radio Save the Music @ UCO Plunkett Park 6pm Free Featuring: We Shot the Moon, Minutes Too Far, Somerset West, Mayola, Cody Clinton and the Bishops, and Hush Hush Commotion. 4/19 - Albert Aguilar @ VZD's 4/20 - Daughtry Acoustic @ Cain's 4/25 - Aranda CD Release @ The Diamond Ballroom Free with the purchase of a CD and featuring: 2AM, No More Kings, and Aranda 4/26 - Norman Music Festival 5/25 - Okc Indie Fest 7/16 and 7/17 - Layden, Can You Keep a Secret, Throw the Heat, Distal, and Approaching August 8/13 - DMB @ the ballpark 8/24 - Lara Price Band But mostly, it's summer and I will be on the patios listening to great free music with a glass of wine or a margarita in hand. brenna 04-16-2008, 11:31 PM The Austin City Limits 2008 Lineup was announced yesterday. Go to: Austin City Limits - Lineup ( Lots of smaller bands, but lots of good bands too. kmf563 04-17-2008, 08:24 AM Eh. Not too impressive IMO. Dfest looks more promising than that. SoonerBV 04-17-2008, 04:25 PM Last show I saw was Van Halen at the Ford Center. And yet, I was channelling my inner mullet... Before that I dont remember. I do know that I was upset to miss Wilco, Ryan Adams and Band of Horses. Next show will be the NMF. As far at this summer, the Black Crowes, STP and DMB sound good. brenna 04-17-2008, 10:19 PM I've already seen a majority of the Dfest headliners, and quite a few have been at ACL in the past. So, 'IMO', regardless of the lineup at either(both have great schedules), 20 bucks is more promising, but Austin is more fun. If you can't get enough music at ACL, Austin is an artist's mecca, so you can go to almost any bar afterwards and hear more awesome music. If you think ACL or Austin is just a 'social scene' or are biased toward Oklahoma bands, venues, or festivals only b/c you promote them; then you don't really love music, sorry. kmf563 04-18-2008, 07:27 AM I've already seen a majority of the Dfest headliners, and quite a few have been at ACL in the past. So, 'IMO', regardless of the lineup at either(both have great schedules), 20 bucks is more promising, but Austin is more fun. If you can't get enough music at ACL, Austin is an artist's mecca, so you can go to almost any bar afterwards and hear more awesome music. If you think ACL or Austin is just a 'social scene' or are biased toward Oklahoma bands, venues, or festivals only b/c you promote them; then you don't really love music, sorry. I work with bands nationwide - even a few in Austin. So I hope you aren't talking to me. It's a personal preference. Austin is not more fun to me. I find it overpriced, over crowded, and over rated. OkieHornet 04-18-2008, 08:21 AM i LOVE the ACL Fest - bought my tickets the week after last year's - this will be my 5th Fest... this year's lineup is more diverse than usual it seems - Foo Fighters, Beck, Plant/Krauss, John Fogerty, David Byrne, Raconteurs, Erykah Badu... many many more... sure, it's a long 3 days, but there's so much great music, you don't realize how beat you are until the morning after the last day when you can barely lift the fork to put the pancakes in your mouth at breakfast! brenna 04-18-2008, 06:56 PM Yes, I was talking to you. Are you actually traveling all over the country to promote all the bands you work with? As far as I can tell you are just a liaison for bands coming to Oklahoma. As far as saying Austin is overrated in regard to the music scene, you are lying to yourself. With that being said, if you love music, then you shouldn't be biased as to where it is being played. Like you said, it's a personal preference: I find ACL better than Dfest and you don't. jenni_duncan 04-18-2008, 09:02 PM I went to school in Nashville and loved the music scene there. I hear that Austin is beautiful and being considered the new "Music City"! I can't wait to take a trip down there. As for OKC, I am finding that a lot of great bands come here, I just seem to find out about the shows after their over. Thanks for posting the update list, I think its going to be very helpful! OkieHornet 04-21-2008, 08:46 AM Jenni, go to - Your Source for Oklahoma Music ( for show listings... kmf563 04-21-2008, 09:02 AM Yes, I was talking to you. Are you actually traveling all over the country to promote all the bands you work with? As far as I can tell you are just a liaison for bands coming to Oklahoma. As far as saying Austin is overrated in regard to the music scene, you are lying to yourself. With that being said, if you love music, then you shouldn't be biased as to where it is being played. Like you said, it's a personal preference: I find ACL better than Dfest and you don't. Well you are entitled to your opinion and hope you have a great time at ACL. But your opinion does not make it fact, nor is it necessary to tell me that I don't love music because I don't share your opinion. And although you can think whatever you would like about me - I do more than promote music and yes I do travel. brenna 04-22-2008, 09:39 AM But your opinion does not make it fact, nor is it necessary to tell me that I don't love music because I don't share your opinion. Well your opinion doesn't make it fact either, just b/c you promote bands/artists. If you want to argue with the fact that you chime in after anyone makes a music post that is disheartening to your liking, then go back and look at the posts you have made on this thread and tell yourself the same thing. I was simply posting the lineup that you didn't care for, just like someone on here likes HillaryDuff. And Austin, music-wise, if you don't even enjoy THAT, then you should definitely keep your day job. All I said was this: If you love music, then you shouldn't be biased as to where it is being played; therefore if you are biased, then you don't really love it. MikeLucky 04-22-2008, 09:57 AM Well you are entitled to your opinion and hope you have a great time at ACL. But your opinion does not make it fact, nor is it necessary to tell me that I don't love music because I don't share your opinion. And although you can think whatever you would like about me - I do more than promote music and yes I do travel. Well your opinion doesn't make it fact either, just b/c you promote bands/artists. If you want to argue with the fact that you chime in after anyone makes a music post that is disheartening to your liking, then go back and look at the posts you have made on this thread and tell yourself the same thing. I was simply posting the lineup that you didn't care for, just like someone on here likes HillaryDuff. And Austin, music-wise, if you don't even enjoy THAT, then you should definitely keep your day job. All I said was this: If you love music, then you shouldn't be biased as to where it is being played; therefore if you are biased, then you don't really love it. You two should wrestle.... in jello..... :sofa: brenna 04-22-2008, 10:21 AM Jenni, go to - Your Source for Oklahoma Music ( for show listings... Great source, I always refer to this!! :) Also, a good source - The Dallas Observer- if you ever spend the weekend in the Dallas area & want to see great local music: Dallas - Events - Concert Calendar ( i LOVE the ACL Fest - bought my tickets the week after last year's - this will be my 5th Fest... this year's lineup is more diverse than usual it seems... but there's so much great music, you don't realize how beat you are until the morning after the last day when you can barely lift the fork to put the pancakes in your mouth at breakfast! THis will be my 4th year and I'm excited about the diverse lineup. I hear you about being exhausted, one year I was completely worn out after the 1st day b/c I decided I was gonna go for a run before we went out there. No Good. You don't have to worry about getting a workout in, for 2 reasons: you sweat like NBA player the whole weekend and your walking practically the whole time from stage to stage. And if you want to sit down, at all, you have to bring your own chairs/blankets, unless you find some of the side tents that have seating. Needless to say, by Sunday my bf is carrying everything. ;) kmf563 04-22-2008, 11:20 AM You two should wrestle.... in jello..... :sofa: I bet you want to watch too? lol. No need to wrestle, not trying to argue. I don't think I was imposing my opinions, just having conversations with others on a messageboard. Obviously Brenna feels offended so I apologize to her and to anyone else that may feel the same way. Most of you know me on here pretty well, I am happy when any of you go see any type of music anywhere! Just enjoy it. Ok, last post. :) I'll be on myspace. :tiphat: MikeLucky 04-22-2008, 11:36 AM I bet you want to watch too? lol. No need to wrestle, not trying to argue. I don't think I was imposing my opinions, just having conversations with others on a messageboard. Obviously Brenna feels offended so I apologize to her and to anyone else that may feel the same way. Most of you know me on here pretty well, I am happy when any of you go see any type of music anywhere! Just enjoy it. Ok, last post. :) I'll be on myspace. :tiphat: I just wanted to bring to the conversation the levity that only a misogynistic overtly libidinous reference could provide.... oh, and if I got to watch, that would just be a bonus! :bright_id OkieHornet 04-23-2008, 09:23 AM Great source, I always refer to this!! :) Also, a good source - The Dallas Observer- if you ever spend the weekend in the Dallas area & want to see great local music: Dallas - Events - Concert Calendar ( THis will be my 4th year and I'm excited about the diverse lineup. I hear you about being exhausted, one year I was completely worn out after the 1st day b/c I decided I was gonna go for a run before we went out there. No Good. You don't have to worry about getting a workout in, for 2 reasons: you sweat like NBA player the whole weekend and your walking practically the whole time from stage to stage. And if you want to sit down, at all, you have to bring your own chairs/blankets, unless you find some of the side tents that have seating. Needless to say, by Sunday my bf is carrying everything. ;) the first 2 years we stayed at a friend's place that was about a mile or so away by Barton Creek and we walked to and from Zilker and that wore us out, combined with the walking around during the fest... but we've always taken folding chairs, which has worked out great - the trick is to find a light enough one that doesn't weigh you down when you're walking your rear off... jenni_duncan 04-23-2008, 02:20 PM Thanks for both of those sites, I'm excited to check them out. I'm actually going to be in Dallas the first weekend in May... MikeLucky 04-23-2008, 02:39 PM So I guess it's time to at least contribute positively to the original topic of this thead instead of just being a smarta$$..... Yesterday I just got a wild hair and decided to buy 4 tickets to Linkin Park's Projekt Revolution in Dallas at the Center (Formerly Smirnoff). It's going to be: Linkin Park The Bravery Chris Cornell Ashes Divide Atreyu Hawthorne Heights 10 Years Armor For Sleep Street Drum Corps I went to the LP show here at the Ford Center back in Feb. and it was the first concert I had been to in about 8 years. And I've only been to about 4 concerts my entire life anyway- that's not a lot in 34 years. But, I have a band-crush on Linkin Park and that show really got me hooked. I can't wait to see LP again, especially at full strength. I know about Cornell, the Bravery, and Atreyu. Can anybody give me opinions on any of the other bands listed? And also about the venue.... I have reserved seats under the canopy apparently. Are these good seats????? OkieHornet 04-23-2008, 02:51 PM i can't give you an opinion on any of the bands except i saw Cornell w/Audioslave on their first tour and his voice sounded like he'd been gargling razorblades... depends on how far back your seats are for Starplex (i'm old-school...). if you're farther back there can be a bit of an echo, but close-up you'll be ok... i've sat everywhere in that amphitheater and the sound's been up and down each time, so it's a crapshoot... i've got pit tickets for Radiohead next month and think their soundman will have it dialed in pretty good... MikeLucky 04-23-2008, 02:59 PM i can't give you an opinion on any of the bands except i saw Cornell w/Audioslave on their first tour and his voice sounded like he'd been gargling razorblades... depends on how far back your seats are for Starplex (i'm old-school...). if you're farther back there can be a bit of an echo, but close-up you'll be ok... i've sat everywhere in that amphitheater and the sound's been up and down each time, so it's a crapshoot... i've got pit tickets for Radiohead next month and think their soundman will have it dialed in pretty good... I am pretty close to the front of the section. I guess the 200's sections start with row AA and I have row HH so it should be close to the front of the second section. Thanks for the input! brenna 04-28-2008, 01:25 PM Wichita, get with the century man. Get on itunes or go to and listen fo yourself. I was a fan of Atreyu WAY back in the day, but not so much anymore; unless you like cheezy hard rock. Gargling Razorblades- haha - to say the least! Also, regarding Smirnoff, I agree w/ OkieHornet. In my experience, it has always bordered crappy and horrible as far as the sound, but for who you are seeing I don't think the sound will suffer too much. :p I want to see Radiohead so bad, but I'm not throwing $150 and a tank of gas away for that venue again. brenna 04-28-2008, 01:33 PM oh didn't see armor for sleep on your list. they aren't bad at all, i've seen them live. MikeLucky 04-29-2008, 08:14 AM Thanks for the input brenna. Personally I will listen to Linkin Park live in a storm shelter if I could.... so I'm not too overly concerned about the sound, but I will see just how bad it is before I make a final judgement. And the weekend in Dallas will be good. It will be a nice precursor to OU/texas weekend. :ou2 |