View Full Version : Falls Creek Tabernacle Dedication

05-26-2007, 09:18 PM
The Falls Creek Tabernacle Dedication was this afternoon, and it was excellent. Here are a few facts about the new tabernacle.

There are approximately 57 miles of copper wire in the Tabernacle Structure.

You can fit one length plus one width of a football field in a straight line across the back of the auditorium at its furthest points.

There are 82 toilets in the building.

The projection screens are among the largest in America.

There are 120 miles of rebar in the Tabernacle structure.

There are 1,562,590 pounds of structural steel in the Tabernacle structure.

The concrete used in the Tabernacle structure is equal to that used in 4-1/2 miles of two lane highway or would be used to pave 76 football fields.

This is my church's cabin

Another pic of our cabin

The front of our cabin

Inside the tabernacle (sorry, not a good picture)

Stone walk in front of the tabernacle

This was a special day in the life and history of Falls Creek. We now have a tabernacle that can be used year, it is almost debt free. I have some more pictures of the tabernacle, however, they did not come out very well so I am having to touch them up.

05-30-2007, 10:42 PM
nice pictures.

05-31-2007, 09:53 AM
Here's the new Tabernacle from above.