View Full Version : Do you think you could do better with OKC?

05-24-2007, 09:54 PM
I was at B&N earlier tonight and I spotted a Monopoly edition called "Oklahoma City in a Box". It was basically the Monopoly we all grew up to know and love, but Oklahoma City specific. In the game, you can stroll Bricktown, take a ride on the canal, watch a ball game at the Brick, own some big name real estate in Oklahoma City, etc. I was going to buy it, but I was already holding on to a MLB Fantasy Monopoly and I chose to keep that one.

So, if any of you decide to give it a shot, let us all know how you like it. For those of you who live on the southside, I'm sure you can order the game at Barnes & - Books, Used & Out of Print, Textbooks, Children's Books, DVDs, Music, Toys ( or somewhere else online. ;) Oh yeah, I went there.

05-25-2007, 08:50 AM
Yeah, there was a post on this a month or two back. The post goes more into detail about the game, etc. For those interested it had a link to purchase it online.

05-25-2007, 09:59 AM
Yeah, there was a post on this a month or two back. The post goes more into detail about the game, etc. For those interested it had a link to purchase it online.

No, that was different. It was an Oklahoma Centennial version and actually "official" Monopoly.

This one AFCM is talking about has been around longer, and from what I've seen looking at the box, besides being not "real" Monopoly, is much less of a joke than the Centennial one.

For those of you who live on the southside, I'm sure you can order the game at Barnes*&* - Books, Used & Out of Print, Textbooks, Children's Books, DVDs, Music, Toys ( or somewhere else online. ;)


05-25-2007, 02:07 PM
Sorry if something similiar has been posted already. If the game has been out a while, I don't know how I could've missed it. Then again, I usually loiter around the sports and music section while neglecting everything else.

05-25-2007, 02:12 PM
I'm pretty sure I've seen this game before for several years, but the previous topic metro mentioned was for a different game.