05-24-2007, 08:25 AM
I thought I'd go ahead and lose any credability I had on this forum and share the fact that I attended the Andrew Dice Clay concert at FireLake Casino last night.
It was a "guys night out" and actually pretty entertaining. About as close as i get these married days to a bachelor party type atmosphere.
Yeah, he's crude and I'd never take my wife, but he was an flicker of an icon back in my high school days.
90 percent of his show was 'new' material and gets a little lame in parts (drop the cell phone bit PLEASE!) but the last ten minutes was pure DICE BABY!
The place was packed and they kept selling seats long after they were all gone. There had to be dozens of people standing all along the sides and back. The beer stands even ran out of bear - in a casino no less!
Then we hit the tables. Did a $25 black jack for awhile and then headed home.
It was a "guys night out" and actually pretty entertaining. About as close as i get these married days to a bachelor party type atmosphere.
Yeah, he's crude and I'd never take my wife, but he was an flicker of an icon back in my high school days.
90 percent of his show was 'new' material and gets a little lame in parts (drop the cell phone bit PLEASE!) but the last ten minutes was pure DICE BABY!
The place was packed and they kept selling seats long after they were all gone. There had to be dozens of people standing all along the sides and back. The beer stands even ran out of bear - in a casino no less!
Then we hit the tables. Did a $25 black jack for awhile and then headed home.