View Full Version : Building Permits

concerned citizen
05-16-2007, 01:58 AM
Has anyone dealt with trying to get a building permit lately? I have been attempting to get a permit for 2 weeks now. I have 10 acres on the outskirts of city limits. I have lived there since 1999 in a mobile home. In 1999 I got all of the necessary permits and inspections which were approved by OKC. Now, I have moved the mobile home out and am ready to build on the exact same location. The city is telling me that because my driveway crosses a creek I need to get a 25 yr flood review done before they will approve my permit. I have tried to explain to them that I will be using the same driveway ( no changes) that they approved back in 1999. I have heard that the review that they are wanting costs approx. $5000. Back in 1999 I spent approx $10,000 installing the driveway. Right now my family is having to live with other family members because the city can't get their act together. Talking to these people is like talking to a brick wall. I'm not getting anywhere. Does anyone have any advise? Have you had a similiar incident with the city?

06-03-2007, 07:47 PM
Have you tried contacting your councilman?

06-03-2007, 08:43 PM
Has anyone dealt with trying to get a building permit lately? I have been attempting to get a permit for 2 weeks now. I have 10 acres on the outskirts of city limits. I have lived there since 1999 in a mobile home. In 1999 I got all of the necessary permits and inspections which were approved by OKC. Now, I have moved the mobile home out and am ready to build on the exact same location. The city is telling me that because my driveway crosses a creek I need to get a 25 yr flood review done before they will approve my permit. I have tried to explain to them that I will be using the same driveway ( no changes) that they approved back in 1999. I have heard that the review that they are wanting costs approx. $5000. Back in 1999 I spent approx $10,000 installing the driveway. Right now my family is having to live with other family members because the city can't get their act together. Talking to these people is like talking to a brick wall. I'm not getting anywhere. Does anyone have any advise? Have you had a similiar incident with the city?Midtowner offered you sound advice. But if that does not work. You can always show up on Tuesday at the Council meeting and ask to speak under Citizens to be heard. The meetings start at 8:30 a.m. on the 3rd floor of City Hall 200 n. Walker. But be prepared to stay awhile because Citizens to be heard is the last item on the agenda. Good luck