View Full Version : BOB morning show
Jimmy's Big Toe 05-15-2007, 03:14 PM Has anyone else been listening? I really think that they have something going! I am truly enjoying that morning show. Also does anyone know what eventually became of Lisa Myrick? Is she working? Last I saw was that one on one with Linda Cavanaugh.
soonerborn 05-15-2007, 05:13 PM Well, according to the ratings in the paper, you're one of the few listening. Of course, that info could be skewed (you know what they say about stats and I'm guessing that we only get a small sampling in the printed demo).
I've flipped over a few times when my station was in commercials and just as I started to get interested in one of their bits I'd change the channel because of the constant bellowing and interrupting of Ron (?). It's like he's afraid that the woman or the guy working with him might take some airtime away from him.
I don't mean to rain on your radio parade, but I don't get the appeal of Ron. The other two are more entertaining.
Jimmy's Big Toe 05-15-2007, 05:51 PM I would agree...if the show has a fault it's his constant need to interupt. Maybe they should dump him and just go with Stacy and Phil. I still think it's miles ahead of Jack and Ron!
soonerborn 05-16-2007, 11:39 AM That's Stacy from Magic? I'm just now putting two and two together. If I remember correctly she used to be quite funny on Magic, but now she's just a laugh track. Magic hasn't been the same since she left so maybe they'll bring her back?
peewee 05-18-2007, 05:16 AM Linda Cavanah is going to be doing a thing on Lisa again Friday at 10:00pm, suppose to be some surprises plus she has a new job. I'm pulling for Lisa 100%
MadMonk 05-18-2007, 06:09 AM I listen to BOB every morning. I love the show. Sometimes Ron gets a little annoying (but so can each of them), but overall I think it's the best morning show going right now.
Jimmy's Big Toe 05-18-2007, 11:31 AM I have to agree! Everyone can get annoying (just like in real life).
Here's a question: Why did Phil leave afternoons on KISS? Was there a falling out between him and Drew or Kaci? If anyone knows please post...
bushinspector 05-24-2007, 09:57 PM Linda Cavanah is going to be doing a thing on Lisa again Friday at 10:00pm, suppose to be some surprises plus she has a new job. I'm pulling for Lisa 100%
I missed the interview- What is Lisa doing now??
BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe 05-24-2007, 10:48 PM Update: Lisa Mirick
OKLAHOMA CITY -- As a long-time radio personality, Lisa Mirick usually had people talking. Especially after she admitted to alcohol and drug abuse and walked away from her high-paying job as a local DJ, but Lisa has done something now that is really turning heads.
Linda Cavanaugh goes one-on-one with Lisa Mirick as she talks about her new look and her new job.
Last February, Lisa had hit bottom. She was unemployed, fighting addiction and was forced to move out of her home.
She was penniless.
That was Lisa then, but Lisa now has her head shaved.
Linda asks Lisa, "People may wonder, were you sober when you did that [shave your head] and why?"
"I pulled a Britney. It's hard to explain. I think my hair didn't look very healthy; probably as a result of me not being that healthy," Lisa explains.
So she took shears in hand and cut it off.
Lisa says, "I thought I'd give it a fresh start. Unfortunately, the reason I put the do rag on is because it's coming-in much grayer than it was."
Lisa says she's come a long way in three months. Detox was tough.
"When I first started to get sober, I didn't realize it was possible to feel that bad and still be alive," Mirick says. "This is a picture of me from a long time ago."
One of the things that helped her through was the hundreds of e-mails that came after our last interview. They are now collected in one book.
"It was hard to read those at first. They made me cry. As a matter of fact, the girl who gave me my job came from that first interview.
She said, "I'll do anything to help Lisa."
She offered Lisa a part-time job leasing apartments. Lisa took it. The job gives her enough free time to attend AA meetings.
"They say one day at a time. Sometimes it's one second at a time. One minute at a time and it took one minute at a time initially. Now I'm able to string more and more days together like making a pearl necklace," Lisa says.
Lisa is living in a converted garage that her dad remodeled for her.
"He said I could live here for the rest of my life, rent free, if I want. It has cable and telephone. I mean he really did it up," Lisa says.
Lisa shares her new home with her two dogs; her constant companions. She says she's content for the first time in a long time.
Lisa says, "I'm going to make it for sure. I'm a survivor."
I asked Lisa if she'd ever return to radio.
She said she'd like to, because she thinks she was good at it, but for now, her main job is getting her life back in order.
Here's a question: Why did Phil leave afternoons on KISS? Was there a falling out between him and Drew or Kaci? If anyone knows please post...
If I remember correctly, he came here from a pretty decent morning show gig in Ohio. He was supposed to get a morning gig off the bat but something fell through or was slow to come together. So they put him on the afternoon drive and created Phil, Drew and Kaci too. That turned into a pretty fine show, btw. Still is, even without Phil.
Anyway... basically what ended up happening was that BOB went with a new morning show and he got the spot because that was what he came to OKC for in the first place: Head up a morning drive. That's the highest-paid and most-prominent slot in the radio world... so it was impossible to turn down.
Sucks for the PM drive, but it made perfect sense to jump to the BOB morning show... which isn't that bad at all, what little I've heard of it.
So to sum up... there were no issues... he just took the slot he was promised when he got here. Nothing wrong with that.
MadMonk 05-25-2007, 06:31 AM Update: Lisa Mirick
OKLAHOMA CITY -- As a long-time radio personality, Lisa Mirick usually had people talking. Especially after she admitted to alcohol and drug abuse and walked away from her high-paying job as a local DJ, but Lisa has done something now that is really turning heads.
So what part of that story is supposed to demonstrate her turning heads? Rehabing? I'm glad for her but, that's not exactly world-changing.
Jimmy's Big Toe 05-25-2007, 12:37 PM I think it's the fact that she saved her head. That is what's supposed to be "turning heads". I saw the story and have to say that I am not sure what the point was. She pretty much said the same thing last time. Only now she lives in a garage. Big whoop.
Legal 06-02-2007, 01:47 PM I would agree...if the show has a fault it's his constant need to interupt. Maybe they should dump him and just go with Stacy and Phil. I still think it's miles ahead of Jack and Ron!
I agree the show would be a lot better off without Ron, His constant interrupting and having to take over the show is a distraction. I believe he is pretty tight with Jeff Couch the program director, they both worked together at KRXO as well as Lisa. Jeff Roberts from Magic was in the mix to come over but they passed on him for Ron (Big Mistake) . I don't think the Bob morning show will ever be #1 with office workers and families as long as he keeps slipping in the trash.
PUGalicious 06-02-2007, 02:40 PM I caught the show earlier this week. It was horrible... primarily because of Ron and always dragging down the other two. He's so intrusive and disruptive, it takes away from the other two's brilliance. I loved Phil on KYIS's afternoon show. It was the best afternoon show around and was first-rate. I think it was a bad, bad move for Phil — at least as long as he keeps having to work with Ron. I won't listen to BOB in the morning simply because of Ron. Oh well.
soonerborn 06-02-2007, 05:14 PM I agree the show would be a lot better off without Ron, His constant interrupting and having to take over the show is a distraction. I believe he is pretty tight with Jeff Couch the program director, they both worked together at KRXO as well as Lisa. Jeff Roberts from Magic was in the mix to come over but they passed on him for Ron (Big Mistake) . I don't think the Bob morning show will ever be #1 with office workers and families as long as he keeps slipping in the trash.
Two Magic people on a classic rock station? If this is accurate information -- and it sounds extremely far fetched to me -- then I'm baffled by their casting. Do you know someone who works there or something?
Legal 06-02-2007, 08:36 PM Yes, I know people who work in both places and according to their reports Stacy Barton has a 2 year contract, so I don't think she can go back to Magic if she wanted to. Ron also signed a new contract so I guess he may be there for a while.
Jimmy's Big Toe 06-03-2007, 12:33 PM I caught the show earlier this week. It was horrible... primarily because of Ron and always dragging down the other two. He's so intrusive and disruptive, it takes away from the other two's brilliance. I loved Phil on KYIS's afternoon show. It was the best afternoon show around and was first-rate. I think it was a bad, bad move for Phil — at least as long as he keeps having to work with Ron. I won't listen to BOB in the morning simply because of Ron. Oh well.
Ron really has grown on me. I find him to be pretty funny. Trust me when I tell you that this is a toned down version of the show that he did with Lisa. That show was turning into a train wreck. This show has much more professionalism to it.
...even with all of Ron's interupting it is sooooo much better than Jack and Ron on KISS! I will admit that I do miss Phill on the KISS afternoon show. I am surprised that the "powers that be" don't try to get him to do both KISS in the afternoon and BOB in the morning.
Legal 06-03-2007, 02:29 PM I believe Phil is still music director at KISS. He probably has all that he can handle at this time. I agree with you that Ron has tuned it down a great deal and the old show was a train wreck, but I think the train is back on track now and will come up in the ratings in the next book after more listeners come back after the Xmas music fiesco
MadMonk 06-03-2007, 06:27 PM I caught the show earlier this week. It was horrible... primarily because of Ron and always dragging down the other two. He's so intrusive and disruptive, it takes away from the other two's brilliance. I loved Phil on KYIS's afternoon show. It was the best afternoon show around and was first-rate. I think it was a bad, bad move for Phil — at least as long as he keeps having to work with Ron. I won't listen to BOB in the morning simply because of Ron. Oh well.
After you mentioned that he was constantly interrupting, I began to notice it myself (I hadn't before). Even so, I still like his humor, I guess because he reminds me of an old roomate (forever a bachelor). IMHO, the show still beats KISS or KRXO's morning lineup.