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05-15-2007, 08:18 AM
To bad they're not building/moving downtown OKC.

Paycom to begin work on new building this year
By Don Mecoy
Business Writer

Paycom will break ground later this year on a new building to house the growing Oklahoma City online payroll management business, Chief Executive Officer Chad Richison said Monday.

The company, currently leasing space in a building on Northwest Expressway, will move within the next two years to a 10-acre site Richison bought along the Kilpatrick Turnpike.

Paycom has 85 employees in Oklahoma City, Richison said, but is hiring six to 10 new workers a month. The company also expects to buy a franchise operation that will push its local employment to about 110, he said.

The new building likely will be about 40,000 square feet. The business currently leases 16,800 square feet, Richison said.

The new site will improve security and allow employees to work in a more "campus-like” environment, he said.

Richison, founder of the company, bought 121 acres on the north side of Memorial Avenue between Rockwell and Council roads. The building project will take about 10 acres, Richison said. He hasn't decided what the remainder of the land will be used for.

Richison said it will take about 18 months to complete the building.

Paycom is in its ninth year of operation with sales offices in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Denver, Atlanta and Dallas. The company opened its fourth sales office last month in Roswell, Ga., a suburb of Atlanta. It's next sales center will be in Houston, Richison said.

In 2006 Paycom was No. 156 on the Inc. 500's list of the fastest growing private companies in the U.S. and was named service bureau of the year by the Indepen

05-15-2007, 08:33 AM
I feel sorry for his employees that live in Moore.

05-15-2007, 10:53 AM
Sweet. That would be a perfect location for me. I wonder if they need any IT people?

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-16-2007, 04:20 AM
I wonder if they need any IT people?

No kidding...Pickings are slim for us 'round these parts.

05-16-2007, 06:05 AM
No kidding...Pickings are slim for us 'round these parts.

Funny you should say that. We have an open position for a server administrator at my work, but are having trouble finding qualified people. Last week there were three interviews set up, but only one showed up. One guy just never showed up, the other called to say he was going to be late and then never showed. Is the job market so good that people just never bother to show up for an interview? Either that or they are just sending resumes to fulfill their unemployement benefit requirements, with no intention of taking a job. :rolleyes:

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-16-2007, 06:30 AM
Really? What's the pay range?


05-16-2007, 08:07 AM
PM me if you really want the details.

05-16-2007, 09:12 AM
Oh boy! Another office building in a cow pasture set in the middle of a sea of asphalt while there is tons of vacancy downtown and elsewhere.

Building the Kilpatrick Turnpike was one of the silliest decisions in the history of OKC planning. It's led to nothing but needless sprawl.

05-16-2007, 09:15 AM
I don't understand why companies want to be so far out there when they could be centrally located.

05-16-2007, 10:12 AM
Either that or they are just sending resumes to fulfill their unemployement benefit requirements, with no intention of taking a job. :rolleyes:

Yup thats oklahoma for ya, too lazy to get a job when you have a paycheck for sitting at home,while the rest of us pay for it by working our hide off. If they would stiffen the benifits to have to get a job and make more requirements rather than just fill out these 3 apps a week and turn them in and call us, why not make the companys call the unemployment office to and tell them they didn't make the interview or havethe office set up the interviews for them, we have way too many, "got it easy living benifits in Oklahoma".

03-18-2008, 04:13 PM
Here is the latest on Paycom and their corporate office in the far far northwest. Maybe they could be lured to downtown with all of the new momentum???

Paycom's work pays off Local online payroll, human resources service company extends national reach | (

Paycom's work pays offBy Jim Stafford
Business Writer
About a year ago, Paycom founder Chad Richison bought 130 acres along the Kilpatrick Turnpike in far northwestern Oklahoma on which he planned to build a corporate headquarters for his online payroll business.

Those plans are on hold because Paycom has grown so quickly that the corporate headquarters Richison envisioned already have been outgrown by the fast-growing company.

"I thought: ‘I'm going to build 30,000 square feet and we're going to grow into it,' ” Richison said. "But we're already at 30,000 square feet, and we need another 12,000 in the building that we are in, which we can probably get in the next three or four months.”

Paycom employs 335 people in five cities, including about 165 at its Oklahoma City headquarters in the Lake Pointe Towers on Northwest Expressway. The company also operates in Dallas and recently expanded to Chicago, Atlanta and Fort Worth, Texas. It plans to add Phoenix and Houston this year.

"We're hiring pretty close to 50 people per month right now,” Richison said.

Many of the new jobs are in sales, while others are in new client setup, he said.

Paycom serves about 3,500 companies nationwide, providing online payroll and other human relations functions through its Web-based product. It stores the payroll information on servers in Oklahoma City and Dallas, processes and prints payroll checks and delivers them to the company sites via secure couriers.

After companies are brought on board, the new client setup specialists help the companies run their first couple of payrolls, then hand them off to a payroll specialist who provides ongoing service.

Paycom targets companies — with at least 50 employees — that already are outsourcing their payroll services, said Richison, a Tuttle native who founded the company in 1998.

The firm takes almost all of its clients from competitors such as payroll services giant Automated Data Processing, a company for which Richison once worked not long after he graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma.

Paycom has benefited from the development of its payroll product as an exclusive online service, Richison said. Competitors such as ADP were created well before the Internet exploded as a business platform, meaning their services require an "installed” database and IT specialists to maintain it at the client's site.

"We developed our systems almost in the 2000s,” Richison said. "Things that take 15 steps for them for us is a one-step process because we knew the end. They are stuck in a technology.

"If we had developed our product five years earlier we would have been in Windows and we would have been stuck in Windows. We wouldn't have been Internet-based.”

Today, when Paycom's sales force introduces its Web-based payroll product to potential clients, 50 percent sign on within two weeks, he said. After about eight months of introduction to the software, Paycom wins "75 to 80” percent of the prospects.

"Even if they say ‘no' right then, their problems don't go away,” Richison said.

Paycom long ago expanded beyond Oklahoma borders, but one of its early clients was Oklahoma City-based Mathis Brothers Furniture. The company remains a customer in part because of ease of use, said Chad Raymond, the furniture retailer's director of operations.

"From an access standpoint, it's fantastic,” Raymond said of the Paycom process. "We were looking at a solution that integrates time and attendance with the payroll piece and not having a bunch of software systems. He has been able to do that.”

Richison said he operated on "credit card arbitrage” to bridge the revenue gap while the Paycom software was under development after the company was founded in 1998. But once the software became operational in 2001, the company took off.

"In January 2001, that's where the revenue outpaced our expenses and we became profitable,” he said. "By 2004, we were debt free.”

The company has enjoyed such spectacular success that Richison sold a majority stake in the company to New York-based Welsh Carson Anderson and Stowe last year for $56 million.

The deal allowed Richison to continue to operate the company and for it to remain Oklahoma-based. He said Paycom still might build a corporate headquarters within three years on the property he bought near the Kilpatrick Turnpike.

Paycom has hit the $20 million annual revenue level and is on pace to add $25 million in new revenue by the end of 2008, Richison said. It was recognized as one of the nation's fastest-growing private companies for both 2006 (No. 156) and 2007 (No. 601) by Inc. magazine. "My goal is by 2009 adding $50 million a year,” he said. "We have doubled every year.”

Paycom would be a great addition to downtown , someone needs to start recruiting them.

03-18-2008, 04:51 PM
Here is the latest on Paycom and their corporate office in the far far northwest. Maybe they could be lured to downtown with all of the new momentum???

Paycom's work pays off Local online payroll, human resources service company extends national reach | (

Paycom would be a great addition to downtown , someone needs to start recruiting them.

I wonder if they actually look at the resumes people send in?
Looking for a job is so awful these days isn't it?

03-18-2008, 05:04 PM
I believe that this is part of a larger development but I'm not sure. There are two large mixed-use office developments in the works for Memorial around Rockwell and Council.

03-18-2008, 06:46 PM
I believe that this is part of a larger development but I'm not sure. There are two large mixed-use office developments in the works for Memorial around Rockwell and Council.

Either way, the article makes it seem as if Paycom is re-thinking it's corporate office. Maybe they could be swayed to re-think the location as well??

03-18-2008, 08:52 PM
What's wrong with Memorial Road?

I think Memorial Road is becoming a fine corporate address second to only downtown in this metro.

03-18-2008, 08:56 PM
I agree, it'd be nice if they could be pursuaded to move downtown. Makes no sense for a large growing company to locate in a far quadrant of the city. A central location makes it convenient to both clients and workers from all parts of the city. I just hope they stay in OKC.

03-18-2008, 09:13 PM
News flash: Not everything is central.. and while my personal preference is downtown, even I can't deny that certain suburban sub markets have a lot going for them.

03-18-2008, 09:13 PM
What's wrong with Memorial Road?

I think Memorial Road is becoming a fine corporate address second to only downtown in this metro.

I am not knocking the Memorial Road address. I just think that it is interesting that the article in todays DOK and the timing of it. With all of the news surrounding downtown as of late.

I wouldn't be surprised if Paycom is re-thinking the Memorial location in favor of a new downtown Core to Shore location.

03-18-2008, 09:13 PM
With all respect, I would be.

03-21-2008, 11:37 AM
What's wrong with Memorial Road?

I think Memorial Road is becoming a fine corporate address second to only downtown in this metro.

Not to mention it's poor location for workers in the other 3 quadrants of the metro, the NW side doesn't have amenities like multiple lunch options, parks, and other entertainment in walking distance. I would much rather work downtown and have to walk past shops and cafes and other people than to drive out to the former QZ Ranch on NW 189th and walk across a mile of desolate surface parking.

Let's be frank. The only reason these types of companies would locate out there is because it's cheap land and cheap construction.

03-21-2008, 11:47 AM
hopefully paycom becomes big enough to start taking away business from fidelity. Our company switched most of our hr/payroll stuff to fidelity within the last 1.5 years and they have to be the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life

03-21-2008, 12:08 PM
American Fidelity?

03-21-2008, 12:12 PM
First we whine and cry because new business won't move or relocate to OKC. Then when they do, we bitch and complain about the location they choose. Someone needs to inform them that the only real, and truely progressive Corporate Citizens are setting-up shop Downtown.

03-21-2008, 12:15 PM
This company has been in OKC for 10 years, andy. They are not relocating here.

03-21-2008, 12:27 PM
This company has been in OKC for 10 years, andy. They are not relocating here.You don't say. Maybe I should have also included the phrase relocate to "and/or in" OKC. Sorry.

03-21-2008, 12:42 PM
That's not the point.

Paycom has been around long enough to know that downtown is where the real momentum is. The company I work for is preparing to move from NWE & MacArthur to Midtown, and everyone here is very excited about it. I can guarantee you we wouldn't feel the same way about a new cookie-cutter box being built on Memorial. A move out there is not one that benefits or excites employees, it's all about $$$.

03-21-2008, 01:42 PM
jbrown, care to share which company this is relocating to MidTown? Or are you at liberty to disclose? The only big company I can think of at that intersection is Weokie Credit Union.

03-21-2008, 02:23 PM
I can't share at this point. It's not a large company.

03-21-2008, 03:29 PM
American Fidelity?

no, just fidelity as far as I know

03-22-2008, 01:58 PM
That's not the point.

Paycom has been around long enough to know that downtown is where the real momentum is. The company I work for is preparing to move from NWE & MacArthur to Midtown, and everyone here is very excited about it. I can guarantee you we wouldn't feel the same way about a new cookie-cutter box being built on Memorial. A move out there is not one that benefits or excites employees, it's all about $$$.It would seem to me that Paycom has a pretty good handle on the meaning of momentum.

03-23-2008, 12:51 PM
No kidding...Pickings are slim for us 'round these parts.

Pickins are slim for good paying IT jobs. I had a recruiter call me for a server job last week. 5 years experience and they wanted to pay 37K. I almost laughed!!

03-24-2008, 12:07 AM
Not to mention it's poor location for workers in the other 3 quadrants of the metro, the NW side doesn't have amenities like multiple lunch options, parks, and other entertainment in walking distance. I would much rather work downtown and have to walk past shops and cafes and other people than to drive out to the former QZ Ranch on NW 189th and walk across a mile of desolate surface parking.

Let's be frank. The only reason these types of companies would locate out there is because it's cheap land and cheap construction.

Since we're being frank, I have no clue what the former QZ Ranch on NW 189th has anything to do with Paycom's new HQ on Memorial. And you know that the mile of parking is an exaggeration. I seriously doubt any parking obscuring the Paycom HQ would have anything on Lower Bricktown. And while we're at it, as someone who lives in NORMAN, honestly there's only one quadrant of the metro that really matters and we all know which quadrant it is. And if you're going to tell me that the NW side of town doesn't have amenities, that's funny. I respect you, jbrown, and I know you live in Edmond or used to..sorta the NW side of the metro, or at least attached.

I agree with you that I would rather work/live in downtown than on Memorial, but there is no denying that the economics, demographics, and logistics of Memorial Road are excellent for growth whether it be shopping malls, dining, lifestyle centers, apartment complexes, medical centers, or corporate headquarters. I think that very soon downtown will be as healthy and as thriving as Memorial Road, and it's a transition that's well into progress and fruition and will be making more headway than ever very soon, but in regards to downtown v. Memorial Road, all I can say is that some day OKC will be able to boast all of the amenities of Memorial Road in a more tasteful and sophisticated downtown environment, and that's something we can all look forward to!

03-24-2008, 09:45 AM
That's for sure.

And I no longer live in Edmond. I have lived downtown for almost a year.

But you must recognize the difference between a worker at Devon that can walk to any number of eateries at lunch, run by the post office in the underground, bring a sack lunch to eat in the Myriad Gardens, and stop by happy hour just around the block after work, and a worker at the proposed PayCom headquarters that would have to go to their car to get to anything like the previous mentioned, and certainly has nowhere to walk and eat their lunch outdoors.

03-25-2008, 10:30 AM
Though the truth is, few employees at Paycom have as far of a drive as Chad himself. He and other top employees all still live in their hometown of Tuttle, which is quite a drive to the NW side! I would love it if Paycom moved downtown instead of closer to where we live, but few people really know what's going through Chad's mind, so who knows why he's looking out farther NW instead of downtown. I keep trying to get my husband to ask but he's way too busy, due to the rapid growth they're going through.

hopefully paycom becomes big enough to start taking away business from fidelity. Our company switched most of our hr/payroll stuff to fidelity within the last 1.5 years and they have to be the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life

Mention them to your HR department. I'm not just saying this because my husband works there, but Paycom seriously is the best payroll provider out there. There's a reason they're growing so rapidly, and maintaining current clients.

03-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Though the truth is, few employees at Paycom have as far of a drive as Chad himself. He and other top employees all still live in their hometown of Tuttle, which is quite a drive to the NW side! I would love it if Paycom moved downtown instead of closer to where we live, but few people really know what's going through Chad's mind, so who knows why he's looking out farther NW instead of downtown. I keep trying to get my husband to ask but he's way too busy, due to the rapid growth they're going through.

Mention them to your HR department. I'm not just saying this because my husband works there, but Paycom seriously is the best payroll provider out there. There's a reason they're growing so rapidly, and maintaining current clients.

Since your husband works there. What is the overall feeling from his co-workers about the possible move to the far NW part of Okc as opposed to a central downtown location??

03-25-2008, 04:02 PM
Since your husband works there. What is the overall feeling from his co-workers about the possible move to the far NW part of Okc as opposed to a central downtown location??

Most that he's talked with don't really care. Quite a few of the employees live up here or in Edmond already. Plus they've always been in NW OKC, so it's not too big of a deal. Quite a few do live farther away (we used to live in Norman ourselves). I'm not sure that many have even thought of possibly moving to downtown instead. Everyone just wants a new building! They're quickly outgrowing their space, and pretty soon there won't be too much more to take over there.

06-06-2011, 08:48 PM
Anybody know what happened to this project?

They were set to build at Memorial & Council then put that on hold because the planned buildings weren't going to be able to accommodate their rapid growth.

Double Edge
06-06-2011, 08:57 PM
I don't know much about the project or the company but we are doing some work in the building. It's under construction, multiple story, 80 percent complete is my guess, and there is a sign out front saying they are hiring. It's on the north side of Memorial between Rockwell and Council.

06-06-2011, 09:08 PM
I found these drawings on the web and wasn't sure if they were the latest versions -- but it sounds like they are. The way they positioned the main building and gym implies they hope to add another structure in the future.

Double Edge
06-06-2011, 09:14 PM
The building looks about like that. I don't know if the gym is there or not. There's a few things odd about the way construction seems to be taking place. Looks to me like something changed midstream, more space was added or part of it was finished before the other. Like I said, I don't know the story and I wasn't aware of any of it until just recently.

06-06-2011, 09:16 PM
Not to mention it's poor location for workers in the other 3 quadrants of the metro, the NW side doesn't have amenities like multiple lunch options, parks, and other entertainment in walking distance. I would much rather work downtown and have to walk past shops and cafes and other people than to drive out to the former QZ Ranch on NW 189th and walk across a mile of desolate surface parking.

Let's be frank. The only reason these types of companies would locate out there is because it's cheap land and cheap construction.

As long as we are being frank, the only walking will be on the campus, then driving off (small chance a couple people will bike). It almost looks like they want to discourage walking to the on site gym.

Any idea on current employee count, if the parking lot lines are to scale it is like 4x the parking needed for the number quoted working their in the first post on the tread?

06-06-2011, 09:24 PM
This is the site:

06-06-2011, 10:27 PM
I drive by there every once in awhile and last I saw they were painting the parts of the exterior not covered in stone. Will look sharp. Sad it's so far out, hopefully some infill will happen soon.

06-07-2011, 06:31 AM
Booo, anything else on Memorial and I say Boooo. There's too much up there already....they only get built there so the executives can drive 5 minutes from their Galardia homes to work at the expense of every other employee.

06-07-2011, 08:13 AM
Found the building permit issued in March of 2010...

99,200 square feet, four levels (including basement), $8 million price tag.

Double Edge
06-07-2011, 08:27 AM

06-07-2011, 08:48 AM
As long as we are being frank, the only walking will be on the campus, then driving off (small chance a couple people will bike). It almost looks like they want to discourage walking to the on site gym.

Any idea on current employee count, if the parking lot lines are to scale it is like 4x the parking needed for the number quoted working their in the first post on the tread?

They have *WAY* more than 85 employees in the OKC office, not even counting the sales reps. Way more! As in over 450 currently and quickly growing even more. I would not be surprised if they have to start the next building within a year so they don't run out of space.

06-07-2011, 08:57 AM
Location of new HQ's aside, it's nice to see home-grown Paycom and Express Personnel continue to grow, prosper, and add lots of new jobs to the area.

06-08-2011, 07:55 AM
Since someone has mentioned IT jobs, we're looking for a DBA. MySql, Postgress (Enterprise DB), and Oracle. Let me know if you want details.

06-08-2011, 09:32 AM
Hey at least they aren't moving OUT of OKC!!!

06-19-2011, 02:03 PM
As much as I love to see downtown grow, I don't think everything should relocate there. It's already a traffic nightmare as it is.

06-19-2011, 10:14 PM
As much as I love to see downtown grow, I don't think everything should relocate there. It's already a traffic nightmare as it is.

????? rkjg have you ever driven in Dallas, Houston, LA, or Atlanta during rush hour. We don't have any traffic nightmares.

08-09-2011, 03:08 PM
Hey at least they aren't moving OUT of OKC!!!

They are owned by venture capitalists in NJ. Don't be surprised to see them gobbled up by a larger company in the next 3 years...

08-09-2011, 03:14 PM
It's already a traffic nightmare as it is.

I'd much rather drive downtown, than on Memorial any day.

Larry OKC
08-10-2011, 02:45 AM
And I'll drive Memorial or NW Expressway over DT any day...

08-10-2011, 12:24 PM
In order of preference:
NW Expressway

But none of these are that bad compared to some place like Dallas, or Charlotte.

Larry OKC
08-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Right you are. Every time I went down to Dallas, always glad to return to our version of rush hour (where it fairly closely matches that by definition). just avoid the 7 to 8 am & 5 to 6 pm periods and you are fine.

08-10-2011, 09:02 PM
I was once in NW Dallas for a training class and left at 3:00pm on a Friday before Labor day to drive back to OK. It took me 3 hours just to get to Denton. I thought there must have been a huge pileup or something, but no, it was just traffic. That's an extreme example, but you would never see something like that here (and I hope we never do).

Larry OKC
08-11-2011, 12:00 AM
How right you are, that has been my experience too.

03-27-2012, 05:12 PM
Paycom reported to the OKC Economic Development Trust that they added 110 new positions in OKC last year at an average pay rate of around $38K per year.

The Chamber only lists local employers that have over 1,000 OKC employees and Paycom wasn't on the last list, but they must be getting close.