- AdultFriendFinder.com banner ad...
- Education/Faith & Values
- Happy Birthday!!
- Please help!
- Forum Changes
- Member Numbers
- Private Messages
- Happy Birthday Ms. Relaxationstation
- Happy Birthday Masterwolf!!!!!
- Thanks Todd
- New OKCTalk Journal System
- Chat Session
- Happy Birthday, oklacity75
- Reminder- Chat Thursday night
- 7 PM- Tonight- Chat Session
- Weekly Chat Sessions
- The new "Premium Members"
- Chat- Thursday starting at 7PM
- Chat Session- Thursday 7PM
- Thanks Ssath
- Business Review
- Chat At 7 Pm.
- Thanks Karried, mariner62
- Singles Chat in progress
- What happened to the store?
- Chat Tonight
- Weekly chat sessions
- Spam on the forum
- "Store" is now a Premium Feature
- Singles Chat tonight
- Chat cancelled for Thurs.
- Welcome from OKC Talk singles
- NEW Pets Forum
- Thanks Kellekokid
- New Bricktown Forum
- General Chat - 8PM
- Happy Birthday phat123,ohya,hukaluqe!!!
- General chat starts at 7PM
- Thanks Midtowner
- New OKC Talk banner ad
- Birthdays March 23rd
- Belated Birthdays
- One year anniversary!!
- First Annual Spring Celebration
- What a Party!!
- Missed birthdays!!!
- 20,000 Posts on OKC Talk
- Chat not Working!!
- Happy birthday kellekokid
- Patrick & Megan/5-14-05
- 1,000th member
- 32 new members this week
- New Forum Suggestions
- Thank you everyone
- Photo Gallery Upgrade
- Posting Picture on Photo Gallery
- Points...
- Journals
- Disregard admin email
- Circling dots