View Full Version : General Civic Issues

  1. Russell Claus Leaving OKC
  2. Downtown Employment Ranking
  3. Grades for Oklahoma public schools.
  4. Is the highway patrol really needed?
  5. Downtown Residential Ranking
  6. OKC scores low in walkability
  7. OKC 12th Most Popular City for Millennials since 2009
  8. Christmas Lights 2013
  9. Big employer taking hard look at OKC
  10. IRS Zeroes in on Obscure Tax Break for Rich Property Owners (hist pres tax credits)
  11. Trooper Brian Orr (OU Tackle Trooper) Should Be Arrested
  12. Architecture fads and future generations
  13. El Paso to City Engineers, Architects, and Developers - Get Certified in New Urbansim
  14. Halloween Parade Ending?
  15. Blair Humphreys
  16. OKC 5th in Creating Middle Class Jobs
  17. Del City Captain Harrison Found guilty
  18. Time to revisit parking minimums?
  19. MAPS 20th Anniversary
  20. Oklahoma City Daytime Population
  21. OKC to host Summer Olymipcs
  22. Downtown in Winter
  23. We Have a Race for Governor
  24. OKC #5 for young entrepreneurs
  25. Should Shadid drop out now?
  26. City Council Salaries
  27. Steve's Christmas Gifts for OKC
  28. If the mayor election was to be held today, who would you vote for?
  29. OKC #8 most momentum going into 2014
  30. Joe "Sarge" Nelson
  31. No Chickens Yet
  32. Ed Shadid Launches Formal Attack on MAPS 3 Conv Center in tandem with Mayoral Bid
  33. The Official Highly Scientific Convention Center Poll
  34. Urban Vs. Suburban
  35. Pat Ryan will not seek reelection in 2015
  36. OKCPS Interim Supt. Dave Lopez ou tlines 6 month transition plan
  37. What would it take for you to vote for MAPS IV?
  38. Oklahoma City- More Wards?
  39. ULI amd Museum Theater - Film & Discussion Thursday 01-09-2014
  40. Progressives for Mayor Cornett
  41. 2012 GaWC Rankings
  42. Hughes For Mayor??
  43. Shooting on OU Campus
  44. Cotton Bowl Comp Ticket for City Council
  45. Commuter Tax for Suburbanites?
  46. Mini Vegas in the Adventure District?
  47. Inbound Migration to Oklahoma County
  48. Jim Couch on Steve's OKC Central Chat
  49. SHOCK POLL: Cornett Destroying Shadid in Virtually Every Demographic Category
  50. Oklahoma City names new assistant transit director
  51. MAPS 4 Brainstorming
  52. Urgent message regarding election
  53. Young Professional Groups
  54. Global Cities
  55. Poverty in Oklahoma City
  56. KFOR story on Canton Lake
  57. OKC #9 on Forbes most affordable list
  58. OKC Buildings in Art
  59. OKC Public Schools
  60. First "Open Street" Festival a Success