- New structures
- Lake Hefner
- Robinson Hill
- MAP IV (Oklahoma City 2017) possible extension date: December 2017
- 918 NW 5th - Iconic Classic Cars
- Joe's Pawn Shop
- NW 122nd and May
- Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium construction - live camera
- NW63rd and Independence Construction
- North May South of Hefner
- Dirt work on Kilpatrick service road
- Oklahoma historic tax credits in jeopardy
- Awesome ULI video
- Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.
- Recourse Against Developer for Failure to Follow Through with Agreement
- Dirtwork on S Penn around 160th
- 7000 S. May Ave.
- Classen & NW Expressway Development?
- Old Hemispheres Site on NW Expressway
- Former Shell at SE Corner NW 63rd & May
- More Development at May and Hefner
- Thank you Henry Hudsons
- 8 SE 59th St
- Vacation Rental properties
- Turbinomic Tower, Rand Elliott
- Pad SIte in Front of Gattitown
- NW 164th & Western
- All Those New Apartments?
- Placement of House on Property
- SW 15th and Meridian
- Building a deck, to float or not?
- Arby's going up at old gas station site SW 104th and May
- Midtown Development
- Oddity on N. I-35 near NE 36th
- Looking at building permits
- Large building at Reno and Council.
- Walmart Super Center Northwest Expressway and Council
- Northeast Oklahoma City
- Drinks x Design
- Southeast corner of SW 29th and Council
- Wilshire and N May
- What happened at 1401 NW 16th/ 16th and Douglas?!?!
- AIA Central Oklahoma 2016 Design Awards: People's Choice Voting
- What's the history of North Highland/Estes Park and College Park?
- NW 34th and May
- NW Corner of I-240 and Penn
- NW 164th & May
- Recommendations?
- Truelove's Bar & Grill (Pool Hall) to become a Mexican Restaurant?
- Intersection of SW 3rd and Exchange
- Old Route 66 Inn location
- The Future of Cities
- 7200 N. May
- Brite Shine Car Wash
- Interesting Article about Superblocks in Barcelona
- Starbucks - SW 104th and May
- OKC Photos
- Multi-family prospectus
- New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?
- Earth moving on Council south of the river