- Lot between Chic-fil-a and Dairy Qeen on Telephone road
- What are the Chances of a New Water Tower in the next 5-10 years
- The old A&W spot off NW 12th street in Moore
- Swig Moore
- New construction in front of at home
- OK-37 Removed from Moore?
- Major Improvement Election on November 14 in Moore (2023 Go Bond)
- New Construction front of At Home
- Subway on Eastern?
- New traffic light?
- Moore is going to have a new mayor in 2024!
- Old Hemisphere’s Bldg
- SW 34th & Santa Fe
- High School Stadiums Work
- Old Town Moore revitalization plan, What Ever Happened to it
- Moore Bond for Telephone Rd
- Moore Animal Shelter
- Is Texas Roadhouse on I240-I35 Moving to Moore?
- Wayfinding signage
- Santa Fe & SW 164th/34th
- Oklahoma Smoke BBQ