- Digging Dirt Around Midwest City
- Five Below
- New 7-Eleven Reno and Midwest
- Mathis Brothers
- Mo’ Bettahs coming to Midwest City
- Old Peter Piper building
- Grandys
- Chuck House on Midwest Blvd
- HTea-O
- New Lumpy's formally Henry Hudsons
- S. Sooner Rd and E. I-240 Service Rd
- Billy Sims Burgers
- Old Golden Corral
- Old JC Penney space
- Demoltion/Construction at corner of 15th and Sooner.
- AJ's Diner (Formerly "Lupe's")
- SE 29th and Post
- Greg Darnell Ford
- Autozone Del Crest Shopping Center 15th and Sunnylane
- Heritage Park Mall - The Saga May Be Nearing Its End
- Glass Plant
- KFC on Air Depot
- The Casino Club Bar on Tinker Diagonal
- Langston’s closing Midwest City store.
- Long John Silver's
- Econolodge/Motel 6 Del City
- Closed Carl's Jr Reno and Midwest
- YMCA Midwest City
- Vacant Mini-Max
- Chipotle