1226 N. Shartel
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1226 N. Shartel
Information & Latest News
Last edited by Pete; 03-19-2012 at 02:43 PM.
As much as I am completely unbothered by this building being torn down for something that is obviously superior, it's hard not to say, "Oops, there's another demolition." It is way too easy to demolish something right now, no discussion even necessary. But that new building is awesome. Maybe they were realizing leasing prospects weren't good for such a spartan looking edifice.
Last edited by Pete; 03-16-2012 at 11:06 AM.
Here are more details from their application.
There has also been a $1.5 million building permit issued.
"demolish existing three-story structure; construct a three-story brick veneer structure with cast stone accents and EIFS parapet; install covered entries at east and west of metal panel systems on columns; install suspended aluminum sun screens over third level windows; install paved parking lot at northeast; install 5' ornamental iron fencing with brick columns and stockade fencing around parking and site; install landscaping and irrigation around parking and site; install brick screening at south mechanical units; install brick dumpster enclosure at northeast corner of parking; install concrete sidewalks at street frontage and from parking; install attached reverse-lit aluminum channel letter signs and internally lit can with acrylic face logo on upper levels of east and west elevations; and install attached monument sign of reverse lit channel letters on brick fencing at east side of entry to parking."
So when might we see this development begin?
I believe they already started. On another thread adaniel said there was a construction fence up on the vacant lot across from Villa Teresa. Perhaps VT's closure is at least partly due to this, as they used that area for parking.
Thanks for the insight, Pete. I actually looked over there and they are indeed doing some pretty serious demo on that building right now.
Wow, I totally missed this one!! Pete, the arial shaded maps are beyond helpful in trying to understand what is going down!
Is there a site plan for this project?
I am curious to see the building setback.
Haven't been able to find a site plan so I'm not sure how the new building will be oriented on the property.
Drove by 1226 Yesterday and its gone. So crazy. I was under the impression that it was being renovated for the past year.
Any information on what is going over across from VT? (Sorry if this needs a new thread)
I believe the area directly across from Villa Teresa will just be parking for this facility.
That entire lot... parking? Sigh.
Perhaps that could have solved Villa Teresa's parking problem.
I think VT was using that lot and their closing may have been at least partially due to it being taken away.
So they'd rather park on grass than in a lot? I would imagine VT cars would be fine, especially considering the over-supply of parking that they'll have. Plus the Midtown-Renaissance team has great community relationships.
I think the owner of the lot just looked the other way when people parked on that vacant lot and now he needs it for the big building under construction there.
It would be nice if the Cardiology place recognized the significance of the school to the neighborhood and was able to work out a deal with VT (if they were also able to solve their funding problems).
The construction here could be completely unrelated to VT closing but they made that announcement almost to the day the construction fence went up for this project.
My office is actually next to that field. That lot used to be home to some crappy roach motel before it was torn down in the 90's when most of Midtown was deserted. When I first stared working at my current place it was owned by (I think) a doctor who would go apes***t if someone parked there. It was sold in 2011 to a the same folks who own 1226 Shartel and I don't believe there was ever any sort of formal agreement between them and VT. People just started parking there. It was quite annoying IMO because after a good rain like today the field was pretty much a muddy mess. Parents would nearly get stuck and track red mud all over the street. Now that the field is been fenced off most people just park alongside the street, which really isn't a problem since Classen isn't that busy to begin with.
Are these parents not capable of getting out of their minivans to meet their child on foot?
I guess not lol. It can get a little crazy on Classen when school lets out, but I just didn't see a need for you to hike across a mudhole to save 5 steps when there is ample street parking. I certainly wouldn't say lack of parking was a factor in the school's closing.
New medical building offices to be built at 1226 N. Shartel (Healthy Heartbeat Integrative Cardiology). Strangely, the building on that site to be demolished had new windows put into it a couple of years ago but was never finished (I believe):
Piers are being placed for this project.
Structural steel is going up on this today.
It's been up for a week, I sent Pete pics a week ago, hopefully he can post soon.
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