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Thread: Plow

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 Plow

    29 E. Reno
    sq. feet=38,700

    Information & Latest News

    10/25/13: $4 million building permit
    8/29/13: Life set to return to Rock Island Plow

    Official Website
    County Assessor Record

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    Last edited by Pete; 02-07-2011 at 03:37 PM.

  2. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    I don't know much, but I'd like to see something done with it. I drive by it everyday too and from work. Wish they would do something to it.

  3. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    that's funny, i started a similar thread on another forum. it drives me crazy having it all boarded up and just sitting there. turn it into lofts or something!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Lofts would be nice. I also think something with retail shops around a central escalator landing would work. Bricktown is so starved of retail, especially multiple choices in one location. I remember back in the mid 90s Dallas' West End had a building that was packed with retail, food court type of establishments. Maybe a similar, but better designed concept would work for that building.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerLakers View Post
    Lofts would be nice. I also think something with retail shops around a central escalator landing would work. Bricktown is so starved of retail, especially multiple choices in one location. I remember back in the mid 90s Dallas' West End had a building that was packed with retail, food court type of establishments. Maybe a similar, but better designed concept would work for that building.
    I've always thought a bigger version of the building you're talking about at the West End in Dallas would be perfect for the grassy lot at "canal corner".

    Supposedly there is something in the works... but a comment by Steve (don't remember what) made it sound like it wasn't gonna happen.

    We'll see... It's just such a prime spot!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Actually from what I understand "Nonna" or Avis Scaramucci from Nonna's owns this building. I have not confirmed that though.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Plans in the past to make it retail, but nothing planned now.

  8. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    We do not need an indoor mall that takes people off the sidewalks. Bricktown is about storefronts. This building is perfect for a larger scale retail tenant, like a 2-story Barnes & Noble, with lofts above.

  9. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    I think some of the inner streets of bricktown should be closed and turned into a promenade. This building is located within that area, but backs reno.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    How 'bout close Mickey Mantle from Sheridan to Reno. Get street vendors, carts, actors, entertainment out there...

    Great ideas mmonroe!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Very good idea mmonroe. I would like to see Bricktown have an area similar to the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, except being pedestrian only. Basically, an outdoor shopping center with no access to cars. People in this city need to walk more anyway.

  12. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    I saw this concept in Colorado when I was there in April. Boulder has the Pearl Street Mall (2 blocks) and Denver has the 16th Street Mall (8 blocks at least, IIRC). Both were bustling with pedestrians, retail, street vendors and entertainers. I was in downtown Denver at 9pm on a Sunday night, and there were still plenty of people around. I would love to see the same thing done in Bricktown.

  13. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    I will have a substantial story on this property in tomorrow's Oklahoman.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    OOOoooh, exciting!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Here it is:
    Oilmen unveil $35M development plan to make renovations around Bricktown

    By Steve Lackmeyer
    Business Writer

    After more than two years of design work and planning, oilmen John Harding and Charles Shelton plan to begin a $35 million development that will include renovations of three buildings and construction of a 376-parking-space underground garage. When planning started on John Harding's and Charles Shelton's development, they sought to build an above-ground garage. Instead, they are building an underground garage that they say is key to potentially pursuing a "second phase” of development that they hope could include a parking lot at the southwest corner of Oklahoma Avenue and the Bricktown Canal that is owned by Bricktown property owner Jim Brewer. Unlike the first phase of development that is about to begin, Ted Keeney, president of Harding and Shelton's Diversified Historic Properties, said the second phase is just an idea — a project the pair do not have financing for and one that involves "a lot of variables.” "We think of it as a pipe dream, but it's got potential,” Keeney said. "You could put in anything from a shopping mall, hotel, high-rise condominium tower to an NBA practice facility.”

    Ted Keeney, president of Harding and Shelton's Diversified Historic Properties, said Timberlake Construction is set to begin work within 30 days on renovations including:

    •Converting a 99-year-old four-story warehouse, 2 E California Ave. (the Bricktown Canal) historically known as the Red Ball building, into offices and retail.

    •Renovating an adjoining building at 12 E California Ave. that will add housing atop the existing tenant Zio's.

    •Converting the Rock Island Plow Building at Reno and Oklahoma avenues into housing and retail.

    •Building a two-level underground garage that would serve all three properties and allow for future potential development above the parking. Keeney said the stretch of properties along Reno Avenue is ripe for development, and Harding and Shelton see the real estate investment as less risky than their day-to-day business.

    "It's the new gateway to Bricktown,” Keeney said. "It's the first access point for people coming in from the west — they get off of I-40, pass Ford Center and travel into Bricktown. And with Lower Bricktown being on Reno, Ford Center being on Reno, you just have a natural funnel here into the entertainment district.” Keeney said financing is in place and a public accustomed to seeing projects announced and then not begun in Bricktown will see this project reach fruition.

    Development project waiting for last sale to close
    Project architect Martin Goldstein said the two-year wait was due to a long process that included applying for tax credits, obtaining approval from the Bricktown Design Review Committee, the state Historic Preservation Commission and the National Park Service. The properties also successfully applied for $3 million in tax increment financing for the underground garage.
    The only variable in what Keeney and Goldstein say is the "first phase” of their plans is the sale closing on the Rock Island building, which is owned by Phil Scaramucci. Keeney said the Rock Island building was on the verge of collapse when Scaramucci bought it several years ago and then spent "a considerable amount” to re-enforce the building's structure and replace its roof.

    "He really saved it,” Keeney said. "It's a gem of a building. I'm not sure people really recognize what a fabulous residential structure it can be.”

    ‘Blessing in disguise'
    Goldstein noted all but the building occupied by Zio's have been empty for decades — which he said has provided designers the opportunity to highlight original wood columns in the Rock Island building and rare concrete columns and ceilings where the lines from boards used to form the structures are still visible in the Red Ball building. "The fact they sat dormant for so long is a blessing in disguise ... because they were vacant, you didn't have 20 to 30 years of people inside monkeying around and ruining stuff,” Goldstein said. "They're in pretty original condition.” But Goldstein also had to get permission to change window locations that otherwise would have resulted in openings too high for most occupants to enjoy a good view of the outside.

    Working with city
    The city plans a $1 million canal extension, meanwhile, in conjunction with Harding and Shelton's development. City officials are weighing a proposed design by Goldstein that would create an amphitheater-style entrance and a raised gateway that would greet pedestrians walking along Reno Avenue.
    Jim Cowan, director of the Bricktown Association, said the canal extension and development is eagerly anticipated by surrounding merchants and property owners. "It makes you wonder what else is possible when it comes to a canal extension in the future,” Cowan said. "To have a canal opening there and development there is extremely exciting.”

  16. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    There are some great new renderings .... in the newspaper!

    fyi - the posting above combines a sidebar into the main text, so as it appears here, it may be a bit confusing.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    That's big news. Sounds promising that it will actually get done.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

    Wow! Exciting stuff!!!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building

  20. #20

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building - $35M renovation project

    More info about this project including previous renderings and articles are in the thread:


  21. #21

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building - $35M renovation project

    Awesome. That site has needed to be developed for a long time.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building - $35M renovation project

    Now if they can get those two surface lots around it developed that will be a HUGE improvement. Good to see things progressing, and the rendering for that canal extension looks great. Hopefully one day they'll extend it further down Reno.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building - $35M renovation project

    I really like the looks of the canal level improvements. If they can get that done, it would really improve that very underutilized level. I think it does have an exposure problem, so they will need something that is a draw on its own.

  24. Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building - $35M renovation project

    this is way awesome, i'm very excited and impressed!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Rock Island Plow Building - $35M renovation project

    I'm really surpised to see this really happen. It has been so long since we heard anything. I am pleasantly surprised.

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